Pursuant to the authority granted to Lawrence Township by the Public Acts of the State of Michigan and based upon the Township Comprehensive Development Plan and Policies for the future, this chapter is established for the following purposes.
Promoting and protecting the public health, safety, and general welfare.
Protecting the character and the stability of the open space, residential, and nonresidential areas within Lawrence Township and promoting the orderly and beneficial development of such areas.
Regulating the intensity of use of land and lot areas and determining the area of open spaces surrounding buildings and structures necessary to protect the public health.
Lessening and avoiding congestion on the public highways and streets.
Promoting healthful surrounding for family life in residential areas.
Preventing the overcrowding of land and undue concentration of buildings and structures, so far as possible and appropriate in each zoning district by regulating the use and bulk of buildings in relation to the land surrounding them.
Enhancing the desirability and community design of the environment throughout the Township.
Conserving the expenditure of funds for public improvements and services.
Zoning districts contained in this chapter each have a defined purpose and are based on the Lawrence Township Comprehensive Development Plan and Policies for future land use and development. The districts are sized to be adequate to handle long-term needs, and yet must be monitored relative to any necessary changes or updating as time passes. While the various regulations limit the use of properties, this chapter provides landowners with a range of choices, flexibility, and options for development.
Full compliance with the terms and conditions of this chapter, as determined by the Building Official or the Official's duly authorized agent, shall not guarantee that a building, structure or development complies with other requirements of federal, state or local law; however, such law may be described. Any applicant who obtains a zoning permit is solely responsible for full compliance with all terms and conditions of other applicable law which may now be approved or later amended or replaced by statutes of codes of similar purpose, including, but not limited to: the State Construction Code, state statutes concerning county drains, control of soil erosion and sedimentation, County Health Department water and sanitation requirements and all Township ordinances relating to proposed buildings, structures and land uses.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 2, Junkyards, Ch. 5, Division of Lots; Ch. 6, Outdoor Assemblies, Ch. 15, State Construction Code; Ch. 16, Land Division, Ch. 17, Blight, and Ch. 19, Dangerous Structures.