A lot surface drainage permit shall be required for the following
development activities in a residential zone:
A. The addition of any impervious area that is 300 square feet or greater
in size, including, but not limited to, the following:
(1) Any addition, repair or renovation to an existing structure that
involves an extension of the foundation of the existing structure
by 300 square feet or greater in size; or
(2) Construction of a swimming pool or tennis court; or sports court;
(3) Construction of a closed or impervious deck, patio, or accessory
structure, 300 square feet or greater in size, that impacts drainage,
as determined by the Borough Engineer. Open pervious decks (decks
that have open spaces between the floor boards) are exempt as long
as there is no regrading or land disturbance associated with the open
pervious deck construction; or
(4) Construction of a driveway, 300 square feet or greater in size, that
impacts drainage, as determined by the Borough Engineer. The replacement
of an existing driveway which does not increase the footprint of the
existing driveway by more than 300 square feet is exempt; or
B. Land disturbance or grading, except for the purposes of turf replacement
where no grading is involved, of 1,000 square feet or greater; or
C. Placement of more than 20 cubic yards of fill, excluding mulching;
D. Land disturbance or grading within five feet of a property line that
impacts drainage as determined by the Borough Engineer.
The fees for a lot surface drainage permit application which
partially cover the costs of site visits, review of the application
and site inspections are as follows: permit application, $85 for the
initial submission and $600 escrow for engineering review.
The following lot surface drainage guidelines and principles
shall be considered in the review of any lot surface drainage plan
submitted to the Borough Building Department. This review shall be
conducted by the Borough Engineer or their designee:
A. Surface drainage plans shall be designed to control surface waters
in a manner that will minimize the adverse effects of such waters
upon the subject property and abutting lands.
B. An area of at least 10 feet in width around the foundation of any
building shall be graded downward, away from the foundation, in accordance
with the requirements of the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code.
C. Roof runoff from any roofed area shall be in accordance with the
New Jersey Uniform Construction Code.
D. Dry wells or other infiltration facilities, if required, shall be
in accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey Stormwater Best
Management Practices Manual, Chapter 9.3, Standard for Dry Wells.
Design of these facilities must be based on appropriate site-specific
tests certified by the applicant's engineer and submitted to
the Borough Engineer or his designee for approval.
E. No soil shall be excavated, removed, deposited or disturbed except
as a result of and in accordance with the surface drainage plan approved
under the terms of this chapter.
F. Any proposed building, structure, grading or attendant protective
measures shall not impede the flow of surface water through any watercourse.
G. Any fill placed on the property shall be properly stabilized and,
when found necessary depending upon existing slopes and soil types,
supported by retaining walls or other appropriate methods as approved
by the Borough Engineer or his designee.
H. The project shall be designed in accordance with the New Jersey Soil
Erosion and Sediment Control Standards.
I. Whenever the Borough Engineer or his designee considers it necessary
or appropriate, he may require that temporary measures be taken during
the performance of any construction work to prevent adverse effects
upon abutting lands.
J. New construction on property where a previous structure has been
removed shall not have the ground surface adjacent to the new structure
elevated significantly above the original ground surface. Fill excavated
during the course of construction of the new structure shall not be
stored nor spread upon on the property for the purpose of disposal,
but must be removed from the site.
The owner of the property upon which the regulated development
activity occurred, and all successors and any other person or agent
in control of the property, shall maintain in good condition and promptly
repair and restore all grade surfaces, structures, drains, and other
elements as required under an approved surface drainage plan.