[Adopted 2-25-2019 by Ord. No. 72-2019]
The position of Township Code Enforcement Officer is hereby created in the Township of Buena Vista.
Compensation. The salary range for said position shall be as provided in the Buena Vista Township Salary Ordinance and any subsequent amendments thereto.
All Buena Vista Township Code Enforcement Officer(s) shall be appointed by the Buena Vista Township Committee.
[Amended 7-5-2019 by Ord. No. 77-2019]
The Township Code Enforcement Officer shall have the following duties, responsibilities and powers:
When authorized by either statute, regulation, code and/or through an express provision contained in the Township Code, to serve as the principal administrative officer regarding the implementation and enforcement of all applicable municipal ordinances, together with any and all county and state codes, rules, regulations and laws.
Conduct a continuing survey of the various ordinances affecting the Township and the compliance of the same throughout the municipality and provide reports and recommendations to the Township Committee with respect thereto.
Provide coordination with the various boards having regulatory ordinances, including but not limited to the Planning Board, Recreation Commission, and such other boards and committees of the municipality as are approved and appointed by the Township Committee.
Supervise the enforcement of all codes affecting the municipality, including zoning, building, property maintenance, public welfare, animal control, health and any and all other codes.
To direct the compliance with the aforementioned ordinances, codes, rules and regulations and laws, and to be empowered to issue summonses or to take any action reasonably required to effectuate such compliances.