[R.O. 1957, 14:9-1]
A street shall not be dedicated or accepted by the Council as a public street unless the provisions of the Land Subdivision Ordinance, as amended and revised, have been complied with.
An unaccepted dedicated street shall not be accepted by the Council until it has been fully improved, under the supervision of and to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Works, in accordance with the standard plans and specifications of the City.
The improvements shall include but are not limited to:
Sanitary sewers;
Storm sewers;
Gas, water, electric and other utilities; and,
Full width pavements.
The Council may by ordinance waive any and all provisions of this section under the following conditions:
Where unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty exists due to special, singular and unique circumstances relating to the street and improvements affected and not to the general conditions in the neighborhood; and
Where there is no evidence that public health, safety or welfare will be adversely affected; and
For such other good cause shown that Council deems proper.
[R.O. 1957, 14:9-3]
No person shall construct or open for public travel a private street unless the location, direction, width, grades and manner of construction have been previously approved by an ordinance of the Council upon recommendation of the Department of Public Works and the Planning Board of the City.
[R.O. 1957, 14:9-4]
No public sewer, drain, fire hydrant or street lamp shall be laid or placed in or upon, nor a public work of any kind done upon such private or dedicated but unaccepted street constructed or opened for public travel unless approved by the Council.
[R.O. 1957, 14:9-6]
The Director of Public Works or his designee may cause a suitable sign to be erected at any place where a private street or road intersects a public street or road, to indicate that such street or road is not a public highway.
No damages shall be recoverable by a person against the City for an injury alleged to have resulted from failure to erect such a sign.
[R.O. 1957, 14:9-7]
Nothing in this article shall prevent the Council upon recommendation of the Director of Public Works or his designee, Planning Board and Division of Health from permitting private property owners to connect suitable sewers in private streets or roads with the sewers of the City.
[R.O. 1957, 13:11-1, 2, 6]
No excavation shall be made and no soil shall be removed under this article, unless a permit shall have been first obtained.
No excavation shall be made and no soil should be removed except in conformity with the provisions of this article.
No person shall excavate or remove soil for sale or for use on the premises other than one on the premises from which the soil is taken without first making an application for a permit to the Department of Public Works.
No permit application shall be required for the removal of soil in connection with the construction or alteration of a building or any premises and the excavation or grading incident thereto.
With the application, the applicant shall file a map of the premises showing the contour lines and proposed contour grades resulting from the intended removal of soil in relation to the topography of the premises.
The Department of Public Works shall not grant permission for such soil removal until the map has been filed and approved by the Department of Public Works.
[R.O. 1957, 14:11-3]
If permission to remove the soil is granted, the owner or person in charge shall conduct the operations in such manner that there are no sharp declivities, pits or depressions and the area is properly leveled off, cleared of debris, and graded to conform with the contour lines and grades as approved by the Director of Public Works or his designee.
[R.O. 1957, 14:11-4]
The owner or person in charge of the removal of soil shall not take away the top layer of arable soil, for a depth of six (6) inches.
The top layer of arable soil to a depth of six (6) inches shall be set aside for retention on the premises and be respread over the premises when the rest of the soil has been removed, pursuant to levels and contour lines approved by the Director of Public Works or his designee.
[R.O. 1957, 14:11-5]
Before any permit for soil removal shall be granted or issued, the owner or applicant shall file a bond with the Clerk.
The bond shall be in an amount and with a surety acceptable to the Director of the Department of Public Works and approved by the Corporation Counsel as to form.