[2000 Code § 14-1.1]
Pursuant to Section 11 of the Uniform Fire Safety Act (P.L. 1983, c. 383) the New Jersey Uniform Fire Code shall be enforced locally within the established limits of the City of Asbury Park.
[2000 Code § 14-1.2]
The local enforcing agency shall be the Asbury Park Bureau of Fire Prevention, within the Asbury Park Fire Department.
[2000 Code § 14-1.3]
The local enforcement agency shall enforce the Uniform Fire Safety Act and the codes and regulations adopted under it in all buildings, structures and premises within the established boundaries of the City of Asbury Park, other than owner-occupied one (1) and two (2) family dwellings, and shall faithfully comply with the requirements of the Uniform Fire Safety Act and the Uniform Fire Code.
[2000 Code § 14-1.4]
The local agency established by subsection 14-1.2 of this section shall carry out the periodic inspections of life hazard uses required by the Uniform Fire Code on behalf of the Commissioner of Community Affairs.
[2000 Code § 14-1.5]
The local enforcing agency established in subsection 14-1.2 shall be a part of the Asbury Park Fire Department and shall be under the direct supervision and control of the Fire Official who will be under the direct supervision and control of the Fire Chief.
[2000 Code § 14-1.6]
The Fire Official within the City of Asbury Park will have Civil Service Status and will be appointed by the City Manager and will serve at the pleasure of the City Manager, based on recommendations from the Chief of the Fire Department. The Fire Official will be under the direct supervision of the Fire Chief.
Inspectors and staff shall be appointed by the City Manager and shall be under the supervision of the Fire Official.
Fire Official. The duties of the Fire Official shall include supervision of the Bureau of Fire Prevention including inspectors and staff, making inspections required by this section, reporting to the Chief of the Fire Department on a regular basis or as required by the Chief of the Fire Department, keeping and maintaining such records and making such written reports as may be required by law or the Chief of the Fire Department, and such other duties as may be required by the Chief of the Fire Department.
Inspectors. The duties of the Inspectors shall include making inspections and reports and to perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Fire Official.
Staff. The duties of Staff shall include performing such clerical, administrative, and office duties and such other duties as may be assigned by the Fire Official.
[See Ord. No. 2968]
In addition to the inspection and fees required pursuant to the Uniform Fire Safety Act and the regulations of the Department of Community Affairs, the following additional inspections and fees shall be required.
All structures, businesses and activities required to secure a mercantile license under Chapter IV, General Licensing, and all amendments and supplements thereto and all structures or part thereof occupied by any professional activity or use licensed or for which a permit is issued by any department, branch, division or agency of the State of New Jersey shall be inspected pursuant to this section prior to issuance of mercantile license or in the case of a non-mercantile licensed structure, business or activity as aforesaid, there shall be an annual inspection. The owners and occupants of all structures shall within two (2) weeks of a written request supply such information as may be required by the Fire Official or his designee for the enforcement of this section.
The following fees are hereby established:
For Multiple Family (including non-owner occupied one- and two-unit dwellings), the following annual inspection fees shall be assessed:
Non-owner occupied one- and two-family dwellings: $50.00
Three (3) to six (6) units (per building): $75.00
Seven (7) to twelve (12) units (per building): $75.00
Thirteen (13) to twenty (20) units (per building: $100.00
More than twenty (20) units (per building): $200.00
For Mercantile/Non-Life Hazard Uses, the Annual Inspection Fee Schedule shall be established based on the square footage of the structure as set forth in Schedule A, which may be found on file in the City officers.
The following fees shall apply for reinspection of Multiple Family dwellings:
Initial reinspection: No Fee
Second reinspection (which abated violations): $25.00
If violations remain unabated on the second reinspection and no extension has been requested and granted, penalties shall be issued in accordance with the New Jersey Uniform Fire Code.
The following administrative fees and costs shall apply:
Copy of Fire Report:
For letter sized pages and smaller: $0.05 per page.
For legal sized pages $0.07 per page.
Where actual costs to produce paper copies exceed the $0.05 and $0.07 rate, the City may charge the actual cost of duplication.
For electronic records (i.e. records sent via e-mail and fax): No fee.
For records in another medium (i.e. computer disc, CD-ROM, DVD): the actual cost.
Application fee for a variance: $100.00
Application fee for appeals (Fees are paid directly to the Monmouth County Construction Board of Appeals): No Fee
Certificate of Fire Code Status: $25.00
Duplicate Certificate of Inspection: $10.00
The following fees for Special Events shall apply:
When determined by the Fire Official to be necessary for the purpose of public safety to have a fire inspector or fire inspectors present during special events, the owner, operator, organizer, sponsor, person or organization responsible for said events shall pay the costs of said inspector or inspectors for the duration of the event. The rates shall be in accordance with the City ordinances governing special events.
Permits. The permit fees established by the Uniform Fire Code shall be amended to be as follows:
Type 1
Type 2
Type 3
Type 4
Convention Hall and Paramount Theater as follows:
Permits and fees shall be required pursuant to the New Jersey Uniform Fire Code whenever the auditorium, stage, promenade or arcade of Convention Hall or the Paramount Theater is occupied for the purpose of assembly, entertainment, displaying of motor vehicles, motorized equipment, boats, trailers, sporting equipment, ceramics or any saleable merchandise.
Application for a permit shall be made to the Fire Official, accompanied by plans or drawings for evaluation of the application. All plans and drawings shall be submitted no less than fourteen (14) days prior to any event.
The Fire Official or his/her designated representative may deny any permit or disapprove any plans or drawings when in his/her opinion the safety of the occupancy or the integrity of the premises has been compromised or such plans are in violation of any applicable Codes or regulations. Any deviation from an approved plan, without the approval of the Fire Official, or any false statement or misrepresentation as to material fact in the application or plans on which the permit or approval was based shall result in revocation of permit and may result in notice of violation.
Permit fees may be waived by the Fire Official when such application is made by any Board of Education for graduation exercises, nonpolitical civic groups or any civic activity when there is no charge to participants or admission fees to the general public. Permit fees may also be waived for recognized charitable organizations when both State and Federal Tax Exempt numbers are submitted.
[2000 Code § 14-1.7; Ord. No. 2968; Ord. No. 2999; New]
[2000 Code § 14-1.8]
Pursuant to Sections 15 and 17 of the Uniform Fire Safety Act, any person aggrieved by any order of the local enforcement agency shall have the right to appeal to the Construction Board of Appeals of Monmouth County.
[Ord. No. 2999 § 14-2.1]
As used in this section:
shall mean a business, licensed by the State, which sells, installs, monitors, maintains, serves, or responds to alarms systems or supervises such actions.
shall mean any device designed, when actuated, to produce or emit a sound or transmits a signal or message for the purpose of alerting others to the existence of an emergency situation requiring immediate investigation by alarms, fire or other agent. Alarm system does not include an alarm installed on a vehicle, unless the vehicle is permanently located at a site.
shall mean any person who owns, operates or manages any premises in the City on which an alarm system has been installed and operates.
shall mean the activation of an alarm system through mechanical failure, accident, malfunction, misuse, improper activation or negligence. False alarms shall not include alarms caused by acts of God or other cause which are beyond control of the alarm agent, alarm business or alarm user.
[Ord. No. 2999 § 14-2.2]
Each alarm company conducting business within the City shall document that they are legal to operate in the State of New Jersey.
Each alarm company that installs, maintains or services alarms within the City shall be registered with the State of New Jersey.
[Ord. No. 2999 § 14-2.3]
Each time an alarm business installs or alters a residential or commercial fire alarm system within the City, the alarm business shall submit to the City Construction Department two (2) sets of system plans and specifications for review and approval prior to system installation. The plans and specifications shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
A floor plan indicating the location of all alarm-initiating and alarm-signaling devices;
Alarm control and trouble-signaling equipment;
Annunciation devices;
Power connections and calculations, including battery and voltage drop calculations;
Conductor types and sizes;
Manufacturer model numbers and listing shall be submitted for all devices and materials; and
All work shall comply with the New Jersey Construction Code and Standards.
[Ord. No. 2999 § 14-2.4]
Each alarm owner or user, at his or her expense, is required to maintain all components of his or her alarm system in good working order at all times to insure that the sensory mechanism used in connection with such device be adjusted to suppress false indications of fire or smoke conditions so that the device will not be activated by impulses due to short flashes of light, wind, noises, vehicular noise or other forces unrelated to genuine alarms.
Whenever or wherever any device, equipment, system, condition, arrangement, level of protection or any other feature is required for compliance with the provisions of this section or the International Fire Code, the New Jersey edition, such device, equipment, system, condition, arrangement, level of protection or other feature shall thereafter by continuously maintained in accordance with applicable National Fire Protection Association requirements or as directed by the Fire Official.
The building owner shall be responsible for ensuring that the fire and life safety system are maintained in an operable condition at all times. Service personnel shall meet the requirements of N.J.A.C. 5:74. A written record shall be maintained and shall be made available to the Fire Official.
[Ord. No. 2999 § 14-2.5]
Blocking access to, or interfering, disabling, tampering with, decreasing the effectiveness of, or causing malicious damage to, any fire alarm, suppression system, fire communications system, fire detection, first-aid, firefighting system, device, unit or part thereof is hereby prohibited.
[Ord. No. 2999 § 14-2.6]
The provisions set forth in this section may be enforced by the Fire Official (as pertains to the New Jersey Fire Safety Act or the International Fire Code, New Jersey Edition), the Construction Official (as pertains to the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code), or their designee(s).
Fire alarm activations shall be investigated by the Fire Official or the officer in charge on duty to determine whether or not a false activation has occurred.
[Ord. No. 2999 § 14-2.6]
Failure to maintain all components of an alarm system in good working order at all times, including but not limited to instances where the failure to properly maintain equipment results in a false alarm, shall subject the violator to a monetary penalty per occurrence per day, as set forth in the New Jersey Fire Safety Act, which may be assessed by the Fire Official or his/her designee.
An activation of a fire alarm system, which results in the response of the City of Asbury Park Fire Department, when no fire or emergency exists, shall be deemed a violation of a City ordinance, and shall be punishable with the following specific penalties, which may be assessed by the Fire Official or his/her designee:
Each accidental activation of a fire alarm system by an alarm service employee or representative, upon the second or subsequent occurrence, without first notification to the Fire Official and/or Fire Department shall be punishable by a penalty of not less than one hundred ($100.00) dollars.
Each activation or malfunction of an alarm system or device due to a lack of action on the part of building personnel or management, shall, after the first malfunction of the same device, be subject to penalty of not less than one hundred ($100.00) dollars for the first and second offenses, and not less than two hundred fifty ($250.00) dollars for each offense thereafter.
Failure to maintain a fire alarm system in a building where it is required, shall result in the issuance of a penalty of not less than five hundred ($500.00) dollars per day, for each twenty-four (24) hour period said system is not operational. When any fire alarm system or device becomes or is found inoperative, a fire alarm system company must be working to restore said system or device to operational status within eight (8) hours of discovery, after which said penalty shall be assessed.
Penalties for false alarms transmitted from single-family or two-family owner occupied dwellings, including detached dwellings, individual townhouses and condominium unit dwellings, shall be as follows:
Number of Alarms Within a Calendar Year
Warning only
Not less than $100.00
Not less than $200.00
Not less than $300.00
5 or more
Not less than $500.00
[2000 Code § 14-3.1]
Various approvals issued by the Planning Board and/or Board of Adjustment of the City have required certain areas to be set aside as fire zones, also known as fire lanes, which terms are used interchangeably herein.
Certain structures and uses have not heretofore had areas designated as fire lanes, and it is desirable for the protection of life and property for fire lanes to be established where practicable.
[2000 Code § 14-3.2]
The owner or owners of property are hereby required to establish and maintain fire lanes, which may have heretofore been required, or which may be required in the future by the Planning Board and/or the Board of Adjustment of the City in connection with approval of use, improvement and/or development of property in the City.
[2000 Code § 14-3.3]
With respect to any shopping centers, commercial structures, places of public assembly, multiple-dwelling structures and groups, individual parks, office buildings, hotels, motels, schools, condominiums, cooperative housing, nursing homes, homes for the physically or mentally impaired, or any property and structure used for the purposes similar to the aforesaid, the owner or owners of such property or properties, upon which any of the aforesaid activities take place and for which fire lanes have not heretofore been required, where practical, shall designate areas as fire lanes where such fire lanes shall be required by the Bureau of Fire Prevention for the City within which such property or activity is located.
[2000 Code § 14-3.4]
As used in this section:
shall mean a lane or zone no less than ten (10) feet in width nor more than fifty (50) feet in width which runs from a public street or right-of-way to any improvement or structure and which may also run alongside or abut such improvement or structure. Where strict enforcement of this section may not be practicable, the Bureau of Fire Prevention may allow deviation in the location and establishment of fire lanes.
[2000 Code § 14-3.5]
Fire lanes shall be striped in yellow letters on paved surfaces and bear the words "Fire Lane or "Fire Zone," and in either event shall also bear the words "No Parking or Obstruction." Curbs on edges of fire zones shall be painted yellow. The Bureau of Fire Prevention shall provide the owner with a sketch of the required markings and location of any required signs. The Bureau shall require, where practicable, metal signs setting forth the designation of "Fire Zones" so as to inform the public of the location of fire zones. The markings shall be legible at all times and shall be maintained by the owner or owners of such property.
[2000 Code § 14-3.6]
In establishing and requiring fire lanes, the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall take into consideration the size, type and location of the building or buildings on the premises regulated, the type of activity or activities, the number of parking spaces which may be required by law, traffic patterns, existing means of ingress and egress, the total area of the premises, and area available for fire lanes and such other means of ingress to the structure or structures in the event of fire or other emergency.
[2000 Code § 14-3.7]
The purpose of establishing fire lanes is to allow access to premises and structures for firefighting and emergency vehicles and equipment in the event of a fire emergency.
[2000 Code § 14-3.8]
No person shall at any time park a vehicle or in any other manner obstruct a driveway or any other area that has been designated as a fire zone or fire lane.
[2000 Code § 143.9]
Upon notice from the Bureau of Fire Prevention, an owner or owners of property wherein a fire lane has not heretofore been required shall confer with the Fire Official or his/her agent of the Bureau of Fire Prevention in order to establish a fire lane in accordance with this section. After such conference or in the event the owner does not so confer, the Fire Official or his/her agent shall direct the establishment of the fire zone.
[2000 Code § 14-3.10]
The Fire Official or his/her agent shall give written notice of the owner or owners specifically setting forth the location or dimensions of the required fire zone, such notice shall be by Certified Mail, return receipt requested. The owner or owners may appeal from the requirements of the notice by filing a notice of appeal with the Clerk of the Monmouth County Board of Construction Appeals and the Clerk shall schedule a hearing thereon.
[2000 Code § 14-3.11]
In the event no such appeal is filed within fourteen (14) calendar days of the date of the notice from the Fire Official or his/her agent, the owner or owners shall establish the fire zone within sixty (60) days of the date of the notice.
[2000 Code § 14-3.12]
In the event an appeal is taken to the Monmouth County Board of Construction Appeals and a decision is rendered requiring the establishment of a fire zone, the Monmouth County Board of Construction Appeals shall give written notice of its decision by mailing the same by Certified Mail, return receipt requested to the owner and the owner shall within sixty (60) days of mailing of the notice establish a fire zone as required by the Monmouth County Board of Construction Appeals.
[2000 Code § 14-3.13]
Any owner or owners of property who fail to comply with the terms of this section shall be subject to a fine of up to fifty ($50.00) dollars a day together with court costs enforceable in the Municipal Court.
[2000 Code § 14-3.14]
In addition to the aforesaid, any owner or owners in violation of this section shall be subject to such legal and equitable relief as is allowed by law, in which case such owner or owners shall be responsible for the payment of reasonable attorney fees and Court costs together with all other expenses incurred to enforce the provisions of this section.
[2000 Code § 14-3.15; Ord. No. 2726; Ord. No. 2968]
Any person who shall at any time park a vehicle or in any other manner obstruct a fire zone or fire lane shall be subject to a fine of sixty ($60.00) dollars. There shall be no court appearance required unless the individual wishes to plead not guilty. If the individual chooses to contest this fine, he/she may plead his/her case in the Municipal Court. All Court costs shall be paid by the contesting individual.
[2000 Code § 14-3.16]
The Bureau of Fire Prevention and the Police Department of the City are hereby authorized to tow and remove motor vehicles and all obstructions from any fire zone and/or fire lane. All such motor vehicles and/or obstructions which are so removed may be stored in an area and the cost of removal and storage shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle and/or other obstruction and the charges shall be paid prior to the release of the vehicle or obstruction. Reasonable steps shall be taken to identify the owner of the vehicle or vehicles or obstruction or obstructions removed, and to give the owner notice as soon as conveniently may be done of the removal and storage of such vehicle or obstruction.
[2000 Code § 14-3.17]
All remedies and fines provided in this section shall be cumulative and not in exclusion of each other and shall be deposited in the Bureau of Fire Prevention of the City account.
[2000 Code § 14-3.18]
The Bureau of Fire Prevention and the Police Department of the City are hereby authorized to enforce this section.
[Ord. No. 2728 § 14-4.1]
For the purpose of this chapter, the following words shall have the meanings indicated:
shall mean: (1) all hotels, motels or multiple dwellings that have locked main entrances for security purposes and/or have common corridors to living units or spaces; (2) any structure which has an automatic fire suppression system or fire alarm system, except that one-family residential dwellings are not included; and (3) any structure which is industrial, commercial, retail or similar business building or structure consisting of twelve thousand (12,000) square feet or more.
[Ord. No. 2728 § 14-4.2]
The owner, tenant, and/or occupant of all buildings and/or structures located with the City of Asbury Park are required to have installed on the same a rapid entry box and key system to allow access to same and access to boiler rooms, sprinkler control valves, electrical rooms, elevators and elevator control rooms, and other locked areas of the premises as may be required by the Bureau of Fire Prevention in which the building or structure is located, the said Bureau to make said determination on the basis of immediate need for access in the event of a fire alarm or what appears to be a possible fire emergency. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other section of this ordinance, no official, employee or member of the Fire Prevention Bureau or Fire Department shall request, nor shall an owner be required to provide, a key to any self contained individual living space area, unit or room.
[Ord. No. 2728 § 14-4.3]
The Bureau of Fire Prevention shall prescribe specifications as to the required rapid entry box and key system and location. The Bureau of Fire Prevention shall approve the type of rapid entry key system to be installed prior to the purchase and installation of same.
[Ord. No. 2728 § 14-4.4]
Any person, firm or corporation found guilty in the Municipal Court of the City of Asbury Park of a violation of the terms of this section shall be subject to a fine of not more than one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars or imprisonment for a period not exceeding ninety (90) days, or both, at the discretion of the Municipal Court Judge. Any fines collected shall be forwarded to the Bureau of Fire Prevention.