Ordinance No. 2646 adopted 6-25-2003. An ordinance establishing a redevelopment plan for the Central Business District Redevelopment Area.
Ordinance No. 2719 adopted 1-5-2005. An ordinance amending the Central Business District Redevelopment Plan to increase the maximum permitted height on a parcel within the Central Business District (CBD) Redevelopment Area.
Ordinance No. 2720 adopted 1-5-2005. An ordinance amending the Central Business District Redevelopment Plan to incorporate Streetscape Improvement Standards for the Central Business District Redevelopment Area.
Ordinance No. 2730 adopted 4-6-2005. An ordinance amending the Central Business District Redevelopment Plan to clarify retail use within the Central Business District Redevelopment Plan pursuant to the local Redevelopment and Housing Law.
Ordinance No. 2761 adopted 1-18-2006. An ordinance amending the Central Business District Redevelopment Plan to increase the maximum height on certain lots within the Central Business District Redevelopment Area to permit the construction of a structured parking deck.
Ordinance No. 2788 adopted 6-7-2006. An ordinance amending the Central Business District Redevelopment Plan relating to Site Plan Review.
Ordinance No. 2893 adopted 2-18-2009. An ordinance amending the Central Business District Redevelopment Plan to allow for parking as a permitted principal use through
December 21, 2012 for certain identified parcels pursuant to the Local Redevelopment and Housing Law.
Ordinance No. 2908 adopted 6-3-2009. An ordinance amending the Central Business District Redevelopment Plan to allow for parking as a permitted principal use through December 21, 2012 for certain identified parcels pursuant to the Local Redevelopment and Housing Law.
Central Business District (CBD) Redevelopment Plan — Continued
Ordinance No. 2912 adopted 8-5-2009. An ordinance amending the Central Business District Redevelopment Plan to alter the parking requirement for newly constructed nonresidential space within the redevelopment area.
Ordinance No. 2922 adopted 12-2-2009. An ordinance amending the Central Business District Redevelopment Plan to alter the parking requirement for newly constructed nonresidential space within the development area.
Ordinance No. 2947 adopted 9-1-2010. An ordinance amending the Central Business District Redevelopment Plan to allow for certain entertainment uses within the Cookman Retail Core.
Ordinance No. 2950 adopted 9-15-2010. An ordinance amending the Central Business District Redevelopment Plan to allow for certain entertainment uses within the CBD Mixed-Use District.
Ordinance No. 2966 adopted 1-5-2011. An ordinance amending the Central Business District Redevelopment Plan to streamline the application and approval process for sound mitigation measures.
Ordinance No. 2972 adopted 4-6-2011. An ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Council of the City of Asbury Park to enter into a revised financial agreement between the City of Asbury Park and AVB Asbury Urban Renewal, LLC for certain property within the Central Business District Redevelopment Area.
Ordinance No. 2976 adopted 5-4-2011. An ordinance amending the Central Business District Redevelopment Plan to allow for certain entertainment uses within the Cookman Retail Core.
Ordinance 2996 adopted 8-3-2011. An ordinance amending the Central Business District Redevelopment Plan to establish a revised contribution amount for developers with on site parking deficiency.
Ordinance No. 3015 adopted 5-2-2012. An ordinance amending the Central Business District Redevelopment Plan to allow additional uses in the Central Business District.
Ordinance No. 3026 adopted 8-1-2012. Amends the Central Business District Redevelopment Plan, 625 Bangs Avenue.
Central Business District (CBD) Redevelopment Plan — Continued
Ordinance No. 3035 adopted 11-19-2012. Amends the Central Business District Redevelopment Plan for parking and height requirements.
Ordinance No. 3043 adopted 4-3-13. Amends the Central Business District Redevelopment Plan at 208 Bond Street.
Ordinance No. 3049 adopted 8-7-13. Amends the Central Business District Redevelopment Plan at 527 Lake Avenue.
Ordinance No. 3092 adopted 12-17-2014. Amends the Central Business District Redevelopment Plan regarding craft distilleries.
Ordinance No. 2015-6 adopted 2-25-2015. Amends the Central Business District Redevelopment Plan at 621 Lake Avenue.
Ordinance No. 2016-08 adopted 3-30-2016. Amends the Central Business District Redevelopment Plan relating to the subdivision of Overlook Park.
Ordinance No. 2016-26 adopted 6-15-2016. Amends the Central Business District Redevelopment Plan to review certain uses for sound mitigation.
Ordinance No. 2016-44 adopted 10-26-2016. Amends the Central Business District Redevelopment Plan relating to parking and circulation, Cookman Avenue Retail Core and to implementation of the Plan.
Ordinance No. 2018-2 adopted 2-14-2018. Removed three on-street parking spaces (metered parking space numbers 5406, 5513 and 5514).
Ordinance No. 2019-11 adopted 3-27-2019. Amends the Central Business District Redevelopment Plan relating to penthouses with living space.
Ordinance No. 2020-15 adopted 4-30-2020. Creates Affordable Housing requirements in the Central Business District Redevelopment Plan.
Ordinance No. 2021-30, adopted 8-11-2021. Amends the Central Business District Redevelopment Plan to permit microbreweries on Block 2404 on Cookman Avenue between Bond Street and Press Plaza.
Ordinance No. 2886 adopted 11-12-2008. An ordinance adopting the Main Street Redevelopment Plan.
Ordinance No. 2015-01 adopted 2-11-2015. Amends the Main Street Redevelopment Plan relating to the community shopping zone and adds microbreweries.
Ordinance No. 2018-6 adopted 2-28-2018 amends the Main Street Redevelopment Plan relating to recording studios, metered parking and valet parking.
Ordinance No. 2018-31 adopted 8-22-2018. Amends the Main Street Redevelopment Plan.
Ordinance No. 2020-12 adopted 4-30-2020. Amends Affordable Housing requirements.
Ord. No. 2021-26 adopted 7-14-2021. Amends the Main Street Redevelopment Plan.
Ordinance No. 2637 adopted 5-7-2003. An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the Scattered Site Redevelopment Area pursuant to the New Jersey Local Redevelopment and Housing Law.
Ordinance No. 2668 adopted 12-3-2003. An ordinance approving a redevelopment plan for the Scattered Site Redevelopment Area.
Ordinance No. 2676 adopted 3-17-2004. An ordinance adopting an amendment to the Scattered Sites Redevelopment Plan at 603 First Avenue.
Ordinance No. 2775 adopted 5-3-2006. An ordinance approving and adopting an amendment to the Scattered Site Redevelopment Plan, Phase 1A, 408 Third Avenue.
Ordinance No. 2869 adopted 5-7-2008. An ordinance amending Phase 1A of the Scattered Site Redevelopment Plan relating to the former Metropolitan Hotel Site, located at 309 Asbury Avenue (Block 147, Lot 1).
Ordinance No. 3012 adopted 4-18-2012. An ordinance amending the Scattered Site Redevelopment Plan, Phase 1A, relating to the property located at 408 Third Avenue.
Ordinance No. 3014 adopted 5-2-2012. An amending the Scattered Site Redevelopment Plan, Phase 1A, relating to the property located at 309 Asbury Avenue.
Ordinance No. 2017-38 adopted 10-25-2017. Allows certain property to be used as an accessory parking lot to service philanthropic use of another site.
Ordinance No. 2019-46 adopted 11-26-2019. Amends map and removes Block 3202, Lot 9 (formerly Block 141, Lot 3).
Ordinance No. 2024-6 adopted 3-27-1014. Amends and supplements Chapter XXX, Land Development Regulations, as well as the Redevelopment Plan for the Scattered Site Redevelopment Area, regarding Accessory Dwelling Units. Also incorporated are the requirements set forth in Ordinance No. 2024-7, amending Chapter XIII, Property Improvement and Neighborhood Preservation - Property Maintenance Code, and establishing a new section entitled "Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)."
Ordinance No. 2862 adopted 2-6-2008. An ordinance adopting the Springwood Avenue Redevelopment Plan.
Ordinance No. 3076 adopted 8-20-2014. Amends the Springwood Avenue Redevelopment Area.
Ordinance No. 2016-13 adopted 4-13-2016. Amends the Springwood Avenue Redevelopment Plan to add certain blocks and lots and add certain bicycle rack provisions.
Ordinance No. 2018-24 adopted 5-23-2018. Amends the Springwood Avenue Redevelopment Plan.
Ordinance No. 2020-10 adopted 4-22-2020. Amends Affordable Housing development standards.
(Strategic Target Area Rebuilding Spirit (STARS))
Ordinance No. 2548 adopted 7-5-2000. An ordinance creating the STARS Redevelopment Plan.
Ordinance No. 2609 adopted 7-17-2002. An ordinance adopting an amendment an amendment to Strategic Target Area Rebuilding Spirit (S.T.A.R.S.) Redevelopment Plan.
Ordinance No. 2814 adopted 1-17-2007. An ordinance amending the Strategic Target Area Rebuilding Spirit (STARS) Redevelopment Plan, relating to the properties located at 1406-1422 Springwood Avenue (Block 96, Lots 1 through 3 and Lots 42 through 45).
Ordinance No. 2861 adopted 2-6-2008. An ordinance amending the Strategic Target Area Rebuilding Spirit (STARS) Redevelopment Plan — Borden Avenue.
Ordinance No. 2885 adopted 11-12-2008. An ordinance amending the Strategic Target Area Rebuilding Spirit (STARS) Redevelopment Plan, relating to the properties located in Blocks 98, 99 and 100 (area bounded by Borden Avenue, Springwood Avenue, Avenue "A," Atkins Avenue and the Neptune Township border).
Ordinance No. 2020-22 adopted 9-9-2020. Amends the STARS Redevelopment Plan.
Ordinance No. 2024-6 adopted 3-27-1014. Amends and supplements Chapter XXX, Land Development Regulations, as well as the Redevelopment Plan for the S.T.A.R.S. Redevelopment Plan, regarding Accessory Dwelling Units. Also incorporated are the requirements set forth in Ordinance No. 2024-7, amending Chapter XIII, Property Improvement and Neighborhood Preservation - Property Maintenance Code, and establishing a new section entitled "Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)."
Ordinance No. 2555 adopted 12-6-2000. An ordinance authorizing the City Planning Board to prepare a Redevelopment Plan for the "Washington Avenue" Area.
Ordinance No. 2948 adopted 9-1-2010. An ordinance adopting the Washington Avenue Redevelopment Plan relating to the Washington Avenue Redevelopment Area.
Ordinance No. 2024-6 adopted 3-27-1014. Amends and supplements Chapter XXX, Land Development Regulations, as well as the Redevelopment Plan for the Washington Avenue Redevelopment Plan, regarding Accessory Dwelling Units. Also incorporated are the requirements set forth in Ordinance No. 2024-7, amending Chapter XIII, Property Improvement and Neighborhood Preservation - Property Maintenance Code, and establishing a new section entitled "Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)."
Ordinance No. 2607 adopted 6-5-2002. An ordinance adopting amended Waterfront Redevelopment Plan of the City of Asbury Park.
Ordinance No. 2630 adopted 3-19-2003. An ordinance memorializing and codifying findings regarding recommendation of the Planning Board relating to the adoption of the amended Waterfront Redevelopment Plan for the City of Asbury Park.
Ordinance No. 2650 adopted 8-6-2003. An ordinance amending Waterfront Redevelopment Plan - 1701 Park Avenue.
Ordinance No. 2664 adopted 11-5-2003. An ordinance amending the Waterfront Redevelopment Plan for property located at 317 Sixth Avenue.
Ordinance No. 2696 adopted 8-4-2004. An ordinance setting forth development application review and plan amendment review procedures within the renovation infill area of the Waterfront Development Area.
Ordinance No. 2729 adopted 3-2-2005. An ordinance amending the Waterfront Redevelopment Plan — Plan amendments.
Ordinance No. 2740 adopted August 3, 2005. An ordinance amending the Waterfront Redevelopment Plan.
Ordinance No. 2754 adopted 12-7-2005. An ordinance amending the Waterfront Redevelopment Plan relating to the development controls associated with Blocks 131, 142 and 143.
Ordinance No. 2776 adopted 5-3-2006. An ordinance amending the Waterfront Redevelopment Plan relating to the property located at 1007 Bergh Street (Block 163, Lot 14).
Ordinance No. 2784 adopted 6-7-2006. An ordinance amending the Waterfront Redevelopment Plan to permit redevelopment of the site located at Block 178, Lots 10-16, commonly known as the Salvation Army site, as a Mixed-Use Retail and Residential site.
Ordinance No. 2824 adopted 3-21-2007. An ordinance amending the Waterfront Redevelopment Plan to allow for the installation of telecommunications equipment on the rooftop of the property located at 206 First Avenue, also known as Block 146, Lots 2 and 3 (Philips Seaview Tower).
Ordinance No. 2858 adopted 1-23-2008. An ordinance vacating a portion of St. James Place, and dedicating said portion to Block 130 (proposed Block 130.01) and accepting the dedication of a portion of Block 130 (proposed Block 130.01) to be used as a City street known as Wesley Lake Drive, and vacating a portion of Lake Avenue and dedicating said portion to proposed Block 130.02 subject to the reservation of an access and utility easement to the City of Asbury Park and subject to a vehicular access easement, and confirming the areas of Block 130.01, Lot 1 and Block 130.02, Lot 1, pursuant to the Local Redevelopment and Housing Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1 et seq.
Ordinance No. 2859 adopted 1-23-2008. An ordinance vacating a portion of a public road (Ocean Avenue) pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:67-1 et seq. and the City's Waterfront Redevelopment Plan.
Ordinance No. 2880 adopted 9-3-2008. An ordinance amending the Waterfront Redevelopment Plan dated June 5, 2002 to permit development of the site located at Block 178, Lots 10-16, commonly known as the Salvation Army site, as a Mixed-Use Retail and Residential site. (Rescinded by Ord. No. 2956)
Ordinance No. 2887 adopted 12-3-2008. An ordinance vacating a portion of proposed Bradley Terrace (extension of Deal Lake Drive) and dedicating said portion to Block 222, Lot 1, and accepting a dedication of a portion of Bock 222, Lot 1 to be used as a part of City streets North Ocean Avenue and Deal Lake Drive, pursuant to the Local Redevelopment and Housing Law.
Ordinance No. 2956 dated 10-6-2010. An ordinance rescinding Ordinance No. 2880 in the City of Asbury Park, New Jersey, as adopted on September 3, 2008.
Ordinance No. 2018-15 adopted 6-13-2018. Amends certain provisions of the Plan.
Ordinance No. 2019-38 adopted 10-3-2019. Amends certain provisions of the Plan.
Ordinance No. 2018-8 adopted 3-14-2018. Adopts a Redevelopment Plan for 1001 First Avenue.
Ordinance No. 2023-17 adopted 4-26-2023. Adopts a Redevelopment Plan for 1012 Asbury Avenue (Block 501, Lots 1 And 2).
[Ord. No. 2015-05 § 30-81.1]
The owner of any real property located within a redevelopment area in the City of Asbury Park may submit an application to the Mayor and Council of the City of Asbury Park requesting an amendment to a redevelopment plan for its real property. A "developer," as that term is used in the Municipal Land Use Law, N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq., or "redeveloper", as that term is used in the Local Redevelopment and Housing Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1 et seq., may submit an application for an amendment to a redevelopment plan, provided that such application is submitted with the written consent of the owner of the affected property. Within the Waterfront Redevelopment Area, the owner, developer, or redeveloper shall also provide the written consent of the Master Developer of the Waterfront Redevelopment Area.
[Ord. No. 2015-05 § 30-81.2]
Each application for an amendment to a redevelopment plan shall include all required fees and escrows and twenty-four (24) copies of the following:
Completed Application Form;
A precise, written description of the proposed amendment to the redevelopment plan, including proposed uses, and the nature of any deviations from the redevelopment plan requested; and
Conceptual plans to describe the amendment requested and any other deviations required. These can include a sketch site plan and floor plans. Plans need not be prepared by a licensed professional, but must be of sufficient detail to describe the amendment proposed.
The Mayor and Council, City staff, and Planning Board may request additional information that is found necessary to complete their review.
[Ord. No. 2015-05 § 30-81.3]
Upon receipt of all required submissions, the Director of Planning and Redevelopment shall distribute twelve (12) of the twenty-four (24) copies of the application to the Mayor and Council and appropriate professionals. The remaining twelve (12) copies shall be distributed to the Planning Board Secretary for distribution to the Planning Board and Planning Board professionals, which distribution shall only occur if and when the proposed amendment is referred to the Planning Board by the Mayor and Council.
[Ord. No. 2015-05 § 30-81.4]
The procedure to amend a redevelopment plan shall be as specified in the Local Redevelopment and Housing Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1, et seq.
[Ord. No. 2015-05 § 30-81.5]
An application fee, in the non-refundable amount of five hundred ($500.00) dollars, shall be paid at the time that an application is filed.
[Ord. No. 2015-05 § 30-81.6; amended 5-22-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-18]
Escrow fees, in the amount of five thousand ($5,000.00) dollars, shall also be deposited at the time that an application is filed. Applicants shall supplement the escrow deposit, as required, to cover the cost of professional services provided in the review of the application.
Any escrow funds not needed to pay outstanding invoices of professionals who have provided professional services for the application shall be returned to the applicant within a reasonable time after the application is concluded.
If an escrow account contains insufficient funds at any time to enable the City and/or the approving authority(ies) to perform the required application reviews or inspections, the City will provide the applicant with a notice of the amount of insufficient funds. Said notice will also provide that in order for work to continue on the application the deficiency must be paid within the time frame set forth in the notice. If the applicant does not comply with the terms of the notice all work on the application will cease until such time as the applicant complies with the terms of the notice.
[Ord. No. 2015-05 § 30-81.7; Ord. No. 2015-52, Ex. C]
Professional services contemplated hereunder shall include, but not be limited to the following:
Director of Planning and Redevelopment.
Zoning Officer.
Assistant City Planner.
City Engineer.
City Attorney.
Construction Official.
Attorneys engaged by the Mayor and Council or Planning Board.
Professional planners, consultants, engineers and advisors to the Mayor and Council or Planning Board.
Any other professional or consultant hired or engaged by the Mayor and Council or Planning Board to aid and assist them in reviewing, evaluating and acting upon the application, including the hiring of experts for reports and testimony, if deemed appropriate and necessary.
Professional Court Reporter/Stenographer.