The subdivision plat shall conform to design standards that will encourage good development patterns within the municipality. Where either, or both, an Official Map or Master Plan has or have been adopted, the subdivision shall conform to the proposals and conditions shown thereon. Streets, drainage rights-of-way, school sites, public parks and playgrounds shown on an officially adopted Master Plan or Official Map shall be considered in the review and approval of subdivision plats. Where no Master Plan or Official Map exists, streets and drainage rights-of-way shall be shown on the final plat in accordance with N.J.R.S. 40:55D-41 and 40:55D-44 and shall be designed so as to lend themselves to the harmonious development of the municipality and enhance the public welfare in accordance with the design standards in the following sections.
The arrangements and right-of-way widths of streets not shown on the Master Plan or Official Map shall be such as to provide for the appropriate extension of existing streets.
Minor streets shall be designed to discourage through traffic; the right-of-way width shall be measured from lot line to lot line; and the Planning Board shall determine the width of the public right-of-way and paved portion thereof. In no event shall the width of the right-of-way be less than fifty (50) feet and the width of the paved portion less than thirty (30) feet. All streets, whether private or public, shall meet the minimum standards for public streets set forth in this Chapter and in the Master Plan.
Subdivisions which adjoin or include existing streets that do not conform to widths as shown on the Master Plan or Official Map or the street width requirements of Township Codes shall dedicate additional width along either one (1) or both sides of the street. If the subdivision is along one (1) side only, one-half (1/2) of the required extra width shall be dedicated.
The arrangement of streets shall conform to the circulation element of the Master Plan or Official Map for the community.
Block length and width or acreage within bounding roads shall be such as to accommodate the lot sizes required in the area by the Zoning Chapter of this Code and to provide for convenient access, circulation control and safety of street traffic.
Lot dimensions and area shall not be less than the requirements of the Zoning Chapter of this Code.
Insofar as is practical, side lot lines shall be at right angles to straight streets and radial to curved streets, and the rear lot line dimension shall not be less than sixty percent (60%) of the width of the front lot line dimension.
Each lot shall front upon an approved street.
All subdivisions shall be designed so as to minimize changes in existing grades and to preserve natural features, such as trees greater than four (4) inches in diameter, wooded areas, brooks, hilltops, views and vistas, rock outcrops, as well as environmentally sensitive areas including wetlands, steep slopes, areas with seasonal high water table within one and a half feet of the surface and water bodies. In addition to the provisions of this subsection the developer shall also be required to comply with all the provisions of the township ordinance regulating the removal or destruction of trees.
Planned unit residential developments and residential cluster developments shall be required to provide open space as specified in the zoning ordinance. Developed open space shall be designed to provide active recreational facilities in accordance with National Recreation Association standards to serve the residents of the development. Undeveloped open space shall be designed to preserve important site amenities and environmentally sensitive areas. Stormwater detention facilities are not considered as part of the required open space unless the approving agency finds that such a facility is designed to also serve as an open space amenity. Direct access shall be provided to open space from the residences.
Where new utilities will not be installed within public right-of-ways, the developer shall provide appropriate easements in accordance with the standards required by the appropriate utility.
Where a subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, drainageway, or channel, there shall be provided a stormwater easement or drainage right-of-way, conforming substantially with the lines of such watercourse, floodplain or wetland buffer and further width or construction, or both, as will be adequate for the purpose. Wherever possible, watercourses shall be located along rear or side lot lines. Where necessary, the applicant shall obtain approval of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
Where detention or retention basins are proposed within a subdivision, there shall be provided an easement conforming with the grading, physical and structural features of the basin.