[Ord. 357-92, S 1]
Chapter IX PUBLIC RECREATIONAL BATHING, N.J. STATE SANITARY CODE, N.J.S.C. 8:26-ET SEQ. is hereby adopted and incorporated herein in full.
[Ord. 357-92, S 1]
The code established and adopted by this section, by reference, is described and commonly known as the Public Recreational Bathing, N.J. State Sanitary Code, as hereinafter may be amended by the Board of Health of the Borough of Little Silver.
[Ord. 357-92, S 1]
Three copies of Chapter IX Public Recreational Bathing, N.J. State Sanitary Code have been placed on file in the office of the Secretary of this local board of health and will remain on file for the use and examination of the public.
[Ord. 357-92, S 1]
No person shall construct or alter a swimming pool in the borough, covered by Chapter IX of the N.J. State Sanitary Code without first having obtained from the board of health a permit. A fee of twenty-five ($25.00) dollars shall be charged for said permit.
[Ord. 357-92, S 1]
No person shall operate a swimming pool in the borough, covered by Chapter IX of the N.J. State Sanitary Code without first having obtained from the board of health a license. Each license granted under the provisions of this chapter shall expire January 1 following the date of issue. A license granted under this chapter shall be revocable for violation of any of the provisions of this chapter or of the laws of this State relating to swimming pools. The annual license fee shall be one hundred ($100.00) dollars.