All legislative power of the Township, except in matters of health, shall be exercised by the Township Committee pursuant to law, and in matters of health by the Board of Health.
The Township Committee shall organize annually during the first week in January, at which time it shall elect a Mayor and Deputy Mayor from among its members. The Mayor shall preside at meetings of the Township Committee and perform such other duties as the Township Committee or State law may prescribe. In the absence or disability of the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor shall perform all of the duties and functions of the Mayor.
The Mayor shall have those powers set forth in N.J.S.A. 40A:63-5. The Mayor shall be the chairman of the Township Committee and head of the municipal government. The Mayor shall preside at meetings of the Committee and shall have the right to debate and vote on all questions. The Mayor shall have all powers placed in the Mayor by general law including but not limited to the following:
The power to sign and execute documents and agreements on behalf of the Township;
The power to make proclamations concerning holidays and events of interest to the Township;
The authority to exercise the ceremonial power of the Township;
Every other power usually exercised by Mayors under the Township Committee form of government.
[Ord. No. 4-6-66 § 61, New]
Regular Meetings. The Township Committee shall hold its annual organizational meeting during the first week in January. The Committee shall hold regular meetings at least once a month in accordance with a schedule to be set forth in a resolution adopted by the Committee at its annual organizational meeting.
Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Township Committee shall be held as the need therefor arises and shall be held in compliance with "The Open Public Meetings Act."
Rules of Order. Robert's Rules of Order shall be adopted as the rules of parliamentary procedure to be used by the Township in conducting all meetings, either regular or special, of the Township Committee.
All regular and special meetings of the Township Committee shall be open to the public, except for those portions of such meetings which the Committee determines to hold in private session pursuant to the provisions of "The Open Public Meetings Act." The rules of procedure to be followed and rules for the consideration of nominations submitted by the Mayor and for the conduct of other business of the Committee shall be provided by resolution.
Items of business, excluding ordinances and as otherwise provided by law, which the Township Committee has determined to be routine and which do not require discussions shall be included under a single section of the agenda known as the "consent agenda." Such items may be adopted or approved as the case may be collectively, upon a single motion and roll call vote of a majority of the Township Committee voting affirmatively.
The consent agenda shall be adopted by resolution of the Township Committee. Any member of the Committee may request that an item be removed from the consent agenda. That item shall then be considered separately.
Subject to the provisions of "The Open Public Meetings Act," the Committee may meet at any time in executive session for the consideration of any Township business or to meet with any officer or employee of the Township or any other person on Township business. No persons other than those specifically invited by the Committee shall be authorized to participate in any such executive session.
A majority of the full membership of the Township Committee shall constitute a quorum. If a quorum is not present at the appointed time for any meeting, the presiding officer or the Clerk may declare the meeting adjourned.
The vote upon every ordinance, and upon resolutions shall be taken by roll call and the yeas and nays shall be entered on the minutes. The minutes of each meeting shall be maintained and signed by the Municipal Clerk.
All ordinances shall be introduced, read, heard and enacted in the manner provided by general law.
The ordinance book shall be signed by the Mayor and the Municipal Clerk.