[Amended 9-19-2023 by Ord. No. 23-3292; 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. 23-3304; 4-2-2024 by Ord. No. 24-3311]
§ 4-2
Permit Fees:
Appeal - $25.00, See § 4-2.12.
Initial permit fee - $60.00. See § 4-2.5.
Renewal of permit - $25.00. See § 4-2.5.
§ 6-3.7
Annual Fees. The annual fees and maximum number of licenses for the sale or distribution of alcoholic beverages in the City of Summit shall be as follows:
Class of License
Annual License Fee
Maximum Number
Plenary Retail Consumption License
See § 6-3.7
8 (premises operated as a bona fide restaurant)
Plenary Retail Distribution License
See § 6-3.7
Club License
See § 6-3.7
§ 4-3.4
License fees:
(See § 4-3.4)
$695.00 per machine for the first through the tenth machine.
$345.00 per machine for the eleventh through the twentieth machine.
$140.00 per machine for each machine over twenty in number.
Appeals - $125.00. (See § 4-3.11)
See Taxicabs
§ 4-4
License fee - $695.00 (See § 4-4.5)
Appeal - $140.00 (See § 4-4.7)
See Billiard Rooms, Pool Rooms, Bowling Alleys.
See Chapter 14, § 14-1.2.
See Municipal General Services, Fees to be Collected by the Health Director
See Theatrical Exhibitions, Circuses, Public Exhibitions.
License to distribute - $210.00. (See § 4-29)
Programs and Fees - See § 12-5.1
Fee Ranges
Sport Youth Programs
$10.00 - $400.00
Youth Programs
$10.00 - $400.00
Adult Programs
$10.00 - $400.00
Youth Camps
$10.00 - $1,000.00
Special Needs Programs
$10.00 - $200.00
Senior Programs
$10.00 - $100.00
Subsidized/Scholarship Programs
$45.00 - $300.00
Private Swim Lessons
$25.00 - $50.00
Aquatic Programs
$25.00 - $400.00
Golf Programs
$10.00 - $400.00
The specific fees will be established by Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Summit
Facilities, Showmobile, Field Rental Fees, Merchandise - See See § 12-5.2A
$200.00 per 2 hours
Benson Room
$200.00 per 2 hours
SFAC Swim Team Rentals
$90.00 per hour
Permit Fee
Summit Nonprofit
$200.00 per hour
Non-Summit Nonprofit
$300.00 per hour
Glenside Field:
Per Two Hours
Lights — In County
Lights — Out of County
Additional half-hour purchase
Swim Diapers
Golf Balls
Sponsorship Fees - See See § 12-5.2
Per Event
Concert Partners:
Single Concert
Two Concerts
Three Concerts
Four Concerts
National Night Out:
Heritage Day:
Special Events (TBD)
Display Only
Single Event Sponsorship
Seasonal Special Event Sponsorship
Memorial Benches
The specific fees will be established by Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Summit.
See Chapter 14, § 14-1.2.
§ 4-28.9
Fees for License. The following fees shall be charged for public dance license fees:
Any room or place in any building actually and exclusively used in the work of associations and corporations organized exclusively for the moral and mental improvement of men, women and children for religious or charitable purposes, shall pay a license fee of fiftyeight ($58.00) dollars.
Any room or place which is conducted as a dancing school shall pay the following license fee based on:
Maximum Enrollment any one day
1—25 students $145.00
26—100 students $163.00
Over 100 students $260.00
Any other room or place conducted as public dance shall pay a license fee of one thousand one hundred fifty-five ($1,155.00) dollars.
Fees Required (§ 35-6.1E)
Residential site plan and subdivision fees.
Escrow Required
Concept plan
0 to 20 lots/units: $100 per lot/unit;
21+ lots/units: $2,000 + $50 per lot/unit in excess of 20
Minor subdivision
$300 + $200/lot
Site plans
$250 + $250/lot
$2,500 + 50/lot or dwelling unit
75% of preliminary fee
$1,000 + $50/lot or dwelling unit
Major subdivisions
$250 + $250/lot
$2,500 + 50/lot or dwelling unit
50% of preliminary fee
$1,000 + $50/lot or dwelling unit
Commercial/industrial development applications: subdivisions.
Escrow Required
Concept plan
Minor subdivision
$250 + $250/lot
$1,000 + $500/lot
Major subdivision
$250 + $250/lot
$2,500 + $50/lot*
50% of preliminary fee
$1,000 + $50/lot*
If an application involves 10 or more acres, an additional $100 will be assessed for each acre, or fraction thereof, in excess of 10 acres.
Commercial/industrial development applications: site plans.
Escrow Required
Concept plan
$250 + $100/acre + $100/10,000 square feet of new building area
200% of application fee
75% of preliminary fee
100% of preliminary escrow fee
One- and two-family development applications.
Escrow Required
One- or two-family residences: bulk (c) variances under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70c
One or two-family residences: floor area ratio [d(4)] variances under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70d
Other submissions.
Escrow Required
Conditional use approval
Appeals under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70a
Interpretation or special questions under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70b
Bulk variances under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70c
Use variances under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70d
Permits under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-34 and 36
Modifications of previously submitted plans without changes to FAR
50% of original fee
All other modifications of previously submitted plans without changes to FAR
50% of original fee
Resubmittal of an application for preliminary or final major subdivision or site plan approval where applicant has submitted an application deemed incomplete
Informal Technical Review Committee meeting
Rezoning/ordinance amendment request
List of persons within 200 feet, including area map
Subdivision certificate of approval
Certificate of noncompliance (Section 68 application)
Amended submissions.
Escrow Required
Revised or amended plans or submission in all categories
50% of original application fee
An escrow amount no to exceed 50% of the original escrow requirement as determined by the designation agent of the board of jurisdiction
If there is any reasonable doubt as to the likelihood of the intended use conforming to the performance standards, the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment shall request a deposit of $1,000 to be submitted with the application, which will be used to defray the cost of the special reports required to process it.
Special meetings. Whenever an applicant has requested a special meeting or meetings of the Planning Board, Zoning Board of Adjustment, or the Common Council, the applicant shall be responsible for all costs incurred by the City as a result of such special meeting(s), including, without limitation, costs for attendance of the Board Secretary and Attorney, City professional services, City staff, custodial services in opening and closing the building in which the meeting is held, and all similar reasonable expenses.
See § 35-6.2 Guarantees.
See § 35-17.2 Affordable Housing Development Fee Schedule.
See Municipal General Services, Fees to be Collected by the Health Director.
See Chapter 14, § 14-1.2.
See Chapter 14, § 14-1.2.
§ 18-3.1
Road opening permit: The fee for such application shall be thirty ($30.00) dollars, plus a required inspection fee of seventy-five ($75.00) dollars, plus a deposit of one hundred ($100.00) dollars per square yard of opening, or five hundred ($500.00) dollars minimum, whichever is greater. (See § 18-3.1)
See Chapter 18, § 18-3.1, for newly paved streets, with a five (5) year restriction for road opening permits.
See also § 12-3.4.
Membership/Guest Fees.
Membership Fees.
Family - $395.00 per season.
Subsidized Family - $320.00 per season.
Individual - $160.00 per season.
Subsidized Individual - $130.00 per season.
Senior Citizen - $70.00 per season.
Associate - $160.00 per season.
Nonresident Family - $790.00 per season.
Nonresident Individual - $320.00 per season.
Nonresident senior - $160 per season.
Half-Season - Fifty (50%) percent off each membership per category beginning August 1.
Hotel - $1,500.00 per season plus daily guest fees.
Rooming and Boarding Houses - $1,000.00 per season plus daily guest fees.
Replacement card - $10.00.
Active-Duty Servicemen, Reservists and Guardsmen on leave, pass or furlough and their immediate family, who are permanent residents or taxpayers in the City of Summit, shall be entitled to use the Family Aquatic Center for free.
Guest Fees.
Adult guests pay a one (1) day fee of nine ($9.00) dollars weekdays and ten ($10.00) dollars weekends and holidays. Children two (2) to seventeen (17) and seniors sixty-two plus (62+) pay seven ($7.00) dollars weekdays and eight ($8.00) dollars weekends and holidays. Children under two (2) years are free. These fees include re-entry into the Family Aquatic Center.
Subsidies. Subsidies are available for the Family and Individual membership categories for those who qualify for the Federal Free and Reduced Lunch Program of the Summit Public Schools. Documentation must be on file with the Department of Community Programs. Scholarships are available based on the business plan of the Family Aquatic Center.
Refunds. Refunds will be honored in full prior to the opening of the pool season. No refunds will be issued after opening day without medical cause or relocation with documentation.
See also § 12-3.7.
Lost cards must be reported immediately to the pool management and will be replaced upon payment of a ten ($10.00) dollar fee at the Department of Community Programs Office.
See also § 5-13.
The schedules of fees for the issuance of permits authorized by Chapter 5 are as follows:
Basic filming permit: $750.00.
Daily filming fee payable in addition to the basic filming permit:
First day:
Second day:
Third day:
Nonprofit applicants filming for educational documentary or public television purposes (no daily rate required):
Student applicants filming for educational documentary or public television purposes (no daily rate required):
None ($0)
See also § 5-4
When parking off public streets is not practical the number of spaces may be limited by the City, availability of parking must be confirmed at least seventy-two (72) hours before commencement of filming and fees shall be:
Metered spaces in CRBD: $30/space/day.
Parking facility: $5/day/vehicle.
Overnight: $5/day/vehicle.
§ 2-91.2
Fees shall be billed directly to the insurance company for the following services:
Light Rescue - There shall be a fee of $350.00 for light rescue operations, as described in § 2-91.1.a. above.
Medium Rescue - there shall be a fee of $500.00 for medium rescue operations, as described in § 2-91.1.b. above.
Heavy Rescue - There shall be a fee of $1,500.00 for heavy rescue operations, as described in § 2-91.1.c. above.
Oxygen Administration - There shall be a fee of $150.00 for oxygen administration, as described in § 2-91.1d. above.
Cervical Collars - There shall be a fee of $150.00 for cervical collars, as described in § 2-91.1e. above.
Technical Rescue Stand-by - There shall be a fee of $400.00 for a technical rescue team stand-by as described in § 2-91.1f. above.
See Chapter 14, Construction Permit Fees.
For all work within a designated floodplain that requires the issuance of a floodplain permit, there will be an application fee of $300.00.
See Municipal Golf Course.
See Chapter 2, Hotel And Motel Room Occupancy Tax. § 2-80.2
§ 4-6
Bond required: $10,500.00. (§ 4-6.5)
Charitable and religious organizations: no fee. (§ 4-6.9)
License fee: $1,385.00. (§ 4-6.8)
§ 4-8.1
License Fees. No person shall carry on the business of junk shop keeper or junk dealer in the City without first paying a license fee to the City Clerk in the sum of two hundred ten ($210.00) dollars for each junk shop keeper or dealer, with the privilege of using one (1) vehicle, and one hundred forty ($140.00) dollars for each additional vehicle.
The annual license fee for a kennel providing accommodations for 10 or less dogs shall be $12.00 and for more than 10 dogs $30.00. The annual fee for a pet shop shall be $12.00. No fee shall be charged for a shelter or pound.
Application fee for representation-not more than $200.00 (§ 2-25.10)
§ 2-69.1
Certified Copies of Ordinances and Resolutions: $5.00 service fee plus page fee established in paragraph c of this subsection.
Residency or Voter Registration Verification Letter: $20.00
Photocopies per letter size page or smaller, and per legal size page or larger:*
*Fees controlled pursuant to Title 47, Public Records and specifically N.J.S.A. 47:1A-5b.
If the custodian of any such records shall find that there is not risk of damage or mutilation of such records and that it would not be incompatible with the economic and efficient operation of the office and the transaction of public business therein, she/he may permit any citizen who is seeking to copy more than one hundred (100) pages of records to use his own photographic process, approved by the custodian, upon the payment of a reasonable fee, considering the equipment and the time involved, to be fixed by the custodian of a per day cost:
Not less than $11.00
Not more than $53.00
This schedule shall apply to most requests for copies of government records unless a statute, regulation or ordinance sets a different fee. When it can be demonstrated that the actual cost of duplicating a record is more than these rates, the actual cost of duplication of the record may be charged.
Search/Retrieval (Transcripts, etc.): $26.00 per hour, plus charge pursuant to paragraph c of this subsection.
Free Copies:
Other governmental agencies and officials and special reports, unless referenced herein, of interest to a significant number of residents that the Mayor and Council offer as available at Summit government offices/buildings.
Mail of Various Applications: Postage plus copy costs pursuant to paragraph c of this subsection
1. Video
Cost of material and services as applicable, which might include use of non-government reproduction services.
2. Cassette
3. Electronic Medium
Voter Sheet District Index: Copy costs pursuant to paragraph c of this subsection
Reinspections for Licenses and Permits.
3rd and 4th
Over 4
Raffle: Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 13:47-4.10
Bingo: Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 13:47-4.10
Notices via Subscription:
(a) Year (as created during the year)
(b) Annual
In person
Plus copy costs pursuant to paragraph c of this subsection
Agenda -Yearly via Subscription:
In Person
Plus copy costs pursuant to paragraph c of this subsection
Minutes - Yearly via Subscription:
In Person
Pages on a per meeting basis
Plus copy costs pursuant to paragraph c of this subsection
Mailed via subscription
Transient and Itinerant Merchant and Vendor:
Application (Bond)
License (180 days)
Insufficient Funds—Return of Checks: Set by N.J.S.A. 40:5-18
Municipal Improvements which are authorized but not assessed: Fee as set by N.J.S.A. 54:5-15:14 (2-69.1).
Municipal Ordinance Code: $195.00
Amendments: $42.00
§ 2-69.2
Tax Searches: Set by N.J.S.A. 54:15.
Duplicate Tax Bill
Financial Institution
Initial year:
Duplicate Tax Sale Certificate: $100.00.
Certificates for any party entitled pursuant to N.J.S.A. 54:5-54: $50.00.
Lienholder amount due calculation pursuant to N.J.S.A. 54:5-97.1: $50.00.
Cash or Certified Check Required Payments. The insufficient funds service charge permitted per N.J.S.A. 40:5-18 and the fee due on the account for which insufficient funds were provided shall be paid by cash or certified check.
List of property owners pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-12c - $0.25 per name or $11.00, whichever is greater.
§ 2-69.3
Certified copies of statements, records (other than military or law enforcement agencies), good conduct letters, etc.
$15.00 plus charge pursuant to subsection 2-69.1c.
City License Applicants -
Fee as prescribed by F.B.I. and/or State Police
Other (each) - $10.00.
Standard: $50.00.
Computer-Generated Picture (B/W or Color): $5.00 per sheet.
Copy of Computer Screen: $0.75.
Impounded Vehicles: Per day (after 3 days): $30.00.
Municipal Court Discovery:
All requests for discovery in matters pending in the Summit Municipal Court shall be submitted through the Municipal Prosecutor.
The following fees shall be payable by the requestor to the City of Summit for the discovery provided:
Photocopies in 8.5" x 11" or 8.5" x 14" Format:
First page to tenth page: $0.75 per page.
Eleventh page to twentieth page: $0.50 per page.
All pages over 20: $0.25 per page and pursuant to any amendments to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-2.
Actual postage for any discovery sent by mail.
$0.25 for the envelope for any discovery sent by mail.
Photographs will be photocopied at the rates established herein. If requests are made for duplicate photographs, the actual cost of making the photographs shall be charged.
Duplication of videotapes constitutes an extraordinary duplication process and will be charged at the rate of $5.00 per audiotape and per videotape.
On any item that cannot be photocopied on a City copy machine or not otherwise provided for in this schedule, the actual cost incurred in making the copy shall be charged.
Where the discovery must be obtained from an entity other than the City of Summit, e.g. another police department, the actual costs paid to the other entity shall be paid by the requestor.
Fee for Entrance Exam Applications shall be based on the costs of administering the examination and be established by resolution.
Gun Permit: $2.00 plus County, State, or Federal Fees.
Firearm Identification: $5.00, plus County, State, or Federal Fees.
Accident Report:
In Person: Pursuant to subsection 2-69.1c.
Mailed: Pursuant to subsection 2-69.1c and pursuant to N.J.S.A. 39:4-131.
Police Report:
Resident (victim):
In Person: Pursuant to subsection 2-69.1c.
Mailed or Faxed: Pursuant to subsection 2-69.1c and d.
In Person: Pursuant to subsection 2-69.1c.
Mailed or Faxed: Pursuant to subsection 2-69.1c and d.
Escort Service: See Section 2-66.
9-1-1 tapes: $40.00.
Extra duty.
Non-traffic jobs.
Monthly contracted vendors and nonprofits (non-traffic jobs): $45 per hour plus administrative fees per this section.
City agencies (non-traffic jobs): $40 per hour. No administrative fees per this section.
Summit Public Schools (non-traffic jobs): $50 per hour. No administrative fees per this section.
All inside details, including security, for nonmonthly contract vendors: $50 per hour plus administrative fees per this section.
All outside traffic jobs: top patrol officer's overtime rate per hour plus administrative fees per this section.
Minimum compensation.
Minimum compensation is for two hours for jobs under Subsections p1 and 2.
Minimum compensation is for four hours for jobs under Subsection p3.
All vendors shall agree to notify the police desk two hours prior to the start of the job if they wish to cancel. If they fail to comply, the vendor shall be liable for a minimum of four hours' pay per officer requested.
Beyond four hours, compensation shall be billed to the next half hour.
Administrative fees:
Per officer per event (prepaid): $10 per hour.
Per officer per event (not prepaid): $15 per hour.
Minimum fee: $15.
Monthly job: $10 per hour.
Per marked police vehicle: $20 per hour.
Minimum fee: $50.
Escrow account based on the previous year's billing for those entities that paid and/or requested more than $10,000 of services in the previous year. The escrow account will be reviewed by the City on a regular basis, and vendors will be billed as necessary to maintain said account at 25% of annual usage.
The Board of Education and City agencies would be exempt from the administrative fee.
SDI (Summit Downtown, Inc.) will be billed an administrative fee of $15 per hour for one officer per event, regardless of how many officers may be hired.
Payment: The City Treasurer is authorized to pay the officers in advance of having received funds from the user of said extra-duty services.
Overdue payment penalty: The City Treasurer is authorized to bill for overdue payments as follows:
30 days: $50.
45 days: $75.
60 days or more: $100.
§ 2-69.4
Fire Report:
Resident (victim):
In Person: Pursuant to subsection 2-69.1c.
Mailed or Faxed: Pursuant to subsection 2-69.1c and d.
In Person: Pursuant to subsection 2-69.1c.
Mailed or Faxed: Pursuant to subsection 2-69.1c and d.
Property File:
Resident (victim):
In Person: Pursuant to subsection 2-69.1c.
Mailed or Faxed: Pursuant to subsection 2-69.1c and d.
In person: Pursuant to subsection 2-69.1c.
Mailed or Faxed: Pursuant to subsection 2-69.1c and d.
Photographs (each): $50.00.
9-1-1 tapes: $40.00.
Extra Duty.
Private individuals/organizations: $35.00/hr.
City agencies: $35.00/hr.
Minimum compensation is for two (2) hours.
After two (2) hours, compensation shall be paid to the nearest half hour.
Administrative fee per use: $5.00/hr.
Minimum: $10.00.
Escrow account based on the previous year's billing for those entities that paid and/or requested more than $10,000.00 of services in the previous year. The escrow account will be reviewed by the City on a regular basis and clients will be billed as necessary to maintain said account at 25% of annual usage.
The Board of Education would be exempt from the administrative fee.
Payment: The City Treasurer is authorized to pay the officers in advance of having received funds from the user of said extra duty services.
Overdue Payment Penalty: The City Treasurer is authorized to bill for overdue payments as follows:
30 days: $50.00.
45 days: $75.00.
60 days and more: $100.00.
§ 2-69.5
Type of License and Fee:
Review of applications for:
New, relocated driveways and driveway widening: $40.00.
Re-paving existing driveways or parking areas: $20.00.
Recreational vehicle parking: $25.00.
Master Plan: $50.00.
§ 2-69.6
Type of Application and Fee:
Installation or Modification of Sanitary Sewers, Stormwater Drainage Systems, etc.
Inspection Construction Charge
Review: $50.00.
Inspection: 5% of construction cost.
Review of County, State, or Federal Applications Requiring City Approval or Endorsement: $100.00.
Specifications: $25.00 to $150.00 to be based upon time and costs as determined by the City Engineer.
Development Regulations Ordinance: $50.00.
Plans and Tax and Zoning Map:
24" x 36": $5.00.
3 1/2" x 11": $5.00.
Construction Equipment Storage:
Application: $100.00.
Deposit: $30.00 plus 100 square yards of storage area.
§ 2-69.7
Sewer Connection Deposits. As established in Chapter 25, Section 25-1 of the Code.
Grading Permits: $400.00.
Sidewalk Permit: $30.00.
For every revised plan submitted an additional fee of fifty ($50.00) dollars will be charged. The fee for the first revision is waived. For applications that have had the plan requirement waived by the City Engineer, the grading permit fee shall be one hundred ($100.00) dollars.
When a percolation test or soil analysis renders any mitigation method infeasible, a fee of $6 per square foot of increase in impervious coverage shall be submitted to the City to be used towards stormwater infrastructure work or the preservation of green space within City limits.
§ 2-69.8
Performance of Marriage or Civil Union Ceremonies by the Mayor, Acting Mayor or Judge: $120.00.
§ 10-3.3
The person applying for the license and registration tag shall, for each cat, upon providing proof of rabies inoculation, pay the license and registration fee:
Altered: $15.
Nonaltered: $21.
Late charge: $20.
Duplicate license: $10.
§ 10-2.3
The person applying for the license and registration tag shall, for each dog, upon providing proof of rabies inoculation, pay the license and registration fee below:
Altered: $15.
Nonaltered: $21.
Late charge: $20.
Duplicate license: $10.
In addition to the annual dog license fee, the person applying for a license shall pay a fee of $0.20 for the State Pilot Clinic Fund, and this amount shall be remitted to the Community Health Services, Department of Health, State of New Jersey.
The person shall also pay a registration tag fee as established by the State Department of Health.
For each annual renewal, the fee for the license and for the registration tag shall be as established above; and the licenses, registration tags and renewals thereto shall, effective with the 1995 license renewals, expire on the last day of May in each year.
Dogs used as guides for blind persons and commonly known as "Seeing Eye" dogs shall be licensed and registered as other dogs hereinabove provided, except that the owner or keeper of such dogs shall not be required to pay any fee therefor.
The annual license fee for a kennels, pet shops and shelters providing accommodations for 10 or less dogs shall be $12, and for more than 10 dogs $30. The annual fee for a pet shop shall be $12. No fee shall be charged for a shelter or pound.
§ 2-69.9
Private Construction Vehicles (per day): $30.00.
Utility Company Vehicles (per day): $25.00.
(Comcast, Verizon, NJAWC, JCP&L and PSE&G)
Nonprofits for construction purposes (per day): $25.00.
Dumpster Permits: (per day): $40.00.
§ 12-4.2
Adult (18 - 61)
Junior (6 — 17)
Senior (62+)
Adult (18 - 61)
Senior (62+)
Junior (10-17)
Hotel/Rooming and Boarding Houses:
Rooming and Boarding Houses
Summit Business:
Adult (18 - 61)
Senior (62+)
Active Duty:
Active-duty servicemen, reservists and guardsmen on leave, pass or furlough and their immediate family, who are permanent residents or taxpayers in the City of Summit, shall be entitled to use the Summit Municipal Golf Course.
Tee Sponsors:
Renewing (3 years)
New (3 years)
§ 12-4.3
Round #1
Round #2
Resident Weekdays:
Adult guest
Junior/Senior guest
Nonresident Weekdays:
Adult guest
Senior guest
Resident Weekends/Holidays:
Adult guest
Junior/Senior guest
Nonresident Weekend/Holidays:
Adult guest
Senior guest
Corporate Outings:
One round (9 holes) up to 36 players maximum
Two rounds (18 holes) up to 36 players maximum
§ 7-25.2
Fees for municipal parking lots in the City may be found in § 7-25.2, Municipal Parking Lot Areas.
Fees. The following fees shall apply to each designated electric vehicle charging station:
Hourly Rate
Up to 1 hour
Up to 2 hours
Up to 3 hours
Up to 4 hours
Maximum time limit
4 hours
Minimum fee
"Sitting" up to 5 hours
$10 per hour
After 5 hours
Overnight Parking Privilege in Public Parking Lots. Residents of the City will be allowed to park overnight in Parking Lots Nos. 1-12 upon showing proof of residency and obtaining an overnight digital parking permit. A quarterly payment is required and due by the first day of the beginning of the quarter. The quarterly fees are specified below. All valid overnight parking permit holders can park from 3:00 p.m. until 8:00 a.m. All overnight parkers must remove their vehicles by 8:00 a.m. each night parked unless day parking is paid and a valid permit obtained.
Resident: $100.
Resident senior citizen, age 62 and over. Each senior citizen must show proof of age to be eligible for the following fees: $75.
The Parking Services Agency, or its designated agents, shall provide Summit residential digital parking/disposal permits and downtown employee digital parking permits and daily visitor passes based upon receiving the appropriate information and payment as described below:
Fee. A ten ($10.00) dollar administration fee for each residential digital parking/disposal permit is due with the application for a permit.
Senior Discount Fee. A five ($5.00) dollar senior (for those sixty-two (62) years of age or older) administration fee for each digital residential/disposal parking permit is due with the application for a permit. Proof of age is required in order to receive discount.
Downtown Employee Digital Parking Permit:
Fee. A ten ($10.00) dollar administration fee for each digital downtown employee parking permit is due with the application for a permit.
Senior Discount Fee. A five ($5.00) dollar senior (for those sixty-two (62) years of age or older) administration fee for each digital downtown employee parking permit is due with the application for a permit. Proof of age is required in order to receive discount.
Fees for daily visitor parking passes are as follows:
Bulk rate of ten (10) daily visitor parking passes: $50.00.
Individual rate of one (1) daily visitor parking pass: $6.00.
Lease of Spaces. Spaces in the Municipal Parking Lot No. 10 (Tier Garage), 200 Alley, and 400 Alley may be leased to owners of businesses located adjacent or close to the parking space.
Each lessee will pay a quarterly leased space permit fee of six hundred ($600.00) dollars to the City of Summit.
The quarterly fee must be received by the first day of the month preceding the start of a calendar quarter. Failure to do so will result in the loss of the leased space.
Composting Disposal Fees.
The fee for disposing of leaves and other compostable materials shall be forty-five ($45.00) dollars per ton or fraction thereof.
The fee for disposing of household wastes through the Transfer Station shall be one hundred seven ($107.00) dollars per ton or fraction thereof.
The fee for disposing of bulky wastes through the Transfer Station shall be one hundred thirty ($130.00) dollars per ton or fraction thereof.
§ 7-8.5
Parking meter zone fees are found in § 7-8.5b3.
§ 4-21.8
Fee Purpose
Time of Payment
Application fee
Submission of permit application
Permit fee per parking space
Permit fee per right-of-way occupancy where there is no parking space
Liquor license (per parking space)
§ 12-1.2
Request from Nonprofit Organizations.
Profit Organizations.. Organizations located in the Business, Neighborhood Business and CRBD Zones (Maximum 2 per year).
Promotion: $200.00.
Grand openings within 30 days of opening, which requires use of City property: $200.00.
Banner or signage only: $75.00.
Civic Events: $180.00.
Events of a nature that shall be of general benefit to the residents of Summit and have no fundraising associated with them. $180.00.
Peddlers and Solicitors.
Non-Summit licensed: $30.00.
§ 4-5.6
The nonrefundable fee to be paid by each applicant at the time of submitting an application for a license shall be as follows:
For a weekly license: $125 per week. For the purposes of this section, a "week" shall constitute any six consecutive days, excluding Sundays.
For a monthly license: $360 per month.
For a yearly license: $600 per year.
With respect to a peddler or solicitor conducting its business door-to-door: $60 per day for a daily license.
For use of the fixed locations described in Subsection 4-5.8b: $695 per year for each location.
§ 4-5.13
Appeals: $130.00.
See Chapter 14, Building and Construction, § 14-1.2, Construction Permits.
See also "Fees to Be Collected by Chief of Police" (Municipal General Services) above.
§ 2-66.2
Special escort services: $10.00 (round trip)
See Billiard Rooms, Pool Rooms, Bowling Alleys
See Theatrical Exhibitions, Circuses, Public Exhibitions
See Community Programs/Recreation Programs and Rentals.
Issuance of License. § 4-9.5
Annual application processing fee: $600.00
Appeal. (§ 4-9.12)
Appeals: $180.00.
Towing and Storage Fee Schedule. (§ 4-9.9)
Towing and Storage Fees
Road Service
Cars (light)
$125 per hour plus parts
Trucks (medium/heavy)
$175 per hour plus parts
Light-duty - up to 10,000 pounds
Hook-up $150
Medium-duty - 10,001 to 16,000 pounds
$250 per hour
Heavy-duty - 16,001 pounds and above
$500 per hour
Decoupling fee (if tow is not performed)
1/2 of basic rate
On-Hook Mileage
$6 per loaded mile
Recovery/Winching (in addition to towing - per truck, including driver)
Light/medium-duty - 10,001 to 16,000 pounds
$350 per hour charged in 1/2-hour increments of $175 per 1/2 hour
Heavy-duty - 16,001 pounds and above
$600 per hour
Specialized Recovery Equipment
Rotator/crane recovery unit
$1,200 per hour
Tractor with landoll trailer or detach trailer
$450 per hour
Tractor/transport hauler only
$250 per hour
Refrigerated trailer with tractor
$450 per hour
Box trailer with tractor
$400 per hour
Air cushion unit
$1,000 per hour
Light tower
$250 per hour
Pallet jack
$200 flat rate
$20 flat rate
Any other specialized equipment
$250 per hour
Loader/backhoe/telescopic handler/bulldozer/bobcat
$300 per hour (each)
$300 per hour
Dump truck/dump trailer with tractor
$350 per hour
Roll-off with container
$350 per hour plus disposal
Recovery supervisor vehicle
$150 per hour
Scene safety equipment, communication equipment, traffic management equipment, etc.
$250 per hour (each type used)
Recovery support vehicle/trailer additional recovery equipment
$350 per hour
Labor - minimum of 1 hour
Accident minor cleanup and disposal of debris
$75 per hour plus absorbent materials
Recovery Supervisor and/or Level III Recovery Specialist
$225 per hour
*Charges limited to 1 per incident
Certified towing operator
$125 per hour per person
Manual laborers
$100 per hour per person
Storage - per 24 hours (inside rates 2X outside rates)
Cars/light trucks (10 feet by 20 feet space)
$45 per 24 hours
Trucks (dual wheels/single axle)
$90 per 24 hours
Tractor/dump truck/tractor and trailer combo/trailers
$125 per 24 hours per unit
$150 per 24 hours
$125 per 24 hours (each)
Cargo/accident debris/load storage/vehicle components (10 feet by 20 feet space)
$45 per space used per 24 hours
Rental of any tow-company-supplied trailer post incident
$500 per 24 hours
Additional Services/Notes
Fuel/haz-mat/cargo spills
Cleanup and disposal
Time and materials
Haz-mat and trash recovery
10% surcharge
Subcontractor markup
Administrative charge after 3rd visit to vehicle (cars only)
Administrative charge (medium/heavy truck)
After-hours release
Notification documentation fee
Tarping/wrapping vehicle
$90 per car $250 per truck
*After the first half hour, all hourly billable rates will be charged in half-hour increments.
** Charges for all trucks/recovery equipment are inclusive of the operator. You may not separately charge for an operator that drives/operates the truck/recovery equipment.
§ 4-19.2
License Required; Fees.
Class 1: $70.00.
Class 2: $140.00.
Class 3: $290.00.
Class 4: $415.00.
Class 5: $630.00.
Class 6: $830.00.
Delinquent renewal fee.
Additional delinquent renewal fee.
Sanitary Sewer Capping Permit: The fee for such application shall be thirty ($30.00) dollars plus a required inspection fee of seventy-five ($75.00) dollars. Additional road opening fees may apply. Refer to “Excavation of Streets”.
Sanitary Sewer Connection Permit: The fee for such application shall be thirty ($30.00) dollars, plus a required inspection fee of seventy-five ($75.00) dollars, plus a deposit of five-hundred ($500.00) dollars per connection to the City main. A re-connection fee of five-hundred ($500.00) dollars will apply to a new dwellings units constructed on a parcel of land on which a dwelling with a sewer connection to the City main previously existed.
§ 25-1.1
Permit Fees. Permits as herein defined shall only be issued by the Department of Community Services upon approval by the City Engineer and upon payment of the following fees:
Where the property shall have been previously assessed for the making of such connection at the curb, an inspection fee of seventy-five ($75.00) dollars shall be charged.
Where an owner or lessee has laid a sewer and made the necessary connections to the existing connection at the curb, in accordance with the provisions of this section, there shall be an inspection fee of seventy-five ($75.00) dollars for each connection.
Where a connection has been made by the City and is into the curb of any street, and has not been assessed, there shall be a charge of five hundred ($500.00) dollars.
The permit obtained from the State or County Highway Department under subsection 25-1.6 shall be delivered to the Department of Community Services at the time of making application for the sewer connections, together with an inspection fee of seventy-five ($75.00) dollars.
Fee Schedule; New Construction. In addition to the sewer permit fees set forth in this section, all new construction in the City shall be subject to the sewer following fee schedule:
Single family residential units of all types
Office use per gross floor area
$1.43/sq. ft.
Commercial use per gross floor area
$1.43/sq. ft.
Hotels per bedroom
Motels per bedroom
Restaurants per seat
Bars, counter restaurants, etc. per seat
Permit fees for uses not specifically enumerated shall be determined by the City Engineer using New Jersey Department of Environmental flow rate standards, if available, and a fee rate of eleven dollars and fifty ($11.50) cents per gallon of sewage generated per day.
On properties that previously contained a building with a sewer connection, the sewer fee shall be reduced to give credit for the actual size or type of existing building(s) that previously existed on the site. The credit shall be calculated using the table in subsection 25-1.11a. To receive a credit, the building must have existed on the site within five (5) years of the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the new building(s).
Certificate of Occupancy. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, and upon request from the Construction Official, the City Engineer shall certify that all sewer permit fees have been paid in full to the City.
§ 25-5.3
The following fees are payable to the City Engineer or the City Clerk:
Done by City: $500.00.
Done by Owner: $50.00.
§ 4-20.3
Exterior sidewalk cafes:
Sidewalk cafes shall have a minimum of two tables.
Establishments without a liquor license shall be subject to the fees as stated in the Code Appendix A Schedule of Fees, Sidewalk Cafes - Permit Required.
One to 10 seats: $140.00.
Eleven to 25 seats: $345.00.
Twenty-six to 50 seats: $485.00..
Over 50 seats: $565.00.
Establishments with a liquor license shall be subject to the following fees:
One to 10 seats: $280.00.
Eleven to 25 seats: $690.00.
Twenty-six to 50 seats: $970.00.
Over 50 seats: $2,100.00.
Establishments with a liquor license must also enter into a lease agreement with the City in accordance with Chapter 3, Section 3-1, Subsection 3-1.3c2, of the City Code.
All fees are nonrefundable and will not be prorated.
Appeals: $130.00. (§ 4-20.12)
§ 28-3
Permit Fee: $25.00.
Storm Sewer Connection Permit: The fee for such application shall be thirty ($30.00) dollars, plus a required inspection fee of seventy-five ($75.00) dollars, plus a deposit of five hundred ($500.00) dollars per connection to City storm sewer infrastructure including, but not limited to, manholes, catch basins, and storm sewer pipes.
See also Family Aquatic Center.
§ 17-3
Permit for construction: $25.00.
License Fees; Validity of License. (Autocabs/Taxis) (§ 4-26.4)
The annual license fee shall be as follows:
$60.00 application fee for each vehicle; plus
$140.00 for each driver listed per year.
License Fees; Validity of License. (Limousine/Livery Service) (§ 4-26.14)
As provided for under N.J.S.A. 48:16-17 and as may be amended from time to time, the annual license fee shall be as follows:
$60.00 application fee for each limousine service; and
$15.00 for each limousine which is covered under the required insurance policy; and
$140.00 for each driver listed per year.
Complaints, Revocation or Suspension, Penalties and Appeals. (§ 4-26.20)
Appeals: $300.00.
License Fees. § 4-27.2
The following fees shall be paid to the City Clerk for use of the City, by the applicants for licenses before receiving a license:
For exhibiting any circus, or menagerie, or collection of wild beasts, or animals, or any like shows or exhibitions, or any aggregation of exhibitions:
Within one (1) enclosure, the sum of $100.00 for the first exhibition,
Subsequent exhibitions (two or more) $70.00,
No more than $175.00 shall be charged for such exhibitions in any one (1) day.
Merry-go-round, $100.00 for each week or portion thereof.
Exhibitions of games, tricks, jugglery, sleight of hand or other tricks or feats of dexterity, or any like shows or exhibitions whatsoever, or any theatrical, moving picture or similar shows, the sum of $100.00 for each exhibition.
All shows or exhibitions shall not continue later than 11:00 p.m.
For each concert of vocal or instrumental music, or both, or for public readings or recitations:
The sum of $100.00 for the first,
For the second and each subsequent exhibition: $170.00.
No license fee shall be required for theatrical performances, concerts, readings, recitations, or kindred entertainments given by a volunteer nonprofit organization for charitable or religious purposes or for the benefit of any school, society, club, association or the public library.
Annual License; Fee. § 4-27.3
Per building
Seating capacity beyond 500
$5.00 per seat
Theater: (For Profit)
Under 500 seats
Over 500 seats
See Itinerant Merchants, Vendors, Transient Merchants
Removal permits (§ 29-9)
§ 29-9b, Private Trees
§ 29-9b1 For the removal of any private tree that is a significant tree and that is certified as dead, diseased or structurally unsound by a New Jersey Certified Tree Expert, no fee.
§ 29-9b2 For the removal of a private tree that is a significant tree and that is located within the allowable building area as defined by Development Regulation Ordinances of Summit in effect from time to time, no fee.
§ 29-9b3 For the removal of a private tree that is a significant tree that does not satisfy the conditions of § 29-9b1 and b2 above, a nonrefundable fee of twenty-five ($25.00) dollars per tree. In addition, the applicant shall be required to (i) replace on their property the private tree removed with a suitable tree, as determined by the City Forester in his/her reasonable discretion, or (ii) in lieu of replacing the private tree, pay the Tree Replacement Cost to the City of Summit.
§ 3-7.5a
License fees - $200 per year.
§ 14-1.3
§ 14-1.3 Zoning permits and certificates of occupancy, as defined in the Development Regulations Ordinance, shall be issued by the Office of Code Administration.
The fee for a zoning certificate of occupancy shall be as follows:
For one- or two-family detached dwellings, the fee shall be one hundred ($100.00) dollars per unit; that includes (1) free reinspection, if any another reinspections are required then an additional fee of ($50.00) dollars per reinspection will have to be paid prior to reinspection date;
For dwelling units in multiple family dwellings, and for attached, single family dwellings, the fee shall be one hundred fifty ($150.00) dollars per unit; that includes (1) free reinspection, if any another reinspections are required then an additional fee of ($50.00) dollars per reinspection will have to be paid prior to reinspection date;
For tenant spaces in commercial buildings, the fee shall be as follows:
$150.00 for 1 to 2,500 sq. ft.
$250.00 for 2,501 sq. ft. to 5,000 sq. ft.
$500.00 for 5,001 to 10,000 sq. ft.
$1,000.00 for 10,001 sq. ft. and larger
For commercial buildings, the fee shall be based on the sum of the separate fees for each tenant space calculated separately, with a minimum fee of one hundred fifty ($150.00) dollars. that includes (1) free reinspection, if any another reinspections are required then an additional fee of ($50.00) dollars per reinspection will have to be paid prior to reinspection date;
Zoning Permit. The fee for a zoning permit shall be fifty ($50.00) dollars for fences and one hundred ($100.00) dollars for all other zoning review fees and for one- and two-family detached dwellings, and for all other properties.
The Office of Code Administration shall charge a fee of ten ($10.00) dollars for a duplicate zoning certificate of occupancy or zoning permit, which shall be notarized as a true copy prior to being issued.