Editor's Note: See also Section 25-10 for Snow Removal for Qualified Private Communities.
[Ord. #97-53 § 1]
As used in this chapter:
BASE AMOUNT (for calculating the reimbursement for municipal services)
Shall mean either the amount paid by the condominium for the last full year in which the condominium paid for its own services (this amount should be certified by the condominium) or the Township's costs, without employee benefits, whichever is lower.
Shall mean solid waste and recyclable material collection and, if the streets are dedicated to, and accepted by, the municipality in accordance with law, street sweeping, snow removal and street lighting.
[Ord. #97-53 § 2]
The Township of Woodbridge will provide municipal services to condominium communities in which individual unit owners control the condominium association through a majority of the seats on the condominium board in accordance with the condominium association's master deed and in which at least fifty (50%) percent plus one (1) of the units have been sold to individual owners but require reimbursement from the condominium developer for the percentage of units which it still controls within the complex. Using the base amount for calculating the reimbursement for municipal services, the developer shall reimburse the Township according to the percentage of unsold units, until the developer relinquishes control of the condominium association's board in accordance with the condominium association's master deed.
[Ord. #97-53 § 3]
The developer will make said reimbursement payments for every six (6) month interval, starting on July 1, 1997, starting again on January 1, 1998 and so on. Reimbursement payments will be made to the Township within thirty (30) days of the end of each six (6) month period.