[Ord. No. 1431 § IV; Ord. No. 1615(2017) § 4]
The Administrative Branch shall consist of the Office of the Mayor, the Departments of Administration, Law, Revenue and Finance, Public Works, Parks and Public Property, Police, Community Services and Community Development; and designated independent or quasi-independent agencies and advisory boards and commissions. The independent, quasi-independent and advisory agencies shall be those listed below, together with such other commissions, boards or agencies as shall be established from time to time by the Mayor or Council. All members shall be appointed in accordance with the appropriate state statute or by the Mayor consistent with subsection 2-3.4p.
Local Assistance Board.
Planning Board.
Environmental Commission.
Historical Commission.
Tourism Development Commission.
Emergency Management.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
The Mayor may approve of the organization and reorganization of departments, offices and agencies on recommendation of the Director thereof, and subject to available appropriations.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
Appointment, Terms and Compensation. The Mayor shall appoint Department Heads, also to be known as Directors, with the advice and consent of Council, to serve during his/her term and until appointment and qualification of his successor. Their compensation shall be provided in the annual Salary Ordinance.
Removal. The Mayor may remove Directors, subject to disapproval by Council.
Powers and Duties. The Directors, under the direction and supervision of the Business Administrator, shall:
With the approval of the Mayor, appoint subordinate officers and employees within his/her department, and may, with the approval of the Mayor, remove such officers and employees subject to the Civil Service provisions (N.J.S.A. 11:26-1 et seq.).
Plan and supervise the work of his/her department.
Assign and modify the functions and duties of subordinates.
Certify the correctness and propriety of all payrolls and vouchers or provide certification for them.
Perform such other duties and responsibilities as directed by the Business Administrator or the Mayor.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
The Director of the Department of Administration shall be the Business Administrator.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV; Ord. No. 1468 (2009) § II]
The Business Administrator shall have, exercise and discharge the functions, powers and duties of the department.
Under the discretion and supervision of the Mayor, the Business Administrator shall:
Oversee the preparation of the Budget and Capital Plan.
Administer a centralized purchasing system.
Administer a centralized information technology system.
Supervise the administration of each of the departments established in this Article. For this purpose, he shall have the power to investigate the organization and operation of any and all departments, to prescribe standards and rules of administrative practice and procedure, and to consult with the heads of the departments under his jurisdiction; provided that with respect to the Department of Law and the Department of Revenue and Finance, the authority of the Business Administrator under this subsection shall extend only to matters of budgeting, personnel and purchasing.
Remove or discipline such personnel subject to Civil Service provisions.
Oversee Personnel (Human Resources), Purchasing, Public Information and Engineering.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
The department, under the discretion and supervision of the Mayor, shall:
Assist in the preparation of the budget;
Administer a centralized purchasing system;
Be responsible for the development and administration of a sound personnel system; and
Perform such other duties as the Council may prescribe.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
The Department of Administration shall consist of Personnel (Human Resources), Purchasing, Public Information, and Engineering.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
Purchasing Agent.
Position Created. The position of Purchasing Agent is hereby created.
Duties. The duties of the Purchasing Agent shall include the following:
Under direction, perform specialized work in large-scale purchasing of supplies; do related work as required.
Establish and develop accepted purchasing methods and records in accordance with prescribed laws, rules, regulations, standards, policies and procedures.
Review requisitions for operating and maintenance equipment, materials and supplies.
Locate and investigate suitable reputable sources of supply.
Prepare specifications.
Review submitted bids for content and, after thorough analysis, make recommendations for the acceptance or rejection of such bids.
Communicate directly with vendors by telephone or correspondence; interview vendors' representatives and employees regarding specifications and deliveries.
Handle complaints by taking the proper remedial action.
Record the claims of vendors for materials and services.
Prepare periodic reports and statements.
Assist in the preparation of temporary and final appropriation budgets and appropriate transfers.
Confer with departmental representatives on the standardization of supplies used and the need for specialized equipment.
Establish and maintain needed records and files.
Qualifications and Experience. The Purchasing Agent shall have the following qualifications and experience:
Graduation from a four-year course at a college of recognized standing; or
Four years of experience in the preparation of purchase specifications and arranging for the large-scale purchase of equipment, materials and supplies.
Appointees may be required to possess a valid New Jersey driver's license.
Thorough knowledge of the accepted procedures used in making large-scale purchases; of the laws, rules and regulations effecting purchasing; of the accepted preparation of specifications of commodity markets, marketing practices and commodity pricing methods; and of the application of bookkeeping methods to procurement practices.
Ability to interpret market prices and trends and apply such interpretations to procurement problems; to establish and maintain harmonious working relations; to review and prepare specifications; to recommend suitable action on bids; use of proper English in the preparation of reports; and to establish and maintain adequate purchasing and other records.
Good health and freedom from disabling physical and mental defects which would impair the proper performance of the required duties of which might endanger the health and safety of himself/herself or others.
Purchasing Board.
Created, Composition. There is hereby created a Purchasing Board of the City consisting of five members, namely, the Purchasing Agent, the City Clerk, the Treasurer, the City Attorney, and the Business Administrator, or their designated alternates.
Powers and Duties of Purchasing Board. The Purchasing Board shall be authorized to receive such bids as may be presented and immediately proceed to unseal them and publicly announce the contents in the presence of the parties bidding or their agents, if they choose to be then and there present, and shall make proper record of the price and terms upon the minutes of the body.
Bids; Advertisements. All advertisements for bids under N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1 et seq. shall designate the time and place of the meeting at which the Purchasing Board shall receive bids. Whenever possible, the advertisement for bids shall designate an hour for receiving bids between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. from Monday through Friday, and no bids shall be open previous to the hour designated in the advertisement, and none shall be received thereafter.
Tabulations, Etc. After the bids are received, read and recorded, they shall be turned over to the Purchasing Agent for the tabulation and recommendation to the Mayor.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
The Director of the Department of Law shall be the City Attorney. He/she shall be a licensed attorney in good standing in the State of New Jersey.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
The City Attorney shall be the legal representative of the City in all suits brought by or against it, and all other matters of a legal nature. He/she shall be present at each regular meeting of the Council, and give his/her opinion, in writing or otherwise, when the same shall be requested, on such legal propositions as shall be submitted to him/her; provided, however, that whenever the written opinion of the attorney is required on any proposition, the question on which such opinion is desired shall be submitted, in writing, at least two days before the time when such opinion is required to be given; he/she shall also prepare such ordinances for the City as the Council may required.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
The Department of Law shall perform all appropriate functions associated with:
Being legal advisor to the Mayor, Council and Directors.
Advising as to form and sufficiency of ordinances prior to passage. Reviewing appropriate contracts, deeds, documents and instruments prior to execution on behalf of the City.
Conducting litigation by or on behalf of the City affecting any interest in the City as directed by the Mayor and Council.
Entering into an agreement, compromise or settlement of any litigation in which the City is involved, subject to the approval of the Mayor and Council.
Rendering opinions upon any questions of law submitted to him by the Mayor, Council or Director of any Department.
Maintaining a record of all actions, suits proceedings and matters which relate to the City's interest and report thereon as may be required.
Conducting or supervising the Municipal Prosecutor and Public Defender in the conduct of City prosecutions.
Coordinating the activities of counsel retained by various boards and agencies of the City.
[Ord. No. 1615 (2017) § 5]
The City shall have at least one Public Defender for its Municipal Court, appointed by the Mayor for a term of one year and until the appointment of a successor. An indigent defendant applying for representation by a Municipal Public Defender in the City shall pay an application fee of $200. The Municipal Court Judge may waive the required application fee, in whole or in part, if the Judge determines, in his or her discretion, that the defendant does not have the ability to pay the application fee. The defendant shall have the burden to prove he or she does not have the ability to pay the application fee.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
The Director of the Department of Revenue and Finance shall be the Chief Financial Officer.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
The Director of the Department of Revenue and Finance is the Chief Financial Officer, and he/she shall be responsible to the Mayor for the proper and efficient administration of the financial affairs of the City. The Chief Financial Officer shall prepare and submit to the Mayor before the close of the fiscal year a financial report of the affairs of the City.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
The Mayor may designate an acting Chief Financial Officer to perform the duties of the office during the absence of the chief Financial Officer or disability of the Chief Financial Officer for less than 30 days. A temporary Chief Financial Officer may be appointed in accord with the law.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
The Chief Financial Officer shall be appointed on the basis of the qualifications as set forth in N.J.S.A. 40A:9-140.1 et seq. The Chief Financial Officer shall be a resident of the City at the time of his/her appointment, unless no qualified resident is found. Such nonresident may thereafter reside outside of the City only with the approval of the Mayor.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
The department shall perform all appropriate functions associated with:
Custody, investment and disbursement of City monies.
General budgetary accounting and fiscal control and reporting.
Billing and collection of general revenues.
Tax billing and collection.
Operation of City parking lots and parking meters.
Administration of the beach fee program.
Assisting in the preparation of the capital plan.
Payment of bills, claims and demands. Bills, claims and demands against the City shall be paid in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:5-17 which shall include a bill list to be presented to City Council at each regularly scheduled Council meeting. In addition, Council authorizes the Chief Financial Officer to process payments between Council meetings whereby the Chief Financial Officer has determined the need for the payment. These payments shall be reported to Council and incorporated within the next scheduled bill list as presented. Documentation of all claims and payments shall be maintained in the Department of Revenue and Finances.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV; Ord. No. 1615 (2017) § 6]
The Department of Revenue and Finance shall consist of Tax Collection, Utility Collection, Tax Assessment, Accounting, Revenue Enhancement (Parking and Beach Fees), Technology and Capital Planning.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
The Department of Public Works, Parks, and Public Property shall be under the immediate control and direction of the Director of Public Works, Parks, and Public Property, who shall be qualified by training and education or extensive experience to plan, supervise and perform the work of the department.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV; Ord. No. 1615 (2017) § 7]
The department shall perform all appropriate duties associated with:
Maintenance and repair of streets, roads, alleys, boardwalk, beaches, drainage facilities, fleet, public buildings, and all public infrastructure.
Supervising the recycling and trash collection operations.
Assisting in the preparation of the capital plan.
Manage various private sector contracts to provide services.
Obtain grants for various capital and public work projects.
Manage recycling, clean communities, and stormwater management programs.
Maintaining public property.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
The Department of Public Works, Parks And Public Property shall consist of Water Supply and Distribution, Sanitary Sewer Collection, Storm Drainage, Streets and Roads, Refuse Collection, Janitorial, Building Maintenance, Grounds Maintenance, Beach Maintenance, and Vehicle Maintenance.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
The Director of the Department of Police shall be qualified by training and education or extensive experience to plan, supervise and perform the work of the department.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV; Ord. No. 1504-2011 § XVI; Ord. No. 1509-2011 § II; Ord. No. 1608-2017 § 2; Ord. No. 1615 (2017) § 8]
The Department of Police shall consist of the Police Department, the Office of Emergency Management, Lifeguard Patrol, Animal Control, found in Chapter 5, Sea Isle City Marina, the Sea Isle City Volunteer Fire Company, and the Division of Emergency Medical Services, administering the traffic maintenance program (signs and lines) and shall execute control over these organizations.
The Police Department jurisdiction is encompassed by the City limits, which includes the beaches and the City Marina. The Police Department shall be responsible for the regulation, control, operation, and use of City parking lots and parking meters installed in all parking meter zones.
Editor's Note: Section 2-10 Police Department was renumbered as Section 2-9A by Ordinance No. 1607-2017. Prior ordinance history includes portions of Ordinance No. 1431.
[Ord. No. 1509 (2011) § II]
There is hereby created in and for the City of Sea Isle City, a Police Department which shall consist of no more than one Chief of Police, and such number of captains, lieutenants, sergeants, detectives, patrol officers, other officers and employees as deemed necessary for the proper management, control and efficiency of the Department.
[Ord. No. 1509 (2011) § III]
The Police Department shall:
Preserve the public peace; protect life and property; detect, arrest and prosecute offenders of the laws of New Jersey and the ordinances of Sea Isle City; direct and control traffic; provide attendance and protection during emergencies; make appearances in court; cooperate with all other law enforcement agencies; and provide training for the efficiency of its members and officers.
[Ord. No. 1509 (2011) § IV]
The annual salary of all officers and employees of the Police Department shall be those now established by the Administration through and by collective bargaining agreements, or such as may hereafter be changed by the Administration through and by a collective bargaining agreement adopted subsequent thereto.
[Ord. No. 1509 (2011) § V]
The Mayor shall appoint a Chief of Police with the consent and approval of the Governing Body. The Chief shall be directly responsible to the Appropriate Authority for the efficiency and routine day-to-day operations of the Police Department. The Chief of Police shall, pursuant to policies established by the Governing Body and consistent with City ordinances:
Administer and enforce the rules and regulations of the Police Department and any special emergency directives for the disposition and discipline of the Department and its officers and personnel.
Have, exercise, and discharge the functions, powers and duties and other personnel.
Prescribe the duties and assignments of all subordinates and other personnel.
Delegate such of his authority as he may deem necessary for the efficient operation of the Police Department to be exercised under his discretion and supervision.
Report at least monthly to the Appropriate Authority in such form as shall be prescribed by the Appropriate Authority on the operation of the force during the preceding month, and make such other reports as may be requested by the Appropriate Authority.
May act on his own initiative to temporarily place in command any other officer or suitable person in order to perform the functions of the Chief of Police if he is unable, by reason or disability, to perform the functions of his office.
[Ord. No. 1509 (2011) § VI]
In accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:14-118, the Mayor is hereby designated as the Appropriate Authority, for purposes of this section, and is hereby vested with the powers and duties of an appropriate authority as delegated by law.
[Ord. No. 1509 (2011) § VII]
No person shall be appointed to the Police Department who is not qualified as provided in the New Jersey statutes. The selection criteria for a Police Officer shall be in accordance with Department policy, the rules and regulations of the State of New Jersey Department of Personnel, and as otherwise prescribed by the statutes of the State of New Jersey and City of Sea Isle City ordinances.
[Ord. No. 1509 (2011) § VIII]
The City of Sea Isle City hereby establishes Special Law Enforcement Officers pursuant to and in compliance with the Special Law Enforcement Officers Act (N.J.S.A. 40A:14-146.8 et seq.).
In addition to the duties set forth under N.J.S.A. 40A:14-146.11(a), Class One Officers shall be empowered to issue summonses for disorderly persons and petty disorderly persons offenses, violations of the municipal ordinances and violations of Title 39 of the revised statutes. Class Two Officers shall be authorized to exercise full powers and duties similar to those of a permanent, regularly appointed, full-time Police Officer.
Authorized Strength.
The City is hereby authorized to hire up to 10 Class One Special Law Enforcement Officers, and up to 30 Class Two Special Law Enforcement Officers. The City is further authorized to hire one full-time Class Two Officer, as authorized by N.J.S.A. 40A:14-146.16(c).
Special Law Enforcement Officers shall not be utilized to supplant regular Police Officers on City assigned extra-duty assignments.
Special Law Enforcement Officers are subject to the personnel policies of the City of Sea Isle City.
Special Law Enforcement Officers are subject to the Sea Isle City Police Department's Written Directive System, where applicable.
[Ord. No. 1509 (2011) § IX]
Discipline of Police Officers will be imposed consistent with New Jersey State statutes, New Jersey Administrative Code, and the rules and regulations of the State of New Jersey Department of Personnel. The written charges will be signed by the Chief of Police or designee as provided in the New Jersey statutes and the Police Department's Rules and Regulations. Police Officers may also be subject to discipline for violating other statutes, ordinances and policies.
[Ord. No. 1509 (2011) § X]
The Appropriate Authority shall, from time to time as may be necessary, adopt and amend the rules and regulations for the government and discipline of the Police Department and employees thereof. All employees of the Police Department shall be subject to such rules, regulations, and penalties.
[Added 8-22-2023 by Ord. No. 1699]
Former § 2-9A.10, Off-Duty Police Officers, was repealed 1-14-2020 by Ord. No. 1646.
[Added 8-22-2023 by Ord. No. 1699]
The use of police officers requesting permission to accept off-duty employment as security guards or as patrol officers to direct traffic will only be considered in the discretion of the Chief of Police.
[Added 8-22-2023 by Ord. No. 1699]
The following shall constitute the terms for the utilization of off-duty employment for the City of Sea Isle City police officers:
For the convenience of those persons and entities which utilize the services of off-duty Law Enforcement Officers of the Sea Isle City Police Department and to authorize the outside employment of City Police while off-duty, the City hereby establishes a policy regarding the use of said officers.
Before any police officer may engage in police-related activities for private persons or entities during off-duty hours, arrangements must be made with the governing body of the City of Sea Isle City regarding the remuneration for the officer's pay benefits and the cost of use of any vehicle and equipment.
Members of the Police Department shall be permitted to accept police-related employment for private employers or school districts only during off-duty hours and at such time as will not interfere with the efficient performance of regularly scheduled or emergency duty for the City.
Any person or entity wishing to employ off-duty Police shall first obtain the approval of the Chief of Police, which approval shall be granted if in the opinion of the Chief such employment would not be inconsistent with the efficient functioning and good reputation of the Police Department, and would not unreasonably endanger or threaten the safety of the officer or officers who are to perform the work.
Any such off-duty employment may be terminated at any time if City Council feels it is in the best interest of the City of Sea Isle City.
The assignment of officers to the off-duty details, along with management of the officers in relation to these projects shall be performed by the Police Chief, or his designee of the Sea Isle City Police Department. The Police Department shall adopt any and all appropriate policies to administer this program.
Any person or entity seeking to employ any police officer during his/her off-duty time may only do so by entering into a contract with the City.
No police officer may enter directly into a contract for off-duty employment with any prospective employer.
Any contract for payment to a police officer for off-duty employment must specify that payment shall be made to the City. The City shall then pay the officer.
All contracts for outside employment of any police officer shall be subject to the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act.
Any contract for the employment of an off-duty police officer shall include a provision that the City shall be compensated for the employer's share of social security, administrative costs of maintaining timesheets, payroll processing and billing vendors and any additional liability insurance costs associated with the services provided. The rate shall be as set in paragraph m herein.
The Administration is authorized to take all steps necessary to implement this policy, including retention of a third-party vendor to perform such services necessary to carry out the intention of this policy.
The rates for service of an off-duty officer shall be $70 to the police officer, $29.50 to the City and such fees as may be charged by the third-party vendor hired by the City.
All monies received from outside employers under the provisions of this section shall be placed in City general fund.
[Ord. No. 1509 (2011) § XII]
No officer or employee of the Department may solicit anyone to intercede with the Director of Police, the Chief of Police, the Mayor or Council or any superior officer in relation to promotions, changing of beats, disposition of pending charges or for refusing to perform or evading duty of any kind, whenever necessity requires, whether on patrol or elsewhere, and whether or not in uniform.
[Ord. No. 1509 (2011) § XIII]
No person shall hereafter be given or accept a permanent appointment as a Police Officer in the City unless such person has completed successfully a Police Training course at a school approved and authorized by the Police training Commission in the Department of Law and Public Safety of the State pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 52:17B-66, et seq.
Temporary Appointment Required Prior to Taking Course. No person shall be permitted to take a Police Training course unless he/she holds a probationary or temporary appointment as a Police Officer in the City, and such appointee shall be entitled to a leave of absence with pay during the period of the Police Training course.
Temporary Appointment Permitted Prior to Completion. Paragraph a shall not prohibit the giving or accepting of a probationary or temporary appointment as a Police Officer for a period not to exceed one year, to enable a person seeking a permanent appointment to complete a Police Training course as prescribed by the Police Training Commission.
Editor's Note: Section 2-11 was renumbered as Section 2-9B by Ordinance No. 1607-2017.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
This section shall be known and may be cited and referred to as the "Emergency Management Ordinance of the City of Sea Isle City, New Jersey."
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
It is the intent and purpose of this section to establish an office that will insure the complete and efficient utilization of all of the City's facilities to combat disaster resulting from enemy actions or other disasters as defined herein.
The City Office of Emergency Management will be the coordinating agency for all activity in connection with emergency management; it will be the instrument through which the Mayor may exercise the authority and discharge the responsibilities vested in him/her by the statutes of the State and by this section.
This section will not relieve any department of the City of the moral responsibilities or authority given to it in the City ordinance, nor will it adversely affect the work of any volunteer agency organized for relief in disaster emergencies.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
As used in this section:
Shall mean a direct or indirect assault against the City, its government, its environs, or of the nation, by the forces of a hostile nation or the agents thereof, including assault by bombing, radiological, chemical or biological warfare, or sabotage.
Shall mean the coordinator of the Office of Coordinator of the Office of Emergency Management appointed as prescribed in this section.
Shall mean and include, but is not limited to, actual or threatened enemy attack, sabotage, extraordinary fire, flood, storm, epidemic or other impending or actual calamity endangering or threatening to endanger health, life or property or constituted government.
Shall mean, in its broad meaning, to carry out the basic government functions of maintaining the public peace, health and safety during an emergency. This shall include plans and preparations for protection from, and relief recovery and rehabilitation from, the effects of an attack on the City by the forces of an enemy nation or the agents thereof, and it shall also include such activity in connection with disaster as defined herein. It shall not, however, include any activity that is the primary responsibility of the military forces of the United States.
Shall mean the employees, equipment and facilities of all City departments, boards, institutions and commissions; and, in addition, it shall include all volunteer personnel, equipment and facilities contributed by, or obtained from, volunteer persons or agencies.
Shall mean any person duly registered, identified and appointed by the Coordinator of the Office of Emergency Management and assigned to participate in the emergency management activity.
Shall mean and include plans, programs and other emergency procedures deemed essential to emergency management.
Shall mean contributing service, equipment or facilities to the Emergency Management Organization without remuneration.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to create an Organization for Emergency Management utilizing to the fullest extent the existing agencies within this City. The Mayor, as executive head of the municipal government, shall appoint a Coordinator of the Emergency Management Forces of this City, and shall be responsible for their organization, administration, and operations of the Emergency Management Organization.
The Organization shall consist of the following:
The Office of Emergency Management shall be under the direction of the Emergency Management Coordinator. He/she shall be head of the Office of Emergency Management, and shall be known as the Coordinator of the Office of Emergency Management. The Coordinator of the Office of Emergency Management shall employ such assistants and other employees as are deemed necessary for the proper functioning of the Organization.
The employees, equipment and facilities of all departments, boards, institutions and commissions will participate in the emergency management activity. Duties assigned to a department shall be the same or similar to the normal duties of the department.
Volunteer persons and agencies shall offer service to and be accepted by the City.
The Mayor shall appoint a Coordinator of the Office of Emergency Management, who shall be a person well versed and trained in planning operations involving the activities of the many different agencies which will operate to protect the public health, safety and welfare in the event of damage from enemy action or disaster as defined in this section.
The Emergency Management Coordinator shall designate and appoint Deputy Coordinators to assume the emergency duties of the Coordinator in the event of his/her absence or inability to act.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
Powers Generally.
The Emergency Management Coordinator may exercise the emergency power and authority necessary to fulfill his/her general powers and duties. The judgment of the Coordinator shall be the sole criteria necessary to invoke emergency powers provided in the City Ordinances and other appropriate authorities in the City of Sea Isle City. The Mayor or Council may convene to perform their legislative and administrative powers as the situation demands, and shall receive reports relative to Emergency Management activities. Nothing in this section shall be construed as abridging or curtailing the powers or restrictions of the Mayor or Council.
During any period when disaster threatens or when the City has been struck by disaster, within the definition of this section, the Emergency Management Coordinator may promulgate such regulations as he/she deems necessary to protect life and property and preserve critical resources. Such regulations may include, but shall not be limited to, the following:
Regulations prohibiting or restricting the movement of vehicles in order to facilitate the work of Emergency Management Forces, or to facilitate the mass movement of persons from critical areas within or without the City.
Regulations pertaining to the movement of persons from areas deemed to be hazardous or vulnerable to disaster.
Such other regulations necessary to preserve public peace, health and safety.
Regulations promulgated in accordance with the authority above will be given widespread circulation by proclamations published and uttered by newspaper and radio. These regulations will have the force of an ordinance when duly filed with the Business Administrator.
The Emergency Management Coordinator may obtain vital supplies, equipment and other properties found lacking and needed for the protection of health, life and property of people, and to bind the City for the fair value thereof.
The Emergency Management Coordinator may require emergency service of any City Officer or employee. If regular City forces are determined inadequate, the Coordinator may require the services of such other personnel as he/she can obtain, including citizen volunteers. All duly authorized persons rendering emergency services shall be entitled to the privileges and immunities as are provided by State law and ordinances for regular City employees and other registered and identified emergency management and disaster workers and, upon demand, they may receive appropriate compensation for their emergency employment.
The Emergency Management Coordinator shall cause to be prepared the Basic Plan herein referred to, and to exercise his/her ordinary powers as Coordinator, all of the special powers conferred upon him/her by the City ordinances and this section, all powers conferred upon him/her by any statute or any other lawful authority.
Duties Generally. The Coordinator of the Office of Emergency Management shall be responsible to the Mayor in regard to all phases of the emergency management activity. Under the supervision of the Mayor, he/she shall be responsible for the planning, coordination and operation of emergency management activity in the City. Under the supervision of the Mayor, he/she shall maintain liaison with the State and Federal authorities and with the authorities of other nearby political subdivisions so as to insure the most effective operation of the Emergency Management Plan. His/her duties shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
Coordinating the recruitment of volunteer personnel and agencies to augment the personnel and facilities of the City for emergency management purposes.
Development and coordination of plans for the immediate use of all of the facilities, equipment, manpower and other resources of the City for the purpose of minimizing or preventing damage to persons and property; and protecting and restoring to usefulness governmental services and public utilities necessary for the public health, safety and welfare.
Negotiating and concluding agreements with owners or persons in control of buildings or other property for the use of such buildings or other property for the emergency management purposes and designating suitable buildings as public shelters.
Through public informational programs, educating the civilian population as to actions necessary and required for the protection of their persons and property in case of enemy attack or disaster, as defined herein, either impending or present.
Conducting public practice alerts to insure the efficient operation of the emergency management forces and to familiarize residents with emergency management regulations, procedures and operations.
Coordinating the activity of all other public and private agencies engaged in any emergency management activity.
Assuming such authority and conducting such activity as the Coordinator may direct to promote and execute the Emergency Management Plan.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
A comprehensive Emergency Management and Disaster Basic Plan shall be adopted and maintained by resolution of the Council upon the recommendations of the Emergency Management Coordinator. In the preparation of this Plan, as it pertains to City organization, it is the intent that the services, equipment, facilities and personnel of all existing departments and agencies shall be utilized to the fullest extent. When approved, it shall be the duty of all municipal departments and agencies to perform the functions assigned by the Plan and to maintain their portion of the Plan in a current state of readiness at all times. The Disaster Basic Plan shall be considered supplementary to this section, and have the effect of law whenever a disaster, as defined in this section, has been proclaimed.
The Coordinator shall prescribe in the Basic Plan those positions within the disaster organization, in addition to his/her own, for which lines of succession are necessary. In each instance, the Coordinator will keep on file a list of three persons as successors to his/her position. The list will be in order of succession and will as nearly as possible designate persons best capable of carrying out all assigned duties and functions.
Each service chief and department head assigned responsibility in the Basic Plan shall be responsible for carrying out all duties and functions therein. Duties will include the organization and training of assigned City employees and volunteers. Each chief shall formulate the operational plan for his/her service which, when approved, shall be an annex to and a part of the Basic Plan.
Amendments to the Basic Plan shall be submitted to the Emergency Management Coordinator. If approved, the Coordinator will submit the amendments to the Council with his/her recommendations for approval. Such amendments shall take effect 30 days from the date of approval unless action is taken by the Council disapproving the Coordinator's submission. In the event an amendment is pending at the time that a disaster is proclaimed under this section, the amendment will be considered approved immediately and will remain effective unless specifically revoked by the Council.
When a required competency or skill for a disaster function is not available within the City government, the Coordinator is authorized to seek assistance from persons outside the City government. The assignment of duties, when of a supervisory nature, shall also grant authority for the persons so assigned to carry out such duties prior to, during and after the occurrence of a disaster. Services from persons outside of government may be accepted by the City on a volunteer basis. Such citizens shall be enrolled as emergency management volunteers in cooperation with the heads or the directors of the departments affected.
Some of the duties ascribed to the Coordinator in this section will ordinarily be handled as a routine matter by the Deputy Coordinator, but the responsibility and the authority stems from and remains with the Coordinator.
The Mayor is hereby authorized to appoint such Deputy Coordinator as he/she may feel are necessary to carry out the intent of this section.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
This section is an exercise by the City of its governmental functions for the protection of the public peace, health and safety, and neither the City nor agents and representatives of the City, nor any individual, receiver, firm, partnership, corporation, association or trustee, or any of the agents thereof, in good faith carrying out, complying with or attempting to comply with any order, rule or regulation promulgated pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be liable for any damage sustained to persons or property as the result of the activity.
Any person owning or controlling real estate or other premises who voluntarily and without compensation grants the City the right to inspect, designate and use the whole or any part or parts of such real estate or premises for the purpose of sheltering persons during an actual, impending or practice enemy attack shall not be civilly liable for the death of, or injury to, any persons on or about such real estate or premises under such license, privilege or other permissions, or for loss of, or damage to, the property of such person.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any of the provisions of this section or of the regulations or plans issued pursuant to the authority contained herein, or to willfully obstruct, hinder or delay any member of the Emergency Management Organization, as herein defined, in the enforcement of the provisions of this section or any regulation or plan issued thereunder.
Any person violating any provision of this section, or any rule or regulation promulgated thereunder, upon conviction thereof, shall be liable to the penalty stated in Chapter 1, Section 1-5. The Municipal Court of the City shall have jurisdiction to hear complaints for violation of this section.
Editor's Note: Section 2-12 was renumbered as Section 2-9C by Ordinance No. 1607-2017.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
A Lifeguard Patrol in and for this City is hereby established.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
The proper officers shall prescribe rules and regulations governing the duties, obligations, requirements and responsibilities of lifeguards in order to promote the general health, welfare and safety of the bathing beaches and waters surrounding the City.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
The Lifeguard Patrol shall consist of a Captain, Lieutenants, and other lifeguards as may be required.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
The proper officers are authorized to employ persons to perform such duties as may be prescribed for members of the patrol. All such employment shall be seasonal or temporary in character and compensation shall be paid as provided in the Salary Ordinance.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
Any person employed under the authority of this section shall be a temporary employee.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
The Captain shall be employed on a seasonal basis which shall cover a period of time to be agreed upon as circumstances may require. All other lifeguards shall be employed for such months, or parts thereof, as may be required. The Captain and other lifeguards shall be paid at a rate set forth in the Salary Ordinance.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
The proper officers of the Council may determine the requirements necessary to qualify employees as lifeguards in this City.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
The rate of compensation for persons employed under authority thereof shall be governed by the current salary ordinance filed in the office of the City Clerk. The Council shall, by resolution, particularize the classification of lifeguards and the range of wages to be paid on such classification.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
Nothing herein contained shall prevent the proper officers from employing such persons or additional persons at rates of compensation or such other compensation, as may be required to meet any emergency or special needs of the City.
Editor's Note: Section 2-13 was renumbered as Section 2-9D by Ordinance No. 1607-2017.
[Ord. No. 1504 (2011) § XVIII]
The City of Sea Isle City recognizes the importance of the Volunteer Fire Department and desires to formally codify the Department's role within the City.
There is hereby established in and for the City of Sea Isle City the Sea Isle City Volunteer Fire Company (hereinafter referred to as the Fire Department). No other firefighting organization is to be formed within the City without the consent of the Mayor. The Fire Department shall comply with all the requirements of this section and any rules or regulations promulgated hereunder.
[Ord. No. 1509 (2011) § XIX]
Members shall be appointed by the Mayor and installed consistent with the Fire Department application process and bylaws. The Mayor shall appoint the Chief, and Assistant Chiefs from within the ranks of the Fire Department, with all other officers installed consistent with the Fire Department Bylaws. All members of the Fire Department shall serve without compensation, except for stipends paid by the City or the Fire Department. The Mayor will take into consideration the recommendation of the Fire Department in the appointment of the Chief and Assistant Chiefs.
[Ord. No. 1509 (2011) § XX]
The bylaws and any amendments thereto shall be submitted to the Administrator for approval. The Administrator shall have the authority to issue rules and regulations, which rules and regulations shall supersede the bylaws if in conflict.
[Ord. No. 1509 (2011) § XXI]
The City retains ownership and control over quarters and equipment entrusted to the Fire Department.
[Ord. No. 1583 (2015) § 1]
There is hereby established, as of the adoption of this subsection, a monthly stipend program that shall be available to active members of the Sea Isle City Volunteer Fire Department. The amount to be paid to each such active member shall be based upon participation and response to alarms of fires. The Chief of the Sea Isle City Fire Department, or his/her designee, shall solely determine said participation. The Chief of the Sea Isle City Fire Department's determination as to said participation and/or amount of participation is final. This monthly stipend program shall not affect the LOSAP Program as contained in Section 2-27 of the City Code. The Program shall be retroactive to May 1, 2015.
[Ord. No. 1583 (2015) § 2; 2-9-2021 by Ord. No. 1662]
Criteria for payment of a monthly stipend to active firefighters providing fire service shall be established as follows:
$25 for attendance at meeting; a maximum of $25 per month for attendance at a meeting is permitted;
$25 for attending a drill; a maximum of $25 credit per month for attending a drill is permitted;
$25 per call for responding to any call or City function.
There shall be no maximum limit a firefighter can earn under the Stipend Program as long as the Stipend Program and Duty Crew Program combined for the firefighter do not exceed FLSA allowance for volunteer firefighters to remain a volunteer. It shall be the responsibility of the Fire Company to monitor its members under these programs.
No firefighter shall accrue a credit to or under the Stipend Program for time the firefighter was engaged in duty under the Duty Crew Program.
[Ord. No. 1583 (2015) § 3]
The Chief of the Sea Isle City Fire Department shall present, on a quarterly basis, a list containing the names of the firefighters who are entitled to receive a quarterly stipend, the stipend eligible activity participated by the firefighter and the amount of the stipend for each firefighter to the Business Administrator and the Chief Financial Officer, or their designee(s). The Chief of the Sea Isle City Fire Department shall endeavor to provide said list no later than the 10th day of the month following each quarter. After consideration and approval by the Business Administrator, the Chief Financial Officer shall issue payment of such stipends through the regular payment of claims process. In no event shall any such stipend paid by the City of Sea Isle City in accordance with this chapter be considered as salary, wages or other remuneration. No person receiving a stipend under this chapter shall be considered an employee of the City of Sea Isle City. Should an employee of the City be a qualifying volunteer with the Sea Isle City Fire Department then that person shall be paid the stipend as determined by the Chief Financial Officer in such a way as to separate the stipend from salary and in no way shall the stipend be considered as salary for employment with the City. All other individuals receiving a stipend shall be issued a form 1099 for tax purposes and any and all tax payments associated with such stipend shall be the sole responsibility of the individual receiving such stipend. Each individual receiving said stipend shall not be entitled to receipt of the stipend until completion of all documents requested from the Chief Financial Officer. The payment of the stipend to any individual firefighter shall not be construed to create a contractual relationship with the firefighter. The stipend program is for the benefit of the Sea Isle City Fire Department.
[Ord. No. 1583 (2015) § 4]
Each year the Chief of the Sea Isle City Fire Department shall review the criteria for payment of the stipend to eligible firefighters to determine whether any amendments or modifications should be made to the program and the effect of the stipend program on the status of the membership of the volunteer firefighters. Said findings shall be submitted in the form of a detailed report to the Business Administrator and the Chief Financial Officer, or their designee(s) on an annual basis no later than October 31 of each year for consideration and approval of said report. The Business Administrator in consultation with the Chief of the Sea Isle City Fire Department shall make any and all determinations on amendments or modifications to the stipend program, such determination shall be final.
[Added 2-9-2021 by Ord. No. 1662]
It has been determined that a plan to staff the fire station with firefighters shall be implemented. The plan is to be established in accordance with the rules and regulations developed by the Sea Isle Volunteer Fire Department (SICVFD) and shall comply in all respects with the requirement of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and other applicable and controlling law. Overall costs of said program shall be capped at $30,000 per month.
Effective July 1, 2020, there shall be established a Duty Crew Program to compensate the SICVFD who staff the fire station during overnight hours and as assigned. This program shall be implemented and monitored by the Business Administrator in consultation with the Chief Financial Officer. Such stipend program shall comply with the requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), the regulations of the Internal Revenue Service regarding payments to volunteers and any and all other applicable and controlling federal or state law.
Effective July 1, 2020, such program shall be funded by an appropriation in the annual municipal budget. Prior to implementing such program, the Business Administrator, in consultation with the Chief Financial Officer, shall negotiate with the SICVFD a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to be approved by the City Solicitor, which MOU shall embody all of the terms, conditions, rules, and regulations for the implementation and administration of such program, which shall be amended from time to time.
The initial MOU shall be approved by City Council and, once finalized and approved, may continue in force for five years; thereafter, every five years the MOU shall be brought back to City Council for approval, subject to City annual budgetary appropriations, unless either the City or the SICVFD shall give written notice to the other of an intent to terminate or amend such agreement which notice shall be given and received consistent with the MOU. Any amendment to the MOU shall first be approved by City Council before taking effect.
The program established by this section shall apply only to the SICVFD and shall not extend to Fire Police or any other personnel other than the SICVFD.
In order to meet the staffing requirements of the Duty Crew Program, the SICVFD may create a limited membership in the SICVFD to accept qualified members of other fire companies to participate in the Duty Crew Program. Such limited members shall have the same duties and responsibilities as regular members when working with the Duty Crew Program and it shall be the responsibility of the SICVFD to monitor and pay said limited fire company members.
[Added 2-9-2021 by Ord. No. 1662]
The Chief of the Sea Isle City Volunteer Fire Department shall present, on a monthly basis, a voucher with a list containing the names of the firefighters who are entitled to receive the duty crew stipend, the duty crew shifts participated by the firefighter and the amount of the duty crew stipend for each firefighter to the Chief Financial Officer, or designee(s) and shall submit on a monthly basis, a voucher for $1,000 to cover the administrative costs for the SICVFD to run the stipend program as to be detailed in the MOU, to be prorated for the first year (2020) and not to exceed $12,000 each year thereafter. The Chief of the Sea Isle City Volunteer Fire Department shall endeavor to provide said list no later than the 10th day of the month. After consideration and approval by the Chief Financial Officer, the City shall issue payment of such duty crew stipend through the regular payment of voucher process to the Sea Isle City Volunteer Fire Department. The SICVFD shall distribute the duty crew stipend in accordance with the list of recipients attached to said voucher. In no event shall any such duty crew stipend paid by the City of Sea Isle City in accordance with this chapter be considered as salary, wages or other remuneration. The Chief of the SICVFD or his/her designee is hereby designated as program manager and the chief or his/her designee shall be compensated by the SICVFD for their efforts on behalf of the SICVFD.
[Added 2-9-2021 by Ord. No. 1662]
Nothing in the Duty Crew Program will entitle any volunteer member to benefits, i.e., health benefits, death benefits, pension benefits, civil service or employment rights/status of any kind whatsoever as a result of receiving any payment for participation in the Duty Crew Program. Said volunteer member remains a volunteer for the SICVFD and has no individual relationship with the City. Said volunteer shall continue to be entitled to any benefit, defense or nominal payments enjoyed by the volunteers as permitted by the City.
[Added 2-9-2021 by Ord. No. 1662]
No member of the Sea Isle City Volunteer Fire Department shall be entitled to participate hereunder until he/she shall first have executed a waiver waiving any and all claim to pension, civil service, or employment status of any kind whatsoever as a result of participating in the Duty Crew Program through the SICVFD.
[Added 2-9-2021 by Ord. No. 1662]
All members of the SICVFD participating in the Duty Crew Program shall be indemnified by the City against personal liability arising out of that person's participation in the Duty Crew Program to the same extent as an official of the City pursuant to the indemnification provisions contained in § 9-2 of the Sea Isle City Code.
[Ord. No. 1608-2017]
There is hereby established a Sea Isle City Emergency Medical Services Division (hereinafter Sea Isle City EMS) within the Department of Police to administer and coordinate the emergency medical transport services provided by the City; to be supplemented by the City's volunteer rescue squad. The City of Sea Isle City recognizes Sea Isle Ambulance Corps., Inc. for its continued efforts to provide exceptional care and services to the residents and visitors of the City.
[Ord. No. 1608-2017]
Sea Isle City EMS is to provide efficient, professional and expedient emergency medical care and transportation.
The Sea Isle City EMS Division shall be in compliance with N.J.A.C. 8:40-1.1 et seq.
In addition to the emergency medical services herein authorized, the Division may provide secondary non-emergency transport based on criteria established by the Division.
[Ord. No. 1608-2017]
The Director of the Department of Police shall serve as head of the Sea Isle City EMS Division. EMS Division functions shall be administered and staff supervised by the Director of Department of Police and/or his/her designee.
[Ord. No. 1608-2017]
The Sea Isle City EMS Division is governed by all of the policies and procedures of the City of Sea Isle City. The Director of Department of Police and/or his/her designee shall develop supplemental policies and procedures tailored to the specific protocols governing the Division.
[Ord. No. 1608-2017]
The Sea Isle City EMS Division shall be staffed by certified Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) who hold a valid New Jersey driver's license and shall be employees of the City. The Division shall consist of sufficient full time employees and sufficient part time employees to ensure appropriate staffing of EMS Division. One of the full time employees shall be designated to coordinate scheduling and act as liaison to the Director of the Department of Police from the EMS Division. There shall be seasonal employees as determined from time to time by the Administrator.
[Ord. No. 1608-2017]
No person shall be eligible to become an employee of the Emergency Medical Service Division unless such person possesses and provides proof of the following qualifications:
All applicants for employment shall be between the age of 18 and the state maximum permitted age.
Be physically fit to perform the duties of an emergency medical technician. The applicant shall submit to a medical evaluation by a licensed physician the costs of which will be borne by the employee.
Prior to employment, provide the City with a criminal background check and have no prior convictions for any offense or crime.
Be subject to a motor vehicle background check with no prior record of reckless driving, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol or any other serious moving violation.
Be subject to pre-employment and random drug testing. The position of emergency medical technician is considered a safety sensitive position and shall be subject to the City policies and procedures for safety sensitive position.
Be a certified emergency medical technician of the State of New Jersey with at least two years experience as an emergency medical technician. Any lapse in certification will be cause for immediate suspension of duties. Reinstatement will only occur upon certification is reinstated.
Possess a valid New Jersey driver's license and maintain same during course of employment.
[Ord. No. 1608-2017]
The Director of the Department of Police or designee shall be responsible for the overall operation of the Division, including, but is not limited to, administration of the state licensing, creation and maintenance of standard operating procedures and third party billing issues.
[Ord. No. 1608-2017]
The staff of the Sea Isle City EMS Division shall receive such compensation as is provided for by salary ordinance covering their titles adopted by the City of Sea Isle.
[Ord. No. 1608-2017]
All persons needing emergency or rescue services within the City of Sea Isle City shall be serviced, to the extent that such services are available, without discrimination on any basis, and without respect to residency, ability to pay, or any other factor. No person located within the City of Sea Isle City at the time that either emergency medical or rescue services are needed shall be denied available service when such services are available.
[Ord. No. 1608-2017]
There shall be no delay in providing available service identified in this section due to any third party billing, prior interaction between the person needing emergency medical or rescue services and the billing companies or the City.
[Ord. No. 1608-2017]
Personnel of the Division of EMS shall maintain accurate records of all EMS requests for service, service calls and services provided. Said records shall include pertinent information about the general nature of the call and shall identify the complete name, mailing address, location and telephone numbers of all persons requesting and receiving EMS services as well as all pertinent and available insurance information.
[Ord. No. 1608-2017]
The fee schedule for emergency medical services transport by the City of Sea Isle is as follows:
Base Rate: The base rate is $800 per transport. This rate includes the dispatch of two EMTs; services of basic life support; and emergency ambulance transportation to the following health care facilities:
Cape Regional Medical Center, Cape May Court House, NJ
Shore Medical Center, Somers Point, NJ
Mileage Charge: A mileage charge of $14 per mile shall be added to the base rate for any facility further than those listed in paragraph a herein.
Additional Charges: (1) Oxygen - $75; (2) Collars - $35; (3) AED - $95; EpiPen/Narcan -$150; (4) Non-emergency stretcher transport - $500.
[Ord. No. 1608-2017]
The fees for emergency medical services set forth herein notwithstanding, when a Sea Isle ambulance responds to an emergency call the City shall engage in insurance only billing, whereby the City will accept as payment only what is paid by the patient's health insurance plan, applicable automobile insurance policy, or Medicare/Medicaid, and shall not bill for any deductibles, co-pays or other balance due.
The Division may utilize other agencies or providers for services, such as but not limited to, advanced life support services. Those agencies/providers charge in accordance with their policies and are not subject to insurance only billing, whether billed through the Division or independently to the patient.
The failure of the patient to cooperate in providing necessary information, processing insurance forms, or otherwise refusing to assist the Division in collecting fees owed shall subject the patient to liability to the City for such services.
The City may contract with a professional medical billing service for the collection of payment for services rendered by the Division. Said bill shall be issued to the insurance company for the person served or directly to the person served if there is a failure to cooperate.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
The Director of the Department of Community Services shall be qualified by training and education or extensive experience to plan, supervise and perform the work of the Department.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
The Department shall perform all appropriate functions associated with:
Providing a balanced public recreation and leisure time activity program for the City.
Developing and maintaining a public information and public relations program for the City.
Oversee neighborhood and social services.
Assisting in the preparation of the capital plan.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV; Ord. No. 1504 (2011) § III]
The Department of Community Services shall consist of Recreation Division and the Community Services Division. The Recreation Division shall include programs, events, and maintenance. The Community Services Division shall include Tourism, City Media, Public Relations, Community Organization Liaison, Special Events, Senior Services, Library Liaison and Project Development.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
The Director of the Department of Community Development shall be qualified by training and education or extensive experience to plan, supervise and perform the work of the Department.
[Ord. No. 1431 § IV]
The Department of Community Development shall consist of Planning, Zoning, Construction Codes and Municipal Codes.