All parking facilities shall conform to the following regulations:
Parking areas shall be provided as further specified in this chapter and shall be furnished with necessary passageways and driveways, as specified in the Town of Bristol Design Criteria and Construction Specifications for Land Development.[1] All such space shall be deemed to be required space on the lot on which it is situated and shall not be encroached upon or reduced in any manner. All parking areas shall be adequately drained.
Editor's Note: Said specifications are included as an attachment to this chapter.
For the purpose of this chapter, a parking space shall be an area eight feet wide and 20 feet long, exclusive of passageways and driveways appurtenant thereto and providing access thereto.
The collective provision of off-street parking areas by two or more buildings or uses located on adjacent lots is permitted, provided that the total of such facilities shall not be less than the sum required of the various buildings or uses computed separately and further provided that the land upon which the collective facilities are located is owned or leased by one or more of the collective users.
All parking areas and appurtenant passageways and driveways serving commercial uses shall be illuminated adequately during the hours between sunset and sunrise when the use is in operation. Adequate shielding shall be provided by commercial users to protect adjacent residences from the glare of such illumination and from that of automobile headlights.
No building shall be erected or altered unless adequate provision shall be made and space provided on the premises, or in connection therewith, for parking off the highway. The recurrent parking of any vehicle on the right-of-way of a highway or the impeding or obstruction of traffic, or creation of traffic hazards by the parking of any such vehicle, shall be prima facie evidence of the failure to provide adequate and suitable parking area on the premises or in a convenient connection therewith and shall constitute a violation of this chapter.
All commercial uses must adhere to the American Disabilities Act.[2]
Editor's Note: See 42 U.S.C. § 12101 et seq.
In the Agricultural-Conservation (A-C) Use District, Low-Density Residential (L-R) District and Medium-Density (M-R) District, off-street parking facilities with appropriate access thereto shall be provided in accordance with the following minimum standards:
Single-family dwelling units: two parking spaces.
Churches and other public meeting places: one parking space for each four seats.
Public buildings: one parking space for each 500 square feet of floor space.
Public parks, playgrounds and recreational areas: two parking spaces for each acre devoted to such use.
Residential professional office: one parking space for each 150 square feet of floor area devoted to such use, but in no case less than three such spaces in addition to the number of spaces required for the dwelling.
Bed-and-breakfast/tourist home: in addition to the two parking spaces required for the residence, one additional parking space is required for each bedroom used in the operation.
In Community Business (C-B) Use District, off-street parking facilities with appropriate access thereto shall be provided in accordance with the following minimum standards:
Beauty and barbershops: two parking spaces for each beauty chair or barber chair, plus one parking space for the owner or operator and each employee on the maximum shift.
Business and professional offices, retail and service shops: one parking space for each 150 square feet of floor space devoted to such use plus one parking space for each employee on the maximum shift.
Stores for the sale of appliances and hardware: one parking space for each 500 square feet of floor space devoted to such use plus one parking space for each employee on the maximum shift.
Stores for the sale of groceries: one parking space for each 100 square feet of floor space devoted to such use, plus one parking space for each employee on the maximum shift.
Farm equipment sales stores and showrooms: one parking space for each 300 square feet of floor space devoted to such use plus one parking space for each employee on the maximum shift.
Restaurants, cafeterias, bars and taverns: one parking space for each three customers' chairs, plus one parking space for each employee on the maximum shift.
Where an off-street parking area abuts a residential zone, a buffer strip shall be provided between the parking area and adjoining property line.
In Light Industrial (L-I) Use District, off-street parking facilities with appropriate access thereto shall be provided in accordance with the following minimum standards:
One off-street parking space shall be provided for each employee on the maximum shift or one parking space for each 300 square feet of floor area devoted to such use, whichever is greater.
Parking areas may be located in any of the required yard areas, providing the parking area is set back at least 25 feet from any street line, and a buffer strip shall be provided between parking areas and property lines.