Permitted uses. No structure or part thereof shall be erected, altered or used, and no lot shall be used except for one of the following land uses:
Churches and other places of worship, parish houses, convents, cemeteries and other facilities.
General or specialized farming, greenhouses, nurseries, and related farming activities, provided that no storage of manure or other odor-producing substances shall be permitted within 100 feet of an adjoining property line.
Historic, scenic preservation and conservation areas.
Home occupation uses, including professional offices.
Municipal parks, playgrounds and buildings deemed appropriate by the Town Board of the Town of Bristol.
Single-family dwellings.
Two-family dwellings.
Pre-manufactured modular homes with full perimeter frost-free footer/block/concrete foundations with provisions for access to utilities and to provide ventilation.
Permitted accessory uses:
The storage of products or equipment and related buildings and fences.
Residential accessory structures.
Off-street parking facilities in accordance with Article VI of this chapter.
Other customary residential structures and facilities such as patios, private swimming pools, fireplaces, trellises, lampposts and the like.
Private garages.
Signs in accordance with Article VIII of this chapter.
Special use permits required:
Antennas, parabolic dishes, towers, windmills, and energy-creating devices, subject to Chapter 317, Towers and Antennas.
Bed-and-breakfasts/tourist homes.
It is determined that all of the requirements of this chapter be maintained.
The Zoning Board of Appeals must find that the proposed use is compatible with adjacent properties and will not adversely affect property values.
The use as a bed-and-breakfast/tourist home shall be conducted entirely within the primary building.
The use of the premises as a bed-and-breakfast/tourist home shall not require or involve any exterior alterations to the structure which will make it appear as other than a single-family dwelling.
The operation of the bed-and-breakfast/tourist home shall be carried on by a member of the family residing upon the premises.
The establishment shall not operate as a restaurant by selling meals other than breakfast to bona fide overnight guests.
The establishment shall not operate as a rooming house or boardinghouse by providing long-term accommodations for its guests.
Boarding/stabling/riding academies/livery stables. The Town Zoning Board of Appeals may approve a special use permit for boarding, stabling, riding academies or livery stables, provided that the following standards and provisions are met:
No site preparation or construction shall commence nor shall existing structures be occupied until final site plan approval has been granted by the Planning Board and permits have been issued by all governmental agencies involved.
Suitable and adequate off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the requirements established by the Town Planning Board.
Exterior lighting shall be permitted only to the extent necessary to prevent injury to the public and shall be so installed and arranged as to reflect light away from the adjoining streets and prevent any nuisance to adjoining property.
The barns, stalls, paddocks and any other grounds in the Town where horses are kept shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition so as not to create any condition or odor which would be objectionable to persons occupying the adjoining property.
Golf courses/clubhouses.
Kennels, clinics and grooming facilities for domestic pets.
Manufactured/mobile homes (subject to all requirements of Article XIII, Regulation of Manufactured/Mobile Homes).
Manufactured/mobile home parks (subject to all requirements in Article XIV, Regulation of Manufactured/Mobile Home Parks).
Multiple dwellings.
Public utilities/facilities.
Permitted uses. No structure or part thereof shall be erected, altered or used and no lot shall be used except for one or more of the following land uses:
Churches and other places of worship, parish houses, convents and other facilities.
Home occupation uses, including professional offices.
Municipal parks, playgrounds and buildings deemed appropriate by the Town Board of the Town of Bristol.
Single-family dwellings.
Two-family dwellings.
Pre-manufactured modular homes with full perimeter frost-free footer/block/concrete foundations with provisions for access to utilities and to provide ventilation.
Permitted accessory uses:
Customary residential storage facilities and fences.
Off-street parking facilities in accordance with Article VI of this chapter.
Other customary residential structures and facilities such as patios, private swimming pools, fireplaces, trellises, lampposts and the like.
Private garages.
Signs in accordance with Article VIII of this chapter.
Special use permits required:
Agricultural buildings.
Bed-and-breakfast/tourist homes. (See § 350-42C(2) of Article IX.)
Boarding/stabling/riding academies/livery stables. (See § 350-42C(3) of Article IX for specifics.)
Multiple dwellings.
Public utilities/facilities.
Permitted uses. No structure or part thereof shall be erected, altered or used, and no lot shall be used except for one or more of the following land uses:
Churches and other places of worship, parish houses, convents, cemeteries and other facilities.
Historic, scenic preservation and conservation areas.
Home occupation uses, including professional offices.
Municipal parks, playgrounds and buildings deemed appropriate by the Town Board of the Town of Bristol.
Single-family dwellings.
Two-family dwellings.
Pre-manufactured modular homes with full perimeter frost-free footer/block/concrete foundations with provisions for access to utilities and provide ventilation.
Permitted accessory uses:
Customary residential storage facilities and fences.
Off-street parking facilities in accordance with Article VI of this chapter.
Other customary residential structures and facilities such as patios, private swimming pools, fireplaces, trellises, lampposts and the like.
Private garages.
Signs in accordance with Article VIII of this chapter.
Special use permits required:
Public utilities/facilities.
Townhouses or condominiums.
Bed-and-breakfast/tourist homes. (See § 350-42C(2) of Article IX for specifics.)
Permitted uses. No structure or part thereof shall be erected, altered or used, and no lot shall be used except for one or more of the following land uses:
Fraternal organizations and lodges.
Funeral homes.
Medical or dental clinics.
Personal service outlets, excluding gasoline service stations.
Professional offices, including banks and real estate offices.
Public buildings and grounds, excluding golf courses.
Public utilities/facilities.
Retail sales, excluding drive-in restaurants and vehicle sales and service.
Permitted accessory uses:
Off-street parking facilities in accordance with Article VI of this chapter.
Signs in accordance with Article VIII of this chapter.
Special use permits required:
Animal clinics/grooming facilities.
Bars and taverns.
Bowling alleys.
Carry-out retail, food preparation services and supermarkets.
Drive-in restaurants.
Laundromats/dry cleaners.
Motels and hotels.
Motor vehicle service stations.
Parking lots, other than those required under Article VI of this chapter.
Public garages.
Shopping centers, consisting of three or more commercial uses, having a common entrance from the public highway and also having common customer parking facilities, provided that the record title to all real property included in said centers is the same person, persons or entity.
Vehicle sales and service.
Permitted uses. No structure or part thereof shall be erected, altered or used, and no lot shall be used except for one or more of the following uses (refer to Article II, Terminology):
Production and assembly operations.
Public utilities/facilities.
Research and development laboratories.
Retail sales, excluding drive-in restaurants and vehicle sales and services.
Wholesaling and warehousing.
Permitted accessory uses:
Off-street parking facilities in accordance with Article VI of this chapter.
Signs in accordance with Article VIII of this chapter.
Special use permits required:
Adult entertainment.
Motels or hotels.
Motor vehicle service stations.
Parking lots, other than those required under Article VI of this chapter.