The Town of Yorktown Tree Conservation Advisory Commission shall cause the development of a Town-wide forest management plan based on the goals and regulatory criteria set forth in this chapter. This plan shall govern the sustainable use of trees and woodlands located on public lands for commercial, conservation or recreational purposes, including but not limited to wood harvesting, biodiversity enhancement, bird watching, hiking, wildflower appreciation, picnics, hunting, trapping, water quality protection and the prevention of erosion and flooding.
The Town-wide forest management plan shall include:
Standards and specifications for the maintenance, protection and reestablishment of Town-owned woodlands and trees, including street trees.
Recommendations to the Town Board regarding the development of tree banks and the use of funds in the Tree Bank Fund as defined in this chapter.
A prioritized inventory of specific areas of the Town in which off-site mitigation, as described in this chapter, may be accomplished.
The Town-wide forest management plan shall be approved and adopted by the Town Board, and its implementation overseen by the Tree Conservation Advisory Commission.
An annual report which shall describe the status of implementation of the forest management plan shall be presented to the Town Board.
The Yorktown Tree Conservation Advisory Commission shall conduct public outreach and education. This shall be in form and manner required for the most effectiveness and shall include but not be limited to educational pamphlets, informational seminars, online information and presentations. The material shall be informative on the benefits and functions of trees and woodlands, ecology, and on the regulations, processes and intent of this chapter.
Tree Bank Fund. Monies in the Fund shall be made available only for use on Town-owned land and for initiatives that conform to and further the intent, findings and goals of this chapter.