[Ord. No. 692 (part), 1977.]
The director of public works shall be responsible for the location and design of mains, laterals, and appurtenances and for fire hydrant locations, and shall supervise the construction and installation thereof.
[Ord. 692 (part), 1977.]
The owner of property shall construct or pay the costs of constructing laterals, mains and fire hydrants to serve his property.
[Ord. No. 692 (part), 1977.]
The city shall reimburse costs for construction of water main or lateral extensions to a development from charges collected from owners of lands adjacent to such line who connect to such line or from funds designated by the city council for water line reimbursement within ten years from the date of acceptance of such line.
The city may reimburse the difference in costs of constructing mains larger than of a size required for a particular development from water system funds.
[Ord. No. 692 (part), 1977.]
Money collected for construction of laterals and for connection to mains and laterals shall be placed in a water construction fund and shall be used to construct, or to reimburse the city or developer for constructing, mains or laterals and appurtenant facilities.