[CC 1990 § 2-301; Ord. No. 817 § 1, 8-16-1993]
In order to qualify for reimbursement, the expense must have been incurred in his/her official capacity. No personal expenses shall be submitted for reimbursement. Reimbursements for meals shall not include the purchase of meals or drinks for the Mayor or any other member of City Council or member of any board or commission or committee or task force (unless circumstances should so warrant in conjunction with an out-of-town conference), nor shall reimbursement be allowed for any meal or activity that is not in conjunction with an official meeting which the elected official is expected to attend. All requests for reimbursement for qualifying meals shall be reimbursed at one hundred percent (100%) of incurred cost.
Reimbursement shall not be authorized for any product or supply. If same is not readily available at City Hall, the elected official shall submit his/her request to the City Administrator who shall be responsible for obtaining it.
Mileage reimbursement shall only be authorized for any vehicular travel associated with official duties of the office held. This shall not include travel to meetings or events which staff will be attending in a City vehicle or travel to any other government, organization or agency that a member of staff would routinely handle. Exceptions can be allowed if the staff member has a schedule conflict which would preclude his/her being able to offer a ride to the elected official, if adequate space is not available in the staff member's vehicle to accommodate everyone or if the elected official has a scheduling conflict which would preclude his/her riding with a staff member. All exemptions must be fully documented if reimbursement is sought.
With regard to local organizations, if the City pays either an annual membership fee or all meal expenses associated with meetings of such an organization, mileage expenses incurred in attending the meeting or event of any such organization shall not be reimbursed.
In this and all other such circumstances, the City Administrator is responsible for carrying out this policy and shall submit to the Finance and Administration Committee any request for items, except those requests not allowed under this policy.
[CC 1990 § 2-302; Ord. No. 817 § 1, 8-16-1993; Ord. No. 1088 § 1, 9-18-1995; Ord. No. 1308 §§ 1 — 2, 9-15-1997]
General Regulations.
The City's goals are to allow travel arrangements that conserve public funds, provide equitable treatment of all personnel, and allow travel in a manner that is dignified, and reflects credit on the City of Chesterfield. These regulations are applicable for all travel expenses incurred on behalf on the City by employees. Where these regulations do not adequately cover a travel situation, the City Administrator may authorize exceptions.
Decisions as to which trips will be authorized are generally made through the annual budget process. In general, no more than one national and two (2) State conferences outside the St. Louis area will be authorized for any Department Head or Executive Staff member in any fiscal year. Attendance at other meetings outside the metropolitan area may be authorized when the Department Head or Executive Staff is an active participant in the national and/or State organization. The City Administrator must approve all out-of-state travel requests in advance. Attendance at various local professional and technical conferences and meetings will be authorized as funds and time permit. Good judgment and a proper regard for economy are expected in incurring travel expense on behalf of the City.
There is no objection to a spouse and/or other family members travelling on an official trip, but no expenses attributable to them will be reimbursed by the City.
Travel Advance. No travel advances will be authorized, unless a specific exemption is granted by the City Administrator.
Travel Expense Report. Within five (5) days after returning from a trip, a travel expense report (Appendix H) must be forwarded to the Department of Finance. Required receipts should be attached to the travel expense report.
Use Of Commercial Carrier. Commercial carrier fares will be limited to "coach" or "economy" fares when such services are available. Travel to and from stations and airports may be by bus, limousine, taxi or private vehicle (for which mileage will be paid), whichever is least costly. If available, airport limousines should always be selected over taxis. When possible, travel arrangements should be made through the City's travel agency and billed directly to the City. Receipts for transportation costs are required.
Use Of Private Vehicles.
Private vehicles may be used for travel on City business when authorized by the City Administrator. Reimbursement will be limited to the lower of:
The currently prevailing IRS rate per mile, as stated in IRS publications, plus tolls, parking and garage charges, or
The cost of air travel as provided above.
When two (2) or more people travel in the same private vehicle, reimbursement will be paid to the owner of the vehicle. Mileage reimbursement will be based on the actual number of miles driven while traveling on City business.
Travel Time.
When necessary, one (1) day prior and one (1) day following a meeting or conference shall be allowed for travel to and from an approved meeting or conference.
Scheduled returns shall be made on the day the conference or meeting ends unless it ends late in the evening. In that event, the following day may be allowed for travel.
Employees should not drive to meetings and conferences when travel time in route to the destination requires more than one (1) day. In such instances, no reimbursement will be made for any lodging, meals or other expenses incurred in route, unless prior approval is received from the City Administrator.
When an employee chooses to extend travel time to and from an approved site, any excess time shall be considered vacation and charged accordingly, unless prior approval is received from the City Administrator.
Vehicle Rental. There may be an occasion when rental of a vehicle may be required (i.e., great distance between hotel and conference sites). Prior authorization must be given by the City Administrator. The actual cost will be reimbursed and receipts will be required.
Hotels or motel reservations are expected to be made well in advance to ensure that lodging is secured at moderate rates. Receipts for lodging are required. Reimbursement of lodging will be limited to the minimum number of nights required to conduct City business. If a conference, for example, opens on Sunday evening and closes Thursday noon, reimbursement for Sunday through Wednesday night would be allowed. If an employee or City Official chooses to arrive earlier or stay late, the additional lodging and other expenses related to this decision are personal expenses and will not be reimbursed. There may be instances in which significant savings in travel expenses may be achieved by taking advantage of discount fare requiring an additional night's stay. Prior authorization by the City Administrator will be required to utilize this arrangement.
Reimbursement of lodging expenses shall be exclusive of any additional expenses for spouses or others.
No lodging expense will be reimbursed for meetings or conferences held in the St. Louis area unless prior approval is obtained from the City Administrator.
Meals. For meetings and conferences held outside the metropolitan area or at such a distance that overnight lodging is required and approved by the City Administrator, employees and City officials will be reimbursed for meals. Reimbursement shall be made for the employee's expenses up to thirty-five dollars ($35.00) per day for unreceipted meal expenses and all true and reasonable costs in excess, if properly receipted, for the City Administrator, Department Heads, and Executive Staff, and up to thirty-five dollars ($35.00) per day maximum and only when properly receipted for all other employees. The City Administrator may approve unreceipted expense upon receipt of acceptable written documentation that the expenditure was incurred and that a receipt could not be obtained or was subsequently misplaced.
Miscellaneous Expenses.
Parking expenses may be reimbursed when reasonably necessary and when required as a part of the travel process.
Tips may be reimbursed not to exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the amount reimbursable by the City.
Taxi cabs may be reimbursed when necessary and justified as the only reasonable means of transportation.
Personal telephone calls may be reimbursed, while on out-of-town travel, up to ten dollars ($10.00) per day.
Actual expenses for the cost of gasoline may be reimbursed if properly receipted if an employed uses a City-owned vehicle for travel.
Professional luncheon meetings will be reimbursed at actual cost of one price is charged for all participants.
Expenses not ordinarily allowed under the provisions of these regulations may be authorized by the City Administrator when justification exists.
Registration Fees. Registration and tuition fees for preapproved professional and technical meetings and conference will be reimbursed if not prepaid by the City. Receipts will be required.
Non-Reimbursable Expenses. Employees will not be reimbursed for expenses incurred for alcoholic beverages, non-conference-related entertainment costs, recreational activities or in-room movies.
Reimbursement For Local Meeting Meals. Employees will be reimbursed for all meal expenses associated with local meetings, such as organizations for which the City pays an annual membership fee, as long as these expenses have been included in the annual budget.
Reimbursement For Supplies. Employees will be reimbursed for all supply expenses when it is deemed appropriate by the employee's supervisor for the employee to purchase supplies on behalf of the City.
Reimbursement For Mileage. As the City makes pool cars available to employees, it is the City's policy not to reimburse employees for mileage, unless an exception is granted by the City Administrator under extenuating circumstances.