[CC 1990 ยงย 2-121; Ord. No. 15 ยงย 1, 6-1-1988]
There is hereby established the Department of Finance which shall consist of the Director of Finance and such other employees as may be authorized from time to time by the City Council to provide for the necessary administrative support services required for all City operations.
[CC 1990 ยงย 2-122; Ord. No. 15 ยงย 2, 6-1-1988]
The Department of Finance shall have responsibility for the management and control of all monies coming to the City from any source. The department shall maintain such records and accounts as are required to properly document both the receipt and expenditure of all City funds. In addition, the department shall be responsible for such other functions as may from time to time be authorized by the City Administrator.
[CC 1990 ยงย 2-123; Ord. No. 15 ยงย 3, 6-1-1988]
There is hereby created the office of Director of Finance. The Director of Finance shall be appointed by the City Administrator with the approval of the Council for an indefinite term. He/she shall be chosen on the basis of his/her administrative and financial qualifications, with special reference to his/her experience in or knowledge of accepted practice pertaining to the duties of his/her office as hereafter set forth. The Director may be removed from office by the City Administrator with approval of the Council.
The City Administrator shall serve as ex officio Director until such position is filled by appointment.
[CC 1990 ยงยงย 2-124, 2-346; Ord. No. 15 ยงย 4, 6-1-1988; Ord. No. 492 ยงย 6, 9-4-1990]
Control. The Director of Finance, under the supervision of the City Administrator, shall exercise control and supervision over all employees assigned to the Department of Finance and to exercise general supervision over all officers and employees of the City charged in any manner with the receipt, collection or disbursement of revenue or with the collection and return of the City revenue into the Treasury.
Financial Records. The Director of Finance shall be charged with preparing and keeping all financial records of the City, which records shall be at all times subject to inspection by the City Administrator, the Mayor and any members of the City Council.
Purchases. Subject to the supervision and approval of the City Administrator, the Director of Finance shall make all purchases of materials, supplies or equipment for the City in the manner provided by law and subject to the limitations imposed by law.
Current Accounts. The Director of Finance shall keep a separate current account of each fund and appropriation, showing the debits and credits belonging to each such account and the unexpended balance for each account and shall keep all other accounts necessary to show at all times the fiscal condition of the City, including the current and anticipated revenues and expenses of all City funds and accounts.
Monthly Account. Prior to the tenth day of each month, the Director of Finance shall render an account under oath to the City Council showing the state and balance of the City Treasury at the close of the preceding month and showing all receipts and expenditures of the City. He/she shall accompany the account with a statement of all monies received into the treasury and on what account together with all warrants redeemed and paid by him/her. On the day he/she renders an account, such warrants held by him/her shall be delivered to the City Clerk and filed, together with the account, in the Clerk's office.
Annual Account. Within one hundred twenty (120) days of the end of the fiscal year, the Director of Finance shall prepare and file with the City Clerk an account of all monies received and expenditures incurred during the preceding fiscal year. Such account shall be in the form required by, and shall be subject to, all the provisions of, as from time to time amended, the Revised Statutes of Missouri.
Register Of Warrants And Vouchers. The Director of Finance shall keep a register of all warrants, orders and vouchers filed with him/her or paid by him/her. The register shall describe each such item and shall show its date, amount and number, the fund from which paid, the name of the person to whom paid and the date when paid.
Record Of Bonds. The Director of Finance shall keep in his/her office, in books used solely for that purpose, a correct list of all the outstanding bonds of the City, showing the number and amount of each and for and to whom the bonds were issued. When City bonds are purchased, paid or canceled, his/her books shall so indicate.
Special Assessment Funds. All money received on any special assessment shall be held by the Director of Finance as a special fund, to be applied to the payment of the improvement for which the assessment was made and the money shall be used for no other purpose, except to reimburse the City for money expended for such improvement. The Director of Finance shall keep a separate account of funds applicable to each special assessment improvement.
Deposit Of Funds. The Director of Finance shall keep, and shall from time to time deposit, all funds and money of the City in his/her possession which are not necessary for current operations in the depositories designated for such purpose from time to time by ordinance or resolution of the City Council. Such deposits and depositories shall be subject to the limitations and provisions of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as from time to time amended.
Personnel. The Director of Finance:
Administers the personnel program, under the direction of the City Administrator, as set forth in the City ordinances and the personnel rules and regulations.
Performs all lawful and necessary duties required for the effective administration of the personnel system.
Recommends to the City Administrator for consideration, rules, revisions and amendments to the personnel program.
Recommends to the City Administrator a position classification plan for approval by the City Council and installs and maintains such plan.
Prepares and recommends to the City Administrator a pay plan for all City employees for approval by the City Council, establishes and maintains a roster of all persons in the municipal service setting forth each officer and employee, class title of position, salary, any change in class title, status and such other data as may be desirable or useful.
Develops and administers such recruiting and examining programs as may be necessary to obtain an adequate supply of competent applicants to meet the needs of the City.
Authorizes all persons to be included on the payroll.
Develops and coordinates training and educational programs for City employees.
Investigates periodically the operation and effect of the personnel provisions of these rules and regulations and report such findings and recommendations to the City Administrator.
Such other duties as may from time to time be prescribed by the City Administrator.
[CC 1990 ยงย 2-125; Ord. No. 15 ยงย 5, 6-1-1988; Ord. No. 333 ยงย 1, 8-21-1989]
The Director of Finance shall pay to any person designated and any warrant lawfully drawn upon the City the amount specified in such warrant or bill, but such amount shall be made only out of the funds in the possession of the Director of Finance and properly appropriated for such payment as approved by the City Administrator.
The Director of Finance shall prepare each month a warrant for the payment of all sums due to be paid by the City, listing each item and the account out of which it is payable, said warrant, when properly signed by the City Administrator and/or other persons he/she may designate, shall authorize the issuance of vouchers or checks as provided by law for the payment of each item. The City Administrator shall have the authority to authorize the expenditure of any expense that is within the budget which is an amount which is less than five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) without requiring that said expenditure be approved in advance by the City Council, but that a list shall be prepared and presented to the City Council indicating each expenditure.
A list of all items which need to be paid, which exceed the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), shall be submitted to the City Council before the warrant is submitted for payment. Approval for the expenditure of the items contained on said warrant shall be deemed approved by acclamation on the day following the meeting of the City Council at which the list was presented. Such list shall contain a statement of the Director of Finance and of the City Administrator to the effect that all items contained thereon are proper expenses due from the City for services performed or materials furnished to the City; provided, however, that the Council may, in any motion to approve payment, except specific items from such approval, in which case such items shall not be paid.
[CC 1990 ยงย 2-126; Ord. No. 15 ยงย 6, 6-1-1988]
The Director of Finance shall receive all license fees, permit fees, charges for municipal services, charges for the use of City property or special services rendered by the City, sums due the City on any contracts and all other sums and monies due or belonging to the City either directly from the person paying the money or from the hands of such other officer or employee as may receive it. He/she shall give every person paying money to him/her a receipt therefor specifying the amount paid, the date of payment and upon what account paid. It shall be the duty of the Director of Finance to keep the Council informed as to all sums due on taxes, accumulations in the motor fuel account to the credit of the City and all other revenues to which the City is entitled.
[CC 1990 ยงย 2-127; Ord. No. 15 ยงย 7, 6-1-1988]
The Director of Finance shall keep all money belonging to the City in his/her custody separate and distinct from his/her own money and he/she shall not use, either directly or indirectly, the City's money or warrants in his/her custody for his/her own use and benefit or that of any other person.
[CC 1990 ยงย 2-128; Ord. No. 15 ยงย 8, 6-1-1988]
The Director of Finance shall give a bond before entering upon his/her duties in such sum as may be required by the City Council. This bond shall be conditioned upon the faithful performance by the Director of Finance of his/her duties and shall be conditioned to indemnify the City for any loss by reason of any neglect of duty or any act of the Director of Finance.