[CC 1990 ยงย 5-1; Ord. No. 372 ยงย 1, 11-6-1989]
No wildlife or game shall be pursued, taken, killed, possessed or disposed of except in the manner, to the extent and at the time or times permitted by such rules and regulations of the State of Missouri; and any pursuit, taking, killing, possession or disposition thereof, except as permitted by such rules and regulations, are hereby prohibited.
[CC 1990 ยงย 5-2; Ord. No. 149 ยงยงย 1 โ€” 3, 8-15-1988; Ord. No. 2167 ยงยงย 1 โ€” 2, 5-2-2005]
Scope. Every person responsible for a dog, cat, puppy, kitten or other animal shall keep it from creating a nuisance.
Animal Nuisance Defined. A dog, cat, puppy, kitten or other animal creates a nuisance if it:
Soils, defiles or defecates on public property or public easement, or private property other than property of a person responsible for the animal unless such waste is removed by a person responsible for the animal and deposited in a waste container or disposed of in the sanitary sewer system or buried at least six (6) inches deep on ground where the person responsible for the animal has permission or the right to bury it.
Damages public property or property belonging to a person other than a person responsible for the animal.
Causes unsanitary or dangerous conditions.
Causes a disturbance by excessive barking, howling, meowing or other noisemaking.
Chases vehicles, including bicycles.
Molests, attacks, bites or interferes with persons or other animals on public property or property not belonging to a person responsible for the animal.
Impedes refuse collection, mail delivery, meter reading or other public service activities by annoying persons responsible for such activities.
Tips, rummages through or damages a refuse container.
[CC 1990 ยงย 5-3; Ord. No. 2158 ยงยงย 1 โ€” 4, 3-21-2005; Ord. No. 2766, 11-4-2013]
The feeding of white-tailed deer, other wild mammals, Canada geese and/or pigeons within the City limits, which feeding results in the deposit of refuse, debris, fecal matter or other offensive substance or in the attraction of wildlife, creating the prejudice or annoyance of any person, unless otherwise permitted by law, is prohibited.
No person shall deposit, place, distribute or leave any food, of any kind or nature, with the intent to feed white-tailed deer, other wild mammals, Canada geese and/or pigeons on public or private lands, within the City.
This Section shall not apply to any resident or agent of the City authorized to implement a wildlife management program and who possesses the necessary permits from the Missouri Department of Conservation, nor shall it apply to any public officer or public employee in the performance of his/her duties. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to the feeding of domestic animals.
[CC 1990 ยงย 5-4; Ord. No. 2167 ยงย 3, 5-2-2005]
It is unlawful for a person responsible for the animal to allow animal waste to accumulate on their property in such a manner that would cause the waste to run off onto adjacent property during a rain event or run off into a pond, lake, river, creek, stream, drainage ditch or swale, storm sewer inlet or manhole or into any storm sewer system or body of water.
[CC 1990 ยงย 5-5; Ord. No. 2199 ยงยงย 1 โ€” 2, 9-19-2005]
No live birds or animals shall be allowed within buildings owned and/or maintained by the City of Chesterfield.
Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit guide animals from entering any and all buildings within Chesterfield.
Animals utilized within an educational context are also exempt from this prohibition found in Subsection (A).
[CC 1990 ยงยงย 5-41 โ€” 5-43; Ord. No. 2823, 12-1-2014]
Maintaining And Keeping Dogs Or Cats Prohibited, When. It shall be unlawful for any person to own, harbor, shelter, keep, control, maintain or possess in or on his/her residential property more than four (4) dogs or six (6) cats or a combination of six (6) dogs and cats, provided there are no more than four (4) dogs.
Exceptions. Following the birth of a litter of puppies or kittens, it shall be permissible to allow such litter in or on the residential premises for a period of four (4) months without violating the limitations of this Section.
Kennels. The restrictions of this Section shall not apply to the operation of a pet shop, pet spa, veterinarian's office or kennel engaged in the boarding of dogs and/or cats if such pet shop, pet spa, veterinarian's office or kennel has been properly licensed and approved by the City of Chesterfield.