[CC 1990 ยงย 7.5-121; Ord. No. 946 ยงย 6, 9-19-1994]
To the extent permitted by law, the City may conduct cable regulation pursuant to this Article jointly with other municipalities in St. Louis County, Missouri, served by the same cable operator, including, but not limited to, joint certification, acting through a common Coordinator, holding joint proceedings, providing joint notices and conducting joint reviews of filings. The City Council shall retain the final authority to make determinations hereunder and shall issue separate orders.
[CC 1990 ยงย 7.5-122; Ord. No. 946 ยงย 9, 9-19-1994]
Any cable operator may petition for a change in regulatory status based on development of effective competition, and the City shall consider such a petition in accordance with FCC regulations. The cable operator must file an original and fifteen (15) copies of the petition with the Coordinator. If there are multiple cable operators providing locally regulated service within the City, each operator must file a separate petition and receive a separate decision from the City.
[CC 1990 ยงย 7.5-123; Ord. No. 946 ยงย 10, 9-19-1994]
A cable operator shall itemize its bills so that the charges for basic service, equipment and installation are separately stated. A cable operator may, but it is not required to, identify a separate line item on each regular bill of each subscriber in accordance with FCC regulations:
The amount of the total bill assessed as a franchise fee and the identity of the franchising authority to which the fee is paid;
The amount of the total bill assessed to satisfy any requirements imposed on the cable operator by the franchise agreement to support public, educational or governmental channels or the use of such channels; and
The amount of any other fees, tax, assessment or charge of any kind imposed by any governmental authority on the transaction between operator and the subscriber.
In order for a governmental fee or assessment to be separately identified under this Subsection, it must be directly imposed by a governmental body on a transaction between a subscriber and on operator. The charge identified on the subscriber's bill as the total charge for cable service shall include all itemized fees and costs.
[CC 1990 ยงย 7.5-124; Ord. No. 946 ยงย 11, 9-19-1994]
A cable operator shall not impose a late charge upon any subscriber who pays for service within fifteen (15) days after the end of the month in which the service was provided. Late charges shall not exceed seventy-five hundredths of one percent (0.75%) per month.