[1974 Code § 2-26; Ord. No. 00-1-OAB § 2; Ord. No. 2016-03-OAB § 3]
The Mayor, elected as provided by the Charter for four years, shall be paid an annual salary, in the same manner as all other officers and employees in the amount as fixed by ordinance and as set by resolution in accordance with the authority delineated within N.J.S.A. 40:69A-180.
[1974 Code § 2-27; Ord. No. 97-53 § 1]
The Mayor shall be the chief executive of the Township and shall:
Enforce the Township Charter, ordinances and all General Laws.
Supervise all departments, subject to the provisions of the Administrative Code.
Require each department to make an annual and such other reports of its work as he or she may deem desirable.
Appoint department heads, including the Business Administrator, with the advice and consent of the Council and remove them subject to the applicable provisions of the Optional Municipal Charter Law. Appoint the members of boards and commissions when authorized by ordinance or General Law.
Submit an annual budget to the Council on or before January 15.
Make such recommendations for Council action as he or she may deem to be in the public interest.
Report annually in January to the Council and to the public on the work of the previous year and the condition and requirements of the Township Government.
Approve all Council ordinances by allowing them either to take effect without his approval or exercising his veto.
Such other powers as may be provided for in the Administrative Code and the Optional Municipal Charter Law, as they may be amended from time to time.
Further, the Mayor may:
Attend all meetings and conferences of the Council and take part in discussions without a vote and be provided an opportunity in the agenda to speak and be questioned by the public.
Cast the deciding vote in case of a tie on the question of filling a vacant seat on the Council.
[1974 Code § 2-28]
Whenever the Mayor is to be absent from the Township or is otherwise unable to perform the duties of his office, he shall appoint the Business Administrator or the Municipal Clerk or other department head to serve as Acting Mayor, without additional compensation, but with all other rights, powers and duties of Mayor. Whenever such absence or other inability shall have extended 60 consecutive days, the Council shall appoint an Acting Mayor who shall succeed to all the rights, powers and duties of the Mayor or the then-acting Mayor.
[1974 Code § 2-29]
Whenever a vacancy in the office of Mayor has occurred as provided in N.J.S.A. 40A:16-3, the office shall be filled by an election for the remainder of the unexpired term in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Vacancy Law.[1]
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 40A:16-1 et seq.
[1974 Code § 2-30]
Except for the violation of N.J.S.A. 40:69A-163 through 40:69A-165, the Mayor may be removed from office only under the recall provisions particularly established under N.J.S.A. 40:69A-168 et seq.
[1974 Code § 2-31]
The Mayor, on or before the 15th of January of each year, shall submit to the Council his recommended budget, together with such explanatory comments or statements as he may deem appropriate. The budget shall conform to the requirements of law and shall be prepared by the Mayor with the assistance of the Administrator. In this connection, during the month of November, the Mayor shall require all department heads to submit requests for appropriations for the ensuing budget year and to appear before the Mayor or the Business Administrator for a public hearing, which shall be held during that month on the various requests involved. The budget in question shall additionally have appended thereto a detailed analysis of the various items of expenditure and revenue. The Council, in reviewing the budget, may reduce any item or items by the vote of the majority of Council, but any increase in any item or items therein shall become effective only upon the vote of 2/3 of the members of the Council pursuant to the requirements of N.J.S.A. 40:69A-46.
The Council shall, where practicable, provide for the maintenance of a system of work programs and quarterly allotments for operation of the budget. It shall be the duty of the Administrator or Department administering any such program to develop and report appropriate unit costs of budgeted expenditures.
[1974 Code § 2-32]
Nominations by the Mayor shall be submitted to the Council as hereinbefore provided in Subsection 2-2.4. The Mayor, in making any such appointments, shall exercise good faith and shall forthwith submit a new name for nomination in the event that a nomination for appointment has not received advice and consent, where required, by the Council.
Removal. The Mayor may, in his discretion, remove any department head after notice of opportunity to be heard. Prior to removing a department head, the Mayor shall first file written notice of his intention with the Council. Such removal shall become effective on the 20th day after filing of such notice, unless Council, prior thereto, adopts a resolution by a vote of 2/3 of the whole membership of the Council disapproving the removal.