Editor's Note: Where applicable, improvements shall be in accordance with the New Jersey Residential Site Improvement Standards.
[1980 Code § 128-58; amended by Ord. No. 1348; Ord. No. 2179]
Streets, Curbs and Sidewalks.
All streets shall have a seven (7) inch pavement consisting of a five (5) inch stabilized base course and a two (2) inch surface course of FABC-1 bituminous concrete. Subbase material shall be supplied at the discretion of the Borough Engineer in accordance with the approved specifications of the New Jersey Department of Transportation. Pavement width shall be three-fifths (3/5) of the right-of-way of the street, except that no pavement shall be less than thirty (30) feet in width from curbline to curbline. The Borough Engineer can permit pavement in excess of three-fifths (3/5) of the right-of-way width when, in his opinion, the additional width will promote circulation of traffic and the development of the Borough. All arterial streets shall have a minimum paved width of thirty-six (36) feet from curbline to curbline. If required by the Planning Board, concrete sidewalks shall be installed and shall be four (4) inches thick and four (4) feet wide, except at driveways where the depth shall be six (6) inches. Concrete shall be Class C, one-to-two-to-four mix, to meet requirements of Articles 4.1.2 and 4.1.3 of the standard specifications of the New Jersey Department of Transportation. Sidewalks shall be located in elevation and in relation to the street and curb in accordance with the approval of the Borough Engineer.
If no sidewalks are required, then the sidewalk area must be graded to provide for future sidewalks. However, the top four (4) inches of this graded area must be topsoil.
Concrete or granite block curbs, as prescribed by the Planning Board, shall be twenty (20) inches in depth, except on County roads and State highways where size shall meet the approval of the Union County Engineer or Department of Transportation, respectively. Materials and construction of curbs under jurisdiction of the Borough shall meet the standard specifications of the New Jersey Department of Transportation.
All streets shall be paved from curbline to curbline.
Storm Drains, Sanitary Sewerage, Water Mains, Culverts and Utilities.
Provisions shall be made for stormwater drainage, sanitary sewerage and disposal, water mains, culverts and utilities. Sanitary sewers, water mains and other utilities shall be adequate for all present and probable future development and shall be made according to standard requirements and specifications of the Borough and as approved by the Borough Engineer.
Stormwater drainage shall be designed and constructed in accordance with Chapter 1, Stormwater Control of this Code, where applicable, but in no case shall the rate of runoff for a 2-, 10- and 100-year storm be increased over the present rate of runoff for any development or redevelopment. All improvement and changes to stormwater drainage shall be reviewed and approved by the Borough Engineer prior to implementation.
House leaders shall be piped underground out to the street through the curb to existing storm sewers where possible.
Sanitary sewers and appurtenances shall be installed and connected in accordance with the sanitary sewer ordinances of the Borough. When sanitary sewers are not available, sewage disposal systems shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of and subject to the approval of the Borough Board of Health.
Street Signs. Appropriate street signs shall be installed at all street intersections and shall be of a type specified by the Borough Engineer. Street signs shall be installed prior to the issuance of certificates of occupancy, and the cost of signs and installation of same shall be borne by the developer.
Shade Trees.
Shade trees, which shall be nursery-grown stock, shall be planted on each side of every street at intervals of approximately forty (40) to fifty (50) feet and shall be one and one-half (1 1/2) to one and three-fourths (1 3/4) inches in size and subject to the approval of the Planning Board and the approval of the Shade Tree Commission of the Borough.
Two (2) new shade trees shall be installed on each lot so as not to interfere with utilities, roadways or walkways and sidewalks. Trees shall be of nursery-grown stock, size and type as above. The developer shall guarantee that all trees not surviving after one (1) growing season shall be replaced by the developer. The Planning Board may provide rules and regulations compelling the subdivider to retain, at his expense, a qualified forester to report to the Borough Engineer as to what can be done to save existing trees.
Topsoil Protection. No topsoil shall be removed from the site or used as soil unless permission is first obtained from the Borough Engineer and the Planning Board. Topsoil moved during the course of construction shall be redistributed so as to provide at least four (4) inches of cover to all areas of the subdivision and shall be stabilized by seeding or planting.
Monuments. Monuments shall be of the size and shape required by N.J.S.A. 46:23-9.11, and shall be placed in accordance with the statute. All lot corners shall be marked with iron pipes of not less than eighteen (18) inches in length, except where other monuments are provided.
Catch Basins. Catch basins shall be constructed as directed and located by the Borough Engineer.
Earth Removal. No change shall be made in the elevation or contour of any lot or site by removal of earth to another site or lot, except as approved by the Borough Engineer and the Planning Board. All changes in elevation and contours approved by the Borough Engineer and the Planning Board shall be shown on the preliminary and final plat and profiles.
Fire Hydrants. Fire hydrants shall be installed on water mains at intervals of not over one thousand (1,000) feet and shall be placed so as to afford fire protection in an overlapping radius of five hundred (500) feet in each direction from the hydrant location. All hydrants shall be placed at or near street intersections or at property lines in such a manner as to least interfere with the use of roads and property and shall be approved by the Planning Board, Borough Engineer and Fire Chief.
Water Mains. Water mains shall be installed in accordance with specifications of the water supplier and shall be not less than six-inch pipes, except where otherwise permitted by the rules and regulations of the New Jersey Public Utility Commission, and shall be properly connected with an approved system of sufficient size and capacity to provide adequate fire protection.
Construction Stakes and Grades. All construction stakes and grades thereon shall be set by a professional engineer or land surveyor in the employ of the developer or his contractor, and a duplicate copy of the notes made therefrom shall be filed with the Borough Engineer.
Commencement of Construction Work. No construction work shall commence without the Borough Engineer being properly notified. Such notice shall be given at least one (1) week before the commencement of work.
Debris. All stumps, litter, rubbish, brush, weeds, dead and dying trees, roots and debris shall be removed or destroyed to the satisfaction of the Borough Engineer. None of the above shall be buried or covered.
Construction Standards and Specifications. The construction standards and specifications of the Borough as now or hereafter adopted, if any, shall govern the construction and installation of all of the above improvements. Failure of the developer, his contractor or agent to conform to the specifications will be just cause for the suspension of the work being performed and all permits being revoked, and no person shall have the right to demand or claim damages from the Borough, its officers, agents or servants by reason of the suspension or revocation.
Inspection. No underground installation shall be covered until inspection has been made and is approved by the Borough Engineer.
As-Built Improvement Plans. The developer shall provide and file with the Borough Engineer one (1) complete set of as-built improvement plans and profiles showing actual construction as approved prior to the release of the performance guaranty.
Inspection and Test Procedure.
All improvements and utility installations shall be inspected during the time of their installations under the supervision of the Borough Engineer to ensure satisfactory completion. The cost of the inspection shall be the responsibility of the owner, and he shall deposit with the Chief Financial Officer, for placement in a special trust fund account, a sum equal to seven (7%) percent of the amount of the performance guaranty estimate of the cost of public improvements, to be applied to payment of inspection costs. If inspection costs exceed such fund, the owner shall deposit with the Chief Financial Officer additional sums upon notice from the Borough Engineer. The Chief Financial Officer shall return any balance of the inspection deposit to the owner upon expiration of the maintenance bond, together with the paid invoices for all expenses charged, except that the inspection fee shall in no case be less than one hundred ($100) dollars.
In no case shall any paving work, including prime and seal costs, be done without permission from the Borough Engineer's office. At least two (2) days' notice shall be given to the Borough Engineer's office prior to any such construction so that he or a qualified representative may be present at the time the work is to be done.
The Borough Engineer's office shall be notified after each of the following phases of the work has been completed so that he or a qualified representative may inspect the work.
Road subgrade.
Curb and gutter forms.
Curbs and gutters.
Road paving.
Sidewalk forms.
Drainage pipes and other drainage structures before backfilling.
Street name signs.
Sanitary sewers and/or septic tanks.
A final inspection of all improvements and utilities will be started within ten (10) days' notification by the subdivider to determine whether the work is satisfactory and in agreement with the approved final drawings and the Borough specifications. The general conditions of the site shall also be considered. Upon a satisfactory final inspection report, action will be taken to release or declare in default the performance guaranty covering such improvements and utilities.
Inspection by the Borough of the installation of improvements and utilities shall not operate to subject the Borough to liability for claims, suits or liability of any kind that may at any time arise because of defects or negligence during the construction or at any time thereafter, it being recognized that the responsibility to maintain safe conditions at all times during construction and to provide proper utilities and improvements is upon the owner and his contractors, if any.
After completing the construction of the public improvements covered by the performance guaranty, the subdivider shall prepare a set of the approved public improvement and utility plans and the profiles on Mylar or linen amended to read "as constructed" and apply to the Borough Engineer for final inspection of the work. The Borough Engineer shall report to the Governing Body on the condition of the work and recommend that the performance guaranty be released, extended or declared in default.
Parking Areas.
All parking areas, loading areas and driveways for other than one- and two-family residences shall be properly paved in accordance with the following specifications:
Passenger vehicles: a four-inch bituminous concrete stabilized base (Mix No. 1) and a one-and-one-half-inch bituminous concrete top course (Mix No. 5).
Heavy commercial/industrial parking: a five-inch bituminous concrete stabilized base (Mix No. 1) and a two-inch concrete top course (Mix No. 5).
In areas where the traffic flow is mixed, the Borough Engineer shall determine which pavement type, that described in Subsection R1(a) above or combinations thereof, shall be used and to what extent.
The entire parking area shall be curbed, in accordance with the specifications set forth in this section, as well as all driveways and loading areas. The type of curbing shall be at the discretion of the Planning Board.