Whenever it shall be decided by this Board that any building
or part thereof in this Borough is unfit for human habitation by reason
of its being infected by disease, or by reason of its being in a condition
dangerous to health or life or likely to cause sickness among the
occupants or not in a proper state of cleanliness, and written notice
of such decision shall have been personally served upon the owner,
occupant or lessee if the same can be found in this State, or otherwise
affixed conspicuously on the building or any part thereof so decided
to be unfit for human habitation, such building or part thereof shall,
within ten (10) days, be vacated or, in case of special emergency,
within such shorter time as in said notice may be specified.
No person shall construct or maintain any building intended
or permitted to be occupied as human living quarters or any building
intended or permitted to be used as a store or office, which shall
not be equipped with adequate and operative plumbing.