[Ord. 678, passed 6-23-1975]
Council shall provide on the agenda for comments and suggestions from those in the audience and shall encourage the use of this opportunity to the maximum extent consistent with the orderly conduct of the business at hand.
[Ord. 678, passed 6-23-1975]
The committee chairmen shall permit and encourage comments from the audience to the extent consistent with the orderly conduct of the business at hand.
[Ord. 678, passed 6-23-1975]
The Town Manager shall maintain the bulletin board in a current condition. Posted thereon shall be a schedule of meetings of all Town bodies, currently proposed legislation, recently enacted legislation and all other matters of general interest to the citizens. This bulletin board shall be accessible at all times.
[Ord. 678, passed 6-23-1975]
The Town Manager shall provide during normal business hours to any citizen access to any public documents for the purpose of perusal or copying. Copies of public documents (certified if requested) shall be provided at a reasonable fee.
[Ord. 678, passed 6-23-1975]
The Town Manager shall have the responsibility of seeing that any request or complaint received by any Town employee during his duty hours is answered courteously and as completely and correctly as is practical. Citizens should report any instance where a non-cooperative answer has been received to the Town Manager.