General. Off-street parking requirements in Residence Districts, Business and Industrial Districts shall be as set forth in the following parking requirements table. For business, commercial, and industrial uses, a minimum of one parking space per employee is required, plus additional spaces listed in the table below. For businesses with multiple shifts, the number of employees is calculated as the number of employees for the two largest shifts. The minimum number of non-employee parking spaces is two. Required parking shall be provided on the same lot as the main use it is to serve, except as allowed in § 50-9.2.
Table of Off-Street Parking Requirements.
Principal Use
Parking Spaces Required
1 per dwelling unit with 1 or fewer bedrooms
2 per dwelling unit with 2 or more bedrooms
Hotel or motel
1 per room plus 1 per 250 square feet of public meeting area
2, plus 1 per guest unit
Assisted living; nursing home; group home; rest home
1 per 2 beds
Nursery/Child care
1 per 250 square feet of floor area
1.2 per employee
High school
0.25 per student
College and university
1 per 250 square feet of floor area
Retail, small
1 per 250 square feet of floor area
Retail, large
1 per 250 square feet of floor area
1 per 200 square feet of floor area
General business or professional office; personal service establishment
1 per 300 square feet of floor area
Libraries, museums, art galleries
2.5 per 1,000 square feet of floor area
Medical or dental office
4.3 per 1,000 square feet of floor area
1 per 4 seats
Restaurant, drive-through
1 per 70 square feet of floor area
Religious; lodge or club; civic center or other place of assembly
1 per 75 square feet of assembly area or 1 per 4 seats, whichever is higher
Motor vehicle, general and body repair
1 per each service bay
Motor vehicle light service
2 per service bay
Mixed use
Sum of various uses computed separately
Transport terminal
1 per 250 square feet devoted to office use plus 1 per company vehicle operating from premises
Animal hospital/groomer/commercial kennel
1 per 250 square feet of floor area
1 per 2,000 square feet net floor area for the first 20,000
Commercial indoor and outdoor recreation facilities/municipal facilities
1 per 75 square feet of assembly area or 1 per 4 seats, whichever is higher
Marina: commercial site parking for moored, docked, and trailered boats, including charter boats and boats carrying passengers for hire
0.7 per crew member and passenger of a charter boat or boat carrying passengers for hire that embark from the site; 1 trailered boat space and 0.6 space per trailered boat
1 per 4 floor seats
Any use permitted in this bylaw not in this table
To be determined by the Planning Board
Parking required for two or more buildings or uses (such as a shopping center or industrial park) may be provided in combined facilities where it is evident that such facilities shall continue to be available for the several buildings or uses and where the parking provided meets all of the requirements of this article for each of the uses in the combination.
Evidence shall be submitted that parking is available within 500 feet of the premises, which lot satisfies the requirements of this bylaw and has excess capacity during all or part of the day, which excess capacity shall be demonstrated by a competent parking survey conducted by a traffic engineer registered in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
A contract, agreement, or suitable legal instrument acceptable to legal counsel shall be filed with the application for building permit, occupancy permit, or special permit which shall specify the location of all spaces to be jointly used, the number of such spaces, the hours during the day that such parking shall be available, and the duration or limit, if any, on such parking.
Any reduction in area required for parking because of these joint-use provisions may be required as reserved landscaped open space; such area shall be computed at the rate of 180 square feet per parking space.
Nothing in this section shall relieve the owner from providing parking facilities in accordance with this bylaw if subsequently the joint use of parking facilities shall terminate.
Each required car space shall not be less than 9.0 feet wide nor less than 20 feet long, exclusive of aisles and driveways. No curb cut for parking facilities shall exceed 30 feet in width. Required parking may be enclosed in a structure or may be provided in an open lot.
Adequate access to required parking spaces for each main use for Town emergency vehicles shall be provided from the lot frontage, provided that where the main use is located 250 feet or more from the lot frontage, the Building Inspector shall, prior to the issuance of a building permit or occupancy permit therefor, refer the permit application to the Fire Chief and Police Chief for an advisory opinion. Any exception to the foregoing requirement for access from the lot frontage shall only be allowed by Planning Board approval of a special permit.
All required parking spaces shall be graded, surfaced and drained to the satisfaction of the Planning Board to the extent necessary to avoid a nuisance of dust, erosion or excessive water flow across public streets or any other nuisance.
All roads, drives, parking areas and walks shall be constructed so as to afford adequate access to Town ways. The recommendation of the Police Chief or Fire Chief shall be used in determining the adequacy. More than one means of entering and exiting may be required by the Planning Board on a parcel where more than 50 dwelling units are proposed or where indicated by safety and traffic conditions. Proper maintenance of all private roads, drives, parking areas and walks on a site, including snow removal, shall be the responsibility of the owner.
No parking shall be allowed in the front setback.
Parking shall be a minimum of 10 feet from the side and rear lot lines.
Parking shall be screened from residential uses using fencing or evergreen vegetation or as determined appropriate by the Planning Board SPGA.
The aisle width between parking shall be 24 feet. The aisle may be reduced if angle parking with one-way traffic is used.
No more than 20 spaces shall be provided in a row without separation by a landscaped area of at least eight feet. In the case of double rows, this separation shall mean 20 spaces on each side of the bay areas.
Parking areas containing over 20 spaces shall have at least one shade tree per eight parking spaces. Where a sidewalk abuts a parking area, there shall be a minimum of a three-foot grass strip. Low-impact development techniques such as bio-retention areas and infiltration shall be used where feasible.
Section 50-9.3 shall not apply to detached single-family dwellings or two-family dwellings or duplexes.
Any parking requirement set forth herein may be reduced upon the issuance of a special permit by the Planning Board if the Board finds that the reduction is not inconsistent with public health and safety, or that the reduction promotes a public benefit.
Such cases might include:
Use of a common parking lot for separate uses having peak demands occurring at different times;
Age or other characteristics of occupants of the facility requiring parking which reduces auto usage;
Peculiarities of the use which make usual measures of demand invalid;
Availability of on-street parking or parking at nearby municipally owned facilities.
Where a special permit is granted, a reserve area, to be maintained indefinitely as landscaped open space, may be required sufficient to accommodate the difference between the spaces otherwise required and the spaces reduced by special permit. The parking/site plan shall show (in dotted outline) how the reserve area would be laid out in order to provide the otherwise required number of spaces.
General. All buildings requiring the delivery of goods as part of their function shall be provided with bays and suitable space for the off-street maneuvering and loading of vehicles. An application for the erection of a new nonresidential building which is in the category of retail trade, wholesale trade, storage, manufacturing, or the like, or for the alteration or extension of an existing building of such type, shall include a plan for loading facilities for the entire structure in accordance with the following table of loading requirements.
Table of Loading Requirements.
Gross Floor Area
(square feet)
Number of Bays Required
20,000 to 49,999
50,000 to 99,999
100,000 to 149,999
150,000 to 300,000
Each 100,000 over 300,000
1 additional
Layout and design of loading facilities.
Loading bays shall not be less than 12 feet in width, 65 feet in length, and 14 feet in height, exclusive of driveway and maneuvering space. Required off-street loading bays and maneuvering spaces shall be located entirely on the same lot as the building being served.
Individual loading spaces, maneuvering areas, entrances and exits shall be suitably identified with lines and arrows, as deemed necessary by the Planning Board.
Screening and landscaping requirements. Loading areas shall be screened from adjacent properties or from other uses on the same site by fencing or evergreen vegetation or as determined appropriate by the Planning Board.
Location. Any enclosed loading space shall be located at least 30 feet from any street line and any open loading space shall be so designed that trucks, when loading or unloading, will not project over any street line. Loading spaces shall be located at the side or rear of the building.
Backing onto or queuing on the street. No loading area shall require vehicles exiting the area to back onto a public way. No loading area shall require vehicles waiting to be off-loaded to park in a queue on a public way.
Special permit. The Planning Board may vary any requirement of this section upon the grant of a special permit, where such relief will not result in substantial detriment to the neighborhood or the Town.