[Editor's Note: See also Chapter BH5.]
[1971 Code § 5-1.1]
The Water and Sewer Committee shall be composed of three members of the Borough Council appointed by the Mayor.
[1971 Code § 5-1.2; New]
All applications for water and sewer service shall be made to the Borough Engineer.
[1971 Code § 5-1.3]
The Borough Council, upon recommendation of the Water and Sewer Committee, shall adopt rules and regulations concerning water and sewer connections and other matters not in contravention of the provisions of law or of this chapter.
[1971 Code §§ 5-1.4, 5-2.1, 5-3.11]
As used in this chapter.
Shall mean liquid wastes:
From the noncommercial preparation, cooking and handling of food; or
Containing human excrement and similar matter from the sanitary conveniences of dwellings, commercial buildings, industrial facilities and institutions.
Shall mean the equivalent wastewater flow from one single family dwelling unit and shall be applied to industrial, commercial and other users at an average rate of 400 gallons per day.
Shall mean the branch sewers extending from the main sewer to the curb or cleanout.
Shall mean the plumbing work within a building and to the curb or cleanout.
Shall mean the liquid wastes resulting from the processes employed in industrial, manufacturing, trade or business establishments, or any other discharges as distinct from domestic wastes.
Shall mean the sewers laid longitudinally along the center line of the street.
Shall mean the main sewer lines, house laterals, sewage disposal works, etc., which are designed to carry off house waste or used water exclusively.
Shall mean any industrial user of the Borough's wastewater treatment system that:
Has an average flow of 50,000 gallons or more per workday;
Has a flow greater than 5% of the flow carried by the system receiving the waste;
Has in its waste a toxic pollutant in excess of amounts as defined in standards issued under Section 307(a) of the Act (FWPCAA); or
Has significant impact, either singly or in combination with other contributing industries, on the Bayshore Regional Sewerage Authority treatment plant or the quality of its effluent.
Shall mean the Superintendent of Public Works of the Borough.
[1971 Code § 5-1.4]
Shall mean a dwelling unit or a portion of a structure normally occupied by a single user.
[1971 Code § 5-2.2]
In all streets where there are main sewers and not house connections from main sewer to the curb, the Borough at its discretion will make the connections, running pipe from the main sewer to the curb line, for which a fee shall be charged.
No person shall lay, alter or repair any part of the sewer system or make any connection whatsoever unless duly authorized in accordance with this section.
Any owner of property shall be required to connect to the sanitary sewer system within six months after the installation of trunk lines or within six months after notification of the requirements to connect by the Borough Engineer.
If the property connecting to a sanitary sewer system has not previously been assessed, and no plans for future assessment have been formulated, there shall be a charge in the amount of $1,000 for each residential lot and for each commercial establishment and $1,500 for any restaurant or eating establishment.
Any developer who donates facilities to the Borough of Matawan such as sewer mains or manholes shall be entitled to a credit against the assessment fee in an amount to be determined by the Borough Engineer after an evaluation of the costs of the facilities donated, but in no event shall the credit exceed 75% of the assessed fee.
[1971 Code § 5-2.3]
Payment of Sewer Rents. All sewer rents shall be payable by the 28th day of the month that the bills are received at the office of the Department of Sewer and Water. On all sewer rents or portion thereof remaining unpaid after billing date there shall be added a penalty in the amount of 2% for each month sewer rents or any portion thereof remain unpaid.
[1971 Code § 5-3.10; New]
Noncommercial - Shall mean a unit or a portion of a structure normally occupied by a single user and contributing domestic sewage with human excrement and similar matter from the sanitary conveniences of a structure.
Commercial - Shall mean an establishment which contributes liquid wastes from the preparation, cooking and/or handling of food for sale alone or in combination with any other discharge distinct from human excrement or domestic wastes and shall include but not be limited to commercial establishments such as beauty parlors, funeral homes and car washes.
Industrial - Shall mean any establishment whose manufacturing process is included in the standard industrial classification (SIC) Codes.
[1971 Code § 5-2.4; Ord. No. 02-08; Ord. No. 05-01; Ord. No. 09-22; Ord. No. 14-04; Ord. No. 14-10; amended 7-5-2022 by Ord. No. 22-10; 5-16-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-11; 5-7-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-08]
The Owner of any premises upon connection of each unit thereof with the sewer system of the Borough shall pay to the Borough for the use of such sewer services a quarterly fee as follows:
Effective upon passage of this ordinance until the 31st of December 2024:
(Adopted 5-7-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-08)
Premises located within the Borough of Matawan:
Each non-commercial unit is $191.96.
Each non-commercial unit of a multi-unit building or structure $191.96.
Each Classroom of a public or private school is $191.96.
Commercial and industrial establishments 149% of the quarterly water bill thereof except that such quarterly sewer charge shall in no event be less than $191.96.
All premises located outside the Borough of Matawan shall be charged a sewer service amount equal to the charge to the Borough residents.
Beginning in 2025 the fee will be effective on the 1st of January of each year as per the schedule below:
Premises located within the Borough of Matawan:
Each non-commercial unit:
Each non-commercial unit of a multi-unit building or structure:
Each Classroom of a public or private school:
Commercial and industrial establishments 149% of the quarterly water bill thereof except that such quarterly sewer charge shall in no event be less than:
All premises located outside the Borough of Matawan shall be charged a sewer service amount equal to the charge to the Borough residents.
[1971 Code § 5-2.5]
Application for permission to connect with the main sewer to the curb where there is no connection shall be made to the Borough Engineer in writing. There shall be a charge, payable to the Water and Sewer Department for the sewer assessments.
[1971 Code § 5-3.12]
The wastewater contributions, costs of operation and maintenance, and the user charge schedule will be reviewed and revised as deemed necessary for proper operation and conformance with Title 40, Part 35.929-2(b) of the Federal Code, and shall be published for the users of the Borough's system before December 31 of each year.
An independent audit of the liabilities and revenues in this Borough will be posted in the Borough Hall in substantiation of user chargers by December 31 of each year.
Subject to provisions herein for surcharges for industrial users, the charges and rates prescribed herein shall apply as a single rate for all users, same to be directly related to the water consumption discharged by each user into the system.
[1971 Code § 5-2.6]
In backfilling, the material for two feet immediately over the pipe shall be carefully tamped and the balance of the trench backfilled in a workmanlike manner, tamping the fill material in eight inch layers so as to avoid any settlement.
[1971 Code § 5-2.7; New]
House laterals may be made of extra heavy cast iron pipe or approved equal not less than four inches in diameter laid in a manner to be approved by the Borough Engineer.
The pipes shall be laid on a uniform grade wherever practicable, but the grade must not be less than one-quarter (1/4) inch to one foot unless by written permission of the Borough Engineer, in which case he may require special provision for efficient flushing.
The dead ends of all pipes not immediately connected with the house plumbing system must be securely closed by a watertight cover of imperishable material.
[1971 Code § 5-2.8]
Inspections. All work from the curb to within four feet of the house shall be inspected by the Plumbing Subcode Official who shall be given notice when any work is ready for inspection. All work must be left uncovered and convenient for examination until after the necessary inspection. Inspection shall be made as soon as practicable after notification but no dirt or other materials removed in connection with the work shall be replaced until written consent has been received from the appropriate authority. The Plumbing Subcode Official may apply any appropriate test of pipes, fittings and equipment and the plumber or contractor, at his own cost, shall furnish all necessary tools, labor and help and shall remove or repair any defective work when so ordered by the Plumbing Inspector.
[1971 Code § 5-2.8a]
Before any old house lateral is connected with the sewer system, the owner of the house lateral shall prove to the satisfaction of the Plumbing Subcode Official and the County Health Officer that it is clean and conforms to the requirements of this section and the rules and regulations of the County Board of Health.
[1971 Code § 5-2.8b; amended 5-16-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-09]
The Borough shall not be liable for any stoppage of the sewer lines between the main sewer line and the building served thereby nor for any damage resulting from said stoppage, and in no event will the Borough provide any labor or material to free, clear or remove obstructions from the said lines connected to the system or appurtenances added or attached thereto; all such work consisting of maintenance of sewer laterals (that is, sewer lines running from the trunk line to the curb or property line and the sewer line running from the curb or property line to the building served) shall be the obligation of the abutting owner.
[1971 Code § 5-2.8c]
All owners of property along the line of any sewer constructed for the purpose of carrying off sewage in any street or section of the Borough shall connect their houses and other buildings with the sewer in the street adjoining the property upon notice from the County Health Officer to make the connection.
[1971 Code § 5-2.8d; New]
Whenever an onsite wastewater disposal (septic) system and facilities is abandoned or its use discontinued or prohibited on account of the connection of the premises with a sewer or for any other reason, all accumulations of excrementitious matter in or about the septic system or cesspool shall be removed and the excavation filled with suitable approved material. Abandoned systems shall be certified as properly abandoned by the County Health Officer.
[1971 Code § 5-3.1]
As used in this section:
Shall mean the sanitary sewer system owned and operated in and by the Borough.
[1971 Code § 5-3.2]
No person shall discharge or allow or cause to be discharged any surface, underground or rainwater into any sewer or house connection and to connect or allow to be connected any privy vault or cesspool or septic tank with any sewer or house connection.
[1971 Code § 5-3.3]
No person shall discharge or allow or cause to be discharged any wastes, other than domestic sewage from toilets, baths, showers, wash bowls and sinks, into the sewers or laterals tributary thereto unless an application for the discharge of the wastes has been duly approved by the Superintendent of Public Works.
All applications for permission to discharge into the sewers or laterals tributary thereto, other than normal domestic sewage from toilets, baths, showers, wash bowls and sinks shall be in writing duly verified and under oath, and shall contain complete information as follows:
Existing equalizing or pretreatment facilities.
Total daily flow in gallons.
Period of time during which flow in paragraph b is discharged, namely hours of day and days per week.
Peak rate of flow.
Character and concentration with respect to:
Suspended solids, total and volatile.
Dissolved solids, total and volatile.
Five-day B.O.D. (Biochemical Oxygen Demand).
Chlorine demand.
pH (hydrogen, ION Concentration).
Oil and grease.
Free acidity.
Alkalinity, total and caustic.
Maximum size of solids.
Data with respect to any chemical constituent.
Any additional information and data requested by the superintendent of public works as to every connection existing and as to any connection to be made with the sewers or laterals tributary thereto for the discharge of waste other than normal domestic sewage from toilets, baths, showers, wash bowls and sinks.
[1971 Code § 5-3.4]
Before any waste, other than those prohibited under subsection 23-15.2 permitted to enter the sewers or laterals tributary thereto, it shall meet the following conditions and requirements:
No acidity with a pH less than 6.0.
No alkalinity with a pH greater than 10.0.
Must not contain any explosive substance.
Must not contain any flammable substance.
Temperature must not exceed 150 degrees F.
No grease or oil that will solidify or become viscous at temperatures between 32 degrees and 150 degrees F.
Insoluble substances shall not exceed a daily average of 500 ppm (parts per million).
Total solids (soluble and insoluble) shall not exceed a daily average of 5,000 ppm.
No gases or vapors, either free or occluded, in concentration toxic or dangerous to humans, animals or aquatic life in streams.
Chlorine demand shall not exceed an average greater than 20 ppm.
Five-day biochemical oxygen demand (B.O.D.) shall not exceed an average greater than 500 ppm.
Shall not contain sulphides exceeding two ppm.
Must not contain more than 100 ppm of antiseptic substances.
Must not contain phenols in excess of 0.005 ppm.
Must not contain any toxic or irritating substances which will create conditions hazardous to public health and safety.
Must not contain any grease or oily substances exceeding a daily average of 25 ppm.
Must contain no poisons in sufficient quantities to endanger man or interfere with biological processes.
Must not contain any substance which the Borough now or hereafter finds to be harmful.
[1971 Code § 5-3.5]
Under no circumstances shall any of the following be discharged into any sewers or laterals tributary thereto:
Gasoline, naptha, petroleum products or any substance which may create an explosion hazard in the system.
Oils, fats, or grease except as may result from household, hotel or restaurant operation.
Surface or rain water from yards, areas, courts, cellars, drains or roofs.
Rubbish, ashes cinders or garbage.
Milk, brewery or distillery waste in any form.
Any waste or substance which causes or results in:
Chemical reaction, either directly or indirectly, with the materials of construction to impair the strength or durability of any sewer structure.
Mechanical action that will destroy or damage the sewer structure.
Restriction of hydraulic capacity of sewer structure.
Restriction of normal inspection of maintenance of sewer structure.
Placing of unusual demands on the sewage treatment equipment or process.
Limitation of effectiveness of the sewage treatment process.
Danger to public health and safety.
Obnoxious conditions inimical to the public interest.
[1971 Code § 5-3.6]
Readily accessible means shall be provided by the owner, tenant or occupant of any premises to allow the Superintendent of Public Works or his representatives to make periodic examination and determination of the volume, character and concentration of waste being discharged into the sewers or lateral tributary thereto.
[1971 Code § 5-3.7]
The right is reserved by the Borough to stop and prevent at any time the discharge into the sewers or lateral tributary thereto of any waste which may injure the sewers or adversely affect sewage treatment or which is not in conformity with the requirements and standards now or hereafter set by the Borough and the Borough may at any time without notice and without recourse sever the connection and cause removal of any sewer or drain through which the waste may be discharged.
[1971 Code § 5-3.8]
Dischargers of wastewater and other substances into the sewerage system shall be liable for all increases in operation and maintenance costs caused by their discharge. These increases shall be in amounts which shall be certified annually by the Borough Engineer. Parameters shall include, but not be limited by, all items enumerated in subsection 23-15.4.
Any significant infiltration or inflow discovered and quantified within the system shall be charged to all contributing users in a direct ratio to their annual flow.
[1971 Code § 5-3.9]
The Rules and Regulations of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and the United States Environmental Protection Agency shall take precedence over any conflict between this chapter, the Service Contract, and Rules and Regulations of the Bayshore Regional Sewerage Authority.