[Ord. No. 304 § 1]
This chapter and all rules and regulations promulgated hereunder shall be for the regulations, use, maintenance, and enforcement of all public park areas, recreational areas and facilities therein within the Borough, including but not limited to the Interlaken Borough Park and Tennis Courts located at Bridlemere Avenue. The provisions set forth hereunder shall be observed by all persons using or located upon the recreational areas and/or facilities.
Editor's Note: Subsection 14-1.2, Residential Use Restrictions, previously codified herein and containing portions of Ordinance No. 304 was repealed in its entirety by Ordinance No. 386.
[Ord. No. 304 § 3; Ord. No. 117 § 3; Ord. No. 2007-4 § 1]
The following actions, conduct and/or behavior shall be prohibited in, at, or upon all public recreational areas and other park areas within the Borough:
The cutting, defacing, injuring, removing or disturbing of any tree, shrub, building, fence, bench or other structure, apparatus or property, or the unauthorized picking, cutting or removing of any shrub, bush or flower, or marking or writing upon any building, fence, bench or other park structure;
The use of abusive or profane language;
The unauthorized possession of use of firearms or the throwing of stones or other missiles;
Dumping or littering;
All animals;
Skateboarding, roller skating and bicycle riding on the tennis courts;
Any other activity constituting a disorderly persons offense under N.J.S.A. 2C:33-1 et seq.;
No hitting of golf balls in any park within the Borough;
There shall not be permitted in the parks, the doing or abetting of any act or thing which may tend to injure or disfigure the parks or which may interfere with the use thereof by the public for the purpose of pleasure and recreation;
The shooting, discharge or use of any device commonly known as a paintball gun;
The shooting, discharge or use of bows and arrows.
[Ord. No. 304 § 4; Ord. No. 356 § 1]
No fires are permitted without prior written consent of the Borough Council.
No persons may consume or possess beer, wine, liquor, or other intoxicating substance within any park except by special permit.
Baseball, softball and other sporting activities are permitted only in areas specifically marked and/or designated and in accordance with this section and all rules and regulations as may be promulgated by the Recreation and Education Committee and with the approval of the Borough Council.
Participation in a public assemblage which may interfere with the use and enjoyment of the park or recreational facilities by other persons is prohibited except by special permission obtained from the Borough Council.
No person shall distribute any circulars, cards, or written matter or post, paste or affix any unauthorized placard, notice or sign in the parks.
Entertainment or exhibitions are permitted only by written permit obtainable from the Borough Clerk.
No one is permitted in the park between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
No motorized vehicles are allowed in local parks or adjacent to the tennis facilities.
[Ord. No. 304 § 5]
All residents, associations, entities and other persons desirous of using and/or enjoying the park areas, recreational areas and Borough facilities for the purpose of conducting, maintaining and/or operating an organized activity, including but not limited to Little League Baseball, softball or other similar club activities, shall obtain express prior written consent of the Borough Council. In no event shall any use be conducted in such areas which would be reasonably likely to interfere with another simultaneous and permissible use, or which would be reasonably likely to create a hazardous situation in such areas.
[Ord. No. 304 § 6]
The Borough Council may, in its discretion, promulgate rules and regulations as may be amended from time to time to administer and enforce the regulations for the parks and recreational areas.
[Ord. No. 304 § 7; New]
Any person, association or entity who violates any provision of this chapter, or any rule and/or regulation promulgated hereunder, shall, upon conviction thereof, be liable to the penalty stated in Chapter 1, Section 1-5.
[Added 6-21-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-2]
Recreational facilities such as kayak racks are those facilities that are funded by the tax revenue which the Borough of Interlaken collects from its residents. As such, kayak rack facilities can only be utilized by a limited group of residents at any given time. Kayak racks are to be constructed by the Borough of Interlaken for resident use to store their kayaks from May 1 to November 1. No kayaks may be placed or stored on municipal land except in accordance with the terms of this section.
The use of kayak racks will be determined through a lottery system open to Borough of Interlaken residents only.
Kayak racks will be located on Windemere Avenue and Bridlemere Avenue.
Availability for a kayak rack is determined by a lottery system on a first come first serve basis as provided in subsection 14-2.2.
[Added 6-21-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-2]
Kayak racks will be available to Borough of Interlaken residents only through a lottery system. The lottery for kayak rack slots will become available on April 1st. Residents have until April 15th to submit their lottery applications for a kayak rack. Applications must be delivered to the Interlaken Borough Hall. Residents may state a preference for whether they wish to obtain a kayak rack on Windermere Avenue or Bridlemere Avenue, but requests cannot be guaranteed.
[Added 6-21-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-2]
Applicants for a kayak rack will be charged a fee of $35 for the season. The fee may be made payable to the Borough of Interlaken by check or money order.
[Added 6-21-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-2]
Kayak racks are located on Windermere Avenue and Bridlemere Avenue to prevent kayaks from being placed in other public locations other than these racks. All kayaks on municipally owned land must be placed in a kayak rack to which the individual has been assigned.
Residents assigned a kayak rack will be issued a sticker for their kayak. The sticker noting the specific rack the resident is assigned to must be affixed to the kayak at all times. This will allow Borough officials to determine if kayaks are in the wrong rack, if the kayak is misplaced, or, if damaged to quickly identify a resident's kayak. The Borough will maintain records of residents with a kayak rack and the corresponding sticker number.
[Added 6-21-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-2]
The season in which kayaks may be placed in the rack is from May 1 through November 1. All residents must remove kayaks from the racks by November 2nd. Failure to remove one's kayak by the end of the season may forfeit the resident's opportunity to apply for the next season's lottery. Any such kayak that is not removed by December 31st will be viewed as abandoned property and may be discarded by the Borough.
[Added 6-21-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-2]
For each violation of this section, the violator is subject to a fine of $25.