This chapter may be cited as the "Solar Energy Facilities Law,"
Stafford, New York.
The Stafford Town Board, Stafford, New York, enacts this chapter
establishing comprehensive regulations for solar energy facilities
for the Town of Stafford, New York, providing for the administration,
enforcement, and amendment thereof, in accordance with the provisions
of law.
Based on Stafford Solar Committee findings:
A. The New York General Statute (e.g. 272-a) and repeated in the foundation
of the Stafford Comprehensive Plan, page 1, gives our local legislators
the power to write zoning and regulation laws "for the purpose of
promoting power to write zoning and regulation laws" "for the purpose
of promoting the health, safety, or general welfare" of their community.
It states, "While municipalities are given the power to regulate land
uses in the community, it is understood that these decisions should
be based on sound planning principles, and are not to be arbitrary
or capricious."
B. Stafford's Comprehensive Plan desires to maintain the pastoral,
rural nature of this region. An industrial solar energy facility is
in conflict with the culture and character of the community.
C. While solar is a semi-renewable energy resource of electricity generation,
and under some circumstances it may reduce the use of nonrenewable
energy sources, the possible benefit must be balanced against potential
negative impacts to local citizens, local economy, and local ecosystems
of Stafford.
D. Regulation of the siting and installation of solar arrays is necessary
for protecting the health, safety, and well-being of neighboring property
owners, the general public, local agricultural lands and local ecosystems
in Stafford.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the
meanings indicated. Words not defined in this chapter shall be given
their ordinary and common meanings:
A building that is located on the solar energy facility (SEF)
Any equipment serving or being used in conjunction with an
SEF. The term includes utility or transmission equipment, power supplies,
generators, batteries, equipment sheds, and storage sheds, shelters
or similar structures.
With certain legal exclusions and additions, the term "brownfield
site" means real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse
of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence
of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant.
An application that contains all information and/or data
required and requested, to enable an informed decision to be made
with respect to that application.
Such areas include natural areas protected by law, such as
wetlands that meet the definition in the Clean Water Act, 33 USC § 1251
et seq.; shoreland areas; water bodies; riparian buffers; populations
of endangered or threatened species, or habitat for such species;
archaeological sites, cemeteries, and burial grounds; important historic
sites; other significant natural features and scenic view sheds; and
existing trails or corridors that connect the tract to neighboring
The cleaning, painting, repair, or replacement of defective
parts (including plumbing, electrical, or mechanical work that might
require a building permit) in a manner that does not alter the basic
design or composition of a structure, such as a solar array.
Any change, addition, removal, swap-out, exchange, and the
like that does not qualify as "repairs" and/or "maintenance" as defined
herein is a modification. Also included is any change, addition, swap-out,
exchange, and the like that requires or results in changes and/or
upgrades to the structural integrity of a solar array.
An individual, trustee, executor, receiver, other fiduciary,
corporation, firm, partnership, association, organization, club, etc.,
acting as an entity.
The replacement of existing work with the same kind of material
used in the existing work, not including additional work that would:
Change the structural safety of the structure;
Affect or change required existing facilities, a vital element
of an elevator, plumbing, gas piping, wiring, or heating installations,
that would be in violation of a provision of law or this chapter.
An active solar energy system that converts sunlight into
electricity using either thermal or photovoltaic methods. Such a system
has multiple solar collectors, and might include transformers, generators,
batteries, and other additional structures and/or facilities.
A device that converts sunlight into electricity using either
thermal or photovoltaic methods.
There are two general ways sunlight is converted into useful
energy: passive and active. Passive refers to such actions as opening
a window shade to let sunlight in to heat a room. Active uses mechanical
devices to collect, convert, store and distribute solar energy. The
two most common active conversions of sunlight into electricity are
thermal and photovoltaic.
A commercial electricity-generating facility (PV or CSP),
whose primary purpose is to supply electricity. This consists of one
or more solar arrays and other accessory structures and buildings,
including substations, electrical infrastructure, generators, transmission
lines, and other additional structures and/or facilities. This large-scale
sale and production of energy is for off-site usage. Also referred
to as "industrial solar energy facility."
The State of New York.
A structure owned and/or operated by a public utility, municipality,
electric membership corporation, or rural electric cooperative that
is designed specifically for and used to carry lines, cables, or wires
for telephone, cable television, or electricity, or to provide lighting.
The requirements of this chapter shall apply to all SEFs proposed,
operated, modified or constructed after the effective date of this
Should any provision of this chapter be declared by any court,
administrative body, or board, or any other government body or board,
to be unconstitutional, invalid, preempted, void, or otherwise inapplicable
for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of this
chapter as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so decided
to be unconstitutional, invalid, preempted, void, or otherwise inapplicable.