[1971 Code § 3-1.1]
Qualified Borough personnel shall be given first consideration for vacancies and new positions.
Employment in the Borough shall be based on merit and fitness, free of personal and political considerations.
Appointments, promotions and other personnel actions shall be on a merit basis. Except where specifically otherwise provided, these policies apply to all salaried employees of the Borough.
[1971 Code § 3-1.2]
The Council may by ordinance abolish, increase, decrease or modify the terms and compensation of any office of the Borough, except that the Borough Council may not abolish or alter the terms of an office created by general law. Except where an office is abolished, no decrease or modification of its terms and compensation shall affect any incumbent holding such office for the duration of the term for which he was appointed.
[1971 Code § 3-2.1]
All employees of the Borough shall be appointed and promoted by the Borough Council upon recommendation of appropriate Department Heads except as may be otherwise provided by general law or ordinance.
[1971 Code § 3-2.2; Ord. No. 95-03]
Original appointments to fill vacancies or for new positions shall be limited to qualified persons who have been interviewed or tested concerning such factors as education, experience, aptitude, knowledge, character, and physical and mental fitness.
Every employee or proposed employee of the Borough who shall operate municipally-owned vehicles and/or municipally-owned equipment which is on wheels and powered by a compulsion system other than manpower shall have a valid New Jersey Driver's license and shall authorize the Matawan Borough Police Department to periodically confirm through the Motor Vehicle Commission that the license is not suspended or revoked. No employee of the Borough shall operate a municipally-owned vehicle or equipment with wheel powered by compulsion other than man power unless they hold a valid New Jersey driver's license.
[1971 Code § 3-2.3; New]
Provided they are qualified for the positions for which they have applied, preference shall be given in appointments to vacancies and new positions, first to employees of the Borough and secondly, to persons who are residents of the Borough at the time of their appointment. The Council may by ordinance provide that all officers and employees shall be residents of the Borough except where provided otherwise in Statutes. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply for a vacancy in or new position created as a regular member of the Police Department.
[1971 Code § 3-2.4; Ord. No. 94-7]
Applicants for employment shall apply on forms provided by the Clerk and which have been designed to obtain pertinent information concerning the applicant's education, training, experience, character and other factors necessary to determine his fitness and qualifications for services to the Borough. All applications shall be filed with the Borough Clerk.
Applicants for employment and all persons who operate Borough vehicles shall provide their New Jersey Driver's License number and authorize a New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission driver abstract to be provided to the Matawan Borough Police Department.
[1971 Code § 3-2.5]
An applicant for employment may be rejected where he:
Is not qualified for appointment to the position for which he has applied;
Is physically unfit to perform the duties of the position for which he has applied;
Is addicted to the habitual or excessive use of drugs or intoxicants;
Has been convicted of any crime or offense, including disorderly persons offenses involving moral turpitude;
Has received other than an honorable discharge from the Armed Services of the United States;
Has been dismissed from previous employment for delinquency, insubordination or misconduct;
Has practiced or attempted to practice any deception or fraud in his application or in furnishing other evidence of eligibility for appointment; or
Is not within age limits that have been established for the position for which he seeks appointment.
[1971 Code § 3-2.6]
All persons appointed by the Borough under the provisions of this chapter may be required to undergo a physical examination, at the Borough's cost and expense, in order to determine whether or not the applicant is physically fit to perform the duties of the position for which he has been appointed.
[1971 Code § 3-3.1]
Except when provided by law, every person appointed to a new position shall be deemed to be on probation in the position to which he shall have been appointed for a period of three months but such probation shall not affect permanent status of any other Borough employment that such person may have achieved. Prior to his completion of the probationary period, the employee or officer shall be evaluated by the Council to determine whether he shall be granted permanent status or dismissed. The Council may require reports and recommendations from immediate superiors and Department Heads for this purpose.
Consult the Matawan Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual.[1]
Editor's Note: The Borough of Matawan Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual was adopted by resolution of the Governing Body on March 18, 2008.
[1971 Code § 3-4.1]
The official office hours of the Borough are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., prevailing time, Monday through Friday. The hours of work for employees, including lunch hours, shall be specified by the Council.
Consult the Matawan Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual.[1]
Editor's Note: The Borough of Matawan Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual was adopted by resolution of the Governing Body on March 18, 2008.
Consult the Matawan Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual.[1]
Editor's Note: The Borough of Matawan Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual was adopted by resolution of the Governing Body on March 18, 2008.
[1971 Code § 3-4.4; Ord. No. 97-29; New; Ord. No. 2018-10]
As used in this subsection, "sick leave" shall mean paid leave that may be granted to an employee who through sickness or injury becomes incapacitated to a degree that makes it impossible for him to perform the duties of his position, or who is quarantined by a physician because he has been exposed to a contagious disease. Part-time and full-time temporary employees are not eligible for sick leave.
A certificate from the employee's doctor may be required as sufficient proof of the need for sick leave.
In the first year of employment, an employee shall be entitled to one day sick leave for each month of employment. Sick leave shall accumulate on the basis of one and one-quarter (1 1/4) days per month or 15 days per year. Sick leave may be accumulated from year to year, but not to exceed 260 days of earned sick leave.
Accumulated sick leave may be used by an employee for personal illness, illness in his immediate family which requires his attendance upon the ill person, quarantine restrictions, pregnancy or disabling injuries. For the purpose of this paragraph, "immediate family" means a spouse, domestic or civil union partner, child, parent or unmarried brother or sister or a relative or dependent living under the same roof.
In the event an employee is paid for sick leave, the compensation "on account of sickness" shall not be subject to a deduction for FICA.
Pursuant to applicable law this exemption shall be deemed effective as of January 1, 1979.
Unused accumulated sick leave shall be forfeited by the employee upon termination of employment, regardless of reason except that in the case of death or retirement the Borough of Matawan shall pay the retired employee 1/2 of the accumulated sick leave up to a maximum of $15,000, or as provided in any employment contract existing at the time of death or retirement.
[Ord. No. 2018-10]
For further information consult the Matawan Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual.
[1971 Code § 3-4.5; Ord. No. 95-05; Ord. No. 97-11; New]
After using 30 days of sick leave any regular full-time employee of the Borough who shall be injured, ill, or disabled from any cause not connected with his service as an employee so as to become physically unfit for work may be entitled to a leave of absence and the Council may authorize the same by Resolution requiring such employee to use such employee's accumulated sick leave or any portion thereof as the Borough Council shall deem fit in accordance with the following schedule:
If the employee has served for not less than one nor more than 10 years, he shall be entitled to a leave of absence with full pay for 13 weeks, plus an additional 13 weeks at half pay.
If the employee has served for more than 10 years, he shall be entitled to a leave of absence with full pay for 26 weeks, plus an additional 13 weeks at half pay.
In the event that any regular full-time employee of the Borough shall be injured, ill or disabled from any cause connected with his work as such employee so as to become physically unfit for work, he shall be entitled to a leave of absence for a period of one year, and the Borough will pay to him the difference between the amount he may receive by way of workmen's compensation, temporary disability payments and the regular salary he would have received had he been at work.
In connection with any application for leave of absence pursuant to this section, the duration of any claimed disability shall be evidenced by certificates of a physician designated by the Mayor and Council to examine the applicant.
Consult the Matawan Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual.
Editor's Note: The Borough of Matawan Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual was adopted by resolution of the Governing Body on March 18, 2008.
Consult the Matawan Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual.[1]
Editor's Note: The Borough of Matawan Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual was adopted by resolution of the Governing Body on March 18, 2008.
[1971 Code § 3-4.8; Ord. No. 97-28; Ord. No. 98-14]
The Borough shall provide for the cost of sustaining health and medical insurance benefits as required pursuant to the terms of the respective collective negotiations agreements maintained with its employee representatives and/or in the absence thereof pursuant to the Borough's adopted personnel policies and procedures. As necessary, the Mayor and Council may purchase insurance and may enter into plan document agreements with medical insurance providers; however, descriptions of benefits contained in plan document and/or benefit manuals provided to employees thereunder shall not be construed to supersede the terms and requirements of collective agreements or personnel policies and procedures.
Employees who have retired from the Borough pursuant to public employment pension programs, and who shall have also served 25 years of active service with the Borough, and who also qualify for Medicare coverage shall be provided with paid medical-surgical-hospital insurance coverage supplementary to Medicare coverage. Spouses and other dependents of retirees, and the retirees of the Borough who are under the age of 65 shall be eligible for insurance coverage but they must fully contribute to the cost of such coverage. The Borough may pay for the health insurance coverage of retirees and spouses who have received insurance coverage prior to July 1, 1998.
Employees who retire under a disability pension shall not be required to meet service and Medicare qualification requirements to receive paid medical benefits from the Borough.
[Added 4-20-2021 by Ord. No. 21-03; amended 3-19-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-03]
Direct deposit of net pay shall be mandatory for all employees of the Borough of Matawan in a specific banking institution based on information provided by the employee. Compliance by an employee shall be mandatory; except that the Mayor and Council may, by resolution, grant an exemption from the direct deposit requirement on such terms and conditions as the Mayor and Council may deem necessary.
Consult the Matawan Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual.[1]
Editor's Note: The Borough of Matawan Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual was adopted by resolution of the Governing Body on March 18, 2008.
[1971 Code § 3-6]
It is hereby declared to be the policy of the Borough to recognize and encourage meritorious actions on the part of its officers and employees. To this end, letters of commendation concerning Borough employees from their superiors and from members of the public with whom they deal shall be directed to the attention of the Council, and then recorded in the employee's personnel file. In addition, the Council may, on its own motion, commend the work of particular officers and employees and cause such commendation to be inserted in their personnel files.
[1971 Code § 3-7]
Every officer or employee of the Borough who, by virtue of his office or position, is entrusted with the receipt, custody or expenditure of public monies or funds, and any other officer or employee who may be required to do so by the Council shall, before entering upon the duties of his office or position, execute and deliver a surety bond in such amount as may be fixed by the Council, binding him to the Borough in its corporate name and conditioned upon the true and faithful performance of his duty. Each officer or employee required by law to give bond shall execute such bond with sufficient surety and deliver the same to the Clerk except that the Clerk shall deliver his bond to the treasurer, before he enters upon the discharge of his duties of the office or employment.
If any officer or employee shall neglect to execute and deliver his bond as herein required within 30 days after due notification of his election or appointment, his office or position may be declared vacant.
In every case in which any person is required by the laws of the State or by any ordinance of the Borough to give a bond for the faithful performance of his duties, such bond shall be secured by a corporate surety authorized to do business in this State and the premium therefor shall be paid by the Borough. Each such bond shall be approved by the Borough Attorney as to form and sufficiency, and nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the use of one or more blanket bonds when so approved.
[1971 Code § 3-9; amended 4-18-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-06]
In addition to the salaries provided by the Salary Ordinance,[1] all full-time employees of the Borough of Matawan hired prior to May 16, 2023, shall receive a longevity payment as hereinafter fixed and determined. Employees hired with a start date of May 16, 2023, or after are not eligible for longevity payments. Such longevity payment is to be considered as additional compensation based upon the length of service of the employee according to the following schedule:
Years of Service
Additional Compensation Per Annum (Percentage of Annual Salary)
2 1/2%
7 1/2%
12 1/2%
30 or more
Editor's Note: A copy of the current Salary Ordinance can be found on file in the Office of the Borough Clerk.
Such additional compensation shall be based upon the annual salary of each employee. No employee who works less than the average hours per week determined for the employee's department in any one year shall be eligible for the additional compensation. In calculating the additional compensation, the base salary in effect on the anniversary date of permanent employment by the Borough of Matawan shall be used for such purpose.
Any interruption of service due to a cause beyond the control of the employee such as military service, injury in line of duty or illness, shall be considered as service for the purpose of determining the longevity periods. Leaves of absence granted at the request of any employee will not be considered in determining length of service.
All periods of employment shall be computed from the anniversary date of permanent employment by the Borough of Matawan.
Additional compensation of any nature, including overtime, will not be considered in computing longevity payments.
Consult the Matawan Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual.[1]
Editor's Note: The Borough of Matawan Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual was adopted by resolution of the Governing Body on March 18, 2008.
[1971 Code § 3-8.1]
No elected or appointed official, officer or employee of the Borough shall engage in any business transaction, professional activity, or have a financial or other private interest, either direct or indirect, which is in substantial conflict with the proper discharge of his official duties, unless full disclosure is made as to such interest in writing to the Council.
[1971 Code § 3-8.2]
No elected or appointed official, officer or employee of the Borough shall accept employment, engage in any business transaction or make any investment which will be detrimental to the Borough in the exercise of his official duties or which will interfere in any manner whatsoever with the discharge of his official duties.
[1971 Code § 3-8.3]
No elected or appointed official, officer or employee of the Borough shall represent any private interests to the detriment of the Borough or for the purpose of unwarranted personal gain before any Borough agency or department, or the Municipal Court, or in any litigation to which the Borough is a party.
[1971 Code § 3-8.4]
In the event that any elected or appointed official, officer or employee has a direct or indirect financial interest in any proposed legislation, he shall publicly disclose on the official records of the Borough the nature and extent of such interest.
[1971 Code § 3-8.5]
No elected or appointed official, officer or employee of the Borough shall improperly use his official position in order to obtain a personal discount or other benefit from any person whatsoever.
Consult the Matawan Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual.
Editor's Note: The Borough of Matawan Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual was adopted by resolution of the Governing Body on March 18, 2008.
Consult Matawan Borough Medical Health Insurance Plan documents for further specifications and plan requirements.
Editor's Note: See Chapter 2, Section 2-14 for the Establishment of the Police Department.
[1971 Code § 8-13]
The regular hours of employment of a regular Police Officer shall not exceed eight consecutive hours in any one day, nor more than an average of 40 hours per week. However, in the case of an emergency as defined in N.J.S.A. 40A:14-50 and as the same shall be determined within the sole discretion of the Officer, Board or Official having charge of the Police Department, the Officer, Board of Official shall have authority to summon and keep on duty any and all regular paid members of the Police Department for a period of time or times in excess of the hours of ordinary duty as in their discretion is necessary. The Police Committee in its sole discretion, may provide compensation for some or all the emergency duty by any Police Officer at his prevailing wage, which compensation shall be in lieu of any compensatory time off otherwise due for the emergency duty so compensated, but within the limit of any appropriation of fund for such purposes.
Prior ordinance history: 1971 Code § 8-16; Ord. No. 13-21 § 1; Ord. No. 2015-01.
[Ord. No. 2018-18; amended 7-20-2021 by Ord. No. 21-11; 3-7-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-04; 8-13-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-16]
The Borough of Matawan Governing Body desires to promote the most qualified candidate to the position of Chief of Police. The goal of this subsection is to strive to identify the most qualified members of the Police Department for promotion to leadership positions within the department and to set forth the components of the promotional process that will be utilized in carrying out the process. This subsection establishes the eligibility requirements and the process for promotion to the rank of Chief of Police. The promotion process shall be on the basis of merit, experience, education and demonstrated ability. In accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:14-129, the promotion of any officer shall be made from the membership of the Borough of Matawan Police Department. No person shall be eligible for promotion to Chief of Police unless he or she shall have served as a full-time police officer in the Borough of Matawan Police Department for a period of 10 years or more (five years to be eligible for promotion to Sergeant followed by two years in the rank of Sergeant, two years in the rank of Lieutenant, followed by one year in the rank of Captain). Promotions to the rank of Chief of Police shall be open to the member of the next lowest rank who has served at least one year in said rank, unless the Mayor and Council, in the best interest of the Department, chooses to test a wider pool of candidates, in which case they may open eligibility to the next lower rank and/or reduce the length of time requirement in rank.
Upon receiving approval from the Governing Body to make promotions, the Borough Administrator shall announce the promotional process to members of the Department at least 10 days before the process is to begin. The announcement shall be posted in common areas of the Department accessible to all members. Candidates who qualify shall notify the Borough Administrator of his or her interest in participating in the process by submitting a letter of interest and resume no later than seven calendar days after the promotion announcement. Failure to do so shall render the officer ineligible to participate in the process.
There shall be no requirement for the use of written or oral examination testing procedures for candidates seeking promotion to the rank of Chief of Police.
Each candidate shall be interviewed by a panel consisting of the Police Committee of the Borough Council (or the Governing Body as a whole, if so determined by the Governing Body) and the Borough Administrator.
The Borough Administrator shall submit a written recommendation to the Governing Body of the officer(s) whom he/she feels are most suitable to be promoted to the position of Chief of Police. The Governing Body may also consider the recommendation of the outgoing Chief of Police, if desired.
Promotional recommendations shall be based upon the totality of the following criteria: evaluation of merit (work product), interview (section d. above) and seniority/length of service.
At the completion of the promotional process, the selected candidate shall be notified in writing of his/her promotional date. At the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Governing Body, a municipal resolution shall be passed promoting the selected candidate to the position of Chief of Police. The candidate shall be sworn in at that meeting or during a promotional ceremony held by the Police Department. The newly promoted Chief of Police shall serve a probationary period as outlined in current collective bargaining agreement(s) and/or Borough policy and ordinance.
[Ord. No. 2018-18; amended 7-20-2021 by Ord. No. 21-11; 3-7-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-04; 8-13-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-17]
The Borough of Matawan Governing Body desires to promote the most qualified candidate to the position of Captain. The goal of this subsection is to strive to identify the most qualified members of the Police Department for promotion to leadership positions within the department and to set forth the components of the promotional process that will be utilized in carrying out the process. This subsection establishes the eligibility requirements and the process for promotion to the rank of Captain. The promotion process shall be on the basis of merit, experience, education and demonstrated ability. In accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:14-129, the promotion of any officer shall be made from the membership of the Borough of Matawan Police Department. No person shall be eligible for promotion to Captain unless he or she shall have served as a full-time police officer in the Borough of Matawan Police Department for a period of nine years or more (five years to be eligible for promotion to Sergeant followed by two years in the rank of Sergeant and then two years in the rank of Lieutenant). Promotions to the rank of Captain shall be open to the members of the next lowest rank who have served at least two years in said rank, unless the Mayor and Council, in the best interest of the Department, chooses to test a wider pool of candidates, in which case they may open eligibility to the next lower rank and/or reduce the length of time requirement in rank.
Upon receiving approval from the Governing Body to make promotions, the Chief of Police shall announce the promotional process to members of the Department at least 10 days before the process is to begin. The announcement shall be posted in common areas of the Department accessible to all members. Candidates who qualify shall notify the Chief of Police of his or her interest in participating in the process by submitting a letter of interest and resume no later than seven calendar days after the promotion announcement. Failure to do so shall render the officer ineligible to participate in the process.
There shall be no requirement for the use of written or oral examination testing procedures for candidates seeking promotion to the rank of Captain.
Each candidate shall be interviewed by a panel consisting of the Police Committee of the Borough Council (or the Governing Body as a whole, if so determined by the Governing Body), the Borough Administrator and the Chief of Police.
The Chief of Police shall submit a written recommendation to the Governing Body of the officer(s) whom he/she feels are most suitable to be promoted to the position of Captain.
Promotional recommendations shall be based upon the totality of the following criteria: evaluation of merit (work product), interview (paragraph d above) and seniority/length of service.
At the completion of the promotional process, the selected candidate shall be notified in writing of his/her promotional date. At the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Governing Body, a municipal resolution shall be passed promoting the selected candidate to the position of Captain. The candidate shall be sworn in at that meeting or during a promotional ceremony held by the Police Department. The newly promoted Captain shall serve a probationary period as outlined in current collective bargaining agreement(s) and/or Borough policy and ordinance.
[Ord. No. 2018-18; amended 7-20-2021 by Ord. No. 21-11; 3-7-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-04; 8-13-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-18]
The Borough of Matawan Governing Body desires to promote the most qualified candidate to the position of Lieutenant. The goal of this subsection is to strive to identify the most qualified members of the Police Department for promotion to leadership positions within the department and to set forth the components of the promotional process that will be utilized in carrying out the process. This subsection establishes the eligibility requirements and the process for promotion to the rank of Lieutenant. The promotion process shall be on the basis of merit, experience, education and demonstrated ability. In accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:14-129, the promotion of any officer shall be made from the membership of the Borough of Matawan Police Department. No person shall be eligible for promotion to Lieutenant unless he or she shall have served as a full-time police officer in the Borough of Matawan Police Department for a period of seven years or more (five years to be eligible for promotion to Sergeant followed by two years in the rank of Sergeant). Promotions to the rank of Lieutenant shall be open to the members of the next lowest rank who have served at least two years in said rank, unless the Mayor and Council, in the best interest of the Department, choose to test a wider pool of candidates, in which case they may open eligibility to the next lower rank and/or reduce the length of time requirement in rank.
Upon receiving approval from the Governing Body to make promotions, the Chief of Police shall announce the promotional process to members of the Department at least 10 days before the process is to begin. The announcement shall be posted in common areas of the Department accessible to all members. Candidates who qualify shall notify the Chief of Police of his or her interest in participating in the process by submitting a letter of interest and resume no later than seven calendar days after the promotion announcement. Failure to do so shall render the officer ineligible to participate in the process.
There shall be no requirement for the use of written or oral examination testing procedures for candidates seeking promotion to the rank of Lieutenant.
Each candidate shall be interviewed by a panel consisting of the Police Committee of the Borough Council (or the Governing Body as a whole, if so determined by the Governing Body), the Borough Administrator and the Police Department Executive Command Staff (the Chief of Police and Captain).
The Chief of Police, or in his/her absence the Captain, shall submit a written recommendation to the Governing Body of the officer(s) whom he/she feels are most suitable to be promoted to the position of Lieutenant.
Promotional recommendations shall be based upon the totality of the following criteria: evaluation of merit (work product), interview (paragraph d above) and seniority/length of service.
At the completion of the promotional process, the selected candidate shall be notified in writing of his/her promotional date. At the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Governing Body, a municipal resolution shall be passed promoting the selected candidate to the position of Lieutenant. The candidate shall be sworn in at that meeting or during a promotional ceremony held by the Police Department. The newly promoted Lieutenant shall serve a probationary period as outlined in current collective bargaining agreement(s) and/or Borough policy and ordinance.
[Ord. No. 2018-18; amended 7-20-2021 by Ord. No. 21-11; 3-7-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-04; 8-13-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-19]
The Borough of Matawan Governing Body desires to promote the most qualified candidate to the position of Sergeant. This subsection establishes the eligibility requirements and the process for promotion to Sergeant. The promotion process shall be on the basis of merit, experience, education, demonstrated ability, competitive examinations and competitive written submissions. In accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:14-129, promotion of any officer shall be made from the membership of the Matawan Police Department. No person shall be eligible for promotion to Sergeant unless he or she shall have served as a full-time police officer in the Borough of Matawan Police Department for a period of five years or more.
The Police Chief shall announce the promotional process to members of the Department at least 30 days before the written examination is to be given. The announcement shall be posted in common areas of the Department accessible to all members. The announcement shall contain, at a minimum, the rank to be filled, the dates of the exams, source materials or reading lists from which exam questions will be taken or topics from which questions will be formulated. Candidates who qualify shall notify the Police Chief of his or her interest in taking the examination by submitting a letter of interest no later than 10 calendar days after the promotion announcement. Failure to do so shall render the officer ineligible to participate in the process.
Promotion Testing Procedure. The promotion testing procedure for the Borough of Matawan Police Department shall consist of the following: a written examination, an oral examination, a psychological examination, a record review and interview with the Police Committee and Police Chief.
Written Examinations*: The written examination shall be supplied by a professional testing company, professional law enforcement organization (e.g., State Chiefs of Police Association, International Chiefs of Police Association, etc.). To proceed to the oral examination of the examination procedure, a candidate must achieve a minimum score of 70% on the written examination.
Oral Examinations*: Candidates will be notified, in writing, of their successful or unsuccessful completion of the written portion of the exam by the Borough Administrator or his designee. The oral examination shall take place after the receipt of the written examination results. A standardized interview will be conducted by an outside agency (e.g., Chiefs of Police Association, International Chiefs of Police Association, etc.) by a board of three examiners, at least one of whom shall be a personnel evaluator from the outside testing agency. None of the evaluators shall be an officer, employee, resident or relative thereof, of the Borough of Matawan. To proceed to the record review and interview portion of the promotional process, a candidate must achieve a minimum score of 70%.
*The testing organization shall assign each candidate an identification number, which shall be the only identification used when the written and oral examination is graded. The identification numbers of all candidates for promotion shall be posted on a pass/fail basis only. A complete master list of the actual results of the written and oral examination shall be placed under seal and retained in the office of the Borough Administrator and shall not be revealed to the Police Committee until after the interview and record review of the applicants are complete.
Record Review and Interview by the Police Committee and the Police Chief. Candidates that successfully achieve a minimum score of 70% on the written examination and a minimum score of 70% on the oral examination and receive a satisfactory psychological examination shall proceed to the next step in the promotional process, the review of service record and interview. The interview shall be conducted by the Police Committee and Police Chief. The record review shall be conducted by the Borough Administrator and the Police Chief.
The interview with the Police Committee and the Police Chief shall focus on, but not be limited to, leadership and management skills, knowledge of the Borough of Matawan's form of government, knowledge of the Police Department ordinances, department general orders, policies and procedures, staffing allocations, Attorney General Guidelines and Directives and knowledge of N.J.S.A. 40A:14-118. The Police Committee, Borough Administrator and Police Chief shall grade each candidate on a 20 point scale and shall ask each candidate the identical questions and the Borough Clerk will keep written records of each candidate's responses to same.
The Borough Administrator and Police Chief shall examine the personnel jacket of each candidate and give specific weight to each category and grade each candidate on a 20 point scale. The weight of each category of the record review shall be the maximum of the following points in each of the enumerated categories as follows:
Specialized training (e.g., FBI Academy)
0 to 3 points
Each completed course +1 point to a total of 3 points
Performance evaluations
0 to 8 points
All previous performance evaluations shall be considered and reviewed to achieve the broadest scope of review for the given candidate by his/her supervisors.
0 to 3 points
+1 point for each commendation up to maximum of 3 points
Candidate only gets the point(s) associated with the highest educational degree attained and not the point(s) for each separate education degree.
Associate's degree
1 point
Bachelor's degree
2 points
Master's degree
3 points
PhD (JD) degree
4 points
Military experience
Active duty or reserve duty: Candidate only gets the highest of the following point(s).
Rank of Sergeant or lower
1 point
Any rank above Sergeant
2 points
Disciplinary actions
Each major sustained discipline (more than 5 days)
-2 points
Each minor sustained discipline (5 day suspension or less, including written reprimands)
-1 point
All previous sustained disciplinary actions shall be considered and reviewed to achieve the broadest scope of review for the given candidate by his/her supervisors.
The weight or percentage of each portion of the process shall be as follows:
Written examination
Oral examination
Record review
Mayor, Council and Chief interview
The completion of the promotional testing process shall result in the creation of an eligible promotional list that will remain in effect for two years from the date all scores are tabulated. Candidates shall be ranked and eligible for promotion according to their overall score. Eligible candidates must have an overall score of 70% or greater to be included on the list.
The candidate with the highest overall score shall be voted on by the Mayor and Council for promotion to the rank of Sergeant, subject to receipt of a satisfactory psychological examination and certification by a Borough-selected physician stating that the candidate is able to perform the essential functions of the Sergeant title. The candidate's overall score must be 70% or greater to be considered for promotion by the Mayor and Council.
Where two or more candidates are ranked equally pursuant to the promotional procedure set forth herein, preference shall be given to the candidate with the most seniority in service pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:14-129, or a resident over a non-resident pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:14-122.6. Seniority shall prevail over residency in the case of candidates that are ranked equally.
[Ord. No. 2018-18]
The Mayor and Council of the Borough of Matawan have the discretion and authority to assign the functions and duties of superior officer ranks, once the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Matawan have certified by resolution that the position of any superior officer rank is vacant. Until a superior officer rank is filled, the Mayor and Council may designate an officer who is qualified to perform the functions and duties of any superior officer rank in an acting capacity.
It is explicitly understood that no office or position of any kind is created by the assignment of functions and duties of a higher rank to an officer of a lower rank on an acting basis. Such designation shall also not be considered an appointment to a position, nor constitute a promotion. Such designation shall not entitle the officer to any additional compensation or other emoluments of office unless specifically provided for in a collective bargaining agreement or the Borough of Matawan Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual. The officer fulfilling such assignment is not and is not intended to constitute the holding of a defacto office or position within the meaning of N.J.S.A. 40A:9-6 or any other law. The officer designated in an acting capacity shall continue to fulfill the assignment at the pleasure of the Mayor and Council.
[1971 Code § 8-17]
In addition to the salaries provided by the salary ordinance for Officers and members of the Police Department of the Borough of Matawan, a longevity payment shall be paid as hereinafter fixed and determined. Such longevity payment is to be considered as additional compensation based upon the length of service of the Officers and members according to the following schedule:
Editor's Note: A copy of the current salary ordinance can be found on file in the Office of Borough Clerk.
Years of Service
Additional Compensation
Per Annum
(Percentage of Annual Salary)
5 years
2 1/2 percent
10 years
5 percent
15 years
7 1/2 percent
20 years
10 percent
25 years
12 1/2 percent
30 years or more
15 percent
Such additional compensation shall be based upon the annual salary of each Officer or member. No Officer or member who works less than an average of 40 hours per week in any one year shall be eligible for additional compensation. In calculating additional compensation, the base salary in effect on the anniversary date of permanent employment as a member of the Police Department of the Borough of Matawan shall be used for such purpose.
Any interruption of service due to a cause beyond the control of the officer or member of the Police Department such as military service, injury in line of duty or illness, shall be considered as service for the purpose of determining the longevity periods. Leaves of absence granted at the request of any Officer or member of the Police Department will not be considered in determining length of service.
All periods of employment shall be computed from the anniversary date of permanent employment as a member of the Police Department of the Borough.
Additional compensation of any nature including overtime will not be considered in computing longevity payments.
The aforesaid additional compensation by reason of longevity payments shall be retroactive to and payable from July 1, 1970, and shall be added to the salaries set forth in the salary ordinance and paid at the same time as the salaries are paid.
[1971 Code § 8-14]
Each regular Police Officer shall hold his office and continue in his employment during good behavior, efficiency, and residence in the Borough, and no person shall be removed from office or employment for any other causes than incapacity, misconduct, neglect of duty, conduct unbecoming a Police Officer, disobedience of the rules and regulations established for the Department or absence from duty without just cause for five days or more.
Any member of the Department may be suspended, removed, fined, or reduced from his office or employment, for just cause upon due notice and service of written charges and a hearing.
[Ord. No. 2018-18; amended 6-5-2019 by Ord. No. 19-08]
Prior ordinance history: Ord. No. 01-23, 12-03; Ord. No. 13-21.
The Borough finds that promulgation of appropriate and consistent standards for the hiring of Police Officers serves the public interest in the following ways:
The public is informed and made aware of the criteria pursuant to which such appointments are made.
Police Officers currently serving the Borough can properly prepare themselves to be eligible for promotion to the next rank.
Persons wishing to apply for positions as police officers are able to learn and prepare to meet the hiring criteria.
All applicants shall complete a detailed application which will be thoroughly investigated. Failure to pass the background investigation will disqualify an applicant.
Final determination as to passage or failure of the background investigation will be made by the Chief of Police or his/her designee.
Options for Hiring. The Chief of Police shall employ one of the following procedures for appointing to the position of entry level police officer. The Chief reserves the right to utilize any of the following procedures in whatever order of preference he/she shall choose in the best interest of the department.
Option 1: Promotion of those members of the department currently serving as Class I or Class II special law enforcement officers. Promotion shall only be made upon recommendation of the Chief of Police from those special law enforcement officers who have satisfactorily completed the prescribed field training program as established by department general order.
Option 2: The Chief of Police may elect to expand the pool of candidates, by doing the following:
Advertise in the local newspaper.
Public advertisements seeking applications must be published in an approved newspaper of general circulation and an official papery of the Borough, approved by the Mayor and Council, and must run for two days within a two-week span, one of which shall be a Sunday publication.
During the two-week period, the advertisement shall also be posted on the Borough and Police Department websites.
The advertisement shall specify the requisite training needed to submit an application (if applicable).
If a wider pool of candidates is sought through a recruiting process, the Chief of Police may elect to accept applications from any individual interested in serving as a police officer.
Option 3: The Chief of Police may accept those applications from trained officers with New Jersey Police Training Commission certification. Certification shall be by Class A NJ PTC certification or Class II SLEO certification eligible for a waiver of training (Class II SLEO to BCPO).
Sworn officers from other agencies;
Alternate route officers from police academies.
Option 4: The Chief of Police may also establish a pool of candidates, who have successfully passed the Monmouth County Police Chief's Association Non-Civil Service Entry-Level Examination prior to beginning the process and being placed in the pool.
Application. Applications shall be given out and collected at Matawan Borough Hall, 201 Broad Street, Matawan, New Jersey 07747, by the Borough Clerk.
The Chief or the Chief's designee will be responsible for making all the proper notifications to the applicants.
Applications will not be rejected because of omissions or deficiencies that can be corrected prior to the interview process.
The Chief of Police or the agency's designated selection process coordinator will review all initial applications consistent with the following:
Prior law enforcement experience; and/or
Proof of satisfactorily attaining alternate route status; and/or
Proof of certification through the Police Training Commission; and/or
Passage of the Monmouth County Police Chief's Association Non-Civil Service Entry-Level Examination;
Satisfactory attainment of Subsection c, items 1 through 7.
Satisfactory applicants will be issued an additional application packet to be completed and submitted by the date placed on the application packet.
Eligibility and Requirements:
Must be a citizen of the United States and comply with all state law residency requirements.
Must be able to read, write, and understand the English language and must possess a high school diploma or its equivalent.
Must be of good moral character and sound body and health.
Must be between the ages of 21 and 35.
Must not have been convicted of a crime.
Must possess a valid New Jersey driver's license.
Must have a minimum of 60 college credits or an associate degree from an accredited college or junior college.
Department Oral Interview:
Potential vacancies may be advertised at least one time each year to establish a pool of candidates.
Prior to the initiation of the interview process, the Chief of Police shall promulgate a set of criteria for the ranking of candidates, which shall be approved by the Mayor and Council and disseminated to the candidates no more than seven days prior to the interview.
The Chief of Police shall appoint a department Oral Board committee. The Oral Interview Board shall evaluate and rank the candidates. The committee shall consist of personnel representing the command and supervisory staff of the agency.
The department Oral Board interview shall be directed by the Chief of Police and/or an officer designated by the Chief of Police.
The candidates will then be ranked and scheduled for an additional interview before the executive command staff. Prior to the interview with the executive command staff, a list of candidates will be forwarded to the selection process coordinator or other appropriate supervisor for the initiation of an extensive background investigation.
Background Investigation:
When a candidate has successfully passed the previous steps of the process, a background investigation is to be initiated.
An extensive background investigation shall be conducted by the selection process coordinator or by another appropriate supervisor or detective. A background investigation report shall be completed by the selection process coordinator, or designee, and forwarded to the Chief of Police for review and evaluation.
Medical Examination:
The Matawan Borough Police Department shall pay for the applicant to be examined by the appointed Police Physician.
The physician shall be provided with complete and appropriate medical examination forms and the physician shall complete any appropriate medical examination forms necessary for the physician to complete.
Blood and urine analysis are to be conducted for every applicant examined.
The completed medical form is to be picked up from the physician by the Selection Process Coordinator or designee, and reviewed by the Chief of Police.
If a candidate's medical examination reflects that the applicant has traces of a controlled dangerous substance in their system, he is to be disqualified from the selection process.
Any finding of significant medical issues shall be thoroughly reviewed by the Police Physician and a determination made as to the applicant's fitness for police work.
All applicants that are rejected at this phase of the testing process shall be notified in writing by the Chief of Police within 15 days after the testing date.
Successful and Unsuccesful Candidates Psychological Evaluation:
The successful candidate or candidates, if more than one position is available, will be presented to the Mayor and Council for final approval and appointment. The initial year of employment is a one-year probationary period during which time the candidate may be removed for any cause, and without notice. Termination during the probationary period is not grievable.
Once a conditional offer of employment is made, the candidate(s) shall submit to drug testing as per current state, county and department policy on drug testing law enforcement personnel.
As part of the application process, the Matawan Police Department shall notify applicants in writing that drug testing is part of the screening process and that a negative test result is a condition of employment.
Additionally, the applicant will be advised in writing that a positive test result or a refusal to submit a sample will result in the applicant being dropped from consideration of employment, cause the applicants name to be reported to the Central Drug Registry and will preclude the applicant from being considered for future law enforcement employment for a period of two years.
If the applicant is already a sworn law enforcement officer from another agency and the officer tests positive as an applicant, the officer's employing agency will be notified of the test results and the officer will be terminated from employment and permanently barred from future law enforcement employment in New Jersey.
The successful candidate shall be subject to satisfactory completion of a psychological evaluation to be presented to him at least three days in advance of the actual appointment, and he or she will be notified of the time, location, name of consultation team and date. The psychological evaluation is designed to provide the Department with dimensional information about a successful candidate that will assist in the selection process. The Chief of Police shall interpret the psychological evaluation report. If a successful candidate does not successfully pass the psychological examination, he or she is disqualified from appointment. All medical records are to be treated as confidential with access limited in accordance with the HIPAA requirements; the medical records must be kept in a separate file.
Exemptions. For candidates who are currently employed by the Matawan Police Department as a Class I or Class II special law enforcement officer(s), the examinations outlined in § 9-29f through § 9-29h shall not be required as they have been completed prior to the candidates initial hiring with the department.
All applicants shall be notified of the examination/evaluation dates, times and places at least five days prior with the exception of the Monmouth County Police Chiefs' Association entry level examination, which shall be the responsibility of the candidate taking the exam, if the Borough determines to utilize the wider application pool as enumerated in Subsection C of this section.
All applicants that are rejected at any phase of this hiring process shall be notified in writing by the Chief of Police within 15 days after the particular hiring phase.
All examination/evaluation results will remain confidential and will not be released to any person or agency unless specifically authorized by the individual applicant or required by law.
Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this section is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the remaining portions of this section, which shall otherwise remain in full force and effect.
Repealer. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency.
Effective Date. This section shall take effect after final passage as provided by law and shall be applied to the hiring of an entry level police officer after May 1, 2019.