[Adopted May 1995 ATM as Title 2, Ch. 12, §§ 1 to 5, of the General Bylaws]
There shall be the levy of special assessments to meet 90% of the cost hereafter incurred of laying pipes in public and private ways for the conveyance or distribution of water.
An owner of land which receives benefit from the laying of water pipes in public and private ways upon which his land abuts shall pay a proportionate part of 90% of the cost not already assessed of extending such water supply to his land.
The amount to be charged against each parcel of land receiving such benefit shall include the cost of the pipes and other materials and of the labor in laying them and other expenses incidental thereto and shall be ascertained, assessed and certified by the Water Commissioners.
The assessment provided for in § 274-1 above shall be made upon the several parcels of land receiving benefit from the laying of such pipes according to the frontage of such land on any way in which a water pipe is laid.
It shall be the duty of the Water Commissioners to execute this bylaw in accordance with MGL c. 40, §§ 42G to 42I, inclusive.