The Board of Supervisors of North Whitehall Township has established an address system for all public and private streets and ways and alleys to assist emergency services personnel in locating persons and property within the Township. Every owner of developed property is required to prominently display the address assigned to his, her or its respective property or properties.
Street addresses shall be displayed in the following manner:
Mailbox. The house number shall be placed on both sides of the mailbox or supporting structure, or both sides of an attached sign. Neat numbers and letters, not less than two inches high, utilizing a reflective material or in some way illuminated, shall be used.
In the case of a mailbox located in a group of mailboxes, the street number shall be displayed in numbers at least one inch in height on the door of each box.
If a mailbox is located on a different street from that of the official address, the street name and street number shall be displayed on the box in the same size and manner as required for a mailbox in the proper location.
Building face. In the event there is no freestanding mailbox located on the property in a location that would readily identify the proper address, or if the mailbox is located in a group of mailboxes or on a street other than that of the designated street address, there shall be displayed on the front door, or a portion of the building in close proximity to the main entrance, the correct street number in numbers no less than four inches in height, made of a reflective material or illuminated by a continuous source.
Multiple occupant buildings. If a building is occupied by more than one entity for residential or nonresidential purposes, the street address shall be displayed pursuant to either § 293-8A(1) or (2), whichever is applicable. In addition to the standard required number display, the main entrance door to each occupied space shall display the suite name or apartment number in characters at least one inch in height, said display to be located between five feet and six feet above the level of the floor outside of the entrance door.
Commercial or industrial buildings. Buildings for commercial or industrial use, as defined in Chapter 440, Zoning, of this Code, which are located a distance of greater than 50 feet from the legal right-of-way of a public road shall display the street number in characters at least six inches in height on the face of the building fronting on the road on which the address is located, and such display shall be illuminated by a continuous source.
Buildings not having frontage on a public or private road. Buildings which do not front on a public or private road shall display a street number in the manner indicated for a mailbox (§ 293-8A) at the point where access is gained from the nearest public or private road. Such display shall be made on a sign or post placed in the required location. In addition to this display requirement, the building face shall be posted in the manner indicated in § 293-8B.
Maintenance. The display of address shall be maintained in good condition so as to provide reasonable identification. The failure to display or properly maintain the display of address shall be a violation of this chapter.
[Amended 5-21-1997 by Ord. No. 1997-1]
Violations of this chapter shall be punishable as a summary offense as set forth in § 1-16A of this Code.