A preliminary plan is intended to establish the overall development scheme to minimize the need for revisions of final plans.
Preliminary plan submission required.
A preliminary plan submission for each subdivision or land development [except as provided in Subsection A(2), below] meeting all of the requirements of this article shall be filed by the applicant and reviewed in accordance with the provisions of this article.
A preliminary plan submission is not required for:
A submission that only involves a lot line adjustment (as defined in Article II) or minor adjustments to a previously approved plan as specified in § 375-40.
Required submission procedures.
The applicant shall submit to the Township Planning Administrator by the submission deadline as is defined in Article II, Definitions.
[Amended 11-3-2004 by Ord. No. 2004-4]
The Administrator will forward applicable plans to the following prior to preliminary plan review:
The appropriate Township staff;
All other appropriate Township consultants;
The Township Planning Commission;
Applicable municipal water supplier;
Applicable municipal sewerage entity.
Applicant's distribution. The applicant is fully responsible for the following:
Contacting the appropriate utility companies in order to secure adequate service;
Seeking at least an informal review by PennDOT of any proposed access onto a state road, and providing PennDOT with sufficient information for such a review;
Determining whether any permits or approvals are needed from any agency outside of the Township, including but not limited to DEP (including any obstruction to a waterway) and the Army Corps of Engineers (including determining whether any wetland will be disturbed or intrusion into a floodplain as defined in Chapter 221, Floodplain Management);
Providing a copy of the sedimentation and erosion control plans to the Lehigh County Conservation District, together with their required review fees, if any earth disturbance is proposed;
Contacting adjacent municipalities. If any portion of a subdivision or land development: 1) is proposed within 200 feet of the boundary of another municipality or 2) would clearly have an impact upon another municipality as determined by the Planning Commission, then the applicant shall provide a copy of the layout plan to that municipality for an advisory review;
Providing a copy of the plans to the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission, together with their required review fees.
Each preliminary plan and supporting documents should incorporate any revisions recommended by the Planning Commission, the Township Engineer/consultants and other appropriate Township officials during sketch plan review.
Colored layout plan. It is recommended and the Planning Commission may require that the applicant provide one copy of the layout plan that is lightly colored to highlight major features (such as paving, trees, waterways, streets, wetlands and building locations, if known) to allow clear understanding by the general public at public meetings.
Revisions. A detailed list of revisions from a previously submitted plan shall be provided whenever a revised plan is submitted. The developer's plan preparer shall certify that the list of revisions is complete. Revisions shall be numbered and dated and will coincide with the numbering system on the plan revision block.
Initial determination of completeness/acceptability.
The Administrator will review the submission for the necessary administrative information and material within seven days of submission by the applicant. Guidelines for this review are denoted as "A. General submission items" on the Preliminary Plan Requirements Checklist.[1]
Editor's Note: Said checklist is included as an attachment to this chapter.
If the Administrator determines that the submission is complete, the plan will be filed for review at the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting and the Administrator will provide a preliminary plan receipt to the applicant.
If the Administrator determines that the submission is incomplete, the submission will be returned to the applicant with deficiencies indicated in writing and the submission shall thereby be deemed as not having been accepted.
Zoning issues.
The preliminary plan submission will not be considered to be complete if resolution of one or more zoning issues are required for the submission to legally proceed as submitted. The ninety-day time limit set forth in the Municipalities Planning Code shall begin on the date of the Planning Commission meeting during which the plan is considered after all required zoning issues have been resolved.
A preliminary plan review shall not be delayed because of a court appeal of a zoning decision that was granted to the applicant. Satisfactory resolution of such appeal may be made a condition for approval under this chapter. If an applicant appeals a zoning decision that was not granted to the applicant, then § 375-32(C)(4)(a), above, shall still apply.
Review by the Township Engineer/consultants and staff.
Prior to the Planning Commission meeting when the preliminary plan is reviewed, the Township Engineer/consultants shall review the engineering considerations of the preliminary plan and prepare a written review on such considerations to the Commission. The Zoning Officer, as well as other Township staff, may also prepare written review reports.
The Township Engineer/consultants may make additional reports and recommendations to the Commission and the Supervisors during review of the plan.
The applicant and/or his/her plan preparer shall make reasonable efforts to resolve technical engineering considerations outside of and prior to Planning Commission meetings. The Township Engineer/consultants may require the applicant or his/her plan preparer to meet with the Township Engineer/consultants for this purpose.
A copy of written findings of the Township Engineer/consultants and staff shall be sent or handed in person to the applicant or his/her representative by the Township staff.
Site inspection. The Commission, Township Engineer/consultants and Township staff may conduct a site inspection(s) of the proposed subdivision or land development with the consent of the owner prior to taking action upon the preliminary plan. If weather or other conditions prevent a proper and adequate inspection, the Commission may take conditional action subject to a subsequent inspection.
Review by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall accomplish the following within the time limitations of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code (unless the applicant grants a written time extension), while allowing a sufficient number of days within this deadline for a decision by the Supervisors.
Review the preliminary plan submission and all applicable reports;
Determine whether the preliminary plan submission meets the requirements of this chapter and other applicable ordinances;
Require revisions to the submission that are needed to comply with this chapter;
Recommend approval or rejection of the preliminary plan submission in a written report to the Supervisors that specifies and recommends conditions for approval, identifies defects found in the application, describes requirements which have not been met and cites the provision of the ordinance relied upon.
Review by the Board of Supervisors. The Supervisors shall:
Review the report of the Planning Commission and any applicable reports,
Determine whether the preliminary plan submission meets the requirements of this chapter and other applicable ordinances,
Approve or reject the preliminary plan submission within the time limits required by the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code. As of March 1995 this law requires:
The Supervisors shall render their decision no later than 90 days following the date of the first regular meeting of the Planning Commission held after the preliminary plan has been properly filed for review; provided, however, should the said next regular meeting of the Planning Commission occur more than 30 days following the acceptance of the submission, the said ninety-day period shall be measured from the 13th day following the date the submission was accepted as being filed for review;
That no subdivision or land development shall be granted final approval until a report is received from the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission or until the expiration of 30 days from the date the application was forwarded to the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission.
Decision by Board of Supervisors.
The decision of the Supervisors shall be in writing and shall be communicated to the applicant personally or by mail at his/her last-known address no later than 15 days following the decision.
Approval of the preliminary plan submission shall constitute conditional approval of the subdivision or land development as to the character and intensity, but shall not: a) constitute approval of the final plan or b) authorize the sale of lots, construction of buildings, or earthmoving operations without approval from the LCCD and possession of an earthmoving permit/zoning permit from the Township.
If the preliminary plan submission is rejected, the decision shall specify defects found in the submission, describe requirements which have not been met and cite the provisions of the statute or ordinance relied upon in each case.
At the discretion of the Supervisors, the Board may grant preliminary and final plan approval concurrently if: a) the preliminary plan submission also meets all of the requirements of a final plan submission, b) the Board determines that there are no significant outstanding matters regarding the plan, and c) such preliminary/final plan submission has been approved by the Planning Commission. (See § 375-25.)
Final plan submission deadline.
An applicant shall submit a final plan within one year from the date of the approval of the preliminary plan by the Supervisors.
Failure to comply with this requirement shall render the preliminary plan null and void, and a new preliminary plan submission shall be required.
Development in phases. See § 375-36J.
(See § 375-32A regarding when a preliminary plan is required.) All of the following information and materials listed in this section are required parts of preliminary plans for any land development and any subdivision. This list of requirements shall serve as both a list of requirements, and a checklist for the applicant and the Township to use to ensure completeness of submission.[1] The applicant shall submit completed copies of this section as part of the application.
Editor's Note: Said checklist is included as an attachment to this chapter.
All certification shall comply with the state professional licensing laws. All subdivisions and land developments shall be certified and stamped by a registered land surveyor. At least three sets of copies of plans provided to the Township shall bear original signatures and original seals, one of which should be marked as a "Township file copy."