[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Maroa 1-23-2006 by Ord. No. 01/23/2006-1 (Ch. 34, Art. VII, of the 2001 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
It is the policy of the City to protect and promote the public health, safety and general welfare. The criteria for stormwater management will reduce the possibility of damage to public and private property, will help to minimize erosion, will assist in the attainment and maintenance of water quality standards and will preserve and enhance the environmental quality of the watercourses in the City. These criteria provide uniform procedures for designing and evaluating the design of stormwater management systems.
The Planning and Zoning Board shall not recommend the approval of any plat unless, after consultation with the City Engineer, it determines that the proposed provisions for stormwater management are adequate. Drainage improvements shall be coordinated with existing and planned improvements elsewhere so as to form an integrated municipal system. The stormwater drainage system shall be separate and independent of the sanitary sewer system.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
The following definitions shall apply to the Stormwater Management Plan:
A precipitation event having a 1.0% chance of occurring in any one calendar year.
The flood generated by the 100-year storm.
The 100-year storm.
See § 223-10.
In a detention/retention pond, a device or devices having at least the capacity for carrying the peak inflow generated by the design storm. Activation of the emergency overflow/spillway occurs only when the excess stormwater run-off exceeds the design storage capacity.
The difference between the stormwater run-off from the design storm for the proposed site conditions and the stormwater run-off from a five-year storm for the undeveloped or existing site.
A precipitation event having a 20.0% chance of occurring in any one calendar year.
That land area susceptible to being temporarily inundated by floodwater from an adjacent watercourse.
The channel of a river or other watercourse that must be reserved for passage of the base flood.
In a detention/retention pond, the vertical distance from the calculated maximum height of the water surface for the design storm to the lowest point of the top of the berm or containment wall.
An area that will not appreciably absorb water, such as a parking lot, driveway, roof area, sidewalk, etc.
The use of parking lots for stormwater detention.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
See § 223-12.
A natural or man-made open watercourse with definite bed and banks, and which periodically or continuously contains moving water or forms a connecting link between two bodies of water.
That fraction of the water resulting from precipitation that flows from a given area of land during and immediately after a rainfall.
The rate at which stormwater run-off is released from dominant to servient land, the discharge rate from detention/retention facilities or the sum of both types of discharges where applicable.
A combination of storage and controlled release of stormwater run-off shall be required to be constructed and maintained in the following:
All residential subdivision developments within the corporate limits or subject to the provisions of Chapter 230, Subdivision of Land, of the City Code.
Commercial, business, office and research developments.
Any planned unit development.
Developments less than two acres with a proposed impervious area of less than 30.0%, and developments generating less than one cubic foot per second (cfs) per acre of excess stormwater run-off shall not be required to provide detention/retention storage unless such flows will cause damage or exceed the capacity of any downstream drainage facilities within the City of Maroa.
A drainage plan shall be filed with the preliminary plat for residential subdivisions and planned unit developments and shall be filed and approved prior to the issuance of a building permit for commercial, business, office and research developments.
The drainage plan shall include engineering drawings and supporting calculations describing the stormwater drainage systems and environmental features for existing and proposed conditions.
The drainage plan shall show or contain the following:
Topographic survey of the property, with contours at a minimum interval of two feet.
Banks and center lines of streams and channels.
Shorelines of lakes, ponds and detention/retention basins.
Locations, sizes and slopes of farm drains and tiles.
Subwatershed boundaries within the property and the property's location within the larger watershed.
Location, size and slope of stormwater conduits and drainage of water.
Locations, sizes and slopes of sanitary sewers.
Delineation of upstream and downstream drainage features and watersheds which might be affected by the development.
Detention/Retention areas and facilities.
Roads, streets, inlets and storm sewers.
Detail of how stormwater run-off from the design storm that exceeds the capacity of the storm sewer system will be conveyed to detention/retention areas.
Site plan showing lots, public improvements, drainage easements and building outlines.
Base flood elevation and regulatory floodway where identified for the property.
Drainage certificate signed by an Illinois licensed professional engineer and the owner of the development. The certificate must include language to the effect that the drainage of surface waters will not be adversely affected by this development, or that if change does occur, adequate provision has been made to protect adjoining property owners from damages which might result from such change in drainage.
All computations, plans and specifications related to the implementation of the drainage plan must be prepared and sealed by an Illinois licensed professional engineer.
The maximum allowable run-off shall be limited to:
The flow that would occur during a five-year storm under existing conditions for undeveloped sites.
For developed sites undergoing redevelopment or expansion:
If 30% or more of the impervious area is increased or modified, detention/retention must be provided for the entire site and outflow is not to exceed what would occur for a five-year storm under predeveloped (natural) conditions. For example, if more than 30% of an area that will not appreciably absorb stormwater, such as a parking lot or roof area, is increased, then a stormwater detention/retention facility must be provided for the entire site to control and detain the excess stormwater run-off so that it will not exceed that of a five-year storm.
If less than 30% of the impervious area is increased or modified, the outflow shall not exceed what would occur for a five-year storm under existing (current) conditions, and detention/retention shall be required only for the area that is to be expanded or modified.
Under all circumstances, the stormwater run-off release rate from a site shall be limited to such flows as will not cause damage or exceed the capacity of any downstream drainage facilities within the City of Maroa.
All flows shall be collected on-site using closed conduits, open channels, or both. Closed conduits shall be a minimum twelve-inch-diameter pipe where access to a storm sewer is available.
The Modified Rational Method will be used to compute stormwater run-off unless the City Council approves the use of another methodology.
Where a single pipe outlet or orifice plate is to be used to control excess stormwater run-off, it shall have a minimum diameter of six inches. If the minimum size permits release rates greater than those specified, alternative outlet designs incorporating self-cleaning flow restrictors shall be used.
The design maximum storage to be provided in a detention/retention basin shall be based on the run-off generated by the design storm. Detention storage shall be computed using the Modified Rational Method as outlined in Chapter 12 of the Illinois Department of Transportation's Drainage Manual.
The applicable regulations of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and the Federal Emergency Management Agency shall apply to all storage areas located in floodplains.
[Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
The following restrictions shall apply to parking lots:
There should be no more than seven inches of water depth in remote areas of the parking lot or four inches in heavy traffic areas under design storm conditions.
The applicable provisions of other ordinances governing parking lot design and operation must be followed.
A detention pond is an area designated to temporarily store excess run-off with no permanent pool. Detention ponds shall incorporate the following design criteria:
A minimum 2% bottom slope or implementation of a low-flow system or underdrain.
A low-flow bypass system wherever feasible.
Location shall be at least one foot from the property line.
Inner and outer embankment slopes shall have maximum grades of 3:1.
Freeboard shall be a minimum of two feet or 50% of the maximum pond depth, whichever is less.
Energy dissipation and/or erosion control for areas where velocities meet or exceed six feet per second.
An emergency overflow/spillway.
Landscaping and multiple use shall be considered in all pond designs.
Subdivision detention ponds shall be incorporated into multiple properties to encourage maintenance or shall incorporate recreational use and be the responsibility of the homeowners' association.
Discharges shall be deposited directly into an approved storm sewer system where available.
Outfalls to ditches and open channels shall be designed to prevent erosion. If necessary, energy dissipation strategies shall be used to reduce outfall velocities to acceptable levels.
Detention facilities adjacent to a state highway may use IDOT design standards for stormwater run-off release rates for all discharges to the highway drainage system. The developer shall obtain IDOT approval for such discharges, in addition to any approvals required from the City of Maroa.
Flows and stormwater run-off from upstream areas outside the site should be based on the assumption that such areas are fully developed according to the latest available forecast land use patterns.
A retention pond shall be defined as an area with a permanent pool having sufficient capacity to store excess run-off and shall incorporate the following design criteria:
Outer embankment slopes shall have maximum grades of 3:1, and inner embankment slopes to the pool area shall have maximum grades of 5:1.
Freeboard shall be a minimum of two feet or 50% of the height from the permanent pool to the maximum water surface for the design storm, whichever is less.
The inner embankment shall have a shelf area along the sides of a minimum width of three feet.
The permanent pool area shall have a minimum depth of three feet with a maximum depth of one foot above the shelf area.
An emergency overflow/spillway.
Shall be designed so that as much flow as possible shall enter the pond through grass swales or sheet flow across grass areas.
The developer shall submit a maintenance plan for sediment removal and water quality control.
A structure capable of dewatering the pond within 48 hours.
Discharges shall be deposited directly into an approved storm sewer system where available.
Outfalls to ditches and open channels shall be designed to prevent erosion. If necessary, energy dissipation strategies shall be used to reduce outfall velocities to acceptable levels.
Retention facilities adjacent to a state highway may use IDOT design standards for stormwater run-off release rates for all discharges to the highway drainage system. The developer shall obtain IDOT approval for such discharges, in addition to any approvals required from the City of Maroa.
Flows and stormwater run-off from upstream areas outside the site should be based on the assumption that such areas are fully developed according to the latest available forecast land use patterns.
Commercial development. Maintenance of all structures, conduits and pooling areas required to convey flow or provide detention/retention for the development shall be the responsibility of the owner to the point of its connection to the City's drainage system or its release onto a right-of-way. A signed drainage covenant as provided by the City of Maroa shall be required prior to site plan approval.
Residential development.
Detention/Retention pond areas shall be a part of buildable lots and shall be maintained by adjacent residents. All conduits and structures shall be placed in easements and shall be the responsibility of the City.
Detention/Retention pond areas not incorporated into buildable lots shall be designated as recreation areas and shall be the responsibility of a homeowners' association. Proof of homeowners' association requirements and responsibilities shall be submitted with the preliminary plat.
Regional detention/retention areas not incorporated into buildable lots and owned by the City shall be designated as public recreation areas and shall be the responsibility of the City of Maroa.
All privately maintained stormwater systems shall be subject to periodic inspection by the City or its representative to evaluate the condition and functioning of such systems. The cost of any corrective actions as determined by the City shall be the sole responsibility of the owner(s) of the system. Should the City be required to correct deficiencies in a privately maintained stormwater system, any costs incurred shall accrue to the owner(s).
Violation of the provisions of this chapter, or failure to comply with any of its requirements, including conditions and safeguards established, shall constitute a misdemeanor.
Each day such a violation continues shall be considered a separate offense. Nothing contained herein shall prevent the City from taking such other lawful action as is necessary to forbid or remedy any violations. All such costs connected therewith shall accrue to the person or persons responsible.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Any person who violates this chapter shall be subject to the penalty in Chapter 1, Article III, General Penalty, of the City Code, which shall not be the exclusive remedy but shall be supplementary to any remedy the City may wish to pursue.