It shall be the duty of any railroad company owning, maintaining or operating a railroad within or through the corporate limits of the City to construct and keep in repair ditches, drains and culverts along, under and adjacent to its railroad tracks at all places within the limits of the City and on its own right-of-way, where the same may be necessary for the escape of water and the proper draining of the territory on either side of the railroads. (Ref. 16-212, 16-230 RS Neb.)
[Amended 2-15-2022 by Ord. No. 1303]
When any such drains, ditches or culverts may be necessary for the escape of water and other proper drainage of the territory on either side of any such railroad track, the Mayor and City Council may, by resolution, call upon the proper railroad company to construct or repair the drain, ditch or culvert and to place the same in a proper condition for the escape of water for the proper drainage of the territory on either side of the railroads. A copy of every such resolution shall be served upon the local agent of the railroad company whose duty it is to construct or keep in repair any such drain, ditch or culvert; and for a failure or refusal to comply with any such resolution within 14 days after the service thereof, such railroad company, its local agent, section foreman, or the employee in charge of the maintenance and way through the City, shall be deemed guilty of a class V misdemeanor. If such resolution be not then complied with within 48 hours, every neglect of 24 hours thereafter shall be deemed and shall constitute a separate offense against the provisions of this Chapter. (Ref. 16-212, 16-230 RS Neb.)
It shall be the duty of every railroad company doing business in, or traveling through, the Municipality to keep in a suitable, and safe condition the crossings and right-of-way in the Municipality. If any such crossing shall at any time fall into disrepair and become unsafe, or inconvenient for public travel, the Governing Body may, by resolution, call upon the said company to make whatever repairs that it may deem necessary to correct the dangerous condition. Notice of the said resolution shall be served upon the local agent of the said company. In the event that the railroad shall fail, or neglect to repair, and correct the said condition as aforesaid within 48 hours, neglect for each 24 hours thereafter shall be deemed, and is hereby made a separate, and distinct offense against the provisions herein. (Ref. 16-211, 16-212, RS Neb.)
It shall be unlawful for any railroad company to obstruct or obscure the traveling public's view by storing or parking any railroad car on a railroad track within 100 feet of the crossing of any such railroad track and a public road within the corporate limits of the Municipality; Provided, however, in no instance shall any person who is authorized to control the movement of such railroad car or cars within such distance be prevented from reasonably conducting his or her business. (Ref. 74-1323 RS Neb.)