C-T Commercial Transitional Zoning District. The C-T Commercial Transitional Zoning District is intended to accommodate low intensity limited office, service, and retail uses that may serve as a transition between residential areas and more intensely developed commercial or light industrial areas of the City. Low intensity mixed-use is allowed.
C-1 Neighborhood Commercial Zoning District. The C-1 Neighborhood Commercial Zoning District is intended to provide for commercial uses that predominantly serve the needs of nearby residential neighborhoods, and that are compatible in scale and character with the surrounding residential area. Low intensity mixed-use is encouraged.
C-2 Corridor Commercial Zoning District. The C-2 Corridor Commercial Zoning District is intended to address the commercial corridors that are primarily oriented toward a mix of retail, personal service, and office uses along arterial streets and collector streets adjacent to arterial streets in the City. The C-2 District accommodates auto-oriented development - both individual businesses and retail centers - and mixed-use development, with the intent of improving the pedestrian environment along Davenport's commercial corridors.
[Amended 9-11-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-363]
C-3 General Commercial Zoning District. The C-3 General Commercial Zoning District is intended to accommodate higher-intensity commercial development within the City of Davenport that serves both local and regional markets. The C-3 District addresses medium- and large-scale development that may generate considerable traffic and typically requires significant off-street parking. Higher density residential uses are also allowed to facilitate a mixed-use orientation where appropriate.
The C-C City Centre Zoning District is intended to position the central part of the city for revitalization oriented toward a regional mix of commercial, high-density residential, and entertainment that encourages compatible development and redevelopment while promoting local reinvestment.
[Added 11-23-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-445]
C-OP Commercial Office Park Zoning District. The C-OP Commercial Office Park Zoning District is intended to accommodate larger office developments, office parks, and research and development facilities, which may include limited indoor light industrial uses with no outside impacts. The district is oriented toward larger-scale complexes that may include ancillary services for employees such as personal services, restaurants, and retail establishments. District standards are intended to guide the development of campus-like environments, and include provisions for orientation of structures around plazas or public spaces, and the creation of a cohesive appearance.
C-D Downtown Zoning District. The C-D Downtown Zoning District is intended to accommodate the unique development environment of downtown Davenport. The District is intended to reinforce and enhance the existing character of downtown as a point of regional focus, a destination for culture, sports, and entertainment, and a vibrant, pedestrian-friendly mixed-use environment.
C-V Village of East Davenport Zoning District. The C-V Village of East Davenport Zoning District is intended to preserve and enhance the smaller-scale, historic character of the Village of East Davenport, and to ensure future development is compatible with the unique historic and architectural character of the area.
C-E Elmore Corners Zoning District. The C-E Elmore Corners Zoning District is intended to implement the vision contained in the Elmore Corners Area Plan through the application of site and building design standards that ensure quality, compatible, and coordinated development within the area.
Chapter 17.08 lists permitted, special, and temporary uses for the commercial districts.
In the C-V District, only 35% of a blockface can be in the use "bar." This is calculated as a percentage of the number of buildings along a blockface. Where a structure maintains an outdoor seating area, such seating area is counted as part of the building.
[Ord. No. 2019-195 § 2]
Table 17.05-1: Commercial District Dimensional Standards establishes the dimensional standards for the commercial districts, with the exception of the C-D, C-V, and C-E Districts. The dimensional standards for development in the C-D, C-V, and C-E Districts are found in Sections 17.05.050, 17.05.060, and 17.05.070 respectively, below. These regulations apply to all uses within each district unless a different standard is listed for a specific use.
[Amended 11-23-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-445]
In the C-T District, new non-residential development is limited to the maximum gross floor area indicated in Table 17.05-1. Any structures existing as of the effective date of this ordinance are exempt from this limitation. Additional gross floor area may be permitted if, during site plan review, it is found that the development meets the following standards:
The development maintains the privacy of adjacent residential lots through techniques such as decreased height, additional landscape and screening measures, building massing and design to mitigate adverse impacts of noise and lighting, and increased setbacks above those required from adjacent residential lots.
Building design elements incorporate pedestrian-scale features, such as awnings and storefront windows.
The design of the site's circulation system provides adequate and safe access for both motor vehicles and alternate modes of transportation, including pedestrians and bicyclists. The design minimizes potentially dangerous traffic movements and points of conflict between vehicles and pedestrians or bicyclists.
In the C-1 District, where 70% of a blockface has been developed, new construction may exceed the Build-to-Zone limits by no more than the average setback of structures on said blockface.
[Added 11-23-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-445]
See Section 17.02.040 for measurement methodologies.
Table 17.05-1: Commercial District Dimensional Standards
Minimum Lot Area
10,000 square feet
20,000 square feet
20,000 square feet
Minimum Lot Width
60 feet
80 feet
70 feet
Maximum Gross Floor Area of Nonresidential
5,000 square feet unless meeting the standards of Section 17.05.030B
Maximum Building Height
35 feet
45 feet
45 feet
Non-residential: 55 feet
Mixed-Use: 75 feet
None unless within 75 feet of a residential district, then 35 feet
45 feet
Minimum Front Setback
Build-to zone of 0 feet to 20 feet
Build-to zone of 0 feet to 15 feet unless meeting the standards of Section 17.05.030C
25 feet
20 feet
Front Setback Build-To Percentage
Minimum Interior Side Setback
None, unless abutting a residential district then 20 feet
None, unless abutting a residential district then 10 feet
None, unless abutting a residential district then 10 feet
10 feet, unless abutting a residential district then 20 feet
None, unless abutting a residential district, then 20 feet
15 feet
Minimum Corner Side Setback
Build-to zone of 0 feet to 15 feet
Build-to zone of 0 feet to 10 feet unless meeting the standards of Section 17.05.030C
10 feet
20 feet
Build-to zone of 0 feet to 20 feet
Corner Side Setback Build-To Percentage
Minimum Rear Setback
15 feet, unless abutting a residential district then 25 feet or 20% of lot depth, whichever is less
None, unless abutting a residential district then 15 feet or 20% of lot depth, whichever is less
None, unless abutting a residential district then 15 feet
10 feet, unless abutting a residential district then 25 feet
None, unless abutting a residential district, then 25 feet
25 feet
[Amended 6-9-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-218; 9-11-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-363]
The following design standards apply to new construction, substantial repair or rehabilitation of the exterior facade of an existing structure meant to remedy damage or deterioration, and additions to an existing structure in the commercial districts, with the exception of the C-D, C-V, and C-E Districts. Design standards for development in the C-D, C-V, and C-E Districts are found in Sections 17.05.050, 17.05.060, and 17.05.070 respectively, below. Only those standards that relate to the specific repair, rehabilitation action, or addition apply. These standards do not apply to interior remodeling.
New construction of any new dwelling shall meet either the Design Standards in Table 17.05-2 or the Use Standards for the applicable dwelling type in Section 17.080.030.
Commercial district design standards. Table 17.05-2: Commercial District Design Standards establishes the design standards for the commercial districts. In the table, a "•" indicates that the standard is applicable in the district indicated. The absence of a "•" indicates that the standard does not apply to the district.
[Amended 11-23-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-445]
Table 17.05-2: Commercial District Design Standards
Facade Design
Building facades that face a public right-of-way, excluding alleys, must not contain blank wall areas that exceed 40 linear feet, measured parallel to the street
Building facades in excess of 100 linear feet that face a public right-of-way, excluding alleys, must include a repeating pattern with no less than 2 of the following elements: color change, texture change, building material change, or a wall articulation change of no less than 2 feet in depth or projection, such as a reveal, pilaster, or projecting rib. All elements must repeat at intervals of no more than 40 linear feet
Buildings with facades over 150 feet in length must incorporate wall projections or recesses, or changes in wall plane a minimum of 2 feet in depth a maximum of every 75 linear feet
All buildings must have a public entrance from the sidewalk along the primary building frontage. Public entrances must be visually distinctive from the remaining portions of the facade
Building materials and visual elements used on the facade of the primary building frontage must continue on all building facades that face a public right-of-way (excluding alleys) and/or the lot line of a residential district
Large expanses of highly reflective wall surface material and mirror glass on exterior walls are prohibited
Fenestration Design
The ground floor of a facade facing a public right-of-way (excluding alleys) must maintain a minimum transparency of 50%, measured between 2 and 10 feet in height from grade.
The ground floor of a facade facing a public right-of-way (excluding alleys) must maintain a minimum transparency of 35%, measured between 2 and 10 feet in height
Upper floors of a facade facing a public right-of-way (excluding alleys) must maintain a minimum transparency of 15% of the wall area of the story
Roof Design
Rooflines over 100 linear feet in building length must contain variation and incorporate a major focal point feature, such as a dormer, gable, or projected wall feature. An element of variegation on the roofline must occur at intervals of no more than 75 linear feet.
Parapet walls must feature three-dimensional cornice treatments or other shadow-creating details along their tops to provide visual interest
Any roof that is visible from a public right-of-way must be shingle or colored standing seam metal roofing
Green roof, blue roof, and white roof designs are encouraged
Reflective roof surfaces that produce glare are prohibited, except for solar panels or white roofs intended to radiate absorbed or nonreflected solar energy and reduce heat transfer to the building
Entrance Design
Public entrances and primary building elevations must be oriented toward a public street. Main entrances to the buildings must be well defined.
Entries to office or guest facilities must address the street, with direct access to office or guest facilities from street frontages and parking areas
Multi-Tenant Commercial Center and Office Park Site Design
Sites must be designed to ensure safe pedestrian access to the commercial center from the public right-of-way and safe pedestrian circulation within the development
A cohesive character must be established through the use of coordinated hardscape (paving materials, lighting, street furniture, etc.) and landscape treatments within the development
Commercial centers may provide definition along the street frontage by locating part of the center or outlot buildings within 0 feet to 25 feet of the front lot line. The center or any outlot buildings may be placed within a required setback to comply with this standard.
In multi-building complexes, a distinct visual link must be established between various buildings through the use of architectural features or site design elements such as courtyards, plazas, landscape, and walkways to unify the project
Developments should provide a pedestrian link to adjacent commercial uses to provide safe pedestrian access between the site and commercial uses outside the development
Building material restrictions. In commercial districts (excluding the C-D, C-V, and C-E Districts), the following building materials are prohibited on any facade facing a public right-of-way (excluding alleys) or any facade that abuts the lot line of a residential district. However, such materials may be used as decorative or detail elements for up to 25% of the facade, or as part of the exterior construction that is not used as a surface finish material.
Plain concrete block.
Corrugated metal.
Aluminum, steel or other metal sidings (does not apply to C-1 and C-2 Districts).
Exposed aggregate (rough finish) concrete wall panels.
T-111 composite plywood siding.
[Amended 11-23-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-445]
Purpose statement. The C-D District is intended to accommodate the unique development environment within Downtown Davenport. Development in Downtown should be oriented toward reinforcing the area as a point of regional focus and strengthening its position as a center of office, finance, retail, and governmental activities. Additionally, the C-D District standards are intended to:
Add to the downtown's appeal as a visitor, cultural, sports and entertainment center.
Encourage downtown residential development in a variety of housing types.
Accommodate a variety of active uses and enhance the walkability and pedestrian orientation of Downtown.
Ensure high-quality design that maintains and enhances the aesthetic appeal of Downtown.
C-D District dimensional standards. Table 17.05-3: C-D District Dimensional Standards establishes the dimensional standards for Downtown. These regulations apply to all uses within the district unless a different standard is listed for a specific use.
Table 17.05-3: C-D District Dimensional Standards
Minimum Lot Area
Minimum Lot Width
Maximum Building Height
Minimum Building Height
24 feet
Front Setback
0 feet - 10 feet build-to zone
Required Build-to Percentage
Interior Side Setback
Corner Side Setback
0 feet - 10 feet build-to zone
Rear Setback
C-D District design standards. Development in the C-D District is subject to design review per Section 17.14.100 and must be designed in accordance with the City of Davenport's adopted Downtown Design Guidelines and Downtown Davenport Streetscape Improvement Plan.
[Amended 9-11-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-363]
Purpose statement. The C-V District is intended to ensure that new development in the Village of East Davenport is compatible with the unique cultural and historic character of the area. To that end, the C-V District standards contain contextual controls and a series of design considerations that address height, width, proportion, and relationship to the street, as well as architectural considerations such as roof and cornice form, visual composition, rhythm, fenestration and articulation, and materials.
C-V District dimensional standards. Table 17.05-4: C-V District Dimensional Standards establishes the dimensional standards for the Village of East Davenport. These regulations apply to all uses within the district unless a different standard is listed for a specific use.
Table 17.05-4: C-V District Dimensional Standards
Minimum Lot Area
Minimum Lot Width
Maximum Building Height
45 feet
Front Setback
0 feet - 10 feet build-to-zone, or average of adjacent structures
Required Build-to Percentage
Interior Side Setback
None, unless abutting a residential district then 5 feet
Corner Side Setback
0 feet - 10 feet build-to zone
Rear Setback
None, unless abutting a residential district then 25 feet
C-V District design standards. Development in the C-V District is subject to design review per Section 17.14.100. Design requirements for the C-V District are described in the adopted Village of East Davenport Performance Standards.
[Amended 9-11-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-363]
Purpose statement. The C-E Elmore Corners Zoning District is intended to implement the vision contained in the Elmore Corners Area Plan through the application of site and building design standards that ensure quality, compatible, and coordinated development within the area.
C-E District dimensional standards. Table 17.05-5: C-E District Dimensional Standards establishes the dimensional standards for Elmore Corners. These regulations apply to all uses within the district unless a different standard is listed for a specific use.
[Amended 11-26-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-511]
Table 17.05-5: C-E District Dimensional Standards
Minimum Lot Area
20,000 square feet
Minimum Lot Width
80 feet
Maximum Building Height
120 feet; 55 feet west and south of Elmore Avenue
Minimum Setbacks
Front Setback
25 feet
Interior Side Setback
10 feet, unless abutting a residential district, then 25 feet
Corner Side Setback
20 feet
Rear Setback
10 feet, unless abutting a residential district, then 25 feet
C-E District design standards. Development in the C-E District is subject to design review per Section 17.14.100. Design requirements for the C-E District are described in the adopted Elmore Corners Plan.
[Amended 9-11-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-363]
Site Development Standards. See Chapter 17.09 for additional on-site development standards and requirements, such as exterior lighting, accessory structures and uses, and permitted encroachments.
Off-Street Parking and Loading See Chapter 17.10 for off-street parking and loading standards and requirements.
Landscape. See Chapter 17.11 for landscape, buffering, and screening standards and requirements.
Signs. See Chapter 17.12 for standards governing signs.