The Association is hereby recognized by the County for the following purposes: for providing advice, counsel, and recommendations to the System Chief on matters pertaining to FCFRS which include but are not limited to administration guidelines, policies, procedures, fiscal matters, recruitment and retention, and objectives of the volunteer companies. The Association is empowered to promulgate bylaws to effectuate the purposes set out herein.
The Association shall serve as an administrative advisory group to the System Chief and shall be notified and consulted prior to the issuance of any administrative policies related to FCFRS operations.
The Chiefs Work Group, a standing committee of the Association, shall serve as an operational advisory group to the System Chief. The Chiefs Work Group shall provide advice, counsel, and recommendations to the Association and System Chief on matters pertaining to operational policies, equipment standardization, EMS and fire-related rescues and responses, fire prevention, and fire suppression, as well as operational objectives of the volunteer companies. The Chiefs Work Group is empowered to promulgate bylaws to effectuate the purposes set out herein.
The membership of the Association and the Chiefs Work Group will be set by the bylaws of the respective groups.
The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the following six members appointed and/or elected on an annual basis:
President of the Association as annually elected by a quorum of members of the group or their designee.
Chairperson of the Chiefs Work Group as annually elected by a quorum of members of the group or their designee.
FCFRS Assistant Chief, or other career employee designee as annually appointed by the System Chief.
FCFRS Deputy Chief of Operations, or other designee as annually appointed by the System Chief.
A representative of the career firefighters no higher than the rank of Specialist selected by the System Chief.
A representative of the volunteer firefighters no higher than the rank of firefighter selected by the Chairperson of the Chiefs Work Group.
In the event that either the Association and/or Chiefs Work Group object to a systemwide policy, rule, or regulation enacted by the System Chief and cannot come to a resolution with the System Chief, the Executive Committee will convene to attempt to resolve the issue. If the Executive Committee and System Chief are not able to resolve the issue, the Chair of the Committee may raise the issue to the County Administrator for a final determination.
The Executive Committee will establish bylaws for the limited purpose of selecting a Chair of the Committee.