Preparation and adoption of the annual budget shall be accomplished in accordance with the law, this Administrative Code and other ordinances of the Borough.
Preparation of capital expenditures program. The Secretary shall at the request of the Council prepare and submit annually to the Council a five-year capital expenditures program at least three months prior to the final date for submission of the annual operating budget.
Content of capital expenditures program. The capital expenditures program shall include:
A general summary of its contents.
A list of all capital improvements which are proposed to be undertaken during the five years next ensuing, with appropriate supporting information as to the necessity for such expenditures.
Cost estimates, method of financing and recommended time schedules for each such improvement.
The estimated annual cost of operating and maintaining the facilities to be constructed or acquired.
Comparison between projected capital expenditures and actual capital expenditures for the previous 12 months.
The above information may be revised and extended each year with regard to capital improvements still pending or in process of construction or acquisition.
The Secretary shall publish in one or more newspapers of general circulation in the Borough the general summary of the capital expenditures program and a notice stating the times when and places where copies of the capital expenditures program are available for inspection by the public and the place and time, not less than 2 weeks after such publication, for a public hearing on the capital expenditures program.
The Council shall adopt the capital expenditures program, with or without amendment, after the public hearing. Elements of the capital expenditures program will not become appropriations until included in the annual budget and adopted by ordinance.
No payment of any funds of the Borough shall be made unless provided for in the annual operating budget and specifically approved by the Council; provided, however, that payroll and utility expenditures may be made at the direction of the Secretary where based upon a prior ordinance or contract. All checks or drafts of the Borough shall be signed by the Secretary or Acting Manager and shall be countersigned by the President or Vice President of the Council. With the written approval of the signatory and pursuant to the requirements of the law, a facsimile signature may be used. All claims, prior to payment, shall be accompanied by a properly approved invoice, receipted purchase order or other acceptable evidence that the claim is properly due.
Borrowing nonelectoral debt limits and investment of Borough funds shall be regulated in accordance with the Borough Code and other law.
Basic requirements. The basic requirements of the Borough's purchasing system shall be as established in the Borough Code. The Secretary shall establish and administer a purchasing system which shall provide the regulations, policies and procedures covering the acquisition of goods and services by the Borough, subject to the provisions of this Administrative Code.
General purchasing policy. It shall be the general policy of the Borough to purchase goods and services from responsible suppliers in a manner which provides the Borough with the best goods or services available at the lowest possible price. It shall also be the policy of the Borough that:
No employee or any person serving the Borough in an elected or appointed capacity shall solicit, be a party to, or otherwise benefit from any contract for the purchase of property or services to be paid from Borough funds.
Cooperative purchasing agreements with other political subdivisions shall be fostered and supported when not to the financial detriment of the Borough.
Except as otherwise provided in the Borough Code and the law, all Borough contracts or purchases in excess of the monetary limit set forth in the Borough Code shall be made with and from the lowest responsible bidder after due notice as provided for in the Borough Code.
The Secretary shall have the authority to dispose of unneeded, obsolete or surplus equipment or supplies with a sale value of less than the monetary limit set forth in the Borough Code in the manner prescribed by the Council in accordance with the Borough Code and the law.
The sale of Borough equipment or supplies with a sale value which equals or exceeds the monetary limit set forth in the Borough Code shall be sold only with the approval of the Council and in accordance with the Borough Code and the law.