Participation. To the extent permitted by law, the Borough may exercise any of its powers or perform any of its functions and may participate in the financing thereof, jointly or in cooperation with the commonwealth or any agency or political subdivision thereof, the United States or any agency thereof, and any local or regional intergovernmental council or agency pursuant to this article.
Written agreement. Any agreement in the form of a contract, lease, service pact or other legal document relating to cooperative efforts and programs shall be in writing, approved by the Council, and shall expressly define the method of participation.
Financing. The financing arrangement of all cooperative agreements shall be clearly defined in the articles of agreement, and, when necessary, separate funding accounts shall be established in the annual operating budget.
Representation. The method of Borough representation must be clearly defined in the articles of agreement, and any Borough representative shall report on a quarterly basis to the Council with respect to the progress of programs and cooperative efforts and the financial status of the intergovernmental arrangements so agreed upon.
The Borough is a member municipality of the Turtle Creek Valley Council of Governments, an unincorporated association of municipalities. Membership by the Borough in said association shall continue until the Borough elects to withdraw in accordance with the articles and bylaws of the association. The Council will annually elect two of its members to serve for one-year terms as the official representative and the alternate representative to the Board of Directors of the association. Participation in any functions or programs of the association which requires a financial commitment must be approved by the Council. Funds for programs approved will be appropriated in the annual budget.