[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of University Park. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Any petition or request presented to the Council may be acted upon without referral to committee, or may be referred to a committee in the discretion of the Council.
[Amended 1-18-2022 by Ord. No. 21-O-10]
A Town elected official shall not be hired as an independent contractor for the Town.
[Revised, effective 11-7-1990; 7-1-1994; 4-7-1997; 1-18-2022 by Ord. No. 21-O-10]
Each year by the first regular Council meeting in July, the Council shall appoint members of the Council to one or more of the standing committees, with a designated chair for each committee. The standing committees are as follows: Police, Traffic and Public Safety; Policy, Rules and Municipal Structure; and Public Facilities and Services. Should a position on any such committee become vacant for any reason, the Council shall appoint a Council member to such position within 30 days of such vacancy. The Council, or the Mayor, with the consent of the Council, may establish such special and additional committees as appropriate. Appointments to such committees shall be governed by this section.
[Amended 1-18-2022 by Ord. No. 21-O-10]
All contracts approved by the Council shall be signed by the Mayor. The Town Clerk shall witness the signing of the contract, affix to it the Town Seal, and execute it.
[Revised effective 7-7-2003; amended 8-11-2014 by Ord. No. 14-O-07; 1-18-2022 by Ord. No. 21-O-10]
General. The Treasurer shall be appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Council. The Treasurer shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and Council. The Treasurer shall have general supervisory and administrative authority under the Mayor, unless otherwise assigned. He/she shall be responsible for keeping the personnel records of all Town employees.
Purchasing. The Treasurer shall oversee all purchase orders and all purchases and expenditures.
Payment of bills. The Treasurer is responsible of processing and payment of all bills against the Council when presented with a voucher signed by the Chairman of the appropriate committee.
Annual report. The Treasurer shall prepare for the Mayor and Council an annual financial report that has been audited by an independent certified public accountant. It shall include all monies received, disbursed, expended, and on hand during the fiscal year, up to and including the 30th of June, and all accounts receivable and payable as of that date.
[Effective 10-10-1977]
The Common Council may elect to adopt a mandatory retirement and/or savings plan in which all eligible employees of the Town shall participate. The Town may participate in the State of Maryland Employees' Pension System on such terms and conditions as state law may require. The Council may adopt the terms and conditions of any such retirement, pension, or savings plan, including designation of trustees, by resolution. The said trustees shall have that discretion required by law in administering any such plans.
[Effective 5-14-1986, revised 1-4-1998; amended 6-7-2009; 1-18-2022 by Ord. No. 21-O-10]
The Common Council shall adopt a health benefit/hospitalization plan in which all permanent full-time employees of the Town may participate.
[Effective 10-9-1990; amended 1-18-2022 by Ord. No. 21-O-10]
Pursuant to Section 9-105 (e) of the Tax-Property Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, the Homestead Property Tax Credit percentage for the Town of University Park will be set annually by resolution, on or before March 25, for the subsequent tax year beginning July 1, at not less than 100% and not more than 110%.
[Amended 1-18-2022 by Ord. No. 21-O-10]
The Homestead Property Tax Credit Program shall be implemented and administered in accordance with the provisions of State law and rules and regulations established by the State Department of Assessments and Taxation.
[Effective 2-17-1991]
No person, without prior approval of the Mayor and Common Council, shall expend or authorize the expenditure of Town funds in an amount, or for a purpose, other than that which has been authorized in the approved Fiscal Year Budget in a line item pursuant to which the expenditure is made. Said line item expenditures may be exceeded by up to $1,000 at the discretion of the Mayor for necessary and unexpected expenses.
[Amended 1-18-2022 by Ord. No. 21-O-10]
No person shall transfer any Town funds from one line item to another without the approval of the Mayor and Common Council.
No person under any circumstances shall obligate non-budgetary funds of the Town without the prior approval of the Mayor and Common Council.
[Effective 11-7-1993]
[Effective 3-22-1994; amended 1-18-2022 by Ord. No. 21-O-10]
The Town Treasurer or designee shall keep and maintain an inventory of all capital Town property. The inventory shall be updated from time to time, but no less than once per year on or before December 31. A copy of said inventory shall be provided to each Common Council member when requested, and at least annually.
[Amended 1-18-2022 by Ord. No. 21-O-10]
Authority for disposal. The property of the Town shall be reviewed on a periodic basis to determine if any such property is surplus, obsolete, or not needed for a public purpose. A listing of any property determined to be surplus, obsolete, or not needed shall be provided by the Mayor to the Common Council, which may declare it surplus and authorize its disposal.
Method of disposal. Once declared surplus, Town property may be disposed of by advertisement, auction, or other method likely to result in the highest return.
[Effective 5-8-1994]
[Added 8-11-2014 by Ord. No. 14-O-07[1]]
The Director of Public Works shall be appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Council. The Director of Public Works shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and Council.
Editor's Note: This ordinance also provided for the repeal of former § 2-111, Employee probationary period, as amended, § 2-112, Injury While Working, as amended, and § 2-113, Employee Drug and Alcohol Testing, and the renumbering of the remainder of this article.
[Effective 1-8-2005; amended 1-18-2022 by Ord. No. 21-O-10]
No person other than those authorized by the Mayor, the Town Clerk, or other person designated by the Mayor and Council may affix the Official Seal of the Town to any paper or document. No person or entity may use the Town name, seal or logo, or any replica thereof, for the purpose of conveying, or in a manner reasonably calculated to convey, the false impression that such person or entity is a department, agency or instrumentality of the Town, or is authorized to represent or act for or on behalf of the Town.
[Adopted by Ord. No. 11-O-06; amended 3-7-2016 by Ord. No. 16-O-02; 1-18-2022 by Ord. No. 21-O-10; 5-17-2022 by Ord. No. 22-O-03]
The Mayor shall receive as compensation $20,000 per year, payable as salary on a monthly basis.
A Common Council member elected or appointed to a term commencing on or after the last regular Council meeting in June 2022 shall receive as compensation $1,800 per year, payable as salary on a quarterly basis.
The Mayor or any Common Council member may decline the compensation set by this section.
[Added 3-2-2020 by Ord. No. 20-O-02]
In general. Except as authorized in this section, no Town official or employee may:
Inquire into an individual's citizenship or immigration status;
Act based solely on the individual's citizenship or immigration status;
Utilize or allow to be utilized Town resources to support federal civil immigration enforcement operations or activities;
Detain or arrest an individual based solely on known or suspected violations of federal civil immigration law;
Utilize any individual's citizenship or immigration status as an interrogation tool or tactic, or communicate to a suspect, detainee, or arrestee that any individual's ability to remain within the United States of America may be in jeopardy;
Enter into an agreement under 8 U.S.C. § 1357(g) or any other federal law that permits state or local governmental entities to enforce federal civil immigration laws or detainers; or
Participate in enforcement of civil detainers or other violations of the federal civil immigration and nationality laws.
Authorized police actions. No provision in this section prevents:
The Town's Police Department, or any other Town official or employee, from investigating, detaining, or arresting violators of the criminal law or assisting any law enforcement agency with investigations or arrests relating to criminal activity and suspected criminal activity.
Compliance with the provisions of 8 U.S.C. § 1373.
Town benefits. Unless otherwise required by federal law, state law, the Town Code, or court order, the provision of Town benefits, opportunities, or services may not be conditioned:
On a person's citizenship or immigration status; or
Based solely on the ability of the person to provide a driver's license or identification card issued by the State of Maryland.
Request for and retention of information.
The Town may not request or retain information related to an individual's citizenship or immigration status, except for information required for voting or employment, unless required by federal law, state law, the Town Code, or court order.
No provision in this section shall be construed as preventing any official or employee from complying with 8 U.S.C. § 1644.
Construction. This section shall be construed to comply with federal law, state law, the Town Code, and any applicable court order. This section does not prohibit disclosure of information regarding citizenship or immigration status if the disclosure is:
Required or authorized by federal law, state law, the Town Code, or court order;
Authorized in writing by the subject of the information; or
Related to the Town's eligibility requirements for employment and/or employee benefits.
[Added 1-18-2022 by Ord. No. 21-O-10]
All materials, supplies, services, and equipment of more than $10,000 in value and not excluded in Subsection D of this section shall be purchased by means of a competitive bid process, as follows:
Notice shall be provided on the Town's website and on E Maryland Marketplace for a minimum of two weeks' prior to the date set for the opening of bids. Said notice shall include a brief description of the item or items to be bid, the time and location where specifications may be obtained for the item or items to be bid, the time and date on which sealed bids are to be received, the location to which bids are to be returned and any special conditions to which the item or items may be subject. The notice shall contain the time, date and location of the bid opening, and all such openings are to be public.
Written specifications and bid requirements shall be provided to all parties responding to the notice of bid. The use of exclusive specifications to the prohibition of equal items is prohibited. The Town reserves the right to reject any and all bids as is in its best interest.
Tabulation of all responsive bids and a recommendation shall be provided by the Treasurer to the Mayor and Council.
The following are excepted from bid requirements:
Items, services or materials of not more than $10,000 in value and authorized in the appropriation ordinance for the current year may be purchased on negotiation at the direction of the Mayor.
Whenever a federal, state, county or local government, or any agency or unit thereof, whose purchasing policies are comparable to those of the Town, has conducted a bid and awarded a contract, the Treasurer may purchase the bid item at the bid price from the successful bidder, subject, where required, to the approval of the Mayor and Council. Whenever the Treasurer elects to purchase an item, service or material from a successful bidder of another jurisdiction as provided for in this section, the Treasurer shall obtain a copy of the jurisdiction's purchasing policies. Further, the Treasurer shall enter into a contract with the successful bidder setting out the terms and conditions of the purchase.
When the Mayor and Council determine that the bid process should be overridden for good cause shown.
[Added 1-18-2022 by Ord. No. 21-O-10]
The Clerk shall issue all permits and licenses required by the ordinances of the Town. The Clerk shall issue such permits and licenses only after the application has been approved by Council when such approval is necessary.
[Effective 2-19-1978]
For the purpose of this article the term "police officer" shall mean a person who is employed by the Town of University Park as a police officer. The term "full-time police officer" shall mean a police officer who is paid at an annual rate for full time (40 hours per average seven-day week) police work. The term "Part-time police officer" shall mean a police officer who is paid at an hourly rate for part-time (less than 40 hours per average seven-day week) police work.
To be eligible for appointment as a full-time police officer or a part-time police officer an applicant must:
Be a citizen of the United States;
Be at least 21 years of age;
Be of good moral character;
Have satisfactorily completed the Police Minimum Standards Course or its equivalent for a position as a full-time officer, or be eligible to enroll in the police minimum standards course or its equivalent for a position as a part-time police officer; and
Submit the names and addresses of three references who have personal knowledge of the applicant's moral character, experience, and competence for employment as a police officer.
Successfully complete a pre-employment background investigation.
[Added 1-18-2022 by Ord. No. 21-O-10]
Pass drug screening.
[Added 1-18-2022 by Ord. No. 21-O-10]
Pass psychological screening.
[Added 1-18-2022 by Ord. No. 21-O-10]
Pass pre-employment physical.
[Added 1-18-2022 by Ord. No. 21-O-10]
Have a minimum of 60 college credits.
[Added 1-18-2022 by Ord. No. 21-O-10]
[Revised effective 1-23-1994; 7-11-1994; amended 7-18-2024 by Ord. No. 24-O-05]
All personnel actions involving full-time and part-time police officers, including all hiring, promotions, salary increases, terminations, dismissals, demotions, reductions in pay, and all suspensions shall be decided by the Chief of Police, or the Chief's designee, subject to the § 3-101 et seq., Title 3, "Law Enforcement," Public Safety Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, and except as otherwise provided by law. All police officers shall serve a probation period equal to 24 months' active duty.
[Revised, effective 1-23-1994; amended 1-18-2022 by Ord. No. 21-O-10]
The hours of active duty of all police personnel shall be established in writing by the Chief of Police and shall be nondiscriminatory. Police officers shall be on call and available for duty at all times, unless they are certified by a competent medical authority approved by the Chief of Police to be physically unable to work or have been excused by the Chief of Police or designee.
[Revised, effective 1-23-1994; 2-17-2002]
Resolutions shall be adopted by the Mayor and Council establishing the functions, duties, pay, leave, other employment benefits, and the number of officer positions for the police department. By resolution, the Council may amend the Police Department General Operating Rules and Regulations. Any amendments of the General Operating Rules and Regulations instituted by the Chief of Police pursuant to § 2-207 shall be forwarded by the Chief to the Council for approval. In the event that the Council fails to take action as to any amendment of the General Operating Rules within 30 days of receipt, the amendment shall be deemed approved.
Editor's Note: Former § 2-206, Injury when on active duty, as amended, was repealed 1-18-2022 by Ord. No. 21-O-10.
[Revised, effective 1-23-1994]
The Chief of Police shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the Common Council. The Chief shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Police Department, including personnel matters, staffing, administration, and institution of General Operating Rules, and such related duties as may be assigned to the Chief by the Mayor or the Council. The Chief shall issue such written rules and regulations as may be needed to maintain the effective and efficient performance of the Police Department. The Chief shall issue such oral orders or instructions as may be needed to implement the written rules and regulations, and maintain an effective administration. The Chief is authorized to effect disciplinary action, including summary punishment and emergency suspension, subject to the Law Enforcement Officer's Bill of Rights and other applicable law.
[Amended 1-18-2022 by Ord. No. 21-O-10]
All full-time and part-time police officers are authorized to issue State, County, and Town citations for violations of State laws and County and Town ordinances occurring within the jurisdictional limits of the Town, and to issue written warnings for violations of Town ordinances occurring within the jurisdictional limits of the Town. No citation or warning may be rescinded by Town officials, Town employees, or Town police officers except as otherwise provided by law. Copies of all citations and warnings shall be retained by the Chief of Police for audit purposes for a minimum period of three years after the date of issuance.