[Amended 12-3-2019 by Ord. No. 6-2019]
Required. Any person desiring or intending to conduct the trade, business or calling of a plumber or of plumbing in the City as a master plumber, a residential plumber, HVAC contractor, or engaging in the installation, alteration or inspection of sprinklers shall submit to an examination before the Board of Examining Plumbers as to their experience and qualifications for such trade, business or calling, and it shall be unlawful for a person to conduct such trade, business or calling in the City unless and until they shall have obtained a certificate of competency from the City Clerk.
Licensing scope.
Residential plumber license. The term "three-dwelling-unit residential plumber" is hereby replaced with the term "residential license." A residential plumbing license authorizes the license holder to engage in the business of installing, altering, removing, maintaining, expanding and repairing heating, ventilation and air-conditioning and plumbing systems, including the installation and alteration of fuel gas distribution piping and equipment, appliances and venting systems on all residential buildings with the exception of residential buildings containing any nonresidential commercial spaces.
HVAC license. HVAC licensees may engage in the business of installing, altering, removing, maintaining, expanding and repairing heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems, including the installation and alteration of fuel gas distribution piping and equipment, appliances and venting systems on all buildings in the City of Oneonta.
Master plumber license. Master plumbers may engage in the business of installing, altering, removing, maintaining, expanding and repairing heating, ventilation and air-conditioning and plumbing systems, including the installation and alteration of fuel gas distribution piping and equipment, appliances and venting systems on all buildings in the City of Oneonta.
Fire suppression contractor license. Fire suppression contractors may perform all work related to installing, annual inspections, altering, removing, maintaining, expanding and the repair of sprinkler systems in the City of Oneonta.
Certificate of competency. A certificate of competency and license shall be issued, without further examination, to all persons having held such certificates in the City prior to the effective date of this chapter.
Examination and original license fees. There shall be a nonrefundable application for examination fee that shall be set by resolution from time to time by the Common Council of the City of Oneonta. The fee for an original license shall be set by resolution from time to time by the Common Council of the City of Oneonta for each individual firm or corporation. An insurance policy to the City of Oneonta individually, and/or as an additional insured, is required to indemnify the City against liability for bodily injury, property damage, costs and expenses which the City may incur or suffer by reason of the granting of such permit. Such policy shall be at least the amounts as set from time to time by resolution of the Common Council for bodily injury and property damage liability combined and shall be in such form as may be prescribed or approved by the City Attorney. This policy shall include completed operations coverage. This requirement is necessary for renewals.
[Amended 12-5-2023 by Ord. No. 7-2023]
Term; renewal fee.
Licenses shall be issued for the calendar year beginning on January 1 and expiring on December 31 of each year. Licenses shall be renewable yearly at the office of the City Clerk, upon payment of the annual license renewal fee as set by resolution from time to time by the Common Council of the City of Oneonta.
Any master plumber, residential plumber, HVAC, or fire suppression contractor previously licensed in the City of Oneonta who is applying to renew a license that has expired shall be subject to the following rules and regulations:
A license may be renewed within five years of its expiration upon payment of the appropriate fee and showing proof of insurance. Persons in active military service can make application for renewal under this provision for a period of 10 years after expiration of a license.
A license may be inactive if the licensee pays the yearly fee but does not furnish insurance. The license is therefore inactive, and no plumbing/HVAC or fire suppression work may be done or permits issued, until the license is removed from this inactive status.
Restricted licenses, unlicensed contractors and contractors licensed by other entities.
It shall be unlawful for any out-of-City contractor and any contractor licensed by another entity to do any plumbing, HVAC or fire suppression work in the City without first obtaining a license as required in § 210-8 of this chapter. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, where an applicant for a master plumber, residential plumber, HVAC, or fire suppression contractor license establishes to the Board of Examining Plumbers' satisfaction that the applicant holds a current license from another state or political subdivision thereof, or from the State of New York or any political subdivision thereof, which license was issued on the basis of a qualifying examination, the Board of Examining Plumbers shall have the power to waive the written examination, at its discretion.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section, where an applicant for a master plumber license, residential plumber license, or HVAC license establishes to the satisfaction of the Board of Examining Plumbers that he or she has completed at least 10 full years of full-time work, or the equivalent over a longer period of time, in either of said fields, either working independently or under the direction of a master plumber, residential plumber, or HVAC contractor, respectively, and attendance at, and certification from, an accredited school of plumbing and/or HVAC training, with affidavits that support such qualifications, the examination requirement shall be waived, and that person shall be granted a license for the type of work appropriate to the applicant's experience and education.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section, where an applicant for a master plumber license, residential plumber license, or HVAC license establishes to the satisfaction of the Board of Examining Plumbers that he or she has completed at least 20 full years, or the equivalent over a longer period of time, of full-time work in either of said fields, either working independently or under the direction of a master plumber, residential plumber, or HVAC contractor, respectively, with affidavits that support such qualifications, the examination requirement shall be waived, and the applicant shall be granted a license for the type of work appropriate to the applicant's experience.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section, where an applicant for a fire suppression contractor license establishes to the satisfaction of the Board of Examining Plumbers that the applicant has proof of at least eight years of full-time work experience in the fire suppression field; or a combination of equivalent experience and education, with affidavits supporting such qualifications; as well as a current and valid NICET III certification in either "Water-Based Systems Layout" or "Inspection and Testing of Water-Based Systems," that applicant shall be granted a license for the type of work appropriate to the applicant's experience.
Community action agencies that are New York State-certified and financed and overseen by the New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal Energy Services Bureau, or any other comparable or applicable state agency shall, upon application, receive a restricted license limited to the installation of furnaces, boilers and domestic water heaters for homeowners who are low-income-qualified under state and federal assistance programs in buildings that are entirely residential in use and contain no more than one dwelling unit.
The fee for such licenses shall be set by resolution from time to time by the Common Council of the City of Oneonta.
Property owners. A property owner of a one- or two-family dwelling, only which they themselves occupy, may perform plumbing work thereon, excluding work on heating and domestic water-heating equipment in two-family dwellings, if they obtain a permit pursuant to § 210-9.
Journeymen and apprentice tradespersons.
Any person employed by a master plumber, a residential plumber, HVAC contractor, or fire suppression contractor shall carry with them at all times an identification card that identifies them as either an apprentice or journeyman. Said identification cards shall be obtained at the office of the City Clerk, and said card shall state the name, age and residence of the apprentice or journeyman, by whom he is employed and any other information required by the Board of Examining Plumbers.
Apprentice cards shall be issued to persons who are not qualified journeymen for a yearly fee as set by resolution from time to time by the Common Council of the City of Oneonta, and all such cards shall expire on December 31 of the calendar year issued.
Journeymen cards shall be issued only upon proof of four years of experience as an apprentice, or graduation from an accredited school of plumbing, or a combination of education and experience equivalent to four years. A journeyman must be approved by the Board of Examining Plumbers. If the journeyman is part of a reciprocal license application with another governmental agency, the City Clerk and Code Enforcement Officer may approve the application.
Journeymen cards shall be issued only to persons who are qualified journeymen for the sum which shall be set by resolution from time to time by the Common Council of the City of Oneonta, and all such cards shall expire on December 31 of the calendar year issued.
Each identification card shall be signed by both the employer and employee, and said employee must carry said card on their person at all times that they are working on the job.
When said journeyman or apprentice is no longer employed by the licensee who obtained and paid for their said identification card, said apprentice or journeyman shall surrender their card to their former employer, and said licensee employer shall thereupon deliver said card to the City Clerk for revocation and cancellation.
Terms; nontransferable; revocation. Said licenses shall be renewed annually and shall be for the calendar year of issuance. Said licenses are not transferable and shall be pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 166, Licenses and Permits, of the Code of the City of Oneonta. Said license is revocable for cause and particularly for the neglect or omission to obtain a permit and pay the inspection fee provided for and pursuant to § 210-9 of this chapter for each and every installation, original or replacement, of a boiler, furnace, space heater or hot-water heater of any description in the City of Oneonta, New York.
Filing of application. An application for such license shall be filed with the City Clerk upon the forms provided, together with payment of the fee therefor and the delivery of the bond herein required. The City Clerk shall act upon said application and approve or disapprove of the same.
Application and fees. All work of plumbing in the City of Oneonta and the districts served by the water and/or sewer system of the City shall be done under permit issued by the City Clerk and the City Plumbing Inspector in accordance with the rules of the Board of Public Service, and the City Clerk shall immediately send to the City Engineer notice of the payment of the permit. Each such application for a permit shall be accompanied by payment of the fee therefor set forth in the fee schedule as set by resolution from time to time by the Common Council of the City of Oneonta.
Responsibility for obtaining required permits. It shall be the responsibility of the licensee, or the homeowner doing their own work, to apply for and obtain all permits required by the provisions of this chapter. Said permits shall be issued to said applicants as permittee for their employment at the property designated in the application upon the payment of the required fee therefor.
Construction documents. Each application for a permit shall contain a description and location of the proposed work. All engineering calculations, diagrams, construction documents and other such data shall be submitted in two or more sets with each application for a permit. Construction documents, computations and specifications to be prepared and designed by a registered design professional when required by state law shall be submitted with the application. Construction documents shall be drawn to scale and shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent of the work proposed and show in detail that the work conforms to the provisions of this code. Construction documents for buildings more than two stories in height shall indicate where penetrations will be made for pipes, fittings and components and shall indicate the materials and methods for maintaining required structural safety, fire-resistance rating and fire blocking.
Exemption for construction documents. The code official shall have the authority to waive the submission of construction documents, calculations or other data if the nature of the work applied for is such that reviewing of construction documents is not necessary to determine compliance with this code.
Heating systems. Permits are required for the new installation or replacement installation of boilers, furnaces, hot-water heaters, gas dryers, and for the installation of all gas heating units of any description, size or manufacture. The fee therefor as set by resolution from time to time by the Common Council of the City of Oneonta shall be paid to the City Clerk before the permit may be issued.
Sprinkler systems. A permit for the installation or alteration of a fire suppression sprinkler system shall be required. Detailed plans shall be supplied with the permit application and shall, where required, bear the mark of a licensed professional engineer or registered architect. All such systems shall be installed properly and in accordance with the approved plans by contractors holding a fire suppression contractor license as described by this chapter. All installations or alterations to fire suppression sprinkler systems shall be subject to the inspection and approval of the Plumbing Inspector.
Failure to apply for permits. Any person who fails to apply for and secure a permit as required by the provisions of this section shall be required to file the necessary applications with all required attachments and shall pay all applicable fees and, in addition, shall be required to pay an inspection fee as determined by the Common Council.
Exemptions. The following work shall be exempt from the requirement for a permit:
The stopping of leaks in drains, water, soil, waste or vent pipes, provided, however, that if any concealed trap, drainpipe, water, soil, waste or vent pipes become defective and it becomes necessary to remove and replace the same with new material, such work shall be considered as new work, and a permit shall be obtained and inspection made as provided in this code.
The clearing of stoppages or the repairing of leaks in pipes, valves or fixtures, and the removal and reinstallation of bathroom and kitchen fixtures, provided such repairs do not involve or require the rearrangement of valves, pipes or fixtures.
Required. In each instance where a permit is required as herein provided, all piping, traps and fixtures of every plumbing system; all fire suppression systems, parts thereof as well as supporting mechanical systems; all appliances, boilers, furnaces, space heaters, hot-water heaters and all other such units heated or fired by electricity, gas or liquid petroleum shall be inspected by the City as hereinbefore provided to assure compliance with the requirements of this chapter and the installation thereof in accordance with the approved plans and permit.
Plumbing Inspector's duties. Inspections and tests shall be made by the City of all new fire suppression systems, plumbing, heating, hot water and appliance installations and of all alterations, renewals or extensions of the same, except those that are exempt from the permit requirements found under § 210-9H. The City shall also be required to help the Board with additional duties, such as plumbing/HVAC/fire suppression license examinations and proctoring.
Permittee's duties. It shall be the duty of the plumber, HVAC or fire suppression contractor issued a permit pursuant to provisions of this chapter as permittee to notify the City when the work is ready to be inspected and tested. No system shall be covered or concealed until such inspection and testing has been made and approved by the City.
Required. In each instance where a permit is required as herein provided, all piping, traps and fixtures of every plumbing system; all fire suppression systems, parts thereof as well as supporting mechanical systems; all appliances, boilers, furnaces, space heaters, hot-water heaters and all other such units heated or fired by electricity, gas or liquid petroleum shall be inspected by the city as hereinbefore provided to assure compliance with the requirements of this chapter and the installation thereof in accordance with the approved plans and permit.
Plumbing Inspector's duties. Inspections and tests shall be made by the Plumbing Inspector of all new fire suppression systems, plumbing, heating, hot water and appliance installations and of all alterations, renewals or extensions of the same, except those that are exempt from the permit requirements found under § 210-9H. The Plumbing Inspector shall also be required to help the Board with additional duties, such as plumbing/HVAC/fire suppression license examinations and proctoring.
Permittee's duties. It shall be the duty of the plumber, HVAC or fire suppression contractor issued a permit pursuant to provisions of this chapter as permittee to notify the Plumbing Inspector when the work is ready to be inspected and tested. No system shall be covered or concealed until such inspection and testing has been made and approved by the Plumbing Inspector.
State Fire Prevention and Building Code applicable to plumbing. In case of a dispute between a plumber, HVAC or fire suppression contractor, and the Plumbing Inspector as to the proper interpretation of any of the provisions of the State Fire Prevention and Building Code or this chapter, the Plumbing Inspector shall report the facts to the Board of Examining Plumbers, and at their option the contractor may also report the facts to the Board of Examining Plumbers. Upon receipt of such report, the Board of Examining Plumbers shall set a date for a hearing, providing for due and timely notice to be given to the parties interested.
Appeal to the Board of Examining Plumbers shall be final.