[Ord. 8/12/1999, § 1.2]
This Part shall be known and may be cited as the "Montour Township
Stormwater Management Ordinance."
[Ord. 8/12/1999, § 1.3]
This Part is enacted and ordained by the Board of Supervisors
of Montour Township pursuant to the authority of the Second Class
Township Code and the Pennsylvania Storm Water Management Act, Act
167 of 1978, P.L. 864, 32 P.S. § 680.1 et seq.
[Ord. 8/12/1999, § 1.5; as amended by Ord. 2/9/2006]
1. This Part shall apply to all land and watercourses within the Township
in conjunction with any of the regulated activities listed in this
section. The following activities are defined as regulated activities
and shall be regulated by this Part:
A. Land development of 5,000 square feet or more of impervious or semipervious
area, except for land developments where the total impervious area
and semipervious area exceeds 4,999 square feet but is less than 10,000
square feet, if, and only if:
[Amended 2/10/2011]
Runoff from impervious and semipervious surfaces is managed
by routing the flow to undisturbed pervious areas such as grass lawns,
grass fields, wooded areas or wetlands, thereby disconnecting the
runoff from down-gradient impervious areas; and
There is no direct discharge to a permanent flowing waterway
as recognized by DEP.
B. Subdivision, except for minor subdivisions where the total impervious
area and semipervious area does not exceed 5,000 square feet for any
lot and minor subdivisions where the total impervious area and semipervious
area exceeds 4,999 square feet but is less than 10,000 square fee
for any lot, if, and only if:
[Amended 2/10/2011]
Runoff from impervious and semipervious surfaces is managed
by routing the flow to undisturbed pervious areas such as grass lawns,
grass fields, wooded areas or wetlands, thereby disconnecting the
runoff from down-gradient impervious areas; and
There is no direct discharge to a permanent flowing waterway
as recognized by DEP.
C. Construction of new or additional impervious or semipervious surfaces
(driveways, parking lots, etc.) of 5,000 square feet or more, except
for minor subdivisions where the total impervious area and semipervious
area does not exceed 5,000 square feet for each lot and minor subdivisions
where the total impervious area and semipervious area exceeds 4,999
square feet but is less than 10,000 square if, and only if, (i) runoff
from impervious and semipervious surfaces is managed by routing the
flow to undisturbed pervious areas such as grass lawns, grass fields,
wooded areas or wetlands, thereby disconnecting the runoff from down-gradient
impervious areas, and (ii) there is no direct discharge to a permanent
flowing waterway as recognized by DEP. Impervious surface created
by long driveways for access to individual single-family homes on
lots 1/2 acre or larger shall be exempt from the total impervious
area limitation so long as the driveway drainage is effectively managed
by ditches, cross-pipes, catch-basins or other appropriate facilities
or by ditch outlets that distribute the stormwater as relatively even
nonchannelized sheet flow across land in the same ownership as the
new home. Alternatively, if the land adjacent to the long driveway
is in different ownership, but discharge of driveway drainage can
be achieved without detriment to that property and without creating
any safety hazard, the person developing the home with the long driveway
may present to the Township an executed agreement with the adjacent
property owner(s) which gives permission for such stormwater discharge
to qualify for the exemption.
[Amended 2/10/2011]
D. Construction of new buildings or additions to existing buildings
of 5,000 square feet or more except for such construction of more
than 4,999 square feet but less than 10,000 square feet, if, and only
[Amended 2/10/2011]
Runoff is managed by routing the flow to undisturbed pervious
areas such as grass lawns, grass fields, wooded areas or wetlands,
thereby disconnecting the runoff from down-gradient impervious areas;
There is no direct discharge to a permanent flowing waterway
as recognized by DEP.
E. Diversion or piping of any natural or man-made stream channel, except
the placement of a road culvert pipe in an established stream or a
temporary crossing for forest management operations or agricultural
F. Installation of permanent stormwater management facilities or appurtenances
G. Alteration or addition to a previously constructed permanent stormwater
management facility or device whether previously approved or permitted
under this Part or not.
2. This Part shall only apply to permanent stormwater management facilities
constructed as part of a stormwater management plan. Erosion and sedimentation
controls during construction activities are specifically not regulated
by this Part but shall continue to be regulated under existing laws
and ordinances.
3. This Part shall provide for and endeavor to maintain the existing
flows and quality of streams and watercourses in the Township, preserve
and restore the flood carrying capacity of streams, establish criteria
for the design, installation and proper maintenance of all permanent
stormwater management structures which are constructed pursuant to
this Part and, to the extent practical, ensure that the peak rate
of runoff is no greater after development than prior to development
or changes in land use.
4. This Part contains only the stormwater management performance standards and design criteria that are necessary or desirable from a watershed wide perspective and which must be utilized for design of stormwater facilities in conjunction with land developments or other regulated activities. Site-specific stormwater management design criteria (e.g., inlet location, inlet type, collection system details, outlet structure placement, etc.) shall continue to be regulated by Chapter
22, Subdivision and Land Development, of the Montour Township Code or other applicable provisions thereof. Site-specific features, subdrainage areas and land cover details will be required for a land development which is not regulated by said Chapter