The Middletown Township Council finds that:
A. Inadequate management of accelerated stormwater runoff resulting
from development throughout a watershed increases flood flows and
velocities, contributes to erosion and sedimentation, degrades water
quality, overtaxes the carrying capacity of existing streams and storm
sewers, greatly increases the cost of public facilities to convey
and manage stormwater, undermines floodplain management and flood
reduction efforts in upstream and downstream communities, reduces
groundwater recharge, and threatens public health and safety.
B. A comprehensive program of stormwater management (SWM), including
reasonable regulation of development and activities causing accelerated
erosion, is fundamental to the public health, safety, welfare, and
the protection of the people of the Township and all the people of
the commonwealth, their resources, and the environment.
C. Through project design, impacts from stormwater runoff can be minimized
to maintain the natural hydrologic regime, and sustain high water
quality, groundwater recharge, stream baseflow, and aquatic ecosystems.
The most cost effective and environmentally advantageous way to manage
stormwater runoff is through nonstructural project design, minimizing
impervious surfaces and sprawl, avoiding sensitive areas (i.e., stream
buffers, riparian corridors, floodplains, steep slopes, very steep
slopes, etc.), and designing to topography and soils to maintain the
natural hydrologic regime.
D. Inadequate planning and management of stormwater runoff resulting
from land development and redevelopment throughout a watershed can
also harm surface water resources by changing the natural hydrologic
patterns, accelerating stream flows (which increase scour and erosion
of stream beds and stream banks thereby elevating sedimentation),
destroying aquatic habitat and elevating aquatic pollutant concentrations
and loadings such as sediments, nutrients, heavy metals and pathogens.
E. The aforementioned impacts happen mainly through a decrease in natural
infiltration of stormwater.
F. Stormwater is an important water resource by providing groundwater
recharge for water supplies and base flow of streams, which also protects
and maintains surface water quality.
G. Public education on the control of pollution from stormwater is an
essential component in successfully addressing stormwater.
H. Federal and state regulations require certain municipalities to implement
a program of stormwater controls. These municipalities are required
to obtain a federal permit for stormwater discharges from their municipal
separate storm sewer system (MS4) under the National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) and are required to reduce sediment and
other pollutants from entering the MS4.
I. Nonstormwater discharges to municipal separate storm sewer systems
(MS4) can contribute to pollution of surface waters of the commonwealth
by the Township.
The purpose of this comprehensive stormwater management ordinance is to promote health, safety, and welfare within Middletown Township by maintaining the natural hydrologic regime and by minimizing the harms and maximizing the benefits described in §
198-1 of this chapter through provisions designed to:
A. Meet water quality requirements under state law, including regulations
at 25 Pa. Code Chapter 93.4a to protect and maintain "existing uses"
and maintain the level of water quality to support those uses in all
streams, and to protect and maintain water quality in "special protection"
B. Promote nonstructural best management practices (BMP).
C. Minimize increases in stormwater volume and control peak flow.
D. Minimize impervious surfaces.
E. Manage accelerated runoff and erosion and sedimentation problems
at their source by regulating activities that cause these problems.
F. Utilize and preserve the existing natural drainage systems.
G. Maintain the pre-development volume of groundwater recharge and prevent
degradation of groundwater quality.
H. Maintain the pre-development peak and volume of stormwater runoff
and prevent degradation of surface water quality.
I. Minimize nonpoint source pollutant loadings to the ground and surface
J. Minimize impacts on stream temperatures.
K. Maintain existing flows and quality of streams and watercourses in
the Township and the commonwealth.
L. Preserve and restore the flood-carrying capacity of streams.
M. Provide proper operations and maintenance of all permanent stormwater
management facilities and best management practices that are implemented
in the Township.
N. Provide performance standards and design criteria for watershed-wide
stormwater management and planning.
O. Provide review procedures, performance standards, and design criteria
for stormwater planning and management.
P. Manage stormwater impacts close to the runoff source, requiring a
minimum of structures and relying on natural processes.
Q. Infiltrate stormwater to maintain groundwater recharge, to prevent
degradation of surface and groundwater quality, and to otherwise protect
water resources.
R. Prevent stream bank and stream bed scour and erosion.
S. Provide standards to meet National Pollution Discharge Elimination
System (NPDES) permit requirements.
T. Address certain requirements of the Municipal Separate Stormwater
Sewer System (MS4) NPDES Phase II Stormwater Regulations.
U. Implement an illicit discharge detection and elimination program
to address nonstormwater discharges into the MS4.
The Township is empowered to regulate land use activities that
affect runoff by the authority of the Act of October 4, 1978, P.L.
864 (Act 167), 32 P.S. § 680.1 et seq., as amended, the
Stormwater Management Act; by the authority of Pennsylvania Municipalities
Planning Code, Act 247 of 1968, as amended by Act 170 of 1988, as
further amended by Act 209 of 1990 and Act 131 of 1992, 53 P.S. § 10101;
and by the authority of Home Rule, 53 Pa.C.S.A., § 2961
et seq.
Any ordinance or ordinance provision of the Township inconsistent
with any of the provisions of this chapter is hereby repealed to the
extent of the inconsistency only.
Should any section or provision of this chapter be declared
invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decisions shall
not affect the viability of any of the remaining provisions of this
Approvals issued pursuant to this chapter do not relieve the
applicant of the responsibility to secure required permits or approvals
for activities regulated by any other applicable code, rule, act,
or ordinance.
A Modification of the requirement of one or more provisions
of this chapter may be granted by the Township Manager upon the recommendation
of the Township Engineer or other Township professional staff, as
applicable, if the literal enforcement will exact undue hardship because
of peculiar conditions pertaining to the land in question, provided
that such modification will not be contrary to the public interest
and that the purpose and intent of this chapter is observed. In the
event a requested modification is denied by the Township Manager,
the Middletown Township Council may grant a waiver of a modification
upon submission of a written request, which specifically sets forth
the justification of modification of the requirement(s). In granting
a waiver of a modification hereunder, Middletown Township Council
may impose such conditions upon the waiver as will, in its judgment,
substantially secure the objectives of this chapter.
Any permit or authorization issued or approved based on false,
misleading or erroneous information provided by an applicant is void
without the necessity of any proceedings for revocation. Any work
undertaken or use established pursuant to such permit or other authorization
is unlawful. No action may be taken by a board, agency or employee
of the Township purporting to validate such a violation.