The City Clerk shall be clerk of the Board of Commissioners and shall perform all clerical duties pertaining to the city. He shall issue all licenses and keep an accurate account of all receipts and expenditures of the city. He shall attend all meetings of the Board of Commissioners and record their proceedings; keep the proper books of accounts pertaining to his office.
He shall record all ordinances of the city in a book to be provided for that purpose, and shall prepare and present to the Board of Commissioners each month a full and detailed report of the receipts and expenditures of the city for the month, and perform all other duties as may be required of him by law or by ordinances of the city, or Board of Commissioners.
The City Clerk shall also keep and preserve in his office the corporate seal of the city, all records, public papers and documents of the city, not belonging to any other officer. He shall pay all money collected and paid in over to the City Treasurer, who shall credit same to the proper account and give his receipts for the same.
[Amended 7-30-2015, Ordinance 2015-06]
The City Clerk shall keep a record of invoices against the city, which shall be attached to a numbered purchase order.
This record shall always include the name of the vendor, date of the invoice, invoice number, purchase order number, amount due, and a description of the purchased item. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to keep all purchase orders against one fund separate and apart from other funds and each such purchase order shall show upon its face the particular fund to which the same is by law chargeable. The City Clerk shall draw all the purchase orders against the City Treasurer.
The City Clerk is authorized to operate petty cash funds in amounts established by the City Commissioners by resolution.
The City of Weatherford may use the Purchasing (P-Card) Card for the processing of purchases made by the City. All purchases made using a P-Card shall be channeled through the City Clerk's office and may be used only after each authorized employee has read and signed a "Cardholder Agreement" acknowledging the use of the card.
The City Clerk shall, until otherwise prescribed by the Board of Commissioners, issue all licenses provided by ordinance when the proper application has been filed and the fees have been paid to him.
The City Clerk shall make monthly reports to the Board of Commissioners at such times as it may require, giving in detail a statement of all receipts and expenditures of money belonging to the city.
The City Clerk shall execute a surety bond to the City of Weatherford for the faithful performance of his duties as such City Clerk in a sum determined by motion or resolution by the Board of Commissioners. The premium on the bond shall be paid by the City of Weatherford.
Editor's Note: For additional provisions pertaining to the City Clerk, see the Weatherford City Charter, Article II, Section 2-5, this Code.