There shall be the following administrative officers and boards appointed as hereinafter designated.
The following officers and boards shall be appointed by ballot by a majority vote of the members of the city council: City manager; school board as provided for in Article VI of this charter; trustees of the water district; trustees of the Herbert Gray School District, as provided for by chapter 78 of the private acts of 1925; and city attorney.
The following officers and boards shall be appointed by the city manager: City clerk, city finance director, chief of police, city treasurer and collector of taxes, city engineer, city electrician, chief engineer of the fire department, superintendent of sewers, inspector of buildings, health officer; superintendent of street; assessors of taxes, as provided for in section 2 of Article VIII; patrolmen; members of the fire department; all other department heads whose position may be created, and, except as herein otherwise provided, all minor officers and employees.
(Amendment of 11-5-1996; Amendment of 11-4-2003)
The council shall have power by resolution:
To create any new appointive office.
To authorize the appointment of assistants or deputies in any office.
Editor's Note: An amendment approved at referendum 11-5-1966, repealed Art. V, Section 3, in its entirety. This section contained provisions pertaining to civil service rules for the police and fire department and was derived from Private and Special Laws, Ch. 49 of 1945.
All appointive officers whose terms of service are specified herein shall be removable by the appointing powers, only upon written charges, notice and hearing, if upon such hearing they are adjudged guilty of the charges preferred.
All other appointive officers shall hold office during the pleasure of the appointing power.
(Amendment of 11-4-2003)
The city council shall fix by order the salaries of the appointees of the city council. Salaries of the appointees of the city manager shall be fixed by the city manager, subject to the approval of the city council.