If not specified or otherwise required by the adopted codes, all new nonresidential construction greater than or equal to 1,000 square feet in floor area, cumulative renovations of structures, or creation of live/work units shall install an approved fire alarm system.
All fire alarm systems required by codes and Town ordinances shall provide for automatic emergency forces notification.
All existing fire alarm systems must be maintained in a manner consistent with their original approval and acceptance.
All new and replacement fire alarm systems with 10 or more initiation devices shall be of the addressable type.
Where specified by the adopted codes, new construction with complete sprinkler protection shall be allowed to omit the installation of early-warning devices, i.e., heat, smoke, or beam detectors throughout the code areas except as specified by State Fire Code.
[Amended 7-28-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-01]
Fire Alarm System Requirements.
The Fire Alarm shall be separate from non-life-safety monitoring systems.
When the silence alarm feature is activated, visual strobes shall continue while audio will silence.
The fire drill feature shall be programmed into FACP for the owner's use.
Trouble signals and supervisory notification shall report to the owner. Alarms shall report to the Bedford Fire Department through a central monitoring system. The monitoring company shall call (603)472-5160 ext. 0 to report alarms.
FACP, annunciator, and pull stations shall be keyed to a Cat-30 Key.
Red lens strobe/beacon shall be located above the Knox-Box® in the area of the annunciator/FACP (additional strobes may be required when the strobe is not readily visible from the street).
Heat detectors shall be installed in all restrooms, breakrooms, and kitchenettes. Heat detectors in restrooms may be omitted in sprinklered buildings.
120V single-station smoke alarms shall be installed in breakrooms and kitchenettes (these devices shall not be connected to the fire alarm system).
Elevators shall be programmed to recall to the primary floor upon activation of any initiation devices except for the device in the elevator lobby of the primary floor, which shall initiate a recall to the secondary floor.
Activation of a single-duct smoke detector shall initiate a supervisory alarm and shut down the affected HVAC unit; activation of two or more duct detectors shall initiate an alarm and building evacuation.
Activation of a single-system carbon monoxide alarm shall initiate an alarm; activation of two or more system carbon monoxide alarms shall initiate an alarm and building evacuation.
New elevators shall be wired to automatically reset after restoration of the fire alarm system.
The Fire Chief shall assess fines when personnel and equipment are dispatched to a structure due to false alarm system notifications being received by the Bedford Communications Center due to system malfunctions or inadvertent triggering of initiation devices. The fines to be assessed for false alarms within any twelve-month period are as follows:
Third alarm: $100.
Fourth alarm: $200.
Fifth alarm: $300.
Sixth alarm: $400.
Subsequent alarms: $500.
If, in the opinion of the Fire Chief, the automatic initiation and subsequent dispatch of personnel and equipment is due to blatant disregard for the protection of alarm system integrity and the lack of prudent precautions to prevent inadvertent device initiation, then the fine shall be the maximum fine amount from § 130-10A for each and every event.
The Fire Chief shall assess a $500 fine for each false alarm caused by construction (grinding, sanding, painting, welding, woodworking, etc.) or fire alarm/sprinkler system testing and maintenance. Fines shall be billed to the permit holder or owner of record. A stop-work order may be imposed until all fees have been paid.
The Fire Chief has the right to waive any or all false alarm assessments if determined to be in the best interest of the Town of Bedford.