In accordance with the provisions of subsection 7-3.3, no person shall park a vehicle at any time upon any of the following described streets or parts of streets.
Name of Street
(CR 37)
Between Locust Avenue (CR 15) and Homestead Avenue.
(CR 537)
Beginning at a point 385 feet west of the westerly curbline of Pine Avenue and extending 475 feet westerly.
128 feet east from its inter-section with North Linden Avenue.
From Golf Street east for a distance of 200 feet.
(CR 537)
From Locust Avenue (CR 15), extending easterly for a distance of 300 feet.
Coolidge Place
From Lot 99 in Tax Block 60 north to the Coolidge Place terminus at Lot 106 in Tax Block 60.
From Lot 110 in Block 60 north to the Coolidge Place terminus at Lot 103 in Tax Block 60.
Golf Street
From Broadway for a distance of 600 feet south on Golf Street.
Homestead Avenue
From Broadway for a distance of 220 feet.
Larchwood Avenue
[Amended 3-1-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-5]
From Cedar Avenue to the Ocean Township boundary line.
Lawrence Avenue
Entire length.
Linden Avenue
For a distance of 50 feet south of its intersection with Broadway.
Locust Avenue
Between Cedar Avenue and Walnut Place.
Locust Avenue
Between Broadway and Throckmorton Avenue.
Locust Avenue
From Route 71 north for a distance of 50 feet.
Monmouth Road
Entire length.
North Linden Avenue
From Broadway to the eastern-most cemetery entrance.
Norwood Avenue
Between Cedar Avenue and Wall Street.
Oakwood Avenue
Between Broadway and Orchard Road.
Oceanport Avenue
Between Route 36 and Rivington Avenue.
Oceanport Avenue
100 feet north from its intersection with North Linden Avenue.
Oceanport Avenue
120 feet south from its intersection with North Linden Avenue.
Parker Road
Between Locust Avenue and Throckmorton Avenue.
Parker Road
From Locust Avenue for a distance of 725 feet west to Dennis Brook.
Pinewood Avenue
Between Cedar Avenue and Hollywood Avenue.
Throckmorton Avenue
From Locust Avenue west for a distance of 400 feet.
Upton Avenue
Between Broadway and Wentworth Avenue.
Wall Street
Between Locust Avenue and the Eatontown Boundary line.
All designated Fire Zones which have been created by the Fire Official or his predecessor (pursuant to Chapter 13 and the New Jersey Uniform Fire Code) or are part of an approved site plan; and which are properly designated in accordance with New Jersey Law.
In accordance with the provisions of Subsection 7-3.4, no person shall park a vehicle between the hours specified upon any of the following described streets or parts of streets.
Name of Street
Any street in the Borough
At all times when roads are snow covered
Oceanport Avenue
8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
From its intersection with Broadway to its intersection with Windsor Avenue.
Parker Road
[Added 10-7-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-11[1]]
7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
From Locust Avenue to the west side of the stream, which forms the western boundary of Conway Park
Pinewood Avenue
8:00 am. to 9:00 p.m. (except Saturdays, Sundays and Legal Holidays)
From Hollywood Avenue south to Cedar Avenue.
Victor Avenue
2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
From Route 36 to Rivington Avenue.
Editor's Note: This ordinance provided that the parking restrictions set forth shall not be applicable on Saturdays, Sundays, legal holidays, or between the last day of school in the spring and the first day of school in the fall.
In accordance with the provisions of Subsection 7-3.5, no person shall stop or stand a vehicle upon any of the following described streets or parts of streets.
Name of Street
Cedar Avenue
From the point where Norwood Avenue (County Road 25) intersects with Cedar Avenue to the point where Cedar Avenue intersects with Norwood Avenue (Route 71).
Parker Road
[Added 10-7-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-11]
North; from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 a.m.
From Locust Avenue to the west side of the stream, which forms the western boundary of Conway Park
Parker Road
From the easterly curb line of Route 71 to a point 100 feet easterly therefrom.
From the westerly curb line of Route 71 to a point 100 feet westerly therefrom.
Wall Street
From the point where the southerly Side of Wall Street intersects with the westerly side of Norwood Avenue for a distance of 315 feet westerly on Wall Street.
Wall Street
From its intersection with Monmouth Road westerly to the boundary line separating West Long Branch and Eatontown.
In accordance with the provisions of Subsection 7-3.6, no person shall park a vehicle for longer than the time shown on any of the following described streets or parts of streets.
Name of Street
Time Limit
Beechwood Avenue
2 hours
8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
From its intersection with Larchwood Avenue easterly to Norwood Avenue.
1 hour
From the northwesterly edge of Oakwood Avenue and Broadway to a point 360 feet westerly thereof.
1 hour
From the northwesterly edge of Victor Avenue and Broadway to a point 270 feet westerly thereof.
Brookwillow Avenue
2 hours
8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m
Entire length.
East Lakeview Avenue
2 hours
7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Except Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays)
Entire length.
Elmwood Avenue
2 hours
8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
From its intersection with Cedar Avenue northerly to Maple Avenue.
Franklin Parkway
2 hours
7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (except Saturdays, Sundays, legal holidays or between July 1 and Labor Day)
From Franklin Lake to Locust Avenue.
Halsey Street
2 hours
7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
From Lakeview Avenue to Dennis Place.
Hollywood Avenue
2 hours
8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
From its intersection with Larchwood Avenue easterly to Norwood Avenue.
Jonathan Court
2 hours
7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (except Saturdays, Sundays, legal holidays or between June 1 and August 31)
Entire length.
Lakeview Avenue
2 hours
7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Entire length.
Larchwood Avenue
2 hours
8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. (except Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays)
From the Ocean Township boundary line to a point 120 feet short of the Cedar Avenue intersection.
Locust Avenue
2 hours
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (except Sundays and legal holidays)
Between Wall Street and Cedar Avenue.
Norwood Court
North and South
2 hours
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday
Pinewood Avenue
2 hours
8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
From its intersection with Hollywood Avenue northerly to Maple Avenue.
Throckmorton Avenue
2 hours
7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
500 feet south of its intersection with Franklin Parkway; and 500 feet north of its intersection with Franklin Parkway.
Victor Avenue
1 hour
From the northeasterly edge of Broadway and Victor Avenue to a point 200 feet northerly thereof.
Victor Avenue
1 hour
7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
On the easterly side, a distance of 340 feet north from the intersection with Broadway; on the westerly side, beginning 246 feet north of the Broadway intersection and running to the intersection with Windsor Avenue.
In accordance with the provisions of Subsection 7-4.1, Trucks Over Four Tons registered gross vehicle weight are hereby excluded from the following described streets or parts of streets except for the pick up or delivery of materials on such streets.
Name of Street
Laurel Street
From Slocum Street to its westerly terminus.
From Broadway to Route NJ 36.
Windsor Avenue
From its intersection with Oceanport Avenue to its intersection with Victor Avenue.
In accordance with the provisions of Section 7-5, the following described streets or parts of streets are hereby designated as one-way streets.
Name of Street
Front driveway at Frank Antonides School
Entering from Parker Road and exiting on Locust Avenue.
In accordance with the provisions of Subsection 7-6.1, the following described streets or parts of streets are hereby designated as Through Streets. STOP signs shall be installed on the near right side of each street intersecting the Through Street except where YIELD signs are provided for designation:
Beechwood Avenue:
Between Monroe Street and Norwood Avenue.
Chestnut Place
Between Locust Avenue and Linden Avenue.
East Chestnut Place:
Between Linden Avenue and Golf Street.
Hollywood Avenue:
Between Monroe Street and Norwood Avenue.
Larchwood Avenue:
Between Borough of West Long Branch-Township of Ocean Corporate Line and N.J. Route 71.
Oakwood Avenue:
Between Wall Street and Broadway.
Palmer Avenue:
Between Whalepond Road and Monmouth Road.
Between Monmouth Road and Larchwood Avenue.
Parker Road:
Between Borough of West Long Branch-Borough of Eatontown Corporate Line and N.J. Route 71.
Between N.J. Route 71 and Locust Avenue.
Poplar Avenue:
Between Community Drive and Walnut Place.
Victor Avenue:
Between N.J. #36 and Broadway.
Walnut Place:
Between Locust Avenue and Forest Street.
Whalepond Road:
Between Borough of West Long Branch-Township of Ocean Corporate Line and Wall Street.
In accordance with the provisions of Subsection 7-6.2, the following intersections are hereby designated as Stop Intersections.
Baker Drive and Hendrickson Place:
STOP sign shall be installed on Baker Drive.
Bampton Place at East Walnut Place:
STOP signs shall be installed on Bampton Place.
Bampton Place at Forest Street:
STOP signs shall be installed on Bampton Place.
Bampton Place at Franklin Parkway:
STOP signs shall be installed on Bampton Place.
Bampton Place at Orchard Road:
STOP signs shall be installed on Bampton Place.
Coolidge Place and Cooper Avenue:
STOP signs shall be installed on Coolidge Place.
Darien Drive at Century Drive:
Stop sign and stop bar shall be installed on Darien Drive.
[Ord. No. O-2015-13]
Dennis Place and Halsey Street:
STOP signs shall be installed on Dennis Place.
East Chestnut Place at Golf Street:
STOP signs shall be installed on East Chestnut Place.
East Chestnut Place at Linden Avenue:
STOP signs shall be installed on East Chestnut Place.
East Walnut Place and Forest Street:
STOP signs shall be installed on East Walnut Place.
Forest Street at Franklin Parkway:
STOP signs shall be installed on Forest Street.
Forest Street at Richard Lane:
STOP signs shall be installed on Forest Street.
Franklin Parkway and Throckmorton Avenue:
STOP signs shall be installed on Franklin Parkway.
Golf Street and East Chestnut Place—Sherman Avenue:
STOP signs shall be installed on East Chestnut Place—Sherman Avenue.
Golf Street at Melissa Court
[Added 9-20-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-17]
STOP sign shall be installed on Golf Street heading north.
Golf Street at Orchard Road:
STOP signs shall be installed on Golf Street.
Halsey Street and Lakeview Avenue:
STOP signs shall be installed on Halsey Street
Heidl Avenue at Golf Street:
STOP signs shall be installed on Heidl Avenue.
Hilltop Road and Fairway Avenue:
STOP signs shall be installed on Hilltop Road.
Hilltop Road and West Campbell Avenue:
STOP signs shall be installed on Hilltop Road.
Judith Place at Golf Street:
STOP signs shall be installed on Judith Place.
Judith Place at Orchard Road:
STOP signs shall be installed on Judith Place.
Laurel Street and Homestead Avenue:
STOP signs shall be installed on Laurel Street.
Linden Avenue at Richard Lane:
STOP signs shall be installed on Linden Avenue.
Lloyd Avenue at Deforest Place:
STOP sign shall be installed on Lloyd Avenue at the easterly intersection of the two streets)
Maple Avenue and Elmwood Avenue:
STOP signs shall be installed on Maple Avenue.
Marc Road and South Arlene Drive:
STOP signs shall be installed on Marc Road.
Marion Avenue at East Walnut Place:
STOP signs shall be installed on Marion Avenue.
Melissa Court at Golf Street:
STOP signs shall be installed on Melissa Court.
Mount Drive and Woolley Place:
STOP signs shall be installed on Mount Drive, both approaches, and Woolley Place.
Muncy Drive and South Arlene Drive:
STOP signs shall be installed at both the north and south intersections of Muncy Drive with South Arlene Drive.
North Locust Avenue and Laurel Street:
STOP signs shall be installed on North Locust Avenue.
Old Farm Road and Bridle Drive:
STOP signs shall be installed on Old Farm Road.
Orchard Road and East Walnut Place—Judith Place:
STOP signs shall be installed on Orchard Road for northbound traffic only.
Pinewood Avenue and Maple Avenue:
STOP signs shall be installed on Maple Avenue.
Pleasant Drive and Bridle Drive:
STOP sign shall be installed on Pleasant Drive.
Ridge Road at Century Drive:
Stop sign and stop bar shall be installed on Ridge Road.
[Ord. No. O-2015-13]
Sherman Avenue at Golf Street:
STOP signs shall be installed on Sherman Avenue.
South Arlene Drive and Jeffrey Lane:
STOP signs shall be installed on Jeffrey Lane.
Stevens Avenue and Cooper Avenue:
STOP signs shall be installed on Stevens Avenue.
Stevens Avenue and Girard Avenue:
STOP signs shall be installed on Stevens Avenue.
Summers Avenue at Deforest Place:
STOP sign shall be installed on Summers Avenue.
Thompson Street and Rivington Avenue:
STOP sign shall be installed on Thompson Street.
Throckmorton Avenue and Franklin Parkway:
[Added 10-12-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-24]
STOP signs shall be installed on both streets, making this a 4-way stop intersection.
Upton Avenue and Wentworth Avenue:
STOP signs shall be installed on Upton Avenue.
West Campbell Avenue at Fairway Avenue:
STOP sign shall be installed on Fairway Avenue.
West Campbell Avenue at Hilltop Road:
STOP sign shall be installed on Hilltop Road.
West Palmer Avenue at Whalepond Road:
STOP signs shall be installed on West Palmer Avenue.
Windsor Drive at Century Drive:
Stop sign and stop bar shall be installed on Windsor Drive.
[Ord. No. O-2015-13]
Wood Road and South Arlene Drive:
STOP signs shall be installed on Wood Road.
In accordance with the provisions of Subsection 7-6.3, the following intersections are designated as Yield Intersections. YIELD RIGHT OF WAY signs shall be installed.
Baker Drive and Mount Drive:
A YIELD RIGHT-OF-WAY sign shall be installed on Baker Drive. Traffic traveling north on Baker Drive shall yield at this intersection to traffic traveling north on Mount Drive.
Delaware Avenue and Maryland Avenue:
A YIELD RIGHT-OF-WAY sign shall be installed on Delaware Avenue. Traffic traveling easterly on Delaware Avenue shall yield at this intersection to traffic which is traveling southerly on Maryland Avenue.
DeForest Place and Lloyd Avenue:
A YIELD RIGHT-OF-WAY signs shall be installed on DeForest Place, at the westerly intersection of the two streets.
Slocum Street and Thompson Street:
A YIELD RIGHT-OF-WAY sign shall be installed on Slocum Street where it merges with Thompson Street.
Thompson Street and Laurel Street:
A YIELD RIGHT-OF-WAY sign shall be installed on Thompson Street.
In accordance with the provisions of Section 7-7, the following described locations are hereby designated as Loading Zones.
In accordance with the provisions of Section 7-8, the following described locations are hereby designated as Taxi Stands:
In accordance with the provisions of Section 7-9, the following described locations are hereby designated as Bus Stops.
In accordance with the provisions of Subsection 7A-10.1, no person shall make a left turn at any of the following described locations.
In accordance with the provisions of Subsection 7A-10.2, no person shall make a U-Turn at any of the following described locations.
In accordance with the provisions of Subsection 7A-10.3, no person shall make a turn at any of the following locations.
In accordance with the provisions of Section 7A-11, the following described streets or parts of streets shall have the following speed limits thereon in the direction indicated.
In accordance with the provisions of Section 7A-12 no person shall pass in any of the following described NO PASSING ZONES.
Name of Street
Oakwood Avenue
Entire length
Palmer Avenue
Entire length
Parker Road
Entire length
West Palmer Avenue
Entire length
In accordance with the provisions of subsection 7-6.4, the following described locations are hereby designated as IN-STREET SIGNED PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGS:
Name of Streets
Location of Signs
Intersection of Locust Avenue and Parker Road
Crosswalk/South Corner
Intersection of Locust Avenue and Community Drive
Crosswalk/North Corner
Intersection of Locust and Maryland Avenue
Crosswalk/North Corner
Intersection of Parker Road and Throckmorton Avenue
Crosswalk/East Corner
Parker Road and Betty McElmon School
Crosswalk/West Side of West Entrance