The City of Ocean City is governed by the Mayor Council
Plan D of the Optional Municipal Charter Law of 1950, R.S. 40:69A-69,
et seq. The Administrative Code has been drafted in conformity with
this law. Other enabling laws relevant to this Chapter are R.S. 2A:8-1,
et seq., Municipal Court; R.S. 40:55D-1.4, Planning Board; R.S. 40:55D-36,
Board of Adjustment; R.S. 40:61-17 et seq., Recreation Commission;
R.S. 40:56A-1 et seq., Shade Tree Commission; R.S. 40:11a-1 et seq.,
Parking Authority; R.S. 40:14B-1, et seq., Municipal Utilities Authority;
R.S. 44:8-115, et seq., Board of Assistance; R.S. 40:56A-1 et seq.,
Environmental Commission; R.S. 40:14A-1, et seq., Regional Sewerage
Authority. General authority to regulate the internal affairs of the
City derives from R.S. 40:69A-29.