[Ord. #84-27, § 4.1; Ord. #86-31, § 4.1; Ord. #90-20, § 2; Ord. #92-3, § 1; Ord. #92-7, § 1; Ord. #07-09, § 1; Ord. #10-28, § 1; Ord. #13-11; Ord. #13-15, § 1; Ord. #14-27; Ord. #2015-19 § 1; Ord. #2015-24; Ord. #19-05; amended 11-26-2019 by Ord. No. 19-21]
The Administrative Branch shall consist of the Office of the Mayor; Departments of Administrative, Community Services, Financial Management, Law, Police, Fire & Rescue, and Operations and Engineering under his direction and control; designated independent or quasi-independent agencies, and advisory boards and commissions. The independent, quasi-independent and advisory agencies shall be those listed below, together with such other commissions, boards or agencies as shall be established from time to time by the Mayor or governing body. All members shall be appointed in accordance with appropriate state statute or local ordinance.
Library Board of Trustees
Housing Authority
Local Assistance Board
Planning Board
Zoning Board of Adjustment
Utility Advisory Commission
Environmental Commission
Shade Tree Committee
Historical Commission
Lifeguard Pension Commission
Aviation Advisory Board
Tourism Development Commission
Ocean City Healthy Living Advisory Council
The above recited independent, quasi-independent and advisory agencies shall be continued in accordance with appropriate law and ordinance.
[Ord. #84-27, § 4.2; Ord. #86-31, § 4.2; Ord. #90-20, § 2; Ord. #07-09, § 1]
The Mayor may approve the organization and reorganization of Departments, offices, and agencies on recommendations of the Director thereof and subject to available appropriations.
[Ord. #84-27, § 4.3; Ord. #86-31, § 4.3; Ord. #90-20, § 2; Ord. #07-09, § 1]
Appointment, Term, Compensation. The Mayor shall appoint Department Heads with advice and consent of Council, to serve during his term and until appointment and qualification of his successor. Their compensation shall be as provided in the annual salary ordinance.
Removal. In accordance with the authority set forth in Section 43(c) of OMCL, the Mayor may remove Department Heads subject to disapproval by Council.
Powers and Duties. Department Heads, under the direction and supervision of the Business Administrator:
Shall, with the approval of the Mayor, appoint subordinate officers and employees within his Department and may, with the approval of the Mayor, remove such officers and employees subject to Civil Service provisions (N.J.S.A. 11:26-1 et seq.).
Shall plan and supervise the work of the Department.
Shall assign and may modify the functions and duties of subordinates.
Shall certify the correctness and propriety of all payrolls and vouchers or provide the certification for them.
Shall perform such other duties and responsibilities as directed by the Business Administrator.
[Ord. #84-27, § 4.4; Ord. #86-31, § 4.4; Ord. #89-10, § 1; Ord. #90-20, § 2; Ord. #95-9, § 1; Ord. #01-34, § 1; Ord. #03-03, §§ 1—3; Ord. #03-31, § 1; Ord. #06-24, § 1; Ord. #07-09, § 1; Ord. #10-08, § 1; Ord. #10-28; Ord. #13-15, § 2; Ord. #14-27; Ord. #2015-05 § 1; Ord. #2015-19 § 1; Ord. #2016-18; Ord. #19-05; amended 11-26-2019 by Ord. No. 19-21; 11-3-2022 by Ord. No. 22-15; 3-23-2023 by Ord. No. 23-03; 3-28-2024 by Ord. No. 24-03; 5-9-2024 by Ord. No. 24-07]
The following Departments are hereby created, and all administrative functions, powers and duties of the municipality other than those vested in the office of the Municipal Clerk and Municipal Tax Assessor shall be allocated and assigned among and within these Departments.
Department of Administration.
Head, Qualifications. The Department of Administration shall be headed by the Business Administrator. He shall be a college graduate with previous municipal experience in a responsible administrative or executive capacity. At the time of appointment, he need not be a resident of the City of Ocean City but during his tenure may not reside outside the City. City Council may waive residency for good cause.
Powers and Duties. The Administrator:
Shall have, exercise and discharge the functions, powers and duties of the Department.
Under the direction and supervision of the Mayor, the Business Administrator shall:
Oversee the preparation of the Budget and Capital Plan;
Administer a centralized purchasing system;
Administer a sound human resource system;
Supervise the administration of each of the departments established by this section. For this purpose he shall have the power to investigate the organization and operation of any and all departments, to prescribe standards and rules of administrative practice and procedure, and to consult with the heads of departments under his jurisdiction; provided that with respect to the Department of Finance related to audit, accounts or control, the authority of the Business Administrator under this Subsection shall extend only to matters of budgeting, personnel and purchasing.
Shall oversee Emergency Management, Purchasing and Human Resources.
Oversee the preparation of the long-term capital plan.
Develop and maintain a public information and public relations program for the City.
Oversee and administer the Ocean City Beach Patrol.
Shall oversee and administer the Ocean City Beach Patrol.
Oversee and administer Information Technology.
Oversee community planning and zoning administration, including staff assistance to the Planning Board, Zoning Board.
Oversee the administration of the New Jersey State Uniform Construction Code and enforce other miscellaneous state and municipal codes and ordinances.
Oversee the administration of the Office of Licensing.
Department of Financial Management.
Director. The Department of Financial Management shall be headed by a Director who shall be qualified by training and education or extensive experience to plan, supervise and perform the work of the Department. The Director need not be a resident of Ocean City at the time of his appointment, but shall become a resident of the City within a reasonable time not later than one (1) year following his appointment and shall thereafter remain a resident of the City during his term(s) of office. The Mayor, on a yearly basis, may waive residence for good cause.
Functions. The Department shall perform all appropriate functions associated with:
Custody, investment and disbursement of City monies;
General budgetary accounting and fiscal control and reporting;
Billing and collecting of general revenues;
Tax billing and collection;
Property assessment;
Operation of City parking lots, parking meters, Transportation Center and Municipal Airport;
Administration of the beach fee program;
Assisting in the preparation of the long term capital plan;
Payment of bills, claims and demands. Bills, claims and demands against the City shall be paid in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:5-17 which shall include a bill list to be presented to City Council at each regularly scheduled Council meeting. In addition, the City Council authorizes the Chief Financial Officer to process payments between Council meetings whereby the Chief Financial Officer has determined the need for said payment. These payments shall be reported to City Council and incorporated within the next scheduled bill list as presented. Documentation of all claims and payments shall be maintained in the Department of Financial Management.
Obtaining and administering grants for various projects and programs.
Fiscal Procedure; Claims Approval for Payments. Bills, claims and demands against the City shall be deemed approved or disapproved by Council in accordance with the action of the Director of Financial Management. If requested by Council, the Director of Financial Management shall furnish Council with a list of claims paid as requested.
Department of Law.
Director; Qualification. The Department of Law shall be headed by a Director who may be the City Attorney, and who shall be qualified by training and experience to plan, supervise and perform the work of his Department. He shall also be a licensed attorney in good standing of the State of New Jersey. The Director need not be a resident of Ocean City at the time of his appointment, but shall become a resident of the City within a reasonable time not later than one (1) year following his appointment and shall thereafter remain a resident of the City during his term(s) of office. The Mayor, on a yearly basis, may waive residency for good cause.
Functions. The Department of Law shall perform all appropriate functions associated with:
Being legal advisor to the Mayor, Council, and Department Heads.
Advising as to form and sufficiency of ordinances prior to passage. Reviewing and approving contracts, deeds, documents and instruments prior to execution by or on behalf of the City.
Conducting litigation by or on behalf of the City affecting any interest of the City as directed by the Mayor and Council.
Entering into an agreement, compromise or settlement of any litigation in which the City is involved subject to approval of the Mayor and Council.
Rendering opinions upon any questions of law submitted to him by the Mayor, Council or Department Heads.
Maintaining a record of all actions, suits, proceedings and matters which relate to the City's interest and report thereon as may be required.
Conducting or supervising the Municipal Prosecutor and Public Defender in the conduct of City prosecutions.
Coordinating the activities of Counsel retained by various boards and agencies of the City, and report to the Mayor and Council on their activities from time to time as may be appropriate.
Department of Police Services.
Director. The Department of Police Services shall be headed by a Director who shall also be the Police Chief. The Director shall be qualified by education, training, and extensive experience to plan, supervise and perform the work of the Department. The residency requirements for the Director shall be in accordance with the State law.
Functions. The Department shall be responsible for maintaining a modern police services program including crime prevention, criminal investigation, personnel and property protection, traffic control, animal control and parking enforcement. In addition, the Department shall be responsible for the City-wide public safety communication system operation, shall administer a centralized information technology system.
Department of Community Services.
Director. The Department of Community Services shall be headed by a Director who shall be qualified by training and education or extensive experience to plan, supervise and perform the work of the Department. The Director need not be a resident of Ocean City at the time of his appointment but shall become a resident of the City within a reasonable time not later than one (1) year following his appointment and shall thereafter remain a resident of the City during his term(s) of office. The Mayor may waive residency for good cause.
Functions. The Department shall perform all appropriate functions associated with:
Overseeing Economic Development and Environment;
Providing a balanced public recreation and leisure time activity program for the City;
Operating the Music Pier, golf course, Aquatic and Fitness Center and such other facilities that may be assigned;
The Historic Preservation Commission;
Neighborhood and Social Services;
Senior Center Operations.
Department of Fire and Rescue Services.
Director. The Department of Fire and Rescue Services shall be headed by a Director who shall also be the Fire Chief. The Director shall be qualified by education, training and extensive experience to plan, supervise and perform the work of the Department. Residency requirements for the Director shall be in accordance with State law.
Functions. The Department shall be responsible for maintaining a modern fire and rescue services program including fire protection, fire prevention, confined space entry, environmental spills and hazards, arson investigation, emergency medical services and water rescue.
An Arson Investigation Unit shall be established, and be responsible for conducting investigations of arson, suspicious fires or explosions within the City of Ocean City. The Arson Investigation Unit shall be comprised of one (1) person appointed by the Fire Chief. He shall successfully complete an appropriate course of training approved by the Police Training Commission and an arson investigation training course approved by the Department of Law and Public Safety of the State of New Jersey.
Department of Operations and Engineering.
Director. The Department of Operations and Engineering shall be headed by a Director who shall be qualified by training and education or extensive experience to plan, supervise and perform the work of the Department. The Director need not be a resident of Ocean City at the time of his appointment but shall become a resident of the City within a reasonable time not later than one year following his appointment and shall thereafter remain a resident of the City during his term(s) of office. The Mayor may waive residency for good cause.
Functions. The Department shall perform all appropriate functions associated with:
Overseeing and coordinating general engineering services and project construction;
Maintaining and repairing streets, roads, alleys, boardwalk, beaches, drainage facilities, fleet, public buildings and all public infrastructure;
Supervising recycling and trash collection operations;
Assisting in the preparation of the long-term capital plan;
Administering the traffic maintenance programs (signs and lines);
Managing recycling, clean communities, and stormwater management programs; and
Maintaining public property.
Placement and maintenance of signage for public access.