[Ord. #7-88, § 1]
As used in this section:
Shall mean a space provided in a building or structure between objects resting on the floor or between such object or objects and a wall petition, column or other fixed part of the building or structure, designed to permit persons on foot to walk or move from one place to another in the building. For purposes of this section such aisle need only be three (3') feet in width between such objects or between an object and a fixed part of the building or structure. Any additional space actually provided in a building or structure is not to be considered as part of the aisle and need not be deducted from the gross floor area to determine net floor area.
Shall mean any machine, contrivance or device which upon the insertion of a coin, slug, token, plate, disc, key, or similar instrument into a slot, crevice or other opening in the machine or by the payment of any price, operates or may be operated by the public generally for use as a game, entertainment or amusement, whether or not registering a score and - shall include without limitation, and not be limited to such devices as marble machines, pin ball machines, skill ball, mechanical games, video games, electronic games or operations or transactions similar thereto by whatever names they may be called.
Shall mean any natural person, partnership, firm, association, corporation or any other business entity which leases, rents or places under any kind of arrangement within the Borough one or more amusement games or devices in premises or in locations owned or controlled by another.
Shall mean the entire premises including without limitation the interior and exterior of all buildings, auxiliary buildings, structures or appurtenant structures, walks, alleys, drives and/or parking facilities owned or controlled by the operator and or owner operator.
Shall mean the gross floor area of the licensee's premises less deductions for counter space areas, storage areas, display cases, the amusement devices themselves, shelving areas, aisles, bathrooms, office space, stairwells and stairs and other areas which are not intended or held out for public use. The building inspector - shall determine the amount of net floor area in square feet in each prospective licensed premises subject to this section.
Shall mean any natural person, partnership, firm, association, corporation, or any other business entity which owns or controls premises or locations within the Borough in which any amusement or entertainment machine or device is displayed for public patronage, or is placed or kept for the public.
[Ord. #7-88, § 2]
No natural person, partnership, firm, association, corporation, or any other business entity which owns or controls premises or locations within the Borough shall install, maintain, operate, or possess in any store, premises, location, or building where any business of any nature or character is conducted or any other place wherein the public may enter, any amusement games or devices as defined herein without having first obtained a license to so install, maintain, operate or possess from the Borough after written application therefor, in accordance with the terms of this section for each such machine, game or device.
[Ord. #7-88, § 3]
An application properly completed with all information required by this section supplied.
The licensing fee paid in advance by cash or certified check.
Compliance of the premises sought to be licensed with the requirements of this section for such premises.
Continued compliance with all requirements of this section.
Certification by the Police Chief or his designated representative that he has made an investigation of the applicant and premises sought to be licensed by the applicant, and finds compliance with this section and all ordinances and laws required to be enforced by him and that there is no evidence that the applicant has been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude, sale or possession of a controlled dangerous substance or gambling related offenses.
Certification by the Fire Chief or his designated representative that he has made a thorough inspection of the premises and finds compliance with this section and all ordinances and laws required to be enforced by him.
Certification by the Construction Official or his designated representative that he has made a thorough inspection of the premises and finds compliance with this section and all ordinance and laws required to be enforced by him.
Adoption by the Borough Council of a resolution granting such license upon compliance with this section and the aforesaid requirements.
[Ord. #7-88, § 4; Ord. #11-99 § A]
Each premises shall comply with all requirements of the BOCA Basic Building Code and any and all other code requirements imposed by the State of New Jersey. The Construction Official shall determine the number of square feet of the net floor area in each prospective licensed premises which is subject to this section and certify to the Borough Council the net floor area available for such machines and the maximum number permitted.
Particular emphasis shall be placed upon obstruction to exits and free flow of pedestrian traffic to, by, through and around said machines or devices. Locations in accordance with the above criteria shall be subject to specific approval by the appropriate fire prevention authorities of the Borough and the specific approval of the Police Department of the Borough.
There shall be at least six (6") inches of open space between each machine and an adjacent wall or partition.
There shall be adequate ventilation and bathroom facilities provided for the expected number of patrons and observers of the machines.
[Ord. #7-88, § 5]
At the time of the initial application or annual renewal thereof, the Chief of Police or his designated representative shall make or cause to be made an inspection of the premises described in the application and the type of machine applied for, shall attach to the application upon completion of his inspection and investigation his report in writing which shall state the nature and type of machine or device, the place where and when it is operated and maintained, the name of the proprietor of the store or premises at or in which the machine or device is to be operated or maintained, the name and address of the owner of the premises at or in which the machine or device is to be operated or maintained, the name and address of the owner of the particular machine or device, the recommendations of the Chief of Police and any other pertinent information the Chief of Police deems necessary. He shall file his report with the Borough Clerk and a copy with the Fire Chief and Construction Official. He shall also determine compliance with all other applicable laws or ordinances required to be enforced by him. He shall also cause a review to be made of the applicant's criminal record, if any, and shall note and report any violation of the Borough Code or conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude, sale or possession of a controlled dangerous substance or gambling related offenses.
At the time of the initial application or annual renewal thereof, the Chief of the Fire Department or his designated representative shall make or cause to be made an inspection of the premises described in the application, with reference to fire safety generally and the requirements of subsection 4-1.4. He shall also determine compliance with all other applicable laws or ordinances required to be enforced by him. Upon completion of the inspection the Chief of the Fire Department or his designated representative shall issue a written report with all findings, violations of laws or ordinances, if any, and his recommendations and shall file the report with the Borough Clerk and shall file a copy of the report with the Chief of Police and Construction Official.
At the time of the initial application or annual renewal thereof, the Construction Official or his designated representative shall inspect the proposed premises and measure the proposed licensed premises and determine the net floor area in accordance with this section. Upon completion of this measurement he shall issue a written report with his findings which shall include the maximum number of machines for which this premises may be licensed and shall file the report with the Borough Clerk, Chief of Police and Chief of the Fire Department. He shall also determine compliance with subsection 4-1.4 and all other applicable laws or ordinances required to be enforced by him.
[Ord. #7-88, § 6; Ord. #11-99 § B]
The licensee shall not permit any machine to emit loud and disturbing noises and shall at all times control the sound so as not to cause disturbance to persons in the vicinity of the machine. The machine shall not be placed so that the sound is disturbing to the public in the streets, or to other persons occupying buildings in the immediate vicinity.
The person operating the premises where the machine is located shall be liable and responsible for the proper operation thereof, regardless of whether or not he/she is the actual owner of the machine, or has rented the same, but this shall not in any way release the actual owner of the machine or device from liability or responsibility for violation of this section.
The operator shall not permit, suffer or allow any person to bet or gamble in any form or manner on the licensed premises and shall prevent any immoral or illegal conduct or activity from occurring.
No person on the licensed premises shall have illegally in his possession or under his control or offer to another any controlled dangerous substance nor shall the operator and/or owner-operator permit, suffer or allow such person on the licensed premises.
No operator shall permit, suffer or allow the unlawful sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages upon the licensed premises unless the premises is properly licensed by the Alcoholic Beverage Commission.
The operator shall at all times maintain good order upon the licensed premises and shall not permit, suffer or allow any disturbances, congestion or loitering upon the licensed premises.
No person shall by threats, promises or intimidation seek to control or direct the placement or removal of any machine or device or amusement or entertainment machine or device from the premises or location within the Borough, and any such threat, promises or intimidation shall be reported immediately to the Police Department.
No person under the age of 18 years of age, unaccompanied by an adult, shall be permitted to play or operate any amusement games or devices:
Between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on any day that the public schools are in session.
Between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. any day next preceding a day when the public schools are in session.
Between the hours of 11:30 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. on any day next preceding a day when the public schools are closed.
[Ord. #7-88 § 7; Ord. #11-99 § C]
Application for a license shall be in writing, addressed to the Borough Clerk and be filed in duplicate with the Borough Clerk. The application shall set forth the following information:
Full name and address of applicant.
If applicant is an individual, the age, date, place of birth and social security number of the applicant.
If applicant is a firm, partnership or association, the names and addresses, ages and places of birth of all members of the firm, partnership or association.
If the applicant is a corporation, the names and addresses, ages and places of birth of all officers and directors and the names and addresses of all stockholders of the corporation owning 10% or more of all of the issued and outstanding capital stock of the corporation.
Prior criminal record, if any, of each applicant, of any jurisdiction.
Full description of all amusement games, coin-operated amusement games, machines and amusement machines and devices, including serial number, if any, name of manufacturer, place of manufacture and year of manufacture.
Place where the machines or devices are to be displayed and business is to be conducted or carried on.
Exact location of the machines or devices in the business premises as indicated on the floor plan, drawn to scale, which shall show all permanent or semi-permanent fixtures, shelves, etc. as established in the place of business, and the location of machines or devices shall be such that it shall not interfere with the safe use of the premises by the patrons thereof. The application must contain the total number of square feet to which the applicant customarily invites or permits the public to occupy and use.
The name and address of the registered agent of the applicant or person upon whom service of process is authorized to be made. The aforesaid registered agent or person upon whom service of process is authorized shall be a resident of the State of New Jersey.
If the applicant is a corporation, there shall be included a corporate resolution in proper form authorizing the execution of the license application on behalf of the corporation.
Each applicant shall contain a certification, under oath, made by the applicant that the information contained in the application and all attachments thereto is complete, accurate and truthful to the best of his knowledge and belief.
Each application shall be accompanied by a deposit in cash or certified check to cover the annual license fee for one year in the amount hereinafter provided.
[Ord. #7-88, § 8; Ord. #11-99 § D]
The annual fee for an operator of any amusement game, machine or device, which shall include the premises where the game or games are located, shall be $200 for the first machine or device licensed and $25 for each additional machine licensed.
[Ord. #7-88, § 9]
Licenses shall expire on December 31 of the year following the issuance of any license. Applications for renewal of the license shall be submitted no later than September 30 of the year in which the existing license expires. The licensing fee for any license granted after March of any year shall be prorated according to the number of months remaining before the license would expire.
[Ord. #7-88, § 10]
Upon application to the Borough Council, the Council may, in their discretion, transfer a license from one premises to another or one licensee to another so long as the applicant has complied with all provisions of this section.
[Ord. #7-88, § 11]
Every license issued hereunder is subject to revocation by the Borough Council should the licensee, distributor and/or operator, distribute or operate any device or any amusement or entertainment machine or device contrary to the provisions of this section or any other law, ordinance, rule or regulation or fail to cooperate fully with any enforcement officer or agency. Any material misstatement or omission in the license application or in any information submitted therewith or the failure to notify the Borough Clerk in wiring of any changes by addition or deletion or amendment to the application or information during the term of any license or renewal shall constitute sufficient ground for revocation of the license. Such revocation shall be by the Borough Council after a hearing. The licensee shall be given 10 days notice of the hearing and the notice shall state the grounds therefor. At such hearing the licensee may submit relevant information in his own behalf and cross examine witnesses.
[Ord. #7-88, § 12]
No person shall use or permit to be used any of the machines or devices licensed under this section for the purpose of gambling.
[Ord. #7-88, § 13]
If the Chief of Police shall have probable cause to believe any device or any amusement or entertainment machine or device is used for gambling, such machine or device may be seized by the Police Department and impounded and may be considered as contraband by law.
[Ord. #7-88, § 14]
All the provisions of this section requiring a license shall also apply to any church, fraternal or veterans' organization or other religious or charitable nonprofit organization or governmental department or agency which operates any amusement or entertainment machine or device exclusively for the use of its members and the guests of such members and on premises owned or controlled by it; provided that upon application to the Borough Council, the Council by resolution may in its sole discretion waive the whole or any part of the fees required by this section.
[Ord. #7-88, § 15; Ord. No. 3-96]
Any person violating any provision of this section or failing to comply therewith shall be liable to the penalty stated in Chapter 1, Section 1-5. A separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which the violation or failure to comply occurs or continues.
[Ord. No. 2001-02]
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to maintain, operate or conduct a junk shop or junkyard, in or upon which junk as hereinafter described, shall be purchased, sold, stored, repaired, renovated or restored, within the Borough, without first having obtained a license for such purpose, as hereinafter provided.
[Ord. No. 2001-02]
As used in this section:
Shall mean the violation of any of the provisions of this section, or any false statement contained in the application for license, or failure to pay any license fee when due, or any conviction of the applicant during the term for which the license was issued for the violation of any criminal statute or law of the State of New Jersey, or of any State in the United States, or the United States Government.
Shall mean and include rags, scrap, iron, shavings, borings, old rope, old iron, brass, copper, tin, lead, aluminum and other old materials, automobiles, trucks tractors, trailers, construction equipment and all manner of vehicles which are unfit for reconditioning for sale for use of transportation, used parts of any of such vehicles or equipment, old bottles, drums, barrels, glass, lumber, paper, discarded machinery or parts thereof, old or broken pipe, brick, tubing and any forms of construction materials, discarded ice-boxes, refrigerators, freezers, washing machines, water heaters, tubs, bathtubs, water closets, lavatories and other discarded fixtures, and any other second-hand articles or used materials and merchandise and such other articles or things as commonly come within the classification of junk.
Shall mean any person, firm association, partnership, or corporation which deals in junk for commercial purposes, or who buys or otherwise acquires or collects or stores junk for commercial purposes within the Borough, in the manner provided in this section.
Shall mean any lands or parcels thereof on which junk is collected or placed or stored for commercial purposes or for any remuneration whatever.
Shall mean any land or building or both whereon a junkyard is maintained under license hereunder or any junk shop which is licensed, or any premises for which a license is issued to a junk dealer under the provisions of this section.
[Ord. No. 2001-02]
All applicants desiring a license for the maintenance of a junk yard or junk shop, or as a junk dealer, shall first file a written application signed by the applicant with the Borough Clerk, containing the following information.
Name and status of applicant: that is whether individual, corporation, partnership or association. If an applicant is a corporation, the applicant shall furnish the names and addresses of all officers and registered agents and shall designate the office of each; if a partnership or association, the applicant shall state the names and addresses of all members thereof.
Permanent residence address of applicant.
The place or places of the permanent residence of the applicant for each of the preceding three years.
A full description of the premises desired to be licensed, including a metes and bounds description of the lands constituting the premises, together with a description of any buildings or improvements thereon, and a sketch, diagram or map of the lands desired to be licensed.
A description of the type and size of any buildings to be maintained as a junk shop.
A description of materials to be purchased or sold or stored in any junk shop or in any junk yard, or in which any junk dealer intends to deal.
A statement of the number and places of arrests or convictions for crimes against the applicant and the nature of the offenses on which such arrests or convictions were made.
A statement of the equipment to be used in the operation of the business and the method of operation.
Applications shall be accompanied by payment of the amount of the license fee for the period involved.
An applicant for a license shall cause notice of his application to be published twice in successive weeks, at least once each week, in a newspaper published and circulating within the County of Somerset, the first of which publication shall be at least 10 days prior to the date for consideration of the application by the Borough Council; and the applicant shall also file due proof of publication with the Borough Clerk prior to the date for consideration of the application.
The Borough Clerk shall present any application, together with the fee accompanying the same and proofs of publication, to the Borough Council at its next meeting following receipt of proofs of publication from the applicant. In the event the license applied for shall be denied, the fee accompanying the license shall be returned, less, however, the sum of 10% thereof to cover the cost of investigation of the applicant.
If the applicant is not the owner of the site where the business is to be conducted, the owner's consent to the conduct of the business described in the application shall be endorsed in writing on the application, or otherwise annexed thereto.
[Ord. No. 2001-02]
The Borough Council may consider the application for license at the meeting for which the application and proofs and fees are presented, or it may set a date for a hearing to be held on the application at some reasonable time thereafter, which hearing, however, shall not be later than one month from the date of the Borough Council meeting considering the same, and at which hearing any objectors to the license may be heard and may present evidence as well as the applicant and those in support of the license.
If a date for hearing on the application for license is set, the Borough Council may investigate the applicant and the matters set forth in the application through its own officers, employees, or representatives, and:
The Borough Council shall also obtain a report in writing from the Tax Collector as to whether the applicant is in default in the payment of any taxes owing the Borough at the time the application is filed, which report shall be filed with the Borough Clerk at least five days before the date of hearing set for the application.
The Borough Council may investigate and consider as part of its determination for the issuance of a license any unreasonable depreciation of surrounding property of adjoining owners which might ensue from the establishment or maintenance of such a business at the location designated in the application. The proximity of schools, churches, public highways, the suitability of the applicant to receive the license, which shall include his arrest or conviction for criminal acts, social and aesthetic desirability shall also be taken into consideration of such application.
After considering all the evidence with respect to the application, the Borough Council may issue, or deny the license to the applicant for good cause revealed by the facts or evidence, and if any application for license is denied, the Borough Council shall state in writing the reasons for the denial forming the good cause found by the Borough Council denying license to the applicant.
The license when issued by the Borough shall be displayed in a conspicuous place upon the licensed premises at all times.
The Borough Council, after investigating and considering an application for license hereunder, or after hearing the same shall, if the application subscribes to the provisions of this section, authorize the Borough Clerk to issue a license to the applicant, which licensee shall be effective from the date of issuance to midnight of June 30 in the year following the date of issue.
[Ord. No. 2001-02]
All licenses granted under this section and all premises licensed thereunder shall be subject to the following regulations:
Fence or Enclosure Required; Entrances and Exits Locked When Unattended.
A junkyard shall be completely obstructed from view from the public road. In obstructing the view of the licensed premises from the public road, the licensee shall have at the time of the application, or shall construct within 60 days of the granting of any license and before storing of any junk, a solid board fence or other solid material at least seven feet high from the ground and built in such manner so as to obstruct visibility of the junkyard from any public street or public property from outside the enclosure. The said fence or enclosure shall be painted with either a white or dark green paint and shall be maintained in good condition at all times. There shall be no advertisement allowed or any description of writing on the fence except the owner's name and description of the character of his business, and such description or writing shall not exceed an area of six square feet.
The licensed premises shall be enclosed at the entrances and exits thereto and therefrom by a gate or gates which shall be securely closed and locked when unattended so as to preclude any entrance to the enclosure whenever the enclosures may be unattended.
The remaining premises around the junkyard shall be obstructed from the view of adjoining owners so far as possible by a fence or shrubbery either seven feet high or of such height as may obstruct the view from surrounding property as best as may be done.
No junk or rubbish or salvage material of any type shall be maintained outside the enclosure surrounding the licensed premises of any junkyard, nor outside of any junk shop licensed hereunder.
No license issued hereunder shall entitle any licensee to operate under the license at, in, or on any lot, building, or location or any part thereof other than just specified in the license, and no license shall be assignable or transferable to any other person or party whatever.
There shall be no burning of materials on any licensed premises, and no open fires shall be permitted, except that this shall not prohibit the controlled use of acetylene torches in salvaging or repairing, any goods, motor vehicles, or other chattels on the premises or parts thereof. In the event that fires of accidental nature occur on the licensed premises in such numbers or such periods of time as to create a fire hazard to other properties or inhabitants of the Borough, the Borough Committee may revoke the license granted after due hearing and notice thereof because of the hazardous nature or conduct of the business. At all times adequate access shall be provided for fire fighting equipment.
No materials of an explosive nature shall be maintained or demolished on any licensed premises.
No materials shall be kept or maintained on the licensed premises which shall be of such odorous nature as to be offensive to adjoining property owners or other inhabitants in the area of the licensed premises.
The licensee shall take all reasonable measures to keep rats or other vermin from the licensed premises.
The licensee shall maintain sufficient fire extinguishers on the licensed premises at all times and shall also establish fire protection according to standards recommended by the National Board of Fire Underwriters for such premises. The licensee shall also report all fires to the Chief of the Township Fire Department, furnishing date and extent of fire, and cause, if known.
No licensee hereunder shall purchase any goods, articles, or other materials whatsoever from any person under the age of 17 years.
The business of the licensee shall be operated in such manner as not to cause unreasonably loud noises that are either so consistent or so audible as to be a nuisance to other property owners or inhabitants in the neighborhood.
No licensee shall stack or place junk above the level of the height of the fence enclosing a junkyard or otherwise in such manner as to create a fire hazard or to create a place for the harboring of rats, mice or vermin.
No licensee shall buy, sell, receive dispose of, conceal or have in his possession any motor vehicle from which the manufacturer's serial number or any other number of identification mark has been removed, defaced, altered, covered, or destroyed with the apparent purpose of concealing the identity of such vehicle.
[Ord. No. 2001-02]
Any license issued by the Borough may be renewed each year thereafter without publication of notice of application by furnishing notice of intention to renew the license in writing with the Borough Clerk at least 30 days prior to July 1 of the renewal year, and upon payment of the annual license fee of $1,000. No hearing shall be required for the issuance of any renewal license unless objections are filed in writing with the Borough Clerk by any inhabitant or taxpayer of the Borough against the renewal of the license. In the event a written objection is filed before renewal as herein provided, the Borough Council shall set a date for hearing and proceed to hear the objection and all evidence for and against the issuance of such license not later than 15 days from the beginning of the renewal period, and at the conclusion of the hearing the Borough Council may then determine whether to issue a renewal license or to deny the same if the evidence presented indicates sufficient cause by virtue of prior violations of this section by the licensee.
The Borough Council may authorize a temporary permit for such licensee until the hearing has been completed and a determination made so that the business of a licensee may not be suspended or interfered with unreasonably by filing of any written objections.
[Ord. No. 2001-02]
No licensee shall conduct any processing operations or purchases or sales of materials on the licensed premises after 8:00 p.m. and prior to 8:00 a.m. of the following day on weekdays.
[Ord. No. 2001-02]
The Borough Council may revoke any license granted at any time during the period for which the license was issued on the Borough Council's own action, or on the objection of any taxpayer or inhabitant of the Township for good cause shown after a hearing provided to the licensee following complaint in writing and at least seven days notice to the licensee setting forth the grounds of complaint.
The licensed premises shall be open to inspection by the Fire Department, Board of Health, and other authorized officials of the Borough, at any reasonable time of day or night.
[Ord. No. 2001-02]
The annual fees for each license issued hereunder shall be the sum of $1,000 which shall be prorated where the license shall not have been issued on July 1 of a year, and any period of a month over 15 days shall constitute a full month, and any period less than 15 days shall constitute a half month for the purpose of prorating the annual fee.
Payment of the fees shall accompany filing of all applications for licenses or for any intention to renew thereafter. In the event an application for license is denied or renewal license is denied, the fee shall be returned, less 10% for the cost of the Township in investigating the same. In the event that license shall be revoked for good cause shown or terminated voluntarily by the licensee, there shall be no refund of any portion of the license fee.
[Ord. 11/10/64, § 1]
As used in this section:
Shall mean the Board of Health of the Borough of South Bound Brook.
Shall mean an establishment or place of business conducted for the purpose of washing, cleaning, drying or laundering clothes or other washable materials that may be brought to the establishment or place of business by customers and wherein the work is done in machines, coin-operated or otherwise, located on the premises, by the customers themselves or by or under the supervision of the owners or operators of the establishment or place of business for the customers, and shall include a "laundromat," "wash-o-mat," and similar names or types under which laundering of the self-service type is carried on.
[Ord. 11/10/64, § 2]
It shall be unlawful for any person to maintain any launderette within the Borough without having first obtained a license therefor. Application for such license shall be filed with the Borough Clerk. The application shall set forth the name and address of the person who will maintain the launderette, the exact size thereof, where the launderette will be operated, and the number and type of machines to be used in the launderette. A separate application and license shall be required for each establishment. Each license shall expire on December 31 following the date of issuance.
[Ord. 11/10/64, § 3]
Before any applicant shall be entitled to a license, the application shall be reviewed and investigated by:
The Fire Department so as to determine whether the premises complies with proper safety standards relative to fire prevention.
The Construction Official of the Borough who shall certify that the location of the proposed licensed premises for the launderette operations complies with the Zoning chapter and Building Code of the Borough of South Bound Brook.
The Board of Health or its designated official so as to determine whether the premises and operations carried on therein comply with proper health standards, who shall certify that the granting of the license will not violate any statute of the State of New Jersey or ordinance of the Borough, or other health regulations pertaining to the health, welfare and safety of the public.
[Ord. 11/10/64, § 4; Ord. 4/13/65, § 1; Ord. 1/9/65, § 1; Ord. 3-98, § 1]
The annual license fee for the full year or any portion thereof shall be at the rate of $50 for each washing machine and $10 for each drying machine installed.
[Ord. 11/10/64, § 5]
The entire premises devoted to the operation of the launderette, and all the machines used in connection therewith, shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition. The floor shall be kept clean and dry. The premises shall be adequately ventilated and provided with sufficient natural or artificial light. The walls of the premises shall be covered with non-absorbent paint, cement, or other impervious material. All plumbing work shall at all times be kept in a good condition and state of repair. The premises shall comply in all respects with the requirements, regulations and provisions of the Fire Department, Board of Health, Plumbing section, Building Ordinance, and Fire Prevention chapter of this Code.
[Ord. 11/10/64, § 6]
No machinery used in the operation of a launderette shall be operated in such manner as to cause unnecessary or inexcusable noise or vibration to the annoyance of residents in the surrounding neighborhood, or to the detriment of the well being of the neighborhood or to the premises in the neighborhood.
[Ord. 11/10/64, § 7]
It shall be unlawful to keep any such launderette open for business between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., prevailing time, unless there is an adult attendant in charge of the premises during such hours.
[Ord. 11/10/64, § 8]
Machines used for washing and drying shall be kept thoroughly clean and in a sanitary condition at all times. All machines shall be kept in working order. Machines not in working order shall be taken out of service immediately.
[Ord. 11/10/64, § 9]
There shall be available an adequate supply of water for flushing and cleaning purposes. All washing machines shall be furnished with an ample supply of hot water when the machines are operated for washing clothes or other washable materials.
No water from the operation of the launderette shall be discharged into the storm sewer of the Borough, but shall be discharged only into the sanitary sewer of the Borough.
[Ord. 11/10/64, § 10]
Detergents, chemicals or substances that may in any way damage, injure or corrode such sanitary sewer or in any way interfere with the operation of such sewer shall not be used in the operation of the launderette.
[Ord. 11/10/64, § 11]
A launderette operated, conducted or maintained in violation of any of the provisions of this section is hereby declared to be a nuisance and detrimental to public health.
Where the Board of Health finds that a launderette is being operated or maintained in violation of the provisions of this section or any ordinances of the Borough so as to constitute a nuisance, the Board of Health shall notify the owner of the premises or the operator of the launderette, or both, to abate the nuisance at the expense of such owner or operator. Such notice shall be in writing and shall specify a time within which such nuisance shall be abated. If such owner or operator shall not comply with such notice within the time so specified, the Board may proceed to abate the nuisance at the expense of such owner or operator, or both, as provided by law.
Where the Board of Health finds that continued operation of the launderette, while a violation exists, constitutes a distinct and immediate hazard to public health, the Board is hereby authorized to prohibit the owner or the operator of the launderette, or both, from operating or permitting the operation of the launderette, until such time as the violation is corrected and the nuisance abated.
[Ord. 6/24/53, § 1]
As used in this section:
Shall mean any open air plots of ground, lot or land within the Borough where motor vehicles are exhibited or are stored, parked, kept or located for sale or exchange.
[Ord. 6/24/53, § 2]
No person, firm or corporation shall manage, conduct, operate or carry on the business of an open air parking station for the sale or exchange of motor vehicles as defined by this section without first having obtained a license.
[Ord. 6/24/53, § 3]
The application for such license for the business of managing, conducting and carrying on an open air parking station for the sale or exchange of motor vehicles shall be made to the Borough Clerk and shall accurately specify the location of the open air parking station, the portion of the lot to be used and the number of square feet or area occupied thereby. The application shall be accompanied by a map or sketch showing the exact location of the proposed parking station and the area proposed to be used.
[Ord. 6/24/53, § 4]
The annual license fee for such open air parking station for the sale or exchange of motor vehicles shall be as follows:
For any such parking station having a square foot area of not more than 10,000 square feet the sum of $100.
For any such parking lot having a square foot area in excess of 10,000 square feet the sum of $200.
Such permit or license shall run for a period of one year from the date of its issuance.
[Ord. 6/24/53, § 5]
Within 10 days after any such license is granted hereunder the area included in the license shall be provided with one entrance to the premises not exceeding ten (10') feet in width, to permit the entrance and exit to the premises. There shall be no opening for entrance or exit along the street line except where the street curb has been lowered in accordance with the Borough regulations if a Borough street and in accordance with the County Engineers Office regulations if a County Street.
[Ord. 6/24/53, § 6]
No person, firm or corporation shall conduct, operate or carry on the business of an open air parking station for the sale or exchange of motor vehicles between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. of the following day.
[Ord. 6/24/53, § 8]
The permits or licenses issued hereunder are not transferable or assignable, except with the consent of the Borough Council and the business or occupation shall be conducted only at the place therein specified.
[Ord. 6/24/53, § 9]
No motor vehicle or other object shall be exhibited, stored, parked, kept or located under the license issued thereunder on any street, sidewalk or part thereof.
[Ord. 6/24/53, § 10]
This section is enacted for the purpose of raising revenue and for the regulation and control of open air parking stations for the sale or exchange of motor vehicles.
[Ord. 6/24/53, § 11]
The provisions of this section shall not apply to or be understood to apply to any lot or plot of land occupied by a public garage building or service station wherein the business of public automobile repair or storage is maintained or conducted, but this shall not be construed to exempt any premises adjacent to any such garage building or service station from the provisions of this section.
[Ord. 7/8/69, § 1]
As used in this section:
Shall mean any automobile engaged in a business of carrying passengers for hire which does not operate over a fixed route and is not hired by the day or hour.
[Ord. 7/8/69, § 2]
No person shall own or operate any taxicab on any of the public streets, roads, or other public places of the Borough without first obtaining a license for that purpose from the Borough Clerk issued with the consent and approval of the Mayor and Council.
[Ord. 7/8/69, § 3]
No person shall be granted a taxicab owner's license unless such person shall be at least 18 years of age and shall have filed an application verified by oath or affirmation with the Borough Chief of Police upon such forms as are provided by him and same shall contain the following information:
Name and address of applicant. If the applicant is a corporation, its name, address of its principal place of business and the name and address of its registered agent.
A statement as to whether the applicant has ever been convicted of violating any criminal or quasi-criminal statute, including traffic laws and municipal ordinances. If the applicant has been convicted, a statement as to date and place of conviction and the nature of the offense and the punishment imposed.
The number of vehicles to be operated by the applicant and the make, model, and type thereof.
The previous experience of the applicant in the transportation of passengers for hire.
Proof that the applicant is insured as required by N.J.S.A. 48:16-3 et seq.
The execution of a power of attorney in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 48:16-5.
[Ord. 7/8/69, § 4]
The Mayor and Council shall by resolution grant or deny the application for a taxicab owner's license. If the application is granted, the Borough Clerk shall issue the license upon receiving from the applicant proof that he has complied with the laws of the State of New Jersey relating to the operation of taxicabs. The license shall state the name and address of the licensee, the number of vehicles which the licensee is authorized to operate, and the date of issuance of the license.
[Ord. 7/8/69, § 5]
A taxicab owner's license shall expire on December 31 of the year of issuance and shall not be transferable. Application for renewal shall be made in the same manner as application for an initial license. The renewal application shall be presented to the Mayor and Council at its first regular meeting in the month of December of each year. The fee for a taxicab owner's license shall be seventy-five ($75.00) dollar per year payable upon the filing of the application for the issuance or renewal of the license. The fee shall not be prorated.
[Ord. 7/8/69, § 6]
The number of taxicab owner's licenses outstanding at any one time shall not exceed six and no person shall operate or control more than two taxicab owner's licenses at any one time.
[Ord. 7/8/69, § 7]
No person shall be granted a taxicab driver's license unless such person shall be at least 18 years of age and shall have filed an application verified by oath or affirmation with the Borough Chief of Police upon such forms as are provided by him and same shall contain the following information:
Name, address, and age of applicant.
Applicant's New Jersey motor vehicle operator's license number.
A statement as to whether the applicant has ever been convicted of the violation of any criminal or quasi-criminal statute, including municipal ordinances and traffic laws. If the applicant has been convicted, the date and place of the conviction, the nature of the offense and the punishment imposed.
A list of all the places where the applicant has ever applied for or been granted a license to drive a taxicab.
A statement as to whether the applicant's license to operate a motor vehicle or his license to drive a taxicab has ever been suspended or revoked, or his application for the issuance or renewal of either license denied and, if so, the date and place of the denial, suspension or revocation and the reasons therefor.
The names and addresses of all persons by whom the applicant has been employed for the past five years, the positions held, and the nature of the work performed.
Three photographs at least two inches by two inches (2" x 2") clearly showing the head and shoulders of the applicant.
Appropriate evidence that the applicant is not a narcotics addict, alcoholic or habitual drunkard, is of good moral character and clean in dress and person.
A physician's certificate certifying that the applicant is not affected by any condition, illness, or disease which might render him unfit for the safe operation of a taxicab or motor vehicle.
The application shall be accompanied by the yearly fee for the initial license period.
[Ord. 7/8/69, § 8]
The Mayor and Council shall by resolution grant or deny the taxicab driver's license application. If the application is granted, the Borough Clerk shall immediately issue the applicant a taxicab driver's license. The license shall contain the licensee's name and address, physical description, signature and photograph, and same shall be conspicuously displayed in a manner so that it can be easily seen by all passengers in the taxicab.
[Ord. 7/8/69, § 9]
An initial license to drive a taxicab shall be valid for the remainder of the calendar year for which it was issued. A taxicab driver's license may be renewed annually upon the payment of a twenty-five ($25.00) dollar fee unless it has been revoked or suspended.
[Ord. 7/8/69, § 10]
All applications for an owner's or driver's taxicab license, either new or renewal, shall, after being filed with the Chief of Police, be referred to the Police Committee for investigation and the Committee shall thereupon investigate the application and report the same to the Mayor and Council for approval or disapproval of the application.
[Ord. 7/8/69, § 11]
The Council shall periodically establish the rate schedule to be in effect within the Borough. In case of trips not covered by the provisions of this section, the fare shall be established by agreement between the driver of the taxicab and his passenger. Such rates as herein enumerated shall prevail until changed by resolution of the Mayor and Council.
[Ord. 7/8/69, § 12]
Every vehicle licensed under this section shall at all times have displayed on each side thereof a schedule of rates and the number of the current license under which it is operated.
[Ord. 7/8/69, § 13]
All licensed taxicabs and vehicles shall congregate and solicit passengers at such place or places as shall be designated by the Police Department of this Borough.
[Ord. 7/8/69, § 14]
All licensees shall give to the residents of the Borough reasonable service; and shall give taxi service at least eight hours in each and every day; and, if unable to do so, shall report the reason for such failure to the Police Department of the Borough.
[Ord. 7/8/69, § 15]
Each vehicle licensed as a taxicab under this section shall carry a fire extinguisher of the size, design, and type approved by the Chief of the Fire Department of the Borough; and shall exhibit a dome light lettered "taxi" or "taxicab" which shall be lit during the hours of darkness.
[Ord. 7/8/69, § 16]
Each taxicab driver at the beginning and end of his tour of duty shall carefully search the taxicab for any property lost or left therein. Any lost property not claimed or delivered to the owner within 24 hours shall be reported in writing to the Chief of Police by the driver or owner of the taxicab.
[Ord. 7/8/69, § 17]
Any license issued under this section may be revoked or suspended, or any application for the issuance or renewal of a license may be denied, by the Mayor and Council, for any of the following reasons:
The violation of any of the rules and regulations respecting the operation of the licensed vehicle as set forth hereunder.
Failure to render prompt, reasonable, safe and adequate taxicab service.
Failure to comply with all applicable laws of the State of New Jersey.
Permitting any taxicab owned or driven by the licensee to become unsafe, unsanitary, or dirty.
There shall be no rebate upon any license being suspended, revoked, or surrendered.
[Ord. 12/21/64, § 1]
As used in this section:
Shall mean the place or premises where the applicant proposes to keep, maintain, operate or possess the vending machine as set forth in the application to obtain a license for the operation of the vending machine.
Shall mean the corporation, association, organization, firm, partnership or individual to whom a license has been issued.
Shall mean any device, machine, or equipment, or piece of mechanical or electrical equipment which, upon the insertion of a coin, or a token slug, or article used in lieu of a coin, into a slot or place on the machine, device or equipment, results in dispensing or making available to the user or public any food, beverages, service, or any article or product of any nature whatsoever.
[Ord. 12/21/64, § 2; Ord. 4/13/65, § 1]
No person shall keep, maintain, operate or possess in any store, building, premises, structure, lands or other place within the Borough wherein the public is invited or permitted or where the public may enter, any vending machine, without first obtaining a license from the Borough Clerk.
The application for such license shall state the place or premises where the applicant proposes to keep, maintain, operate or possess the vending machine or machines, the name and address, including the post office address, of the owner of the machines, the owner of the premises and the operator of the premises, the type of vending machine or such further information as may be required in such application.
Attached to each application shall be the name, address, and written consent of the owner of the licensed premises.
A separate application and license shall be required for each licensed premises. Each license shall expire on December 31 following the date of issuance. The annual license fees for the full year or any portion thereof are hereby fixed as hereinafter specified: $25 per coin-operated machine.
The foregoing license fee is fixed for the purpose of regulating vending machines and the licensed place or premises. Said license shall not be transferable but the licensee may remove a licensed vending machine from the licensed premises and substitute another vending machine in lieu thereof.
[Ord. 12/21/64, § 3]
Before any applicant shall be entitled to a license, the application shall be reviewed and investigated by:
The Sanitary Inspector of the Borough, where the application involves a vending machine dispensing food or beverage, who shall certify that the granting of the license will not violate any statute of the State of New Jersey or ordinance of the Borough of South Bound Brook, or other health regulations pertaining to food or drink for human consumption, and will not be inimical to the health, welfare and safety of the public;
The Chief of Police shall certify that the location of the proposed licensed premises will not constitute a traffic hazard or interfere with the safety or welfare of the public;
The Construction Official of the Borough who shall certify that the location of the proposed licensed premises for the vending machine or machines, and the vending machines comply with the Zoning chapter and Building Code of the Borough.
[Ord. 12/21/64, § 4]
The licensee shall cooperate at all times with the Sanitary Inspector, Chief of Police, Construction Official, Borough Clerk or other Borough officers or officials, when required or requested so to do, to provide information or knowledge which will enable them or any of them to safeguard the health, welfare and safety of the public as the same may be affected in anywise by the vending machines. For failure to render such cooperation, or provide information or knowledge, relative to the vending machines, the Borough Clerk may forthwith temporarily suspend such licensee's license by mailing written notice of such suspension to the licensee at the address of such licensee as set forth in the application. Thereafter written notice of the charges resulting in the temporary suspension of the license shall be preferred by the Borough Clerk and mailed to the licensee at the address of the licensee set forth in the application and a hearing shall be held thereon by the Mayor and Council, not less than 10 days nor more than 15 days, after such service by the Borough Clerk for the further suspension, restoration, or permanent revocation of such license.
The license may be revoked upon proof of circumstances or conditions which are inimical to the health, welfare, morals or safety of the people of the Borough, or the general public, but only after a hearing by the Borough Council after notice thereof to the licensee as hereinbefore provided.
If a license is not renewed, or if the license is revoked prior to its expiration date, the licensee shall take all necessary proceedings to remove said coin operated vending machine or machines as herein defined, from the Borough within 15 days or in default thereof shall be presumed to have abandoned the machine or machines to the Borough, and by the acceptance of the license hereby agrees that under such circumstances aforesaid the Borough may thereupon cause the machine or machines to be destroyed or otherwise disposed of. The 15 day period above referred to shall run from the expiration date of the license or from the date when the Borough Council revokes the license.
[Ord. 12/21/64, § 5; Ord. 4/13/65, § 1]
Vending machines kept, maintained, operated, or possessed by any religious, charitable, benevolent, fraternal, or nonpecuniary association, or a volunteer fire company, rescue squad, or other similar association not incorporated or formed for profit, are specifically exempted from the provisions of this section. Also exempted shall be all vending machines or automatic amusement devices for which a license is already required under any other ordinance of the Borough. Also exempted shall be all vending machines, wherever located in the Borough which dispense United States postage stamps.
[Ord. 7/5/51, § 1]
As used in this section:
Shall mean a person commonly referred to either as a peddler or hawker, who goes from house to house or place to place and carries with him goods, wares and merchandise for the purpose of selling and delivering them to purchasers.
Shall mean and include anyone who engages in the business of peddler from a licensed vehicle, but who is not the owner thereof.
Shall mean a person, commonly referred to either as a solicitor or canvasser, who goes from house to house or place to place selling goods by sample or taking orders for future deliveries, with or without accepting an advance payment for the goods.
[Ord. 7/5/51, § 2]
It shall be unlawful for any peddler, peddler's assistant or solicitor to sell or offer for sale any goods, wares or merchandise within the Borough except pursuant to and within the terms of a license first obtained from the Borough Clerk; provided, however, that this section shall not apply to:
Farmers or gardeners when they are peddling the products of the farms or gardens owned or occupied by them;
Distributors of printed, typed or written matter dealing solely with religious, political, educational or similar subjects not of a commercial nature.
Licenses shall not be transferable from person to person; and a separate license shall be obtained for each peddler, peddler's assistant or solicitor. In case a peddler operates more than one vehicle for peddling, as provided under this section, a separate license shall be obtained for each such vehicle; provided, however, that a person upon or with a licensed vehicle, when he is not the owner thereof, may be licensed as a peddler's assistant. Not more than two licenses shall be allowed on any one vehicle. When a peddler ceases to use the vehicle described in his license application and desires to substitute another vehicle therefor, he may, upon notice to the Borough Clerk and furnishing the Clerk with a description of such other vehicle, transfer his peddler's license plates to the other vehicle.
[Ord. 7/5/51, § 3]
Applications for licenses shall be in writing, signed by the applicant and filed with the Borough Clerk; shall state the name, age and permanent home address of the applicant, his place or places of residence for the preceding three years, the number and nature of any arrests or convictions, the purpose for which the license is to be used, the nature of the merchandise to be sold or offered for sale, and, in the case of a solicitor's license, the length of time for which the license is desired; shall, in case a vehicle is to be used in connection with the licensed business, contain a description of such vehicle; shall list the names of three reputable citizens to whom reference may be made as to the character and fitness of the applicant; and shall be accompanied by the licensee fee hereinafter prescribed. If the merchandise is to be sold or offered for sale on behalf of a person other than the applicant, the application shall also state the name and address of such other person and shall be accompanied by a letter from the person authorizing the applicant to engage in the business of peddler, peddler's assistant or solicitor on his behalf.
[Ord. 7/5/51, § 4]
Every applicant for a license under this section shall, before such license is granted, be fingerprinted.
[Ord. 7/5/51, § 5]
The Borough Clerk is authorized to grant licenses under the seal of the Borough, signed by himself or by the Chief of Police, after a determination that the applicant is of good moral character and has completed with the provisions of this section, except that applications for solicitor licenses shall be made to, and the licenses therefor shall be issued by the Chief of Police, subject to appeal to the Mayor or Chairman of the Police Committee.
[Ord. 7/5/51, § 6]
The Clerk shall issue to every person to whom a license has been granted a license certificate, which shall state the purpose for which the license is granted, the name and business address of the licensee, the number of the license and the date of its expiration; and the certificate shall be carried upon the person of the licensee or, in case of a peddler with vehicle, in or upon such vehicle at all times when the licensee or vehicle is engaged in the business for which the license is granted. In addition to such certificate every vehicle used by a licensed peddler in connection with his business shall have displayed on the driver's side of the exterior thereof in a conspicuous place a metal plate, to be furnished by the Clerk with the number of the license and the appropriate date inserted.
[Ord. 7/5/51, § 7; Ord. 7/2/52, § 1]
The annual license fees for peddlers (which shall include one assistant peddler) and solicitors for the period from January of each year to December 31 of the same year, both inclusive of any portion of such period shall be $100.
The daily license fees for peddlers, (which shall include one assistant peddler) and solicitors shall be $10.
[Ord. 7/5/51, § 8]
It shall be unlawful for any peddlers, peddlers' assistants or solicitors to sell or offer for sale any goods, wares or merchandise except on weekdays between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.; or to solicit the sale of merchandise in a noisy, persistent or offensive manner or in such a manner as to obstruct the passage of vehicles or pedestrians upon any street, sidewalk or other public place.
[Ord. 7/5/51, § 9]
No person, whether or not such person is required to obtain a license under subsection 4-7.2 shall stand or remain upon any sidewalk, street or other public place for the purpose of selling, soliciting the sale or offering for sale any goods, wares or merchandise longer than 10 minutes at any one time, if requested to move from any such place by the owner or occupant of any premises opposite or adjacent thereto or if ordered to move by any police officer; but, upon such request or order, shall move with the vehicle and merchandise to a point at least two hundred fifty (250') feet from the place from which he was requested or ordered to move.
[Ord. 7/5/51, § 10]
It shall be unlawful to sell, solicit the sale of or offer for sale any sandwiches, hotdogs, ice cream, drinks or other edibles of similar nature from a basket, pushcart, motor car or other conveyance or vehicle, or on foot, within a radius of one thousand (1,000') feet of any public school.
[Ord. 7/5/51, § 11]
Any license issued pursuant to this section may be suspended or revoked by the Borough Council or the Municipal Judge after reasonable opportunity to the licensee to be heard, for violation of any of the provisions of this section or any other ordinance of the Borough. Such suspension or revocation may be either in addition to or instead of the penalties prescribed by subsection 4-7.12.
[Ord. 7/5/51, § 12]
Any person who violates any of the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction, be subject to a penalty as set forth in Chapter 1, Section 1-5. Each day such violation shall be continued shall be deemed and taken to be a separate and distinct offense.
[Ord. No. 2005-13]
The Office of the Borough Clerk shall collect, prepare and maintain a list of addresses of those premises where the owner and/or occupant has notified the Borough Clerk that soliciting and canvassing is not permitted on his/her premises. To be included on the non-solicitation list, residents shall complete a form. With the adoption of this section, the Office of the Borough Clerk shall mail the form to all residential property owners or occupants. Thereafter, the form shall be available in the Municipal Building's general office during normal business hours, Mondays through Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., except weekends and legal holidays.
[Ord. No. 2005-13]
The Borough Clerk shall submit the non-solicitation list to the Chief of Police on a quarterly basis which non-solicitation listing shall be distributed to applicants seeking a license to solicit or canvass pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. The licensee shall not solicit or canvass at any address on the non-solicitation list.
[Ord. No. 2005-13]
On or about January 1st, April 1st, July 1st, and October 1st of each year, the Office of the Borough Clerk shall update the list. The updated list shall then be forwarded to the Chief of Police for distribution to solicitors and/or canvassers.
[Ord. No. 2005-13]
Any solicitor or canvasser violating the provisions of this section shall be punishable by a fine and/or imprisonment as prescribed in Chapter 1, Section 1-5, et seq., General Penalty of the General Ordinances of the Borough of South Bound Brook.
Editor's Note: No person shall practice massage or related therapies as a massage, bodywork or somatic therapist, employee or otherwise, unless he or she has a valid and subsisting massage, bodywork and somatic therapist's license issued to him or her by the New Jersey Board of Massage and Body Work Therapy, pursuant to the terms and provisions of N.J.S.A. 45:11-53, et seq.
[Ord. No. 2004-02]
For the purpose of this section:
Shall mean the administration by any person or method of exerting or applying pressure, friction, moisture, heat or cold to the human body, or the rubbing, stroking, kneading, pounding or tapping of the human body by any physical or mechanical means for any form of consideration.
Shall mean any establishment or operation wherein a massage is administered or is permitted to be administered, when such massage is administered for any form of consideration.
Shall mean any person, male or female, who administers a massage for any form of consideration.
Shall mean the same as Massagist.
[Ord. No. 2004-02]
No person, firm or corporation shall operate any establishment or utilize any premises in the Borough of South Bound Brook, as or for a massage establishment unless or until there first has been obtained a license for such establishment or premises from the Clerk of the Borough of South Bound Brook in accordance with the terms and provisions of this section.
[Ord. No. 2004-02]
Each and every applicant for a license, shall set forth the following information in writing on forms provided by the Borough Clerk.
The name and permanent residence address of the applicant and all former addresses for a period of three years prior to making the application.
The applicant shall provide the full address of the establishment or premises to be used in the massage business and a full and complete description of the property, the improvements thereon and the facilities therein.
A statement as to whether or not the applicant, or any officer, partner, principal, or director thereof, if a corporation, has ever been convicted of a crime in this or any other state.
A list of license numbers used by any State or governmental entities, or other documentation that authorizes the applicant to engage in practice as a massagist along with specifics of said practice under said license; together with evidence that the license is current or expired in good standing.
If a license issued by another jurisdiction is revoked or suspended, a written explanation of the reason for the revocation or suspension must be furnished with all supporting documentation available.
[Ord. No. 2004-02]
The applicant for a license for a massage establishment or premises shall pay an annual license fee of $500; which license fee shall become due in full on the first of January in each year.
If the massage establishment is located within or as part of a professional business or practice, including, but not limited to a swim club, physician's or chiropractor's office, a separate license shall not be required for the massage establishment. It shall still, however, be subject to any reasonable inspection conducted by the Borough Police, or Health Department official even though it is not a separate establishment devoted solely to the practice of a massage therapist. All massagists employed therein, however, shall be licensed in accordance with statutory requirements.
[Ord. No. 2004-02]
When an application is filed for a massage establishment license under this section, the Board of Health shall fix a time and a place for a public hearing where the applicant shall present evidence upon the question of his or her qualifications for licensure. Not less than 10 days before the date of such hearing, the Board Secretary shall cause a notice of such hearing to be published in an official newspaper of the Borough.
[Ord. No. 2004-02]
The Board of Health shall issue a massage establishment license within 21 days following a hearing if all requirements for a massage establishment described in this section are met, unless it makes the following findings upon review.
The operation as proposed by the applicant if permitted would not comply with all applicable laws including, but not limited to, the Building, Health, Housing, Zoning and Fire Codes of the Borough of South Bound Brook.
That the applicant or any other person who will be directly engaged in the management or operation of a massage establishment has been convicted of:
A crime of the first, second, third or fourth degree in the State of New Jersey, or its equivalent committed elsewhere.
An offense involving sexual conduct with minors.
A crime or criminal offense involving obscenity, keeping or residing in a house of prostitution, solicitation of a lewd or unlawful act, prostitution or pandering.
The license to conduct a massage establishment has been suspended or revoked by any state or political subdivision thereof, provided, however, any applicant denied a license on said grounds shall be entitled to a hearing at which time and place the applicant can present evidence as to extenuating circumstances that entitle licensure.
Cause for denial of licensure on the basis of the applicants criminal record is limited to any conviction for any crime of moral turpitude, whether a crime of the first, second, third or fourth degree, or misdemeanor in the State of New Jersey, or conviction for an equivalent crime committed elsewhere.
Exceptions. The Board of Health in its discretion may issue a license to any person convicted of any of the criminal offenses in paragraphs a (1), (2) or (3) if it is found that such conviction occurred at least three years prior to the date of the application and the applicant has had no subsequent convictions.
Any license for a massage establishment may be revoked or suspended by the Board of Health, after a public hearing before the Board of Health where it is found that any of the provisions of subsection 4-9.6 are violated or where the licensee, including a massagist or massage therapist, has been convicted of any offense found in subsection 4-9.7 and the licensee has actual or constructive knowledge of the violation or conviction or, in any case, where the licensee refuses to permit any duly authorized police officer or Health Inspector of the Borough of South Bound Brook to inspect the premises or the operations therein.
The Board of Health, before revoking or suspending any license, shall give the licensee at least 10 days written notice of the charges against the licensee, and the opportunity for a public hearing before the Board of Health, at which time the licensee may present evidence bearing upon the question. In such cases, the charges shall be specific and in writing. The revocation hearing shall be scheduled no sooner than 10 days, no later than 30 days after written notice of the charges has been provided to the licensee who shall be entitled to discovery, and legal representation at the Revocation Hearing.
[Ord. No. 2004-02]
No person engaged or employed in the business of a massagist shall hinder, stop, or fail to cooperate with any inspection by any Borough agency.
[Ord. No. 2004-02]
The requirement for a massage establishment license shall not apply to massage or physical therapy treatments given.
In the office of a licensed physician, chiropractor or physical therapist.
In a regularly established medical center, hospital or sanitorium having a staff which includes licensed physicians, chiropractors and/or physical therapists.
By any licensed physician, chiropractor, or physical therapist in the residence of his patient.
[Ord. No. 2004-02]
A recognizable and legible sign shall be posted at the main entrance to any building or to the portion of a building used as a massage establishment identifying the premises as a massage establishment, and recognizable and legible signs shall be posted in accordance with all existing municipal ordinances.
[Ord. No. 2004-02]
Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction, be punished either by imprisonment in the county jail for a term not exceeding 90 days, a fine not exceeding one thousand, two hundred fifty ($1,250.00) dollars and/or by a period of community service not exceeding 90 days, in the discretion of the Judge of the Municipal Court. Each day during which a violation of this section exists shall constitute a separate offense.
[Added 12-13-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-009]
It is unlawful for any owner of a business, owner of a rental unit or units, or the owner of a multi-family home of four or fewer units, one of which owner occupied, to operate within the Borough without first registering its certificate of insurance demonstrating compliance with Section 1 of P.L. 2022, c. 92 and paying the registration fee required herein.
[Added 12-13-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-009]
The following entities are required to register their certificate of insurance under this section:
Businesses, which shall mean, any person intending to sell or dispose of or to offer to sell or dispose of any goods, wares, merchandise or render any services for fees within the Borough. This shall include businesses operating on a temporary basis within the Borough such as peddlers, solicitors, and transient vendors licensed and temporary retail food establishments and mobile food units.
Owners of single rental dwelling units.
Owners of multiple dwelling rental units.
Owners of multi-family homes that include rental units, even where one unit is owner-occupied.
[Added 12-13-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-009]
The Clerk shall accept, approve, and file registration applications, and collect registration fees hereunder.
[Added 12-13-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-009; amended 9-12-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-010]
The registration fees of this section shall be $100 per unit, annually. Registration shall expire on December 31 of each year. Renewals must be submitted by December 1 of each year.
[Added 12-13-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-009]
An application for a business insurance registration shall be accompanied by the required fee and shall be made to the Borough Clerk upon forms provided by the Clerk. It shall contain the following information:
Name and address of the applicant. If the applicant is a corporation, the name and address of its registered agent.
The address of the rental dwelling units or business as applicable. If the registration applies to a transient business or a mobile food unit, a general description of the time frame for operation and area where the business will be operated.
A description of the nature of the business and the goods, property or services to be sold or supplied.
A certificate of insurance reflecting the following amounts of insurance in compliance with P.L. 2022, c. 92.
Except as provided in paragraph 2 below, the owner of a business or the owner of a rental unit or units shall maintain liability insurance for negligent acts and omissions in an amount of no less than $500,000 for combined property damage and bodily injury to or death of one or more persons in any one accident or occurrence.
The owner of a multi-family home which is four or fewer units, one of which is owner-occupied, shall maintain liability insurance for negligent acts and omissions in an amount of no less than $300,000 for combined property damage and bodily injury to or death of one or more persons in any one accident or occurrence.
[Added 12-13-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-009]
Any person who violates the terms of this section shall pay the license fee plus a fine of not less than $500 but no more than $5,000 plus court costs.