[Editor's Note: Regulations regarding the removal of weeds and obnoxious growths are located in Section 16-2 of Chapter 16, Property Maintenance.]
[Ord. #6-79, § 1]
As used in this section:
Shall mean the Borough of South Bound Brook in the County of Somerset.
Shall mean a condition or circumstance which involves immediate danger to life or property or both, or which involves a possibility of interruption or curtailment of any service furnished to the public by a public utility.
Shall mean any public utility, as herein defined, individual, corporation, partnership, or firm, to which a permit shall have been issued under and pursuant to this section.
Shall mean any public utility, as defined in Section 48:2-13 of the New Jersey Statutes Annotated.
Shall mean the Borough Supervisor of Roads, or such other officer or person as may be designated by the Borough Council to issue permits as herein provided for.
[Ord. #6-79, § 2]
No person or public utility shall remove, dig into, disturb, excavate or take up, or cause or procure to be removed, disturbed, excavated or dug up the surface of any dedicated or public street, highway, alley, lane, court, sidewalk or other public place or pavement therein, except streets not under the jurisdiction of the Borough, without written permission of the Supervisor of Roads of the Borough or such other officer or person designated by the Borough Council whose duty it shall be to grant such permission when all of the requirements of this section for granting the same shall have been complied with by the applicant. A separate permit will be required for each opening made in any street or streets.
[Ord. #6-79, § 3]
To obtain such a permit, an application shall be made on a form to be provided by the Supervisor of Roads. The application shall state the purpose of the excavation and the name and address of the person, corporation, partnership or firm who or which will restore the permanent pavement when the same is not to be done by the Borough or the applicant. The application shall be accompanied by a diagram indicating the nature and extent of the excavation to be made and the work to be done, and if during the course of the work, any major variation is required, the permittee shall file with the Borough Supervisor of Roads an amended diagram, showing the manner in which the work actually is being done.
[Ord. #6-79, § 4]
The fee for each such permit shall be $25, representing processing and inspection fees. The fee shall be paid with the filing of each application for a permit, and shall be made payable to the Borough of South Bound Brook. Application forms shall be available at Borough Hall during regular working hours.
[Ord. #6-79, § 5]
Each application for a permit, other than in an emergency, shall be reviewed by the Supervisor of Roads and South Bound Brook Police in order to determine that the application conforms with the provisions of this section. Upon a determination by the Supervisor of Roads and Police Department that the application does conform to the provisions of this section, the application shall be approved and a permit issued.
The work on any opening to be made under the permit provided for in this section shall be commenced within 30 days from the date of the permit and the work prosecuted with due diligence to its completion. If, for any reason, work is not commenced within the period of 30 days, the Supervisor of Roads or such other officer or person as the Borough Council may designate, shall extend it for a like period.
In case of emergency, any public utility, corporation, partnership or firm may make an excavation in, or tear up the surface of any road without first having obtained from the Borough Supervisor of Roads a permit therefor, in which case the public utility, corporation, partnership or firm shall make application for such a permit within two working days after the occurrence of such emergency; provided, nevertheless, that any such corporation, partnership or firm other than a public utility shall first telephone or communicate with the office of the Borough Supervisor of Roads a statement concerning the emergency in question, or, in case the Borough Road Supervisor's office is closed, the telephone call or communication shall be made to the Chairman of Roads, or Borough Engineer, or Mayor, who may grant oral emergency approval; further provided, nevertheless, that a public utility in such an emergency shall notify the South Bound Brook Police Department no later than the end of the next working day and advise as to the emergency in question.
[Ord. #6-79, § 6]
No mechanical excavating machinery or equipment shall be used unless the use thereof shall have been set forth specifically in the application.
[Ord. #6-79, § 7]
Tunneling under pavements shall not be done unless authorized in writing by the Borough Supervisor of Roads.
[Ord. #6-79, § 8]
No excavation shall be made on a Sunday except in case of emergency.
[Ord. #6-79, § 9]
The permittee shall properly guard the excavation by the erection of suitable barricades and also by displaying warning lights at night, or at all times when visibility is not normal.
[Ord. #6-79, § 10]
If the excavation is to extend the full width of the road, no more than 1/2 of the road shall be opened at one time, and such half shall be backfilled before the other half is opened, so as to permit the free flow of traffic.
[Ord. #6-79, § 11]
After the underground installation has been completed, the permittee shall promptly backfill the excavation. The materials for backfill shall be select backfill or material approved by the Supervisor of Roads or Borough Engineer. The trench shall be covered with eight (8") inches of roadstone known as quarry process stone. All excess materials shall be removed from the road. A temporary pavement consisting of two (2") inches of bituminous patch material shall then be placed over the excavation area, which shall be maintained by the permittee for a period up to 180 days to allow for settling.
[Ord. #6-79, § 12]
When final settlement has taken place, the permittee shall replace the temporary pavement with a permanent pavement which shall be not less than six (6") inches larger than the length and width of the opening. The permittee shall cut the existing pavement and dig six and one-half (6 1/2") inches deep. The permanent pavement shall consist of five (5") inch bituminous stabilized base and one and one-half (1 1/2") inches FABC-1, or such other permanent pavement as may be authorized from time to time by the Borough Engineer. All permittees other than public utilities shall give the Borough Supervisor of Roads one day written notice previous to the time when the permanent pavement is to be installed in order to permit an inspection thereof.
[Ord. #6-79, § 13]
The permittee may install the permanent pavement with its own forces or through a contractor whose experience, plan and equipment have been approved by the Borough Supervisor of Roads, however, this prior approval by the Borough Supervisor of Roads shall not apply to public utility companies. If, after a period of 30 days after opening pavement, the permittee fails to properly replace the pavement, the Borough may with its own forces replace the pavement, or employ a contractor to replace the pavement, and the permittee shall be charged therefor at the rates not in excess of the applicable rates hereinafter set forth, which charges shall be billed upon the completion of the work and shall be paid within 30 days after the receipt of the bill therefor.
Borough Rates
Reinforced concrete pavement
$25.00 per sq. yd.
All bituminous surface streets
$15.00 per sq. yd.
$25.00 per sq. yd.
$10.00 per linear ft.
Shoulders, grass areas within Borough right-of-way
$5.00 per sq. yd.
[Ord. #6-79, § 14]
Any damage done to the pavement, sidewalk, curbing or trees as a result of the negligence of the permittee in installing its equipment shall be repaired by the permittee. If the permittee shall fail to make such repairs, the Borough shall give the permittee written notice thereof specifying the damage to be repaired. If the permittee shall fail to make such repairs within 30 days after the receipt of such notice, the Borough shall have the right to make such repairs in which event the permittee shall be charged for the cost thereof at rates not in excess of the applicable rates set forth in subsection 9-1.13 which charges shall be billed upon the completion of the work and shall be paid within 30 days after the receipt of the bill therefor.
[Ord. #6-79, § 15]
The permittee, in accepting a permit issued under this section, shall be deemed to have agreed to indemnify and save harm to the Borough from and against any and all loss, costs or damages, incurred by reason of any damages to any property, injury to any person, or any loss of life, resulting from any negligence of the permittee, its agents or servants, in performing the work covered by the permit.
[Ord. #6-79, § 16]
Each public utility desiring to obtain permits pursuant to this section shall file each year with the Borough Clerk, a bond, which may be the bond of such corporation solely, in the sum of $15,000, conditioned upon compliance with the applicable provisions of this section.
Every other permittee shall file with the Borough Clerk with respect to each permit issued pursuant to this section, a cash bond in such sum as shall be determined by the Supervisor of Roads, but in no case shall it be less than $250 conditioned upon compliance with the applicable provisions of this section.
Each bond filed pursuant to this section shall be in a form satisfactory to the Borough Attorney and shall be discharged by resolution or the Mayor and Council, only after approval of work by the Supervisor of Roads; provided, however, that no bond shall be returned to the permittee until 90 days after approval of the work.
[Ord. #6-79, § 17]
Each and every permittee, including a public utility, shall submit a Certificate of Insurance with each application form, representing general liability coverage in the amount of $100,000 for personal injury of one person and $300,000 for injuries to more than one person involved in any accident as well as a minimum of $25,000 property damage coverage.
[Ord. #6-79, § 18]
The Supervisor of Roads shall be present at the opening and closing of all roads in order to establish compliance with the provisions of this section.
[Ord. #6-79, § 19]
Neither the Borough, Borough Supervisor, nor any person, corporation, partnership or firm employed by them, or any one or more of them, to perform work under or pursuant to the provisions of this section, shall be deemed to be the agent or the servant of the permittee for any of the purposes of this section.
[Ord. #6-79, § 20]
The Borough Supervisor of Roads shall administer and enforce the provisions of this section.
[Ord. #6-79, § 21]
In any case where the Borough Supervisor of Roads denies an application for a permit, the applicant may appeal to the Borough Council within 10 days after such denial and shall be accorded a hearing thereon by the Borough Council, and in its discretion may issue the permit. The Borough Council likewise reserves the right to revoke any permit issued by the Borough Supervisor of Roads, and such revocation shall be final and conclusive unless the applicant requests a hearing before the Borough Council on the revocation, and the Borough Council may affirm its revocation or issue the permit in its discretion.
[Ord. # 6-79, § 23]
The fee schedules incorporated into and made a part of this section shall be reviewed by the Borough Council in January of each year. The Council may, by resolution, amend any of the aforesaid fee schedules.
[Ord. 5/5/11, preamble]
Proposed streets which run in the same general direction as existing streets in the Borough, and purport to be continuations thereof, but do not join or conform thereto, would be apt to produce irregularity and confusion.
[Ord. 5/5/11, § 1]
No act or proceeding to accept any street now or hereafter proposed of the character mentioned in the preamble, to the end that the maintenance may become chargeable upon the Borough, will be taken, unless a map thereof showing the proposed location and width of such proposed street or streets or extensions shall be first approved by resolution of the Mayor and Council.
[Ord. 10/7/14, § 1]
Sidewalks shall be constructed on both sides of all streets in the Borough. Where sidewalks are not already constructed it shall be done by the persons owning the land fronting on the streets at their expense within 30 days from the date of service of notice. The notice shall be in writing, requiring such work to be done and signed by the Borough Clerk. The notice shall be served personally to the owner if the owner resides in the Borough. If the owner is residing out of the Borough, the notice shall require the work to be done within 40 days from its date and it shall be served within two days from the same date by posting a copy on the premises, if unoccupied. If occupied, a copy shall be delivered to the owner, tenant or occupant. In either case, within two days, a copy of the notice shall be sent by registered mail with prepaid postage. If the owner is absent, the Borough Clerk shall make a diligent inquiry as to the address of the tenant affected by the notice, by contacting relatives, the Tax Collector, or other person likely to have such knowledge. Sufficient proof of service of notice shall be presented to the Mayor and Council before further action is taken. Affidavits of service shall state whether such notice was served personally, and if otherwise, how, when and of whom inquiry was made as aforesaid.
[Ord. 10/7/14, § 2]
Sidewalks shall be constructed, in a substantial and workmanlike manner, of cement four (4') feet in width, properly jointed and laid in regular continuous lines in the center or the space or part of the streets allotted for sidewalks. The grade shall conform to the grade of the streets, except where such grade would cause injury to property, including valuable shade trees. The Street Committee is empowered, upon application, to modify and change the grade and lines, if necessary, so as to prevent such injury, so far as they deem practicable. The construction shall be subject to the approval of the Street Committee.
[Ord. 10/7/14, § 3]
Should the owner of land fronting on any street fail to construct or repair any such sidewalk, after notice was given, the Mayor and Council shall cause the work to be done. The cost and interest shall be assessed to the owner of the lot in front of which such sidewalks shall have been so constructed or repaired by resolution of the Mayor and Council. The resolution shall set forth the name of the owner, a description of the lot owned, and the amount assessed thereon and by a certified copy from the Borough Clerk shall be delivered within 10 days to the Tax Collector, who shall enter the same in a book called "Sidewalk Assessments." Such assessments shall become a lien on the lots and shall be enforced in the same manner as assessments for other improvements.